Example #1
static void spoil_spells_by_class(void)
    int i, realm_idx;
    doc_ptr doc = doc_alloc(80);
    vec_ptr vec = vec_alloc(NULL);

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLASS; i++)
        vec_add_int(vec, i);

    vec_sort(vec, (vec_cmp_f)_cmp_class_name);

    for (i = 0; i < vec_length(vec); i++)
        int           class_idx = vec_get_int(vec, i);
        class_t      *class_ptr = get_class_aux(class_idx, 0);
        bool          class_heading = FALSE;

        if (class_idx == CLASS_RAGE_MAGE) continue; /* broken */

        for (realm_idx = REALM_LIFE; realm_idx <= MAX_REALM; realm_idx++)
            if (_check_realm(class_idx, realm_idx))
                doc_ptr cols[2];

                cols[0] = doc_alloc(40);
                cols[1] = doc_alloc(40);

                _spoil_spell_book(cols[0], class_idx, realm_idx, 0);
                _spoil_spell_book(cols[1], class_idx, realm_idx, 1);
                if (class_idx != CLASS_RED_MAGE || realm_idx == REALM_ARCANE)
                    _spoil_spell_book(cols[0], class_idx, realm_idx, 2);
                    _spoil_spell_book(cols[1], class_idx, realm_idx, 3);

                if (!class_heading)
                    doc_printf(doc, "<topic:%s><color:r>%s</color>\n", class_ptr->name, class_ptr->name);
                    doc_printf(doc, "%s\n\n", class_ptr->desc);
                    class_heading = TRUE;
                doc_printf(doc, "<color:B>%s</color>\n", realm_names[realm_idx]);

                doc_insert_cols(doc, cols, 2, 0);


    doc_display(doc, "Spells by Class", 0);
Example #2
static void _display(rect_t r, int options)
    doc_ptr doc = doc_alloc(r.cx);
    _list_spells(doc, options);
    doc_sync_term(doc, doc_range_all(doc), doc_pos_create(r.x, r.y));
Example #3
static void spoil_artifact_desc(void)
    int i,j;
    doc_ptr doc = doc_alloc(80);

    spoiler_hack = TRUE;
    for (i = 0; group_artifact[i].tval; i++)
        if (group_artifact[i].name)
            if (i) doc_insert(doc, "</indent>\n");
            doc_printf(doc, "<topic:%s><style:heading>%s</style>\n  <indent>\n",
                group_artifact[i].name, group_artifact[i].name);

        for (j = 1; j < max_a_idx; ++j)
            artifact_type *a_ptr = &a_info[j];
            object_type    forge = {0};

            if (a_ptr->tval != group_artifact[i].tval) continue;

            if (!make_fake_artifact(&forge, j)) continue;


            obj_display_doc(&forge, doc);

    doc_display(doc, "Artifact Spoilers", 0);
    spoiler_hack = FALSE;
Example #4
static void spoil_mon_info()
    int     i;
    vec_ptr v = vec_alloc(NULL);
    doc_ptr doc = doc_alloc(80);

    spoiler_hack = TRUE;

    for (i = 1; i < max_r_idx; i++)
        monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[i];
        if (!r_ptr->name) continue;
        if (r_ptr->id == MON_MONKEY_CLONE) continue;
        if (r_ptr->id == MON_KAGE) continue;
        vec_add(v, r_ptr);
    vec_sort(v, (vec_cmp_f)_compare_r_level_desc);

    for (i = 0; i < vec_length(v); i++)
        monster_race *r_ptr = vec_get(v, i);
        doc_printf(doc, "<topic:%s><color:r>=====================================================================</color>\n", r_name + r_ptr->name);
        mon_display_doc(r_ptr, doc);

    doc_display(doc, "Monster Spoilers", 0);

    spoiler_hack = FALSE;
Example #5
static void _spoil_spells_by_realm_aux3(int realm_idx, int class1_idx, int class2_idx)
    int i;
    doc_ptr doc = doc_alloc(80);

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        _spoil_spell_book2(doc, class1_idx, class2_idx, realm_idx, i);

    doc_display(doc, "Spells by Realm", 0);
Example #6
int doc_display_help_aux(cptr file_name, cptr topic, rect_t display)
    int     rc = _OK;
    FILE   *fp = NULL;
    char    path[1024];
    char    caption[1024];
    doc_ptr doc = NULL;
    int     top = 0;

    /* Check for file_name#topic from a lazy client */
    if (!topic)
        cptr pos = strchr(file_name, '#');
        if (pos)
            string_ptr name = string_copy_sn(file_name, pos - file_name);
            int        result = doc_display_help_aux(string_buffer(name), pos + 1, display);

            return result;

    sprintf(caption, "Help file '%s'", file_name);
    path_build(path, sizeof(path), ANGBAND_DIR_HELP, file_name);
    fp = my_fopen(path, "r");
    if (!fp)
        cmsg_format(TERM_VIOLET, "Cannot open '%s'.", file_name);
        return _OK;

    doc = doc_alloc(MIN(80, display.cx));
    doc_read_file(doc, fp);

    if (topic)
        doc_pos_t pos = doc_find_bookmark(doc, topic);
        if (doc_pos_is_valid(pos))
            top = pos.y;

    rc = doc_display_aux(doc, caption, top, display);
    return rc;
Example #7
static void _display_spells_to_gain(object_type *o_ptr, rect_t r)
    doc_ptr doc = doc_alloc(r.cx);
    int     i;
    int     realm = tval2realm(o_ptr->tval);
    int     start_idx = o_ptr->sval * _SPELLS_PER_BOOK;

    doc_insert(doc, "<style:table>");
    doc_printf(doc, "<color:G>    %-20.20s Lvl  SP Fail Desc</color>\n", "Name");

    for (i = start_idx; i < start_idx + _SPELLS_PER_BOOK; i++)
        _list_spell(doc, realm, i, i - start_idx, _FROM_BOOK);

    doc_insert(doc, "</style>");

    doc_sync_term(doc, doc_range_all(doc), doc_pos_create(r.x, r.y));
Example #8
void msg_line_init(const rect_t *display_rect)
    if (display_rect && rect_is_valid(display_rect))
        if (_msg_line_doc)
        _msg_line_rect = *display_rect;
        if (_msg_line_rect.x + _msg_line_rect.cx > Term->wid)
            _msg_line_rect.cx = Term->wid - _msg_line_rect.x;
        _msg_line_doc = doc_alloc(_msg_line_rect.cx);
        _msg_line_sync_pos = doc_cursor(_msg_line_doc);
        rect_t r = rect_create(0, 0, MIN(72, Term->wid - 13), 10);
Example #9
 * Clean all data
 * @param  pGame The game's context
 * @return       GFMRV_OK, GFMRV_ARGUMENTS_BAD, ...
gfmRV intro_clean(gameCtx *pGame) {
    gfmRV rv;
    introCtx *pIntro;
    // Sanitize arguments
    // Get the current state
    pIntro = (introCtx*)(pGame->pState);
    // Free the tilemap
    rv = GFMRV_OK;
    return rv;
Example #10
static void spoil_object_tables(void)
    doc_ptr doc = doc_alloc(MIN(100, _term_width()));

    spoiler_hack = TRUE;
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "All Objects", NULL);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Weapons", object_is_melee_weapon);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Shields", object_is_shield);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Bows", object_is_bow);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Rings", object_is_ring);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Amulets", object_is_amulet);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Lights", object_is_lite);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Body Armor", object_is_body_armour);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Cloaks", object_is_cloak);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Helmets", object_is_helmet);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Gloves", object_is_gloves);
    _spoil_object_table_aux(doc, "Boots", object_is_boots);
    spoiler_hack = FALSE;

    doc_display(doc, "Object Tables", 0);
Example #11
void monk_display_attack_info(doc_ptr doc, int hand)
    _attack_t counts[MAX_MA];
    int i;
    const int tot = 1000;
    int tot_dam = 0;              /* Scaled by 10 */
    int tot_mul = 0;
    int tot_to_d = 0;             /* Scaled by 10 */
    int blows = NUM_BLOWS(hand);  /* Scaled by 100: 100 = 1.00 blows, 275 = 2.75 blows, etc */
    int to_d = p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_d * 10;
    critical_t crit;
    doc_ptr cols[2] = {0};

    cols[0] = doc_alloc(45);
    cols[1] = doc_alloc(35);

    /* First Column */
    doc_printf(cols[0], "<color:G>%-14.14s %6s %5s %6s</color>\n", "Attack", "Dice", "Pct", "Dam");

    _get_attack_counts(tot, counts, hand);
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MA; i++)
        martial_arts *ma_ptr = &ma_blows[i];
        int dd = ma_ptr->dd + p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_dd;
        int ds = ma_ptr->ds + p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_ds;
        char tmp[20];
        int dam = dd * (ds + 1) * 10 * counts[i].count / (2 * tot);

        if (counts[i].count == 0) continue;

        tot_dam += dam;
        tot_mul += counts[i].mul;
        tot_to_d += counts[i].to_d;

        sprintf(tmp, "%dd%d", dd, ds);
        doc_printf(cols[0], "%-14.14s %6s %3d.%1d%% %3d.%1d\n",
                                ma_ptr->name, tmp,
                                counts[i].count/10, counts[i].count%10,
                                dam/10, dam%10);

    doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:8>%20s %3d.%1d\n", "Total:", tot_dam/10, tot_dam%10);

    crit.mul = tot_mul/tot;
    crit.to_d = tot_to_d*10/tot;
    doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:8>%20s %3d.%02dx\n", "Criticals:", crit.mul/100, crit.mul%100);

    /* Account for criticals in all that follows ... */
    tot_dam = tot_dam * crit.mul/100;
    to_d += crit.to_d;

    doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:8>%20s %3d.%1d +%3d\n", "One Strike:", tot_dam/10, tot_dam%10, to_d/10);

    /* Second Column */
    doc_insert(cols[1], "<color:y>Your Fists</color>\n");

    doc_printf(cols[1], "Number of Blows: %d.%2.2d\n", blows/100, blows%100);
    doc_printf(cols[1], "To Hit:  0  50 100 150 200 (AC)\n");
    doc_printf(cols[1], "        %2d  %2d  %2d  %2d  %2d (%%)\n",
        hit_chance(0, 0, 0),
        hit_chance(0, 0, 50),
        hit_chance(0, 0, 100),
        hit_chance(0, 0, 150),
        hit_chance(0, 0, 200)

    doc_insert(cols[1], "<color:y>Average Damage:</color>\n");
    doc_printf(cols[1], " One Strike: %d.%1d\n", (tot_dam + to_d)/10, (tot_dam + to_d)%10);

    /* Note: blows are scaled by 100. tot_dam and to_d by 10. So we divide by 1000 to recover the integer part ... */
    doc_printf(cols[1], " One Attack: %d.%1d\n", blows*(tot_dam + to_d)/1000, ((blows*(tot_dam + to_d))/100)%10);

    if (display_weapon_mode == MYSTIC_ACID)
        doc_printf(cols[1], " <color:r>      Acid</color>: %d.%1d\n",
            blows*(tot_dam*20/10 + to_d + 50)/1000,
            ((blows*(tot_dam*20/10 + to_d + 50))/100)%10);
    else if (have_flag(p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].flags, OF_BRAND_ACID))
        doc_printf(cols[1], " <color:r>      Acid</color>: %d.%1d\n",
            blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d)/1000,
            ((blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d))/100)%10);

    if (display_weapon_mode == MYSTIC_FIRE)
        doc_printf(cols[1], " <color:r>      Fire</color>: %d.%1d\n",
            blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d + 30)/1000,
            ((blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d + 30))/100)%10);
    else if (have_flag(p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].flags, OF_BRAND_FIRE))
        doc_printf(cols[1], " <color:r>      Fire</color>: %d.%1d\n",
            blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d)/1000,
            ((blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d))/100)%10);

    if (display_weapon_mode == MYSTIC_COLD)
        doc_printf(cols[1], " <color:r>      Cold</color>: %d.%1d\n",
            blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d + 30)/1000,
            ((blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d + 30))/100)%10);
    else if (have_flag(p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].flags, OF_BRAND_COLD))
        doc_printf(cols[1], " <color:r>      Cold</color>: %d.%1d\n",
            blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d)/1000,
            ((blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d))/100)%10);

    if (display_weapon_mode == MYSTIC_ELEC)
        doc_printf(cols[1], " <color:r>      Elec</color>: %d.%1d\n",
            blows*(tot_dam*25/10 + to_d + 70)/1000,
            ((blows*(tot_dam*25/10 + to_d + 70))/100)%10);
    else if (have_flag(p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].flags, OF_BRAND_ELEC))
        doc_printf(cols[1], " <color:r>      Elec</color>: %d.%1d\n",
            blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d)/1000,
            ((blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d))/100)%10);

    if (display_weapon_mode == MYSTIC_POIS)
        doc_printf(cols[1], " <color:r>      Pois</color>: %d.%1d\n",
            blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d + 30)/1000,
            ((blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d + 30))/100)%10);
    else if (have_flag(p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].flags, OF_BRAND_POIS))
        doc_printf(cols[1], " <color:r>      Pois</color>: %d.%1d\n",
            blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d)/1000,
            ((blows*(tot_dam*17/10 + to_d))/100)%10);

    doc_insert_cols(doc, cols, 2, 0);
Example #12
static MonoDebugSourceInfo*
get_docinfo (MonoPPDBFile *ppdb, MonoImage *image, int docidx)
	MonoTableInfo *tables = image->tables;
	guint32 cols [MONO_DOCUMENT_SIZE];
	const char *ptr;
	const char *start;
	const char *part_ptr;
	int size, part_size, partidx, nparts;
	char sep;
	GString *s;
	MonoDebugSourceInfo *res, *cached;

	mono_debugger_lock ();
	cached = (MonoDebugSourceInfo *)g_hash_table_lookup (ppdb->doc_hash, GUINT_TO_POINTER (docidx));
	mono_debugger_unlock ();
	if (cached)
		return cached;

	mono_metadata_decode_row (&tables [MONO_TABLE_DOCUMENT], docidx-1, cols, MONO_DOCUMENT_SIZE);

	ptr = mono_metadata_blob_heap (image, cols [MONO_DOCUMENT_NAME]);
	size = mono_metadata_decode_blob_size (ptr, &ptr);
	start = ptr;

	sep = ptr [0];
	ptr ++;

	s = g_string_new ("");

	nparts = 0;
	while (ptr < start + size) {
		partidx = mono_metadata_decode_value (ptr, &ptr);
		if (nparts)
			g_string_append_c (s, sep);
		if (partidx) {
			part_ptr = mono_metadata_blob_heap (image, partidx);
			part_size = mono_metadata_decode_blob_size (part_ptr, &part_ptr);

			// FIXME: UTF8
			g_string_append_len (s, part_ptr, part_size);
		nparts ++;

	res = g_new0 (MonoDebugSourceInfo, 1);
	res->source_file = g_string_free (s, FALSE);
	res->guid = NULL;
	res->hash = (guint8*)mono_metadata_blob_heap (image, cols [MONO_DOCUMENT_HASH]);

	mono_debugger_lock ();
	cached = (MonoDebugSourceInfo *)g_hash_table_lookup (ppdb->doc_hash, GUINT_TO_POINTER (docidx));
	if (!cached) {
		g_hash_table_insert (ppdb->doc_hash, GUINT_TO_POINTER (docidx), res);
	} else {
		doc_free (res);
		res = cached;
	mono_debugger_unlock ();
	return res;
Example #13
void display_innate_attack_info(doc_ptr doc, int which)
    innate_attack_ptr a = &p_ptr->innate_attacks[which];
    int blows, min, max, min_base, max_base, min2, max2;
    int i;
    int to_h = p_ptr->to_h_m + a->to_h;
    int to_d = p_ptr->to_d_m + a->to_d;
    int dd = a->dd + p_ptr->innate_attack_info.to_dd;
    int mult;
    doc_ptr cols[2] = {0};

    blows = a->blows;
    if (which == 0)
        blows += p_ptr->innate_attack_info.xtra_blow;

    cols[0] = doc_alloc(60);
    cols[1] = doc_alloc(10);

    /* First Column */
    if (a->flags & INNATE_NO_DAM)
        doc_printf(cols[0], "<color:y> %-7.7s</color>: Your %s\n", "Attack", a->name);
        doc_printf(cols[0], "<color:y> %-7.7s</color>: Your %s (%dd%d)\n", "Attack", a->name, dd, a->ds);

    if (a->weight && !(a->flags & INNATE_NO_DAM))
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%d lbs\n", "Weight", a->weight/10, a->weight%10);

        cptr name = skills_innate_calc_name(a);
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %s (%+d To Hit)\n",

    doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d + %d = %d\n", "To Hit", a->to_h, p_ptr->to_h_m, to_h);

    if (!(a->flags & INNATE_NO_DAM))
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d + %d = %d\n", "To Dam", a->to_d, p_ptr->to_d_m, to_d);

    doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%2.2d\n", "Blows", blows/100, blows%100);

    mult = 100;

    if (!(a->flags & INNATE_NO_DAM))
        doc_printf(cols[0], "<color:G> %-7.7s</color>\n", "Damage");
        if (a->flags & INNATE_VORPAL)
            mult = mult * 11 / 9;
            doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%02dx\n", "Vorpal", mult/100, mult%100);

    if (!(a->flags & INNATE_NO_DAM))
        critical_t crit = {0};
        const int ct = 10 * 1000;
        for (i = 0; i < ct; i++)
            critical_t tmp = critical_norm(a->weight, to_h, 0, 0, HAND_NONE);
            if (tmp.desc)
                crit.mul += tmp.mul;
                crit.to_d += tmp.to_d;
                crit.mul += 100;
        crit.mul = crit.mul / ct;
        crit.to_d = crit.to_d * 100 / ct;
        if (crit.to_d)
            doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%02dx + %d.%02d\n", "Crits", crit.mul/100, crit.mul%100, crit.to_d/100, crit.to_d%100);
            doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%02dx\n", "Crits", crit.mul/100, crit.mul%100);
        crit.to_d /= 100;
        mult = mult * crit.mul / 100;
        to_d = to_d + crit.to_d;

    min_base = mult * dd / 100;
    min = min_base + to_d;
    min2 = 2*(min_base + a->to_d) + p_ptr->to_d_m;
    max_base = mult * dd * a->ds / 100;
    max = max_base + to_d;
    max2 = 2*(max_base + a->to_d) + p_ptr->to_d_m;
    if (a->effect[0] == GF_OLD_CONF) /* Hack for Umber Hulk ... */
        doc_insert(cols[0], "<tab:10><color:B>Confuses</color>\n");
    else if (!(a->flags & INNATE_NO_DAM))
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d (%d-%d)\n",
                blows * (min + max)/200,
                blows * min/100,
                blows * max/100

    for (i = 1; i < MAX_INNATE_EFFECTS; i++)
        int p = a->effect_chance[i];
        char xtra[255];
        if (!a->effect[i]) continue;
        if (!p)
            sprintf(xtra, "%s", "");
            sprintf(xtra, " (%d%%)", p);

        switch (a->effect[i])
        case GF_STEAL: 
            doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:10><color:B>Steals%s</color>\n", xtra);
        case GF_OLD_SLOW: 
            doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:10><color:B>Slows%s</color>\n", xtra);
        case GF_OLD_CONF: 
            doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:10><color:B>Confuses%s</color>\n", xtra);
        case GF_OLD_SLEEP: 
            doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:10><color:B>Sleeps%s</color>\n", xtra);
        case GF_STASIS:
        case GF_PARALYSIS:
            doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:10><color:B>Paralyzes%s</color>\n", xtra);
        case GF_DRAIN_MANA:
            doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:10><color:B>Drains Mana%s</color>\n", xtra);
        case GF_STUN:
            doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:10><color:B>Stuns%s</color>\n", xtra);
        case GF_TURN_ALL:
            doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:10><color:r>Terrifies%s</color>\n", xtra);
        case GF_QUAKE:
            doc_printf(cols[0], "<tab:10><color:B>Shatters%s</color>\n", xtra);
            doc_printf(cols[0], "<color:r> %-7.7s</color>: %d (%d-%d)\n",
                    blows * (min2 + max2)/200,
                    blows * min2/100,
                    blows * max2/100

    /* Second Column */
    doc_insert(cols[1], "<color:G>Accuracy</color>\n");
    doc_insert(cols[1], " AC Hit\n");

    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 25, hit_chance_innate(to_h, 25));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 50, hit_chance_innate(to_h, 50));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 75, hit_chance_innate(to_h, 75));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 100, hit_chance_innate(to_h, 100));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 125, hit_chance_innate(to_h, 125));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 150, hit_chance_innate(to_h, 150));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 175, hit_chance_innate(to_h, 175));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 200, hit_chance_innate(to_h, 200));

    doc_insert_cols(doc, cols, 2, 1);
Example #14
void display_weapon_info(doc_ptr doc, int hand)
    object_type *o_ptr = equip_obj(p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].slot);
    char o_name[MAX_NLEN];
    u32b flgs[TR_FLAG_SIZE];
    int dd;
    int ds;
    int to_d = 0;
    int to_h = 0;
    int mult;
    critical_t crit = {0};
    int crit_pct = 0;
    int num_blow = NUM_BLOWS(hand);
    bool force = FALSE;
    doc_ptr cols[2] = {0};

    if (p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].wield_how == WIELD_NONE) return;
    if (!o_ptr) return;

    dd = o_ptr->dd + p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_dd;
    ds = o_ptr->ds + p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_ds;
    if (object_is_known(o_ptr))
        to_d = o_ptr->to_d;
        to_h = o_ptr->to_h;

    switch (display_weapon_mode)
        num_blow = 100;
        num_blow = 100;
        to_h -= 50;
        to_h += 10;
        to_d += p_ptr->lev / 2;

    weapon_flags_known(hand, flgs);
    if ( (have_flag(flgs, TR_FORCE_WEAPON) || p_ptr->tim_force) 
      && (p_ptr->csp > o_ptr->dd*o_ptr->ds/5) )
        force = TRUE;

    if (weaponmaster_get_toggle() == TOGGLE_SHIELD_BASH && object_is_shield(o_ptr))
        dd = 3 + p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_dd;
        ds = o_ptr->ac + p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_ds;
        if (object_is_known(o_ptr))
            to_h = o_ptr->to_a;
            to_d = o_ptr->to_a;
            to_h += 2*o_ptr->to_h;
            to_d += 2*o_ptr->to_d;

    mult = 100;
    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_VORPAL2))
        mult = mult * 5 / 3;
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_VORPAL))
        mult = mult * 11 / 9;

    mult += mult * p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_mult / 100;

    if (display_weapon_mode == MAULER_CRUSHING_BLOW)
        int d = p_ptr->lev/5;
        int n = 10*(1 + d)/2; /* scale by 10 */

        mult = mult * (50 + n)/30;

    if (!have_flag(flgs, TR_ORDER))
        const int attempts = 10 * 1000;
        int i;
        int crits = 0;
        /* Compute Average Effects of Criticals by sampling */
        for (i = 0; i < attempts; i++)
            critical_t tmp = critical_norm(o_ptr->weight, to_h, p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_h, display_weapon_mode, hand);
            if (tmp.desc)
                crit.mul += tmp.mul;
                crit.to_d += tmp.to_d;
                crit.mul += 100;
        crit.mul = crit.mul / attempts;
        crit.to_d = crit.to_d * 100 / attempts;
        crit_pct = crits * 1000 / attempts;
        crit.mul = 100;

    /* Display in 2 columns, side by side */
    cols[0] = doc_alloc(60);
    cols[1] = doc_alloc(10);

    /* Column #1 */
    object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, OD_COLOR_CODED | OD_NAME_AND_ENCHANT);
    if (prace_is_(RACE_MON_SWORD))
        doc_printf(cols[0], "<color:y> You    :</color> <indent><style:indent>%s</style></indent>\n", o_name);
        doc_printf(cols[0], "<color:y> Hand #%d:</color> <indent><style:indent>%s</style></indent>\n", hand+1, o_name);

    doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%d lbs\n", "Weight", o_ptr->weight/10, o_ptr->weight%10);

    if (weaponmaster_get_toggle() == TOGGLE_SHIELD_BASH)
        assert(o_ptr->tval == TV_SHIELD);
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %dd%d (%+d,%+d)\n", "Bash", dd, ds, to_h, to_d);
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %s (%+d To Hit)\n",
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %s (%+d To Hit)\n",
                    skills_weapon_describe_current(o_ptr->tval, o_ptr->sval),
                    skills_weapon_calc_bonus(o_ptr->tval, o_ptr->sval));
    doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d + %d = %d\n", "To Hit", to_h, p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_h, to_h + p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_h);
    doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d + %d = %d\n", "To Dam", to_d, p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_d, to_d + p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_d);
    doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%2.2d\n", "Blows", num_blow/100, num_blow%100);

    if (p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].dual_wield_pct < 1000)
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%d%%\n", "Skill",
            p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].dual_wield_pct/ 10,
            p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].dual_wield_pct % 10);

    mult = mult * crit.mul / 100;
    to_d = to_d + crit.to_d/100 + p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_d;

    doc_printf(cols[0], "<color:G> %-7.7s</color>\n", "Damage");

    if (!have_flag(flgs, TR_ORDER))
        if (crit.to_d)
            doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%02dx + %d.%02d\n", "Crits",
                            crit.mul/100, crit.mul%100, crit.to_d/100, crit.to_d%100);
            doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%02dx (%d.%d%%)\n", "Crits",
                            crit.mul/100, crit.mul%100, crit_pct / 10, crit_pct % 10);
    if (p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_mult)
        int m = 100 + p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].to_mult;
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-7.7s: %d.%02dx\n", "Mauler", m / 100, m % 100);

    _display_weapon_slay(mult, 100, FALSE, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Normal", TERM_WHITE, cols[0]);
    if (force)
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 100, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Force", TERM_L_BLUE, cols[0]);

    if (p_ptr->tim_slay_sentient)
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 200, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Sent.", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_ANIMAL)) 
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 400, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Animals", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_ANIMAL))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 250, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Animals", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_EVIL))   
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 350, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Evil", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_EVIL))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 200, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Evil", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_GOOD))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 200, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Good", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_LIVING))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 200, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Living", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_HUMAN))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 400, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Human", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_HUMAN))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 250, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Human", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_UNDEAD))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 500, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Undead", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_UNDEAD))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 300, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Undead", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_DEMON))  
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 500, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Demons", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_DEMON))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 300, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Demons", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_ORC))  
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 500, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Orcs", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_ORC))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 300, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Orcs", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_TROLL))  
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 500, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Trolls", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_TROLL))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 300, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Trolls", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_GIANT))  
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 500, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Giants", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_GIANT))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 300, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Giants", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_DRAGON))  
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 500, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Dragons", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_DRAGON))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 300, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Dragons", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_BRAND_ACID))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 250, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Acid", TERM_RED, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_BRAND_ELEC))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 250, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Elec", TERM_RED, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_BRAND_FIRE))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 250, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Fire", TERM_RED, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_BRAND_COLD))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 250, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Cold", TERM_RED, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_BRAND_POIS))
        _display_weapon_slay(mult, 250, force, num_blow, dd, ds, to_d, "Poison", TERM_RED, cols[0]);

    if (p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].wield_how == WIELD_TWO_HANDS)
        if (p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].omoi)
            doc_insert(cols[0], " Your weapon requires two hands to wield properly.\n");

    if (p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].info)
        byte a = p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].info_attr;
        if (!a) a = TERM_WHITE; /* uninitialized is TERM_DARK???! */
        doc_printf(cols[0], " <color:%c>%s</color>\n", attr_to_attr_char(a), p_ptr->weapon_info[hand].info);

    /* Column #1 */
    doc_insert(cols[1], "<color:G>Accuracy</color>\n");
    doc_insert(cols[1], " AC Hit\n");

    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 25, hit_chance(hand, to_h, 25));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 50, hit_chance(hand, to_h, 50));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 75, hit_chance(hand, to_h, 75));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 100, hit_chance(hand, to_h, 100));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 125, hit_chance(hand, to_h, 125));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 150, hit_chance(hand, to_h, 150));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 175, hit_chance(hand, to_h, 175));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 200, hit_chance(hand, to_h, 200));

    /* Assemble the result */
    doc_insert_cols(doc, cols, 2, 1);
Example #15
static void _shooter_info_aux(doc_ptr doc, object_type *bow, object_type *arrow, int ct)
    char         o_name[MAX_NLEN];
    u32b         flgs[TR_FLAG_SIZE];
    int          mult;
    int          to_h = 0;
    int          to_d = 0;
    int          to_h_bow = 0;
    int          to_d_bow = 0;
    int          to_h_xtra = p_ptr->shooter_info.dis_to_h;
    int          to_d_xtra = p_ptr->shooter_info.dis_to_d;
    int          dd = arrow->dd;
    int          ds = arrow->ds;
    critical_t   crit = {0}; 
    int          num_fire = 0;
    doc_ptr      cols[2] = {0};

    cols[0] = doc_alloc(60);
    cols[1] = doc_alloc(10);

    missile_flags_known(arrow, flgs);
    mult = bow_mult(bow);

    if (object_is_artifact(arrow))
        num_fire = 100;
    else if (p_ptr->shooter_info.num_fire)
        num_fire = p_ptr->shooter_info.num_fire * 100 * 100 / bow_energy(bow->sval);

    if (object_is_known(bow))
        to_h_bow = bow->to_h;
        to_d_bow = bow->to_d;
        if (weaponmaster_is_(WEAPONMASTER_CROSSBOWS) && p_ptr->lev >= 15)
            to_d_bow += 1 + p_ptr->lev/10;

    if (object_is_known(arrow))
        to_h = arrow->to_h;
        to_d = arrow->to_d;

    if (p_ptr->big_shot)
        dd *= 2;

        const int ct = 10 * 1000;
        int i;
        /* Compute Average Effects of Criticals by sampling */
        for (i = 0; i < ct; i++)
            critical_t tmp = critical_shot(arrow->weight, arrow->to_h);
            if (tmp.desc)
                crit.mul += tmp.mul;
                crit.to_d += tmp.to_d;
                crit.mul += 100;
        crit.mul = crit.mul / ct;
        crit.to_d = crit.to_d * 100 / ct;

    /* First Column */
    object_desc(o_name, arrow, OD_OMIT_INSCRIPTION | OD_COLOR_CODED);
    doc_printf(cols[0], "<color:u> Ammo #%-2d</color>: <indent><style:indent>%s</style></indent>\n", ct, o_name);

    doc_printf(cols[0], " %-8.8s: %d.%d lbs\n", "Weight", arrow->weight/10, arrow->weight%10);
    doc_printf(cols[0], " %-8.8s: %d + %d = %d\n", "To Hit", to_h, to_h_bow + to_h_xtra, to_h + to_h_bow + to_h_xtra);
    doc_printf(cols[0], " %-8.8s: %d + %d = %d (%s)\n", "To Dam", to_d, to_d_bow, to_d + to_d_bow, "Multiplier Applies");
    doc_printf(cols[0], " <color:G>%-8.8s</color>\n", "Damage");

    if (crit.to_d)
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-8.8s: %d.%02dx + %d.%02d\n", "Crits",
                        crit.mul/100, crit.mul%100, crit.to_d/100, crit.to_d%100);
        doc_printf(cols[0], " %-8.8s: %d.%02dx\n", "Crits",
                        crit.mul/100, crit.mul%100);

    to_d = to_d + to_d_bow;
    mult = mult * crit.mul / 100;
    to_d_xtra = to_d_xtra + crit.to_d/100;

    _display_missile_slay(mult, 100, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Normal", TERM_WHITE, cols[0]);

    if (p_ptr->tim_force && p_ptr->csp > (p_ptr->msp / 30))
        mult = mult * 3 / 2;
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 100, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Force", TERM_L_BLUE, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_ANIMAL)) 
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 270, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Animals", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_ANIMAL))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 170, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Animals", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_EVIL))   
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 250, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Evil", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_EVIL))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 150, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Evil", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_HUMAN))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 270, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Human", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_HUMAN))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 170, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Human", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_UNDEAD))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 300, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Undead", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_UNDEAD))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 200, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Undead", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_DEMON))  
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 300, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Demons", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_DEMON))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 200, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Demons", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_ORC))  
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 300, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Orcs", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_ORC))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 200, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Orcs", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_TROLL))  
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 300, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Trolls", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_TROLL))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 200, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Trolls", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_GIANT))  
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 300, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Giants", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_GIANT))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 200, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Giants", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_KILL_DRAGON))  
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 300, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Dragons", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    else if (have_flag(flgs, TR_SLAY_DRAGON))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 200, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Dragons", TERM_YELLOW, cols[0]);
    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_BRAND_ACID))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 170, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Acid", TERM_RED, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_BRAND_ELEC))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 170, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Elec", TERM_RED, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_BRAND_FIRE))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 170, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Fire", TERM_RED, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_BRAND_COLD))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 170, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Cold", TERM_RED, cols[0]);

    if (have_flag(flgs, TR_BRAND_POIS))
        _display_missile_slay(mult, 170, num_fire, dd, ds, to_d, to_d_xtra, "Poison", TERM_RED, cols[0]);

    /* Second Column */
    to_h = to_h + to_h_bow + to_h_xtra;

    doc_insert(cols[1], " <color:G>AC Hit</color>\n");
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 25, bow_hit_chance(bow->sval, to_h, 25));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 50, bow_hit_chance(bow->sval, to_h, 50));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 100, bow_hit_chance(bow->sval, to_h, 100));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 150, bow_hit_chance(bow->sval, to_h, 150));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 175, bow_hit_chance(bow->sval, to_h, 175));
    doc_printf(cols[1], "%3d %2d%%\n", 200, bow_hit_chance(bow->sval, to_h, 200));

    doc_insert_cols(doc, cols, 2, 1);