Example #1
draw_polygon_rgb(uint8_t *img, int count, const int* xy, 
        uint32_t color, int fill,
        int w, int h, int rowstride)
    int i, n;

    if (count <= 0) return;

    if (fill) {
        /* Build edge list */
        Edge* e = malloc(count * sizeof(Edge));
        for (i = n = 0; i < count-1; i++)
            add_edge(&e[n++], xy[i+i], xy[i+i+1], xy[i+i+2], xy[i+i+3]);
        if (xy[i+i] != xy[0] || xy[i+i+1] != xy[1])
            add_edge(&e[n++], xy[i+i], xy[i+i+1], xy[0], xy[1]);
        _fill_polygon_rgb(img, n, e, color, w, h, rowstride);
    } else {

        /* Outline */
        for (i = 0; i < count-1; i++)
            draw_line_rgb(img, xy[i+i], xy[i+i+1], xy[i+i+2], xy[i+i+3], 
                   color, w, h, rowstride);
//            draw->line(im, xy[i+i], xy[i+i+1], xy[i+i+2], xy[i+i+3], ink);
        draw_line_rgb(img, xy[i+i], xy[i+i+1], xy[0], xy[1], color,
                w, h, rowstride);

Example #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    uint32_t w = 600;
    uint32_t h = 400;
    uint32_t rs = w * 3;

    uint8_t *img = (uint8_t*)malloc( h * rs );
    memset(img, 0, h*rs);

    draw_line_rgb(img, 0, 0, 600, 400, 0xFFFF00, w, h, rs);
    draw_hline_rgb(img, 0, 200, 200, 0xFF00FF, w, h, rs);
    draw_hline_rgb(img, 200, 300, 0, 0xFF00FF, w, h, rs);

    int triangle[] = { 300, 200,
                       300, 100,
                       400, 200  };
    draw_polygon_rgb(img, 3, triangle, 0x00FF00, 0, w, h, rs);

    draw_rect_rgb(img, 300, 300, 390, 390, 0xFFFFFF, 1, w, h, rs);

    draw_rect_rgb(img, 350, 250, 450, 330, 0x80FF0000, 1, w, h, rs);
    draw_rect_rgb(img, 400, 200, 500, 300, 0xa00000FF, 1, w, h, rs);

    draw_ellipse_rgb(img, 500, 100, 575, 150, 0x00FFFF, 1, 0,
            w, h, rs);

    draw_ellipse_rgb(img, 450, 25, 525, 100, 0x00FFFF, 0, 0,
            w, h, rs);

    draw_ellipse_rgb(img, -50,-50,50,50, 0xFFFF00, 1, 0, w, h, rs);

    FILE *fp = fopen("out.ppm", "wb");

    ppm_write( fp, img, w, h, w*3 );

    fclose( fp );

    free( img );

    printf("created out.ppm\n");

    return 0;
Example #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  const char *optstring = "hc:v";
  int c;
  struct option long_opts[] = {
    { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' },
    { "camera", required_argument, 0, 'c' },
    { "visualize", no_argument, 0, 'v' },
    { 0, 0, 0, 0 }

  std::string camera_id;
  bool visualize = false;

  while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, optstring, long_opts, 0)) >= 0) {
    switch (c) {
      case 'c':
        camera_id = optarg;
      case 'v':
        visualize = true;
        return 1;

  if(optind >= argc - 1) {

  std::string datadir = argv[optind];
  std::string outdir = argv[optind+1];

  if(camera_id.empty()) {
    err("Missing --camera parameter.  Run with -h for options.");
    return 1;

  fovis::CameraIntrinsicsParameters camParams;
  camParams.width = 640;
  camParams.height = 480;

  // RGB camera parameters
  if(camera_id == "fr1") {
    camParams.fx = 517.306408;
    camParams.fy = 516.469215;
    camParams.cx = 318.643040;
    camParams.cy = 255.313989;
    camParams.k1 = 0.262383;
    camParams.k2 = -0.953104;
    camParams.p1 = -0.005358;
    camParams.p2 = 0.002628;
    camParams.k3 = 1.163314;
  } else if(camera_id == "fr2") {
    camParams.fx = 520.908620;
    camParams.fy = 521.007327;
    camParams.cx = 325.141442;
    camParams.cy = 249.701764;
    camParams.k1 = 0.231222;
    camParams.k2 = -0.784899;
    camParams.p1 = -0.003257;
    camParams.p2 = -0.000105;
    camParams.k3 =  0.917205;
  } else if(camera_id == "fr3") {
    camParams.fx = 537.960322;
    camParams.fy = 539.597659;
    camParams.cx = 319.183641;
    camParams.cy = 247.053820;
    camParams.k1 = 0.026370;
    camParams.k2 = -0.100086;
    camParams.p1 = 0.003138;
    camParams.p2 = 0.002421;
    camParams.k3 = 0.000000;
  } else {
    err("Unknown camera id [%s]", camera_id.c_str());
    return 1;

  info("Loading data from: [%s]\n", datadir.c_str());

  fovis::Rectification rect(camParams);

  // If we wanted to play around with the different VO parameters, we could set
  // them here in the "options" variable.
  fovis::VisualOdometryOptions options =

  // setup the visual odometry
  fovis::VisualOdometry odom(&rect, options);

  // create the output trajectory file
  std::string traj_fname = outdir + "/traj.txt";
  FILE* traj_fp = fopen(traj_fname.c_str(), "w");
  if(!traj_fp) {
    err("Unable to create %s - %s", traj_fname.c_str(), strerror(errno));
    return 1;
  std::string gray_pgm_dir = outdir + "/gray";
  mkdir(gray_pgm_dir.c_str(), 0755);
  std::string depth_pgm_dir = outdir + "/depth";
  mkdir(depth_pgm_dir.c_str(), 0755);
  std::string vis_dir = outdir + "/vis";
  mkdir(vis_dir.c_str(), 0755);

  // read the RGB and depth index files
  std::vector<TimestampFilename> rgb_fnames =
    read_file_index(datadir + "/rgb.txt");
  std::vector<TimestampFilename> depth_fnames =
    read_file_index(datadir + "/depth.txt");
  int depth_fname_index = 0;

  DrawImage draw_img(camParams.width, camParams.height * 2);

  for(int rgb_fname_index=0;
      rgb_fname_index < rgb_fnames.size();
      rgb_fname_index++) {

    int64_t timestamp = rgb_fnames[rgb_fname_index].timestamp;
    std::string rgb_fname =
      datadir + "/" + rgb_fnames[rgb_fname_index].filename;
    long long ts_sec = timestamp / 1000000;
    long ts_usec = timestamp % 1000000;
    char ts_str[80];
    snprintf(ts_str, 80, "%lld.%06ld", ts_sec, ts_usec);

    // match the RGB image up with a depth image
    bool matched_depth_image = false;
    while(depth_fname_index < depth_fnames.size()) {
      int64_t depth_ts = depth_fnames[depth_fname_index].timestamp;

      // declare a depth image match if the depth image timestamp is within
      // 40ms of the RGB image.
      int64_t dt_usec = depth_ts - timestamp;
      if(dt_usec > 40000) {
        dbg("  stop %lld.%06ld (dt %f)",
            (long long)(depth_ts / 1000000),
            (long)(depth_ts % 1000000),
            dt_usec / 1000.);
      } else if(dt_usec < -40000) {
        dbg("  skip %lld.%06ld (dt %f)",
            (long long)(depth_ts / 1000000),
            (long)(depth_ts % 1000000),
            dt_usec / 1000.);
      } else {
        matched_depth_image = true;
        dbg("  mtch %lld.%06ld (dt %f)",
            (long long)(depth_ts / 1000000),
            (long)(depth_ts % 1000000),
            dt_usec / 1000.);

    if(!matched_depth_image) {
      // didn't find a depth image with a close enough timestamp.  Skip this
      // RGB image.
      info("# skip %s", ts_str);

    std::string depth_fname =
      datadir + "/" + depth_fnames[depth_fname_index].filename;

    // read RGB data
    std::vector<uint8_t> rgb_data;
    unsigned rgb_width;
    unsigned rgb_height;
    std::vector<uint8_t> rgb_png_data;
    lodepng::load_file(rgb_png_data, rgb_fname.c_str());
    if(rgb_png_data.empty()) {
      err("Failed to load %s", rgb_fname.c_str());
    if(0 != lodepng::decode(rgb_data, rgb_width, rgb_height,
        rgb_png_data, LCT_RGB, 8)) {
      err("Error decoding PNG %s", rgb_fname.c_str());

    // convert RGB data to grayscale
    std::vector<uint8_t> gray_data(rgb_width*rgb_height);
    const uint8_t* rgb_pixel = &rgb_data[0];
    for(int pixel_index=0; pixel_index<rgb_width*rgb_height; pixel_index++) {
      uint8_t r = rgb_pixel[0];
      uint8_t g = rgb_pixel[1];
      uint8_t b = rgb_pixel[2];
      gray_data[pixel_index] = (r + g + b) / 3;
      rgb_pixel += 3;

    // write gray image out.
    write_pgm(outdir + "/gray/" + ts_str + "-gray.pgm",
        &gray_data[0], rgb_width, rgb_height, rgb_width);

    // read depth data
    std::vector<uint8_t> depth_data_u8;
    unsigned depth_width;
    unsigned depth_height;
    std::vector<uint8_t> depth_png_data;
    lodepng::load_file(depth_png_data, depth_fname.c_str());
    if(depth_png_data.empty()) {
      err("Failed to load %s", depth_fname.c_str());
    if(0 != lodepng::decode(depth_data_u8, depth_width, depth_height,
        depth_png_data, LCT_GREY, 16)) {
      err("Error decoding PNG %s", depth_fname.c_str());

    // convert depth data to a DepthImage object
    fovis::DepthImage depth_image(camParams, depth_width, depth_height);
    std::vector<float> depth_data(depth_width * depth_height);
    for(int i=0; i<depth_width*depth_height; i++) {
      // lodepng loads 16-bit PNGs into memory with big-endian ordering.
      // swizzle the bytes to get a uint16_t
      uint8_t high_byte = depth_data_u8[i*2];
      uint8_t low_byte = depth_data_u8[i*2+1];
      uint16_t data16 = (high_byte << 8) | low_byte;
      if(0 == data16)
        depth_data[i] = NAN;
        depth_data[i] = data16 / float(5000);

    // debug depth image
    std::vector<uint8_t> depth_pgm_data(depth_width * depth_height);
    float depth_pgm_max_depth = 5;
    for(int i=0; i<depth_width*depth_height; i++) {
        depth_pgm_data[i] = 0;
      else {
        float d = depth_data[i];
        if(d > depth_pgm_max_depth)
          d = depth_pgm_max_depth;
        depth_pgm_data[i] = 255 * d / depth_pgm_max_depth;
    write_pgm(outdir + "/depth/" + ts_str + "-depth.pgm",
        &depth_pgm_data[0], depth_width, depth_height, depth_width);

    // process the frame
    odom.processFrame(&gray_data[0], &depth_image);

    fovis::MotionEstimateStatusCode status = odom.getMotionEstimateStatus();
    switch(status) {
      case fovis::INSUFFICIENT_INLIERS:
        printf("# %s - insufficient inliers\n", ts_str);
      case fovis::OPTIMIZATION_FAILURE:
        printf("# %s - optimization failed\n", ts_str);
      case fovis::REPROJECTION_ERROR:
        printf("# %s - reprojection error too high\n", ts_str);
      case fovis::NO_DATA:
        printf("# %s - no data\n", ts_str);
      case fovis::SUCCESS:

    // get the integrated pose estimate.
    Eigen::Isometry3d cam_to_local = odom.getPose();
    Eigen::Vector3d t = cam_to_local.translation();
    Eigen::Quaterniond q(cam_to_local.rotation());

    printf("%lld.%06ld %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
        ts_sec, ts_usec, t.x(), t.y(), t.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), q.w());
    fprintf(traj_fp, "%lld.%06ld %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
        ts_sec, ts_usec, t.x(), t.y(), t.z(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), q.w());

    // visualization
    if(visualize) {
      DrawColor status_colors[] = {
        DrawColor(255, 255, 0),
        DrawColor(0, 255, 0),
        DrawColor(255, 0, 0),
        DrawColor(255, 0, 255),
        DrawColor(127, 127, 0)

      DrawColor red(255, 0, 0);
      DrawColor green(0, 255, 0);
      DrawColor blue(0, 0, 255);

      memset(&draw_img.data[0], 0, draw_img.data.size());

      const fovis::OdometryFrame* ref_frame = odom.getReferenceFrame();
      const fovis::OdometryFrame* tgt_frame = odom.getTargetFrame();

      const fovis::PyramidLevel* ref_pyr_base = ref_frame->getLevel(0);
      const uint8_t* ref_img_data = ref_pyr_base->getGrayscaleImage();
      int ref_img_stride = ref_pyr_base->getGrayscaleImageStride();

      const fovis::PyramidLevel* tgt_pyr_base = tgt_frame->getLevel(0);
      const uint8_t* tgt_img_data = tgt_pyr_base->getGrayscaleImage();
      int tgt_img_stride = tgt_pyr_base->getGrayscaleImageStride();

      int tgt_yoff = ref_pyr_base->getHeight();

      // draw the reference frame on top
      draw_gray_img_rgb(ref_img_data, ref_pyr_base->getWidth(),
          ref_pyr_base->getHeight(), ref_img_stride, 0, 0, &draw_img);

      // draw the target frame on bottom
      draw_gray_img_rgb(tgt_img_data, tgt_pyr_base->getWidth(),
          tgt_pyr_base->getHeight(), tgt_img_stride, 0, tgt_yoff, &draw_img);

      const fovis::MotionEstimator* mestimator = odom.getMotionEstimator();

      int num_levels = ref_frame->getNumLevels();
      for(int level_index=0; level_index<num_levels; level_index++) {
        // draw reference features
        const fovis::PyramidLevel* ref_level = ref_frame->getLevel(level_index);
        int num_ref_keypoints = ref_level->getNumKeypoints();
        for(int ref_kp_ind=0; ref_kp_ind<num_ref_keypoints; ref_kp_ind++) {
          const fovis::KeypointData* ref_kp = ref_level->getKeypointData(ref_kp_ind);
          int ref_u = (int)round(ref_kp->base_uv.x());
          int ref_v = (int)round(ref_kp->base_uv.y());
          draw_box_rgb(ref_u-1, ref_v-1, ref_u+1, ref_v+1, blue, &draw_img);

        // draw target features
        const fovis::PyramidLevel* tgt_level = tgt_frame->getLevel(level_index);
        int num_tgt_keypoints = tgt_level->getNumKeypoints();
        for(int tgt_kp_ind=0; tgt_kp_ind<num_tgt_keypoints; tgt_kp_ind++) {
          const fovis::KeypointData* tgt_kp = tgt_level->getKeypointData(tgt_kp_ind);
          int tgt_u = (int)round(tgt_kp->base_uv.x());
          int tgt_v = (int)round(tgt_kp->base_uv.y());
          draw_box_rgb(tgt_u-1, tgt_v-1 + tgt_yoff, tgt_u+1, tgt_v+1 + tgt_yoff,
              blue, &draw_img);

      const fovis::FeatureMatch* matches = mestimator->getMatches();
      int num_matches = mestimator->getNumMatches();

      // draw non-inlier matches
      for(int match_index=0; match_index<num_matches; match_index++) {
        const fovis::FeatureMatch& match = matches[match_index];
        const fovis::KeypointData* ref_keypoint = match.ref_keypoint;
        const fovis::KeypointData* tgt_keypoint = match.target_keypoint;

        int ref_u = (int)round(ref_keypoint->base_uv.x());
        int ref_v = (int)round(ref_keypoint->base_uv.y());

        int tgt_u = (int)round(tgt_keypoint->base_uv.x());
        int tgt_v = (int)round(tgt_keypoint->base_uv.y());

        draw_line_rgb(ref_u, ref_v,
            tgt_u, tgt_v + tgt_yoff,
            red, &draw_img);

      // draw inlier matches
      for(int match_index=0; match_index<num_matches; match_index++) {
        const fovis::FeatureMatch& match = matches[match_index];
        const fovis::KeypointData* ref_keypoint = match.ref_keypoint;
        const fovis::KeypointData* tgt_keypoint = match.target_keypoint;

        int ref_u = (int)round(ref_keypoint->base_uv.x());
        int ref_v = (int)round(ref_keypoint->base_uv.y());

        int tgt_u = (int)round(tgt_keypoint->base_uv.x());
        int tgt_v = (int)round(tgt_keypoint->base_uv.y());

        draw_line_rgb(ref_u, ref_v,
            tgt_u, tgt_v + tgt_yoff,
            green, &draw_img);

      // draw a couple lines indicating the VO status
      draw_box_rgb(0, tgt_yoff - 1, draw_img.width,
          tgt_yoff + 1, status_colors[status], &draw_img);

      // save visualization
      std::string vis_fname = vis_dir + "/" + ts_str + "-vis.png";
      lodepng::encode(vis_fname, &draw_img.data[0], draw_img.width,
          draw_img.height, LCT_RGB);


  return 0;
Example #4
static int
_draw_ellipse_rgb(uint8_t *img, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, 
        int start, int end, uint32_t color, int fill, int mode, int op,
        int img_width, int img_height, int rowstride)
    int i, n;
    int cx, cy;
    int w, h;
    int x = 0, y = 0;
    int lx = 0, ly = 0;
    int sx = 0, sy = 0;

    w = x1 - x0;
    h = y1 - y0;
    if (w < 0 || h < 0) return 0;

    cx = (x0 + x1) / 2;
    cy = (y0 + y1) / 2;

    while (end < start) end += 360;

    if (mode != ARC && fill) {
        /* Build edge list */
        Edge* e = malloc((end - start + 3) * sizeof(Edge));
        if( !e ) abort();

        n = 0;

        for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
            x = FLOOR((cos(i*M_PI/180) * w/2) + cx + 0.5);
            y = FLOOR((sin(i*M_PI/180) * h/2) + cy + 0.5);
            if (i != start)
                add_edge(&e[n++], lx, ly, x, y);
                sx = x, sy = y;
            lx = x, ly = y;

        if (n > 0) {
            /* close and draw polygon */
            if (mode == PIESLICE) {
                if (x != cx || y != cy) {
                    add_edge(&e[n++], x, y, cx, cy);
                    add_edge(&e[n++], cx, cy, sx, sy);
            } else {
                if (x != sx || y != sy)
                    add_edge(&e[n++], x, y, sx, sy);
            _fill_polygon_rgb(img, n, e, color, 
                    img_width, img_height, rowstride);
    } else {
        for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
            x = FLOOR((cos(i*M_PI/180) * w/2) + cx + 0.5);
            y = FLOOR((sin(i*M_PI/180) * h/2) + cy + 0.5);
            if (i != start)
                draw_line_rgb(img, lx, ly, x, y, color, 
                    img_width, img_height, rowstride);
                sx = x, sy = y;
            lx = x, ly = y;

        if (i != start) {
            if (mode == PIESLICE) {
                if (x != cx || y != cy) {
                    draw_line_rgb(img, x, y, cx, cy, color,
                            img_width, img_height, rowstride);
                    draw_line_rgb(img, cx, cy, sx, sy, color,
                            img_width, img_height, rowstride);
            } else if (mode == CHORD) {
                if (x != sx || y != sy)
                    draw_line_rgb(img, x, y, sx, sy, color,
                            img_width, img_height, rowstride);

    return 0;