Example #1
 * mono_create_static_rgctx_trampoline:
 *   Return a static rgctx trampoline for M which branches to ADDR which should
 * point to the compiled code of M.
 *   Static rgctx trampolines are used when a shared generic method which doesn't
 * have a this argument is called indirectly, ie. from code which can't pass in
 * the rgctx argument. The trampoline sets the rgctx argument and jumps to the
 * methods code. These trampolines are similar to the unbox trampolines, they
 * perform the same task as the static rgctx wrappers, but they are smaller/faster,
 * and can be made to work with full AOT.
 * On PPC addr should be an ftnptr and the return value is an ftnptr too.
mono_create_static_rgctx_trampoline (MonoMethod *m, gpointer addr)
	gpointer ctx;
	gpointer res;
	MonoDomain *domain;
	RgctxTrampInfo tmp_info;
	RgctxTrampInfo *info;

	g_assert (((gpointer*)addr) [2] == 0);

	if (mini_method_get_context (m)->method_inst)
		ctx = mono_method_lookup_rgctx (mono_class_vtable (mono_domain_get (), m->klass), mini_method_get_context (m)->method_inst);
		ctx = mono_class_vtable (mono_domain_get (), m->klass);

	domain = mono_domain_get ();

	 * In the AOT case, addr might point to either the method, or to an unbox trampoline,
	 * so make the hash keyed on the m+addr pair.
	mono_domain_lock (domain);
	if (!domain_jit_info (domain)->static_rgctx_trampoline_hash)
		domain_jit_info (domain)->static_rgctx_trampoline_hash = g_hash_table_new (rgctx_tramp_info_hash, rgctx_tramp_info_equal);
	tmp_info.m = m;
	tmp_info.addr = addr;
	res = g_hash_table_lookup (domain_jit_info (domain)->static_rgctx_trampoline_hash,
	mono_domain_unlock (domain);
	if (res)
		return res;

	if (mono_aot_only)
		res = mono_aot_get_static_rgctx_trampoline (ctx, addr);
		res = mono_arch_get_static_rgctx_trampoline (m, ctx, addr);

	mono_domain_lock (domain);
	/* Duplicates inserted while we didn't hold the lock are OK */
	info = mono_domain_alloc (domain, sizeof (RgctxTrampInfo));
	info->m = m;
	info->addr = addr;
	g_hash_table_insert (domain_jit_info (domain)->static_rgctx_trampoline_hash, info, res);
	mono_domain_unlock (domain);

	static_rgctx_trampolines ++;

	return res;
Example #2
get_seq_points (MonoDomain *domain, MonoMethod *method)
	MonoSeqPointInfo *seq_points;

	mono_domain_lock (domain);
	seq_points = g_hash_table_lookup (domain_jit_info (domain)->seq_points, method);
	if (!seq_points && method->is_inflated) {
		/* generic sharing + aot */
		seq_points = g_hash_table_lookup (domain_jit_info (domain)->seq_points, mono_method_get_declaring_generic_method (method));
		if (!seq_points)
			seq_points = g_hash_table_lookup (domain_jit_info (domain)->seq_points, mini_get_shared_method (method));
	mono_domain_unlock (domain);

	return seq_points;
Example #3
mono_save_seq_point_info (MonoCompile *cfg)
	MonoBasicBlock *bb;
	GSList *bb_seq_points, *l;
	MonoInst *last;
	MonoDomain *domain = cfg->domain;
	int i, seq_info_size;
	GSList **next = NULL;
	SeqPoint* seq_points;
	GByteArray* array;
	gboolean has_debug_data = cfg->gen_sdb_seq_points;

	if (!cfg->seq_points)

	seq_points = g_new0 (SeqPoint, cfg->seq_points->len);

	for (i = 0; i < cfg->seq_points->len; ++i) {
		SeqPoint *sp = &seq_points [i];
		MonoInst *ins = g_ptr_array_index (cfg->seq_points, i);

		sp->il_offset = ins->inst_imm;
		sp->native_offset = ins->inst_offset;
		if (ins->flags & MONO_INST_NONEMPTY_STACK)

		/* Used below */
		ins->backend.size = i;

	if (has_debug_data) {
		 * For each sequence point, compute the list of sequence points immediately
		 * following it, this is needed to implement 'step over' in the debugger agent.
		next = g_new0 (GSList*, cfg->seq_points->len);
		for (bb = cfg->bb_entry; bb; bb = bb->next_bb) {
			bb_seq_points = g_slist_reverse (bb->seq_points);
			last = NULL;
			for (l = bb_seq_points; l; l = l->next) {
				MonoInst *ins = l->data;

				if (ins->inst_imm == METHOD_ENTRY_IL_OFFSET || ins->inst_imm == METHOD_EXIT_IL_OFFSET)
				/* Used to implement method entry/exit events */
				if (ins->inst_offset == SEQ_POINT_NATIVE_OFFSET_DEAD_CODE)

				if (last != NULL) {
					/* Link with the previous seq point in the same bb */
					next [last->backend.size] = g_slist_append (next [last->backend.size], GUINT_TO_POINTER (ins->backend.size));
				} else {
					/* Link with the last bb in the previous bblocks */
					collect_pred_seq_points (bb, ins, next, 0);

				last = ins;

			if (bb->last_ins && bb->last_ins->opcode == OP_ENDFINALLY && bb->seq_points) {
				MonoBasicBlock *bb2;
				MonoInst *endfinally_seq_point = NULL;

				 * The ENDFINALLY branches are not represented in the cfg, so link it with all seq points starting bbs.
				l = g_slist_last (bb->seq_points);
				if (l) {
					endfinally_seq_point = l->data;

					for (bb2 = cfg->bb_entry; bb2; bb2 = bb2->next_bb) {
						GSList *l = g_slist_last (bb2->seq_points);

						if (l) {
							MonoInst *ins = l->data;

							if (!(ins->inst_imm == METHOD_ENTRY_IL_OFFSET || ins->inst_imm == METHOD_EXIT_IL_OFFSET) && ins != endfinally_seq_point)
								next [endfinally_seq_point->backend.size] = g_slist_append (next [endfinally_seq_point->backend.size], GUINT_TO_POINTER (ins->backend.size));

		if (cfg->verbose_level > 2) {
			printf ("\nSEQ POINT MAP: \n");

			for (i = 0; i < cfg->seq_points->len; ++i) {
				SeqPoint *sp = &seq_points [i];
				GSList *l;

				if (!next [i])

				printf ("\tIL0x%x[0x%0x] ->", sp->il_offset, sp->native_offset);
				for (l = next [i]; l; l = l->next) {
					int next_index = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (l->data);
					printf (" IL0x%x", seq_points [next_index].il_offset);
				printf ("\n");

	array = g_byte_array_new ();

	{ /* Add sequence points to seq_point_info */
		SeqPoint zero_seq_point = {0};
		SeqPoint* last_seq_point = &zero_seq_point;

		for (i = 0; i < cfg->seq_points->len; ++i) {
			SeqPoint *sp = &seq_points [i];
			GSList* next_list = NULL;

			if (has_debug_data)
				next_list = next[i];

			if (seq_point_info_add_seq_point (array, sp, last_seq_point, next_list, has_debug_data))
				last_seq_point = sp;

			if (has_debug_data)
				g_slist_free (next [i]);

	if (has_debug_data)
		g_free (next);

	cfg->seq_point_info = seq_point_info_new (array->len, TRUE, array->data, has_debug_data, &seq_info_size);
	mono_jit_stats.allocated_seq_points_size += seq_info_size;

	g_byte_array_free (array, TRUE);

	// FIXME: dynamic methods
	if (!cfg->compile_aot) {
		mono_domain_lock (domain);
		// FIXME: How can the lookup succeed ?
		if (!g_hash_table_lookup (domain_jit_info (domain)->seq_points, cfg->method_to_register))
			g_hash_table_insert (domain_jit_info (domain)->seq_points, cfg->method_to_register, cfg->seq_point_info);
		mono_domain_unlock (domain);

	g_ptr_array_free (cfg->seq_points, TRUE);
	cfg->seq_points = NULL;