Example #1
column_select_handle_key_menu(PANEL *panel, int key)
    MENU *menu;
    ITEM *current;
    int current_idx;
    int action = -1;

    // Get panel information
    column_select_info_t *info = column_select_info(panel);

    menu = info->menu;
    current = current_item(menu);
    current_idx = item_index(current);

    // Check actions for this key
    while ((action = key_find_action(key, action)) != ERR) {
        // Check if we handle this action
        switch (action) {
            case ACTION_DOWN:
                menu_driver(menu, REQ_DOWN_ITEM);
            case ACTION_UP:
                menu_driver(menu, REQ_UP_ITEM);
            case ACTION_NPAGE:
                menu_driver(menu, REQ_SCR_DPAGE);
            case ACTION_PPAGE:
                menu_driver(menu, REQ_SCR_UPAGE);
            case ACTION_SELECT:
                column_select_toggle_item(panel, current);
            case ACTION_COLUMN_MOVE_DOWN:
                column_select_move_item(panel, current, current_idx + 1);
            case ACTION_COLUMN_MOVE_UP:
                column_select_move_item(panel, current, current_idx - 1);
            case ACTION_NEXT_FIELD:
                info->form_active = 1;
                set_menu_fore(menu, COLOR_PAIR(CP_DEFAULT));
                set_field_back(info->fields[FLD_COLUMNS_ACCEPT], A_REVERSE);
                form_driver(info->form, REQ_VALIDATION);
            case ACTION_CONFIRM:
                return 27;
                // Parse next action

        // This panel has handled the key successfully

    // Draw a scrollbar to the right
    draw_vscrollbar(info->menu_win, top_row(menu), item_count(menu) - 1, 0);
    // Return if this panel has handled or not the key
    return (action == ERR) ? key : 0;
Example #2
    int attr_id, column;
    PANEL *panel;
    WINDOW *win;
    MENU *menu;
    int height, width;
    column_select_info_t *info;

    // Calculate window dimensions
    height = 20;
    width = 60;

    // Cerate a new indow for the panel and form
    win = newwin(height, width, (LINES - height) / 2, (COLS - width) / 2);

    // Create a new panel
    panel = new_panel(win);

    // Initialize Filter panel specific data
    info = sng_malloc(sizeof(column_select_info_t));

    // Store it into panel userptr
    set_panel_userptr(panel, (void*) info);

    // Initialize the fields
    info->fields[FLD_COLUMNS_ACCEPT] = new_field(1, 10, height - 2, 13, 0, 0);
    info->fields[FLD_COLUMNS_SAVE]   = new_field(1, 10, height - 2, 25, 0, 0);
    info->fields[FLD_COLUMNS_CANCEL] = new_field(1, 10, height - 2, 37, 0, 0);
    info->fields[FLD_COLUMNS_COUNT] = NULL;

    // Field Labels
    set_field_buffer(info->fields[FLD_COLUMNS_ACCEPT], 0, "[ Accept ]");
    set_field_buffer(info->fields[FLD_COLUMNS_SAVE],   0, "[  Save  ]");
    set_field_buffer(info->fields[FLD_COLUMNS_CANCEL], 0, "[ Cancel ]");

    // Create the form and post it
    info->form = new_form(info->fields);
    set_form_sub(info->form, win);

    // Create a subwin for the menu area
    info->menu_win = derwin(win, 10, width - 2, 7, 0);

    // Initialize one field for each attribute
    for (attr_id = 0; attr_id < SIP_ATTR_COUNT; attr_id++) {
        // Create a new field for this column
        info->items[attr_id] = new_item("[ ]", sip_attr_get_description(attr_id));
        set_item_userptr(info->items[attr_id], (void*) sip_attr_get_name(attr_id));
    info->items[SIP_ATTR_COUNT] = NULL;

    // Create the columns menu and post it
    info->menu = menu = new_menu(info->items);

    // Set current enabled fields
    // FIXME Stealing Call list columns :/
    call_list_info_t *list_info = call_list_info(ui_get_panel(ui_find_by_type(PANEL_CALL_LIST)));

    // Enable current enabled fields and move them to the top
    for (column = 0; column < list_info->columncnt; column++) {
        const char *attr = list_info->columns[column].attr;
        for (attr_id = 0; attr_id < item_count(menu); attr_id++) {
            if (!strcmp(item_userptr(info->items[attr_id]), attr)) {
                column_select_toggle_item(panel, info->items[attr_id]);
                column_select_move_item(panel, info->items[attr_id], column);

    // Set main window and sub window
    set_menu_win(menu, win);
    set_menu_sub(menu, derwin(win, 10, width - 5, 7, 2));
    set_menu_format(menu, 10, 1);
    set_menu_mark(menu, "");
    set_menu_fore(menu, COLOR_PAIR(CP_DEF_ON_BLUE));
    menu_opts_off(menu, O_ONEVALUE);

    // Draw a scrollbar to the right
    draw_vscrollbar(info->menu_win, top_row(menu), item_count(menu) - 1, 0);

    // Set the window title and boxes
    mvwprintw(win, 1, width / 2 - 14, "Call List columns selection");
    wattron(win, COLOR_PAIR(CP_BLUE_ON_DEF));
    mvwhline(win, 6, 1, ACS_HLINE, width - 1);
    mvwaddch(win, 6, 0, ACS_LTEE);
    mvwaddch(win, 6, width - 1, ACS_RTEE);
    wattroff(win, COLOR_PAIR(CP_BLUE_ON_DEF));

    // Some brief explanation abotu what window shows
    wattron(win, COLOR_PAIR(CP_CYAN_ON_DEF));
    mvwprintw(win, 3, 2, "This windows show the list of columns displayed on Call");
    mvwprintw(win, 4, 2, "List. You can enable/disable using Space Bar and reorder");
    mvwprintw(win, 5, 2, "them using + and - keys.");
    wattroff(win, COLOR_PAIR(CP_CYAN_ON_DEF));

    info->form_active = 0;

    return panel;
Example #3
call_list_draw_list(PANEL *panel)
    WINDOW *win;
    int height, width, cline = 0;
    struct sip_call *call;
    int i, collen;
    char coltext[256];
    int colid;
    int colpos;
    int color;

    // Get panel info
    call_list_info_t *info = call_list_info(panel);

    // Get window of call list panel
    win = info->list_win;
    getmaxyx(win, height, width);

    // If autoscroll is enabled, select the last dialog
    if (info->autoscroll) {
        call_list_handle_key(panel, key_action_key(ACTION_END));

    // If no active call, use the fist one (if exists)
    if (info->first_call == -1 && vector_iterator_count(&info->calls)) {
        call = vector_iterator_next(&info->calls);
        info->cur_call = info->first_call = vector_index(vector_iterator_vector(&info->calls), call);
        info->cur_line = info->first_line = 1;

    // Clear call list before redrawing

    // Set the iterator position to the first call
    vector_iterator_set_current(&info->calls, info->first_call - 1 );

    // Fill the call list
    while ((call = vector_iterator_next(&info->calls))) {
        // Stop if we have reached the bottom of the list
        if (cline == height)

        // We only print calls with messages (In fact, all call should have msgs)
        if (!call_msg_count(call))

        // Show bold selected rows
        if (call_group_exists(info->group, call))
            wattron(win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(CP_DEFAULT));

        // Highlight active call
        if (call->index == info->cur_call + 1) {
            wattron(win, COLOR_PAIR(CP_WHITE_ON_BLUE));
            // Reverse colors on monochrome terminals
            if (!has_colors())
                wattron(win, A_REVERSE);
        // Set current line background
        clear_line(win, cline);
        // Set current line selection box
        mvwprintw(win, cline, 2, call_group_exists(info->group, call) ? "[*]" : "[ ]");

        // Print requested columns
        colpos = 6;
        for (i = 0; i < info->columncnt; i++) {
            // Get current column id
            colid = info->columns[i].id;
            // Get current column width
            collen = info->columns[i].width;
            // Check if next column fits on window width
            if (colpos + collen >= width)

            // Initialize column text
            memset(coltext, 0, sizeof(coltext));

            // Get call attribute for current column
            if (!call_get_attribute(call, colid, coltext)) {
                colpos += collen + 1;

            // Enable attribute color (if not current one)
            color = 0;
            if (call->index != info->cur_call + 1 && (color = sip_attr_get_color(colid, coltext)) > 0)
                wattron(win, color);

            // Add the column text to the existing columns
            mvwprintw(win, cline, colpos, "%.*s", collen, coltext);
            colpos += collen + 1;

            // Disable attribute color
            if (color > 0)
                wattroff(win, color);

        wattroff(win, COLOR_PAIR(CP_DEFAULT));
        wattroff(win, COLOR_PAIR(CP_DEF_ON_BLUE));
        wattroff(win, A_BOLD | A_REVERSE);

    // Draw scrollbar to the right
    draw_vscrollbar(win, info->first_line, info->dispcallcnt, 1);
