Example #1
void ImageViewer::connectWidgets(){
	connect(startBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), model, SLOT(doRegistration()));
	connect(model, SIGNAL(processingDone()), this, SLOT(enableQuery()));
	connect(queryBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), model, SLOT(doQuery()));
	connect(model, SIGNAL(queryDone()), this, SLOT(showCorrespondingPoints()));
	connect(matchingBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), model, SLOT(doMatching()));
	connect(model, SIGNAL(matchingDone()), this, SLOT(showMatchingResult()));

bool Connection::createConnection()
    bool rval = false;
    struct sockaddr_in remote = {};

    remote.sin_port = htons(m_port);
    remote.sin_family = AF_INET;

    if (inet_aton(m_address.c_str(), (struct in_addr*)&remote.sin_addr.s_addr) == 0)
        m_error = "Invalid address: ";
        m_error += m_address;
        int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);

        if (fd == -1)
            char err[ERRBUF_SIZE];
            m_error = "Failed to create socket: ";
            m_error += strerror_r(errno, err, sizeof (err));

        m_fd = fd;

        if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr*) &remote, sizeof (remote)) == -1)
            char err[ERRBUF_SIZE];
            m_error = "Failed to connect: ";
            m_error += strerror_r(errno, err, sizeof (err));
        else if (doAuth())
            rval = doRegistration();

    return rval;
Example #3
void ThreadLocalize::eventLoop(void)

    vector<float> ranges = _laserData.front()->ranges;

    _stampLaserOld = _stampLaser;
    _stampLaser = _laserData.front()->header.stamp;


    for(std::deque<sensor_msgs::LaserScan*>::iterator iter = _laserData.begin(); iter < _laserData.end(); iter++)
      delete *iter;

    //odom rescue
    //    if(_useOdomRescue)
    //    	_odomAnalyzer->odomRescueUpdate();

    //std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "_odomTfIsValid = " << _odomTfIsValid << std::endl;

    const unsigned int measurementSize = _sensor->getRealMeasurementSize();

    if(!_scene)	//first call, initialize buffers
      _scene		= new double[measurementSize * 2];
      _maskS		= new bool[measurementSize];
      _modelCoords	= new double[measurementSize * 2];
      _modelNormals	= new double[measurementSize * 2];
      _maskM		= new bool[measurementSize];
      *_lastPose	= _sensor->getTransformation();

    unsigned int validModelPoints = _rayCaster->calcCoordsFromCurrentViewMask(&_grid, _sensor, _modelCoords, _modelNormals, _maskM);
    if(validModelPoints == 0)
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Localizer (" << _nameSpace << ") error! Raycasting found no coordinates! \n");

    //get current scan
    const unsigned int validScenePoints = _sensor->dataToCartesianVectorMask(_scene, _maskS);

     * Create Point Matrices with structure [x1 y1; x2 y2; ..]
     * M, N and S are matrices that preserve the ray model of a laser scanner
     * Xvalid matrices are matrices that do not preserve the ray model but contain only valid points (mask applied)
     * T transformation
    obvious::Matrix M(measurementSize, 2, _modelCoords);
    obvious::Matrix N(measurementSize, 2, _modelNormals);
    obvious::Matrix S(measurementSize, 2, _scene);
    obvious::Matrix Mvalid = maskMatrix(&M, _maskM, measurementSize, validModelPoints);
    obvious::Matrix Nvalid = maskMatrix(&N, _maskM, measurementSize, validModelPoints);
    obvious::Matrix Svalid = maskMatrix(&S, _maskS, measurementSize, validScenePoints);
    obvious::Matrix T(3,3);

    T = doRegistration(_sensor, &M, &Mvalid, &N, &Nvalid, &S, &Svalid);

    //analyze registration result
    _tf.stamp_ = ros::Time::now();
    const bool regErrorT = isRegistrationError(&T, _trnsMax, _rotMax);

      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Localizer(" << _nameSpace << ") registration error! \n");
    else 		//transformation valid -> transform sensor and publish new sensor pose
//      obvious::Matrix Tbla(3, 3);
//        Tbla = this->tfToObviouslyMatrix3x3(_tfFrameSensorMount);
//        std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "tbla" << std::endl;
//        Tbla.print();
//        std::cout << std::endl;
       //T = Tbla * T;
      obvious::Matrix curPose = _sensor->getTransformation();
      //update map if necessary
      if(this->isPoseChangeSignificant(_lastPose, &curPose))
        *_lastPose = curPose;