static void decrypt(char *name) { FILE *logfp = NULL, *eifp = NULL; int r = 0; char eifname[4096]; if(!strcmp(name, "-")) { fprintf(stderr, "decrypt mode cannot work on stdin\n"); goto err; } else { if((logfp = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL) { perror(name); goto err; } snprintf(eifname, sizeof(eifname), "%s%s", name, ENCINFO_SUFFIX); eifname[sizeof(eifname)-1] = '\0'; if((eifp = fopen(eifname, "r")) == NULL) { perror(eifname); goto err; } if(eiCheckFiletype(eifp) != 0) goto err; } doDecrypt(logfp, eifp, stdout); fclose(logfp); logfp = NULL; fclose(eifp); eifp = NULL; return; err: fprintf(stderr, "error %d processing file %s\n", r, name); if(logfp != NULL) fclose(logfp); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int retval = 0; /* 0 - test succeeded. -1 - test failed */ SECStatus rv; PLOptState *optstate; char *program_name; char *input_file = NULL; /* read encrypted data from here (or create) */ char *output_file = NULL; /* write new encrypted data here */ char *log_file = NULL; /* write new encrypted data here */ FILE *inFile = stdin; FILE *outFile = stdout; FILE *logFile = NULL; PLOptStatus optstatus; secuPWData pwdata = { PW_NONE, NULL }; program_name = PL_strrchr(argv[0], '/'); program_name = program_name ? (program_name + 1) : argv[0]; optstate = PL_CreateOptState (argc, argv, "Hd:f:i:o:l:p:?"); if (optstate == NULL) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "PL_CreateOptState failed"); return 1; } while ((optstatus = PL_GetNextOpt(optstate)) == PL_OPT_OK) { switch (optstate->option) { case '?': short_usage (program_name); return 1; case 'H': long_usage (program_name); return 1; case 'd': SECU_ConfigDirectory(optstate->value); break; case 'i': input_file = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break; case 'o': output_file = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break; case 'l': log_file = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break; case 'f': pwdata.source = PW_FROMFILE; = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break; case 'p': pwdata.source = PW_PLAINTEXT; = PL_strdup(optstate->value); break; } } PL_DestroyOptState(optstate); if (optstatus == PL_OPT_BAD) { short_usage (program_name); return 1; } if (input_file) { inFile = fopen(input_file,"r"); if (inFile == NULL) { perror(input_file); return 1; } PR_Free(input_file); } if (output_file) { outFile = fopen(output_file,"w+"); if (outFile == NULL) { perror(output_file); return 1; } PR_Free(output_file); } if (log_file) { if (log_file[0] == '-') logFile = stderr; else logFile = fopen(log_file,"w+"); if (logFile == NULL) { perror(log_file); return 1; } PR_Free(log_file); } /* * Initialize the Security libraries. */ PK11_SetPasswordFunc(SECU_GetModulePassword); rv = NSS_Init(SECU_ConfigDirectory(NULL)); if (rv != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "NSS_Init failed"); retval = 1; goto prdone; } /* Get the encrypted result, either from the input file * or from encrypting the plaintext value */ while (fgets(dataString, sizeof dataString, inFile)) { unsigned char c = dataString[0]; if (c == 'M' && isBase64(dataString)) { doDecrypt(dataString, outFile, logFile, &pwdata); } else if (c == '~' && isBase64(dataString + 1)) { doDecode(dataString, outFile, logFile); } else { fputs(dataString, outFile); } } if ( PR_Free(; fclose(outFile); fclose(inFile); if (logFile && logFile != stderr) { fclose(logFile); } if (NSS_Shutdown() != SECSuccess) { SECU_PrintError (program_name, "NSS_Shutdown failed"); exit(1); } prdone: PR_Cleanup (); return retval; }
int doAsymTests( CSSM_CSP_HANDLE cspHand, privAlg palg, CSSM_BOOL refKeys, CSSM_BOOL quiet) { CSSM_ALGORITHMS keyAlg; CSSM_ALGORITHMS sigAlg; CSSM_ALGORITHMS encrAlg; CSSM_ENCRYPT_MODE encrMode; CSSM_PADDING encrPad; uint32 keySizeInBits; const char *keyAlgStr; privAlgToCssm(palg, &keyAlg, &sigAlg, &encrAlg, &encrMode, &encrPad, &keySizeInBits, &keyAlgStr); CSSM_KEY pubKey; CSSM_KEY privKey; int irtn; CSSM_KEYATTR_FLAGS pubKeyAttr = CSSM_KEYATTR_EXTRACTABLE; CSSM_KEYATTR_FLAGS privKeyAttr = CSSM_KEYATTR_EXTRACTABLE; if(refKeys) { pubKeyAttr |= CSSM_KEYATTR_RETURN_REF; privKeyAttr |= CSSM_KEYATTR_RETURN_REF; } else { pubKeyAttr |= CSSM_KEYATTR_RETURN_DATA; privKeyAttr |= CSSM_KEYATTR_RETURN_DATA; } if(!quiet) { printf("...testing %s with %s keys\n", keyAlgStr, refKeys ? "Ref" : "Raw"); printf(" ...verifying empty Dates\n"); } irtn = genKeyPair(cspHand, keyAlg, keyAlgStr, keySizeInBits, &pubKey, pubKeyAttr, CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY, &privKey, privKeyAttr, CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY, quiet, CSSM_FALSE, 0, // no StartDate CSSM_FALSE, 0); // no EndDate if(irtn) { return irtn; } irtn = doEncrypt(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &pubKey, encrAlg, encrMode, encrPad, CSSM_OK, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on encrypting with empty Key Dates\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doDecrypt(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &privKey, encrAlg, encrMode, encrPad, DR_BadData, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on decrypting with empty Key Dates\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doSign(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &privKey, sigAlg, CSSM_OK, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on signing with empty Key Dates\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doVerify(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &pubKey, sigAlg, KD_VERIFY_FAIL_ERR, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on verifying with empty Key Dates\n"); return irtn; } cspFreeKey(cspHand, &pubKey); cspFreeKey(cspHand, &privKey); if(!quiet) { printf(" ...verifying Good Dates\n"); } irtn = genKeyPair(cspHand, keyAlg, keyAlgStr, keySizeInBits, &pubKey, pubKeyAttr, CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY, &privKey, privKeyAttr, CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY, quiet, CSSM_TRUE, 0, // StartDate = today CSSM_TRUE, 1); // EndDate = tomorrow if(irtn) { return irtn; } irtn = doEncrypt(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &pubKey, encrAlg, encrMode, encrPad, CSSM_OK, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on encrypting with good Key Dates\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doDecrypt(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &privKey, encrAlg, encrMode, encrPad, DR_BadData, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on decrypting with Good Key Dates\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doSign(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &privKey, sigAlg, CSSM_OK, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on signing with Good Key Dates\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doVerify(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &pubKey, sigAlg, KD_VERIFY_FAIL_ERR, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on verifying with Good Key Dates\n"); return irtn; } cspFreeKey(cspHand, &pubKey); cspFreeKey(cspHand, &privKey); if(!quiet) { printf(" ...verifying Bad StartDate\n"); } irtn = genKeyPair(cspHand, keyAlg, keyAlgStr, keySizeInBits, &pubKey, pubKeyAttr, CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY, &privKey, privKeyAttr, CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY, quiet, CSSM_TRUE, 1, // StartDate = tomorrow CSSM_TRUE, 1); // EndDate = tomorrow if(irtn) { return irtn; } irtn = doEncrypt(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &pubKey, encrAlg, encrMode, encrPad, CSSMERR_CSP_APPLE_INVALID_KEY_START_DATE, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on encrypting with bad StartDate\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doDecrypt(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &privKey, encrAlg, encrMode, encrPad, DR_BadStartDate, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on decrypting with bad StartDate\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doSign(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &privKey, sigAlg, CSSMERR_CSP_APPLE_INVALID_KEY_START_DATE, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on signing with bad StartDate\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doVerify(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &pubKey, sigAlg, CSSMERR_CSP_APPLE_INVALID_KEY_START_DATE, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on verifying with bad StartDate\n"); return irtn; } cspFreeKey(cspHand, &pubKey); cspFreeKey(cspHand, &privKey); if(!quiet) { printf(" ...verifying Bad EndDate\n"); } irtn = genKeyPair(cspHand, keyAlg, keyAlgStr, keySizeInBits, &pubKey, pubKeyAttr, CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY, &privKey, privKeyAttr, CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY, quiet, CSSM_TRUE, 0, // StartDate = today CSSM_TRUE, -1); // EndDate = yesterday if(irtn) { return irtn; } irtn = doEncrypt(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &pubKey, encrAlg, encrMode, encrPad, CSSMERR_CSP_APPLE_INVALID_KEY_END_DATE, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on encrypting with bad EndDate\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doDecrypt(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &privKey, encrAlg, encrMode, encrPad, DR_BadEndDate, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on decrypting with bad EndDate\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doSign(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &privKey, sigAlg, CSSMERR_CSP_APPLE_INVALID_KEY_END_DATE, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on signing with bad EndDate\n"); return irtn; } irtn = doVerify(cspHand, keyAlgStr, &pubKey, sigAlg, CSSMERR_CSP_APPLE_INVALID_KEY_END_DATE, quiet); if(irtn) { printf("***Failure on verifying with bad EndDate\n"); return irtn; } cspFreeKey(cspHand, &pubKey); cspFreeKey(cspHand, &privKey); return 0; }