   \brief Qt Paint Event
   \param event Paint event
void QwtWheel::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event )
    QPainter painter( this );
    painter.setClipRegion( event->region() );

    QStyleOption opt;
    style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &painter, this);

    qDrawShadePanel( &painter, 
        contentsRect(), palette(), true, d_data->borderWidth );

    drawWheelBackground( &painter, wheelRect() );
    drawTicks( &painter, wheelRect() );

    if ( hasFocus() )
        QwtPainter::drawFocusRect( &painter, this );
Example #2
  \brief Redraw the wheel
  \param painter painter
  \param r contents rectangle
void QwtWheel::drawWheel( QPainter *painter, const QRect &r )
    // draw background gradient
    drawWheelBackground( painter, r );

    if ( maxValue() == minValue() || d_data->totalAngle == 0.0 )

#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
    const QColor light = colorGroup().light();
    const QColor dark = colorGroup().dark();
    const QColor light = palette().color(QPalette::Light);
    const QColor dark = palette().color(QPalette::Dark);

    const double sign = (minValue() < maxValue()) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
    double cnvFactor = qwtAbs(d_data->totalAngle / (maxValue() - minValue()));
    const double halfIntv = 0.5 * d_data->viewAngle / cnvFactor;
    const double loValue = value() - halfIntv;
    const double hiValue = value() + halfIntv;
    const double tickWidth = 360.0 / double(d_data->tickCnt) / cnvFactor;
    const double sinArc = sin(d_data->viewAngle * M_PI / 360.0);
    cnvFactor *= M_PI / 180.0;

    // draw grooves
    if ( orientation() == Qt::Horizontal )
        const double halfSize = double(r.width()) * 0.5;

        int l1 = r.y() + d_data->intBorder;
        int l2 = r.y() + r.height() - d_data->intBorder - 1;

        // draw one point over the border if border > 1
        if ( d_data->intBorder > 1 )
            l1 --;
            l2 ++;

        const int maxpos = r.x() + r.width() - 2;
        const int minpos = r.x() + 2;

        // draw tick marks
        for ( double tickValue = ceil(loValue / tickWidth) * tickWidth;
            tickValue < hiValue; tickValue += tickWidth )
            //  calculate position
            const int tickPos = r.x() + r.width()
                - int( halfSize
                    * (sinArc + sign *  sin((tickValue - value()) * cnvFactor))
                    / sinArc);
            // draw vertical line
            if ( (tickPos <= maxpos) && (tickPos > minpos) )
                painter->drawLine(tickPos -1 , l1, tickPos - 1,  l2 );  
                painter->drawLine(tickPos, l1, tickPos, l2);  
    else if ( orientation() == Qt::Vertical )
        const double halfSize = double(r.height()) * 0.5;

        int l1 = r.x() + d_data->intBorder;
        int l2 = r.x() + r.width() - d_data->intBorder - 1;

        if ( d_data->intBorder > 1 )

        const int maxpos = r.y() + r.height() - 2;
        const int minpos = r.y() + 2;

        // draw tick marks
        for ( double tickValue = ceil(loValue / tickWidth) * tickWidth;
            tickValue < hiValue; tickValue += tickWidth )

            // calculate position
            const int tickPos = r.y() + int( halfSize *
                (sinArc + sign * sin((tickValue - value()) * cnvFactor))
                / sinArc);

            //  draw horizontal line
            if ( (tickPos <= maxpos) && (tickPos > minpos) )
                painter->drawLine(l1, tickPos - 1 ,l2, tickPos - 1);  
                painter->drawLine(l1, tickPos, l2, tickPos);  