static void iappend(BW *bw, struct isrch *isrch, char *s, ptrdiff_t len) { /* Append text and search */ /* Append char and search */ IREC *i = alirec(); SRCH *srch; i->what = len; i->disp = bw->cursor->byte; isrch->pattern = vsncpy(sv(isrch->pattern), s, len); if (!qempty(IREC, link, &isrch->irecs)) { pgoto(bw->cursor, isrch->>start); if (globalsrch) globalsrch->wrap_flag = isrch->>wrap_flag; } i->start = bw->cursor->byte; if (!globalsrch) srch = mksrch(NULL,NULL,opt_icase,isrch->dir,-1,0,0,0,0); else { srch = globalsrch; globalsrch = 0; } srch->addr = bw->cursor->byte; if (!srch->wrap_p || srch->wrap_p->b!=bw->b) { prm(srch->wrap_p); srch->wrap_p = pdup(bw->cursor, "iappend"); srch->wrap_p->owner = &srch->wrap_p; srch->wrap_flag = 0; } i->wrap_flag = srch->wrap_flag; setpat(srch, vsncpy(NULL, 0, isrch->pattern, sLen(isrch->pattern))); srch->backwards = isrch->dir; if (dopfnext(bw, srch, NULL)) { if(joe_beep) ttputc(7); } enqueb(IREC, link, &isrch->irecs, i); }
/* When called with c==-1, it just creates the prompt */ static int itype(W *w, int c, void *obj, int *notify) { IREC *i; int omid; BW *bw; struct isrch *isrch = (struct isrch *)obj; WIND_BW(bw,w); if (isrch->quote) { goto in; } if (c == 8 || c == 127) { /* Backup */ if ((i = isrch-> != &isrch->irecs) { pgoto(bw->cursor, i->disp); if (globalsrch) globalsrch->wrap_flag = i->wrap_flag; omid = opt_mid; opt_mid = 1; dofollows(); opt_mid = omid; isrch->pattern = vstrunc(isrch->pattern, sLEN(isrch->pattern) - i->what); frirec(deque_f(IREC, link, i)); } else { if(joe_beep) ttputc(7); } } else if (c == 'Q' - '@' /* || c == '`' */) { isrch->quote = 1; } else if (c == 'S' - '@' || c == '\\' - '@' || c == 'L' - '@' || c == 'R' - '@') { /* Repeat */ if (c == 'R' - '@') { isrch->dir = 1; } else { isrch->dir = 0; } if (qempty(IREC, link, &isrch->irecs)) { if (lastpat && lastpat[0]) { iappend(bw, isrch, sv(lastpat)); } } else { SRCH *srch; i = alirec(); i->disp = i->start = bw->cursor->byte; i->what = 0; if (!globalsrch) srch = mksrch(NULL,NULL,opt_icase,isrch->dir,-1,0,0,0,0); else { srch = globalsrch; globalsrch = 0; } srch->addr = bw->cursor->byte; if (!srch->wrap_p || srch->wrap_p->b!=bw->b) { prm(srch->wrap_p); srch->wrap_p = pdup(bw->cursor, "itype"); srch->wrap_p->owner = &srch->wrap_p; srch->wrap_flag = 0; } i->wrap_flag = srch->wrap_flag; setpat(srch, vsncpy(NULL, 0, isrch->pattern, sLen(isrch->pattern))); srch->backwards = isrch->dir; if (dopfnext(bw, srch, NULL)) { if(joe_beep) ttputc(7); frirec(i); } else { enqueb(IREC, link, &isrch->irecs, i); } } } else if (c >= 0 && c < 32) { /* Done when a control character is received */ nungetc(c); if (notify) { *notify = 1; } smode = 2; if (lastisrch) { lastpat = vstrunc(lastpat, 0); lastpat = vsncpy(lastpat, 0, lastisrch->pattern, sLen(lastisrch->pattern)); rmisrch(lastisrch); } lastisrch = isrch; return 0; } else if (c != -1) { char buf[16]; ptrdiff_t buf_len; /* Search */ in: if (bw->b->o.charmap->type) { buf_len = utf8_encode(buf, c); } else { buf[0] = TO_CHAR_OK(from_uni(bw->b->o.charmap, c)); buf_len = 1; } isrch->quote = 0; iappend(bw, isrch, buf, buf_len); } omid = opt_mid; opt_mid = 1; bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); dofollows(); opt_mid = omid; isrch->prompt = vstrunc(isrch->prompt, isrch->ofst); if (locale_map->type && !bw->b->o.charmap->type) { /* Translate bytes to utf-8 */ char buf[16]; int x; for (x=0; x!=sLEN(isrch->pattern); ++x) { int tc = to_uni(bw->b->o.charmap, isrch->pattern[x]); utf8_encode(buf, tc); isrch->prompt = vsncpy(sv(isrch->prompt),sz(buf)); } } else if (!locale_map->type && bw->b->o.charmap->type) { /* Translate utf-8 to bytes */ const char *p = isrch->pattern; ptrdiff_t len = sLEN(isrch->pattern); while (len) { int tc = utf8_decode_fwrd(&p, &len); if (tc >= 0) { tc = from_uni(locale_map, tc); isrch->prompt = vsadd(isrch->prompt, TO_CHAR_OK(tc)); } } } else { /* FIXME: translate when charmaps do not match */ isrch->prompt = vsncpy(sv(isrch->prompt),sv(isrch->pattern)); } if (mkqwnsr(bw->parent, sv(isrch->prompt), itype, iabrt, isrch, notify)) { return 0; } else { rmisrch(isrch); return -1; } }
static int dotag(BW *bw, unsigned char *s, void *obj, int *notify) { unsigned char buf[512]; unsigned char buf1[512]; FILE *f; unsigned char *t = NULL; if (notify) { *notify = 1; } if (bw->b->name) { t = vsncpy(t, 0, sz(bw->b->name)); t = vsncpy(sv(t), sc(":")); t = vsncpy(sv(t), sv(s)); } /* first try to open the tags file in the current directory */ f = fopen("tags", "r"); if (!f) { /* if there's no tags file in the current dir, then query for the environment variable TAGS. */ char *tagspath = getenv("TAGS"); if(tagspath){ f = fopen(tagspath, "r"); } if(!f){ msgnw(bw->parent, joe_gettext(_("Couldn't open tags file"))); vsrm(s); vsrm(t); return -1; } } while (fgets((char *)buf, 512, f)) { int x, y, c; for (x = 0; buf[x] && buf[x] != ' ' && buf[x] != '\t'; ++x) ; c = buf[x]; buf[x] = 0; if (!strcmp(s, buf) || (t && !strcmp(t, buf))) { buf[x] = c; while (buf[x] == ' ' || buf[x] == '\t') { ++x; } for (y = x; buf[y] && buf[y] != ' ' && buf[y] != '\t' && buf[y] != '\n'; ++y) ; if (x != y) { c = buf[y]; buf[y] = 0; if (doswitch(bw, vsncpy(NULL, 0, sz(buf + x)), NULL, NULL)) { vsrm(s); vsrm(t); fclose(f); return -1; } bw = (BW *) maint->curwin->object; p_goto_bof(bw->cursor); buf[y] = c; while (buf[y] == ' ' || buf[y] == '\t') { ++y; } for (x = y; buf[x] && buf[x] != '\n'; ++x) ; buf[x] = 0; if (x != y) { long line = 0; if (buf[y] >= '0' && buf[y] <= '9') { /* It's a line number */ sscanf((char *)(buf + y), "%ld", &line); if (line >= 1) { int omid = mid; mid = 1; pline(bw->cursor, line - 1), bw->cursor->xcol = piscol(bw->cursor); dofollows(); mid = omid; } else { msgnw(bw->parent, joe_gettext(_("Invalid line number"))); } } else { int z = 0; /* It's a search string. New versions of ctags have real regex with vi command. Old ones do not always quote / and depend on it being last char on line. */ if (buf[y] == '/' || buf[y] == '?') { int ch = buf[y++]; /* Find terminating / or ? */ for (x = y + strlen(buf + y); x != y; --x) if (buf[x] == ch) break; /* Copy characters, convert to JOE regex... */ if (buf[y] == '^') { buf1[z++] = '\\'; buf1[z++] = '^'; ++y; } while (buf[y] && buf[y] != '\n' && !(buf[y] == ch && y == x)) { if (buf[y] == '$' && buf[y+1] == ch) { ++y; buf1[z++] = '\\'; buf1[z++] = '$'; } else if (buf[y] == '\\' && buf[y+1]) { /* This is going to cause problem... old ctags did not have escape */ ++y; if (buf[y] == '\\') buf1[z++] = '\\'; buf1[z++] = buf[y++]; } else { buf1[z++] = buf[y++]; } } } if (z) { vsrm(s); vsrm(t); fclose(f); buf1[z] = 0; return dopfnext(bw, mksrch(vsncpy(NULL, 0, sz(buf1)), NULL, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0), NULL); } } } vsrm(s); vsrm(t); fclose(f); return 0; } } } msgnw(bw->parent, joe_gettext(_("Not found"))); vsrm(s); vsrm(t); fclose(f); return -1; }