Example #1
process_cl (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, cl_mem dev_in, cl_mem dev_out, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
    dt_iop_temperature_data_t *d = (dt_iop_temperature_data_t *)piece->data;
    dt_iop_temperature_global_data_t *gd = (dt_iop_temperature_global_data_t *)self->data;

    const int devid = piece->pipe->devid;
    const int filters = dt_image_flipped_filter(&piece->pipe->image);
    float coeffs[3] = {d->coeffs[0], d->coeffs[1], d->coeffs[2]};
    cl_mem dev_coeffs = NULL;
    cl_int err = -999;
    int kernel = -1;

    if(!dt_dev_pixelpipe_uses_downsampled_input(piece->pipe) && filters && piece->pipe->image.bpp != 4)
        kernel = gd->kernel_whitebalance_1ui;
        for(int k=0; k<3; k++) coeffs[k] /= 65535.0f;
    else if(!dt_dev_pixelpipe_uses_downsampled_input(piece->pipe) && filters && piece->pipe->image.bpp == 4)
        kernel = gd->kernel_whitebalance_1f;
        kernel = gd->kernel_whitebalance_4f;

    dev_coeffs = dt_opencl_copy_host_to_device_constant(devid, sizeof(float)*3, coeffs);
    if (dev_coeffs == NULL) goto error;

    const int width = roi_in->width;
    const int height = roi_in->height;

    size_t sizes[] = { ROUNDUPWD(width), ROUNDUPHT(height), 1};
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_in);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_out);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, kernel, 2, sizeof(int), (void *)&width);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, kernel, 3, sizeof(int), (void *)&height);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_coeffs);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, kernel, 5, sizeof(uint32_t), (void *)&filters);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, kernel, 6, sizeof(uint32_t), (void *)&roi_out->x);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, kernel, 7, sizeof(uint32_t), (void *)&roi_out->y);
    err = dt_opencl_enqueue_kernel_2d(devid, kernel, sizes);
    if(err != CL_SUCCESS) goto error;

    for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
        piece->pipe->processed_maximum[k] = d->coeffs[k] * piece->pipe->processed_maximum[k];
    return TRUE;

    if (dev_coeffs != NULL) dt_opencl_release_mem_object(dev_coeffs);
    dt_print(DT_DEBUG_OPENCL, "[opencl_white_balance] couldn't enqueue kernel! %d\n", err);
    return FALSE;
Example #2
void commit_params (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_iop_params_t *params, dt_dev_pixelpipe_t *pipe, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece)
  dt_iop_hotpixels_params_t *p = (dt_iop_hotpixels_params_t *)params;
  dt_iop_hotpixels_data_t *d = (dt_iop_hotpixels_data_t *)piece->data;
  d->filters = dt_image_flipped_filter(&pipe->image);
  d->multiplier = p->strength/2.0;
  d->threshold = p->threshold;
  d->permissive = p->permissive;
  d->markfixed = p->markfixed && (pipe->type != DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_EXPORT) && (pipe->type != DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_THUMBNAIL);
  if (!(pipe->image.flags & DT_IMAGE_RAW)|| pipe->type == DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_PREVIEW || p->strength == 0.0)
    piece->enabled = 0;
Example #3
process_cl (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, cl_mem dev_in, cl_mem dev_out, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
  dt_iop_highlights_data_t *d = (dt_iop_highlights_data_t *)piece->data;
  dt_iop_highlights_global_data_t *gd = (dt_iop_highlights_global_data_t *)self->data;

  cl_int err = -999;
  const int devid = piece->pipe->devid;
  const int width = roi_in->width;
  const int height = roi_in->height;

  size_t sizes[] = { ROUNDUPWD(width), ROUNDUPHT(height), 1};
  const float clip = d->clip * fminf(piece->pipe->processed_maximum[0], fminf(piece->pipe->processed_maximum[1], piece->pipe->processed_maximum[2]));
  const int filters = dt_image_flipped_filter(&piece->pipe->image);
  if(piece->pipe->type == DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_PREVIEW || !filters)
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_in);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_out);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f, 2, sizeof(int), (void *)&width);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f, 3, sizeof(int), (void *)&height);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f, 4, sizeof(int), (void *)&d->mode);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f, 5, sizeof(float), (void *)&clip);
    err = dt_opencl_enqueue_kernel_2d(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_4f, sizes);
    if(err != CL_SUCCESS) goto error;
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_in);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_out);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f, 2, sizeof(int), (void *)&width);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f, 3, sizeof(int), (void *)&height);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f, 4, sizeof(int), (void *)&d->mode);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f, 5, sizeof(float), (void *)&clip);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f, 6, sizeof(int), (void *)&roi_out->x);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f, 7, sizeof(int), (void *)&roi_out->y);
    dt_opencl_set_kernel_arg(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f, 8, sizeof(int), (void *)&filters);
    err = dt_opencl_enqueue_kernel_2d(devid, gd->kernel_highlights_1f, sizes);
    if(err != CL_SUCCESS) goto error;
  return TRUE;

  dt_print(DT_DEBUG_OPENCL, "[opencl_highlights] couldn't enqueue kernel! %d\n", err);
  return FALSE;
Example #4
int32_t dt_control_merge_hdr_job_run(dt_job_t *job)
  long int imgid = -1;
  dt_control_image_enumerator_t *t1 = (dt_control_image_enumerator_t *)job->param;
  GList *t = t1->index;
  int total = g_list_length(t);
  char message[512]= {0};
  double fraction=0;
  snprintf(message, 512, ngettext ("merging %d image", "merging %d images", total), total );

  const guint *jid = dt_control_backgroundjobs_create(darktable.control, 1, message);

  float *pixels = NULL;
  float *weight = NULL;
  int wd = 0, ht = 0, first_imgid = -1;
  uint32_t filter = 0;
  float whitelevel = 0.0f;
  total ++;
    imgid = (long int)t->data;
    dt_mipmap_buffer_t buf;
    dt_mipmap_cache_read_get(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf, imgid, DT_MIPMAP_FULL, DT_MIPMAP_BLOCKING);
    // just take a copy. also do it after blocking read, so filters and bpp will make sense.
    const dt_image_t *img = dt_image_cache_read_get(darktable.image_cache, imgid);
    dt_image_t image = *img;
    dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, img);
    if(image.filters == 0 || image.bpp != sizeof(uint16_t))
      dt_control_log(_("exposure bracketing only works on raw images"));
      dt_mipmap_cache_read_release(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf);
      goto error;
    filter = dt_image_flipped_filter(img);
    if(buf.size != DT_MIPMAP_FULL)
      dt_control_log(_("failed to get raw buffer from image `%s'"), image.filename);
      dt_mipmap_cache_read_release(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf);
      goto error;

      first_imgid = imgid;
      pixels = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*image.width*image.height);
      weight = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*image.width*image.height);
      memset(pixels, 0x0, sizeof(float)*image.width*image.height);
      memset(weight, 0x0, sizeof(float)*image.width*image.height);
      wd = image.width;
      ht = image.height;
    else if(image.width != wd || image.height != ht)
      dt_control_log(_("images have to be of same size!"));
      dt_mipmap_cache_read_release(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf);
      goto error;
    // if no valid exif data can be found, assume peleng fisheye at f/16, 8mm, with half of the light lost in the system => f/22
    const float eap = image.exif_aperture > 0.0f ? image.exif_aperture : 22.0f;
    const float efl = image.exif_focal_length > 0.0f ? image.exif_focal_length : 8.0f;
    const float rad = .5f * efl/eap;
    const float aperture = M_PI * rad * rad;
    const float iso = image.exif_iso > 0.0f ? image.exif_iso : 100.0f;
    const float exp = image.exif_exposure > 0.0f ? image.exif_exposure : 1.0f;
    const float cal = 100.0f/(aperture*exp*iso);
    // about proportional to how many photons we can expect from this shot:
    const float photoncnt = 100.0f*aperture*exp/iso;
    // stupid, but we don't know the real sensor saturation level:
    uint16_t saturation = 0;
    for(int k=0; k<wd*ht; k++)
      saturation = MAX(saturation, ((uint16_t *)buf.buf)[k]);
    // seems to be around 64500--64700 for 5dm2
    // fprintf(stderr, "saturation: %u\n", saturation);
    whitelevel = fmaxf(whitelevel, saturation*cal);
#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) default(none) shared(buf, pixels, weight, wd, ht, saturation)
    for(int k=0; k<wd*ht; k++)
      const uint16_t in = ((uint16_t *)buf.buf)[k];
      // weights based on siggraph 12 poster
      // zijian zhu, zhengguo li, susanto rahardja, pasi fraenti
      // 2d denoising factor for high dynamic range imaging
      float w = envelope(in/(float)saturation) * photoncnt;
      // in case we are black and drop to zero weight, give it something
      // just so numerics don't collapse. blown out whites are handled below.
      if(w < 1e-3f && in < saturation/3) w = 1e-3f;
      pixels[k] += w * in * cal;
      weight[k] += w;

    t = g_list_delete_link(t, t);

    /* update backgroundjob ui plate */
    dt_control_backgroundjobs_progress(darktable.control, jid, fraction);

    dt_mipmap_cache_read_release(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf);
  // normalize by white level to make clipping at 1.0 work as expected (to be sure, scale down one more stop, thus the 0.5):
#ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) default(none) shared(pixels, wd, ht, weight, whitelevel)
  for(int k=0; k<wd*ht; k++)
    // in case w == 0, all pixels were overexposed (too dark would have been clamped to w >= eps above)
    if(weight[k] < 1e-3f)
      pixels[k] = 1.f; // mark as blown out.
    else // normalize:
      pixels[k] = fmaxf(0.0f, pixels[k]/(whitelevel*weight[k]));

  // output hdr as digital negative with exif data.
  uint8_t exif[65535];
  char pathname[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN];
  dt_image_full_path(first_imgid, pathname, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN);
  // last param is dng mode
  const int exif_len = dt_exif_read_blob(exif, pathname, first_imgid, 0, wd, ht, 1);
  char *c = pathname + strlen(pathname);
  while(*c != '.' && c > pathname) c--;
  g_strlcpy(c, "-hdr.dng", sizeof(pathname)-(c-pathname));
  dt_imageio_write_dng(pathname, pixels, wd, ht, exif, exif_len, filter, 1.0f);

  dt_control_backgroundjobs_progress(darktable.control, jid, 1.0f);

  while(*c != '/' && c > pathname) c--;
  dt_control_log(_("wrote merged hdr `%s'"), c+1);

  // import new image
  gchar *directory = g_path_get_dirname((const gchar *)pathname);
  dt_film_t film;
  const int filmid = dt_film_new(&film, directory);
  dt_image_import(filmid, pathname, TRUE);
  g_free (directory);

  dt_control_backgroundjobs_destroy(darktable.control, jid);
  return 0;
Example #5
void process (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, void *ivoid, void *ovoid, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
    const int filters = dt_image_flipped_filter(&piece->pipe->image);
    dt_iop_temperature_data_t *d = (dt_iop_temperature_data_t *)piece->data;
    if(!dt_dev_pixelpipe_uses_downsampled_input(piece->pipe) && filters && piece->pipe->image.bpp != 4)
        const float coeffsi[3] = {d->coeffs[0]/65535.0f, d->coeffs[1]/65535.0f, d->coeffs[2]/65535.0f};
#ifdef _OPENMP
        #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(roi_out, ivoid, ovoid, d) schedule(static)
        for(int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
            int i=0;
            const uint16_t *in = ((uint16_t *)ivoid) + j*roi_out->width;
            float *out = ((float*)ovoid) + j*roi_out->width;

            // process unaligned pixels
            for ( ; i < ((4-(j*roi_out->width & 3)) & 3) ; i++,out++,in++)
                *out = *in * coeffsi[FC(j+roi_out->y, i+roi_out->x, filters)];

            const __m128 coeffs = _mm_set_ps(coeffsi[FC(j+roi_out->y, roi_out->x+i+3, filters)],
                                             coeffsi[FC(j+roi_out->y, roi_out->x+i+2, filters)],
                                             coeffsi[FC(j+roi_out->y, roi_out->x+i+1, filters)],
                                             coeffsi[FC(j+roi_out->y, roi_out->x+i  , filters)]);

            // process aligned pixels with SSE
            for( ; i < roi_out->width - 3 ; i+=4,out+=4,in+=4)

            // process the rest
            for( ; i<roi_out->width; i++,out++,in++)
                *out = *in * coeffsi[FC(j+roi_out->y, i+roi_out->x, filters)];
    else if(!dt_dev_pixelpipe_uses_downsampled_input(piece->pipe) && filters && piece->pipe->image.bpp == 4)
#ifdef _OPENMP
        #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(roi_out, ivoid, ovoid, d) schedule(static)
        for(int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
            const float *in = ((float *)ivoid) + j*roi_out->width;
            float *out = ((float*)ovoid) + j*roi_out->width;
            for(int i=0; i<roi_out->width; i++,out++,in++)
                *out = *in * d->coeffs[FC(j+roi_out->x, i+roi_out->y, filters)];
        const int ch = piece->colors;
#ifdef _OPENMP
        #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(roi_out, ivoid, ovoid, d) schedule(static)
        for(int k=0; k<roi_out->height; k++)
            const float *in = ((float*)ivoid) + ch*k*roi_out->width;
            float *out = ((float*)ovoid) + ch*k*roi_out->width;
            for (int j=0; j<roi_out->width; j++,in+=ch,out+=ch)
                for(int c=0; c<3; c++) out[c] = in[c]*d->coeffs[c];
    for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
        piece->pipe->processed_maximum[k] = d->coeffs[k] * piece->pipe->processed_maximum[k];
Example #6
void process (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, void *ivoid, void *ovoid, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
  dt_iop_invert_data_t *d = (dt_iop_invert_data_t *)piece->data;
  const float film_rgb[3] = {d->color[0], d->color[1], d->color[2]};

  //FIXME: it could be wise to make this a NOP when picking colors. not sure about that though.
//   if(self->request_color_pick){
  // do nothing
//   }

  const int filters = dt_image_flipped_filter(&piece->pipe->image);

  if(!dt_dev_pixelpipe_uses_downsampled_input(piece->pipe) && filters && piece->pipe->image.bpp != 4)
    const float *const m = piece->pipe->processed_maximum;
    const int32_t film_rgb_i[3] = {m[0]*film_rgb[0]*65535, m[1]*film_rgb[1]*65535, m[2]*film_rgb[2]*65535};
#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(roi_out, ivoid, ovoid, /*film_rgb_i, min, max, res*/) schedule(static)
    for(int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
      const uint16_t *in = ((uint16_t*)ivoid) + j*roi_out->width;
      uint16_t *out = ((uint16_t*)ovoid) + j*roi_out->width;
      for(int i=0; i<roi_out->width; i++,out++,in++)
        *out = CLAMP(film_rgb_i[FC(j+roi_out->x, i+roi_out->y, filters)] - (int32_t)in[0], 0, 0xffff);

    for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
      piece->pipe->processed_maximum[k] = 1.0f;
  else if(!dt_dev_pixelpipe_uses_downsampled_input(piece->pipe) && filters && piece->pipe->image.bpp == 4)
#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(roi_out, ivoid, ovoid) schedule(static)
    for(int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
      const float *in = ((float *)ivoid) + j*roi_out->width;
      float *out = ((float*)ovoid) + j*roi_out->width;
      for(int i=0; i<roi_out->width; i++,out++,in++)
        *out = CLAMP(film_rgb[FC(j+roi_out->x, i+roi_out->y, filters)] - *in/(float)0xffff, 0, 1.0f);
    for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
      piece->pipe->processed_maximum[k] = 1.0f;
    const int ch = piece->colors;
#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(roi_out, ivoid, ovoid) schedule(static)
    for(int k=0; k<roi_out->height; k++)
      const float *in = ((float*)ivoid) + ch*k*roi_out->width;
      float *out = ((float*)ovoid) + ch*k*roi_out->width;
      for (int j=0; j<roi_out->width; j++,in+=ch,out+=ch)
        for(int c=0; c<3; c++) out[c] = film_rgb[c] - in[c];
Example #7
static void
  float          *out,
  uint32_t       *width,
  uint32_t       *height,
  const uint32_t  imgid)
  const uint32_t wd = *width, ht = *height;

  /* do not even try to process file if it isn't available */
  char filename[2048] = {0};
  gboolean from_cache = TRUE;
  dt_image_full_path(imgid, filename, 2048, &from_cache);
  if (strlen(filename) == 0 || !g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
    *width = *height = 0;

  dt_mipmap_buffer_t buf;
  dt_mipmap_cache_read_get(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf, imgid, DT_MIPMAP_FULL, DT_MIPMAP_BLOCKING);

  // lock image after we have the buffer, we might need to lock the image struct for
  // writing during raw loading, to write to width/height.
  const dt_image_t *image = dt_image_cache_read_get(darktable.image_cache, imgid);

  dt_iop_roi_t roi_in, roi_out;
  roi_in.x = roi_in.y = 0;
  roi_in.width = image->width;
  roi_in.height = image->height;
  roi_in.scale = 1.0f;

  roi_out.x = roi_out.y = 0;
  roi_out.scale = fminf(wd/(float)image->width, ht/(float)image->height);
  roi_out.width  = roi_out.scale * roi_in.width;
  roi_out.height = roi_out.scale * roi_in.height;

    dt_control_log(_("image `%s' is not available!"), image->filename);
    dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, image);
    *width = *height = 0;


    // demosaic during downsample
    if(image->bpp == sizeof(float))
        out, (const float *)buf.buf,
        &roi_out, &roi_in, roi_out.width, roi_in.width,
        dt_image_flipped_filter(image), 1.0f);
        out, (const uint16_t *)buf.buf,
        &roi_out, &roi_in, roi_out.width, roi_in.width,
    // downsample
    dt_iop_clip_and_zoom(out, (const float *)buf.buf,
                         &roi_out, &roi_in, roi_out.width, roi_in.width);
  dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, image);
  dt_mipmap_cache_read_release(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf);

  *width  = roi_out.width;
  *height = roi_out.height;
Example #8
void process (struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, void *ivoid, void *ovoid, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
  const int filters = dt_image_flipped_filter(&piece->pipe->image);
  dt_iop_highlights_data_t *data = (dt_iop_highlights_data_t *)piece->data;

  const float clip = data->clip * fminf(piece->pipe->processed_maximum[0], fminf(piece->pipe->processed_maximum[1], piece->pipe->processed_maximum[2]));
  // const int ch = piece->colors;
  if(piece->pipe->type == DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_PREVIEW || !filters)
    const __m128 clipm = _mm_set1_ps(clip);
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(none) shared(ovoid, ivoid, roi_in, roi_out, data, piece)
    for(int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
      float *out = (float *)ovoid + 4*roi_out->width*j;
      float *in  = (float *)ivoid + 4*roi_in->width*j;
      for(int i=0; i<roi_out->width; i++)
        _mm_stream_ps(out, _mm_min_ps(clipm, _mm_set_ps(in[3],in[2],in[1],in[0])));
        in += 4;
        out += 4;

#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(none) shared(ovoid, ivoid, roi_in, roi_out, data, piece)
      for(int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
        float *out = (float *)ovoid + roi_out->width*j;
        float *in  = (float *)ivoid + roi_out->width*j;
        for(int i=0; i<roi_out->width; i++)
          if(in[0] <= clip || i==0 || i==roi_out->width-1 || j==0 || j==roi_out->height-1)
            // fast path for well-exposed pixels.
            out[0] = in[0];
            // r and b are same, so we only need two masks
            const float lum[3] = { 0.299, 0.587, 0.144 };
            // go for all 9 neighbours
            float accum[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
            int cnt[3] = {0, 0, 0};
            for(int jj=-1;jj<=1;jj++)
              for(int ii=-1;ii<=1;ii++)
                const float val = in[jj*roi_out->width + ii];
                if(val > clip)
                  const int c = FC(j+jj+roi_out->y, i+ii+roi_out->x, filters);
                  accum[c] += lum[c] * val;
                  cnt[c] ++;
            if(cnt[0] && cnt[1] && cnt[2])
              out[0] = 0.0f;
              for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
                out[0] += accum[c]/cnt[c];
            else out[0] = clip;
          out ++;
          in ++;
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(none) shared(ovoid, ivoid, roi_out)
      for(int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
        float *out = (float *)ovoid + roi_out->width*j;
        float *in  = (float *)ivoid + roi_out->width*j;
        for(int i=0; i<roi_out->width; i++)
          out[0] = MIN(clip, in[0]);
          out ++;
          in ++;

    dt_iop_alpha_copy(ivoid, ovoid, roi_out->width, roi_out->height);
Example #9
void process(
    struct dt_iop_module_t *self,
    dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece,
    void *ivoid,
    void *ovoid,
    const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in,
    const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out)
  const int filters = dt_image_flipped_filter(&piece->pipe->image);
  dt_iop_highlights_data_t *data = (dt_iop_highlights_data_t *)piece->data;

  const float clip = data->clip * fminf(piece->pipe->processed_maximum[0], fminf(piece->pipe->processed_maximum[1], piece->pipe->processed_maximum[2]));
  // const int ch = piece->colors;
  if(dt_dev_pixelpipe_uses_downsampled_input(piece->pipe) || !filters)
    const __m128 clipm = _mm_set1_ps(clip);
#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(none) shared(ovoid, ivoid, roi_in, roi_out, data, piece)
    for(int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
      float *out = (float *)ovoid + (size_t)4*roi_out->width*j;
      float *in  = (float *)ivoid + (size_t)4*roi_in->width*j;
      for(int i=0; i<roi_out->width; i++)
        _mm_stream_ps(out, _mm_min_ps(clipm, _mm_set_ps(in[3],in[2],in[1],in[0])));
        in += 4;
        out += 4;

    case DT_IOP_HIGHLIGHTS_INPAINT: // a1ex's (magiclantern) idea of color inpainting:
      const float clips[4] = {
        0.987*data->clip * piece->pipe->processed_maximum[0],
        0.987*data->clip * piece->pipe->processed_maximum[1],
        0.987*data->clip * piece->pipe->processed_maximum[2],
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(none) shared(ovoid, ivoid, roi_in, roi_out, data, piece)
      for(int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
        _interpolate_color(ivoid, ovoid, roi_out, 0, 1, j, clips, filters, 0);
        _interpolate_color(ivoid, ovoid, roi_out, 0, -1, j, clips, filters, 1);

      // up/down directions
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(none) shared(ovoid, ivoid, roi_in, roi_out, data, piece)
      for(int i=0; i<roi_out->width; i++)
        _interpolate_color(ivoid, ovoid, roi_out, 1, 1, i, clips, filters, 2);
        _interpolate_color(ivoid, ovoid, roi_out, 1, -1, i, clips, filters, 3);
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) default(none) shared(ovoid, ivoid, roi_in, roi_out, data, piece)
      for(int j=0; j<roi_out->height; j++)
        float *out = (float *)ovoid + (size_t)roi_out->width*j;
        float *in  = (float *)ivoid + (size_t)roi_out->width*j;
        for(int i=0; i<roi_out->width; i++)
          if(i==0 || i==roi_out->width-1 || j==0 || j==roi_out->height-1)
            // fast path for border
            out[0] = in[0];
            // analyse one bayer block to get same number of rggb pixels each time
            const float near_clip = 0.96f*clip;
            const float post_clip = 1.10f*clip;
            float blend = 0.0f;
            float mean = 0.0f;
            for(int jj=0; jj<=1; jj++)
              for(int ii=0; ii<=1; ii++)
                const float val = in[(size_t)jj*roi_out->width + ii];
                mean += val*0.25f;
                blend += (fminf(post_clip, val) - near_clip)/(post_clip-near_clip);
            blend = CLAMP(blend, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            if(blend > 0)
              // recover:
              out[0] = blend*mean + (1.f-blend)*in[0];
            else out[0] = in[0];
          out ++;
          in ++;
      const __m128 clipm = _mm_set1_ps(clip);
      const size_t n = (size_t)roi_out->height*roi_out->width;
      float *const out = (float *)ovoid;
      float *const in  = (float *)ivoid;
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) default(none)
      for(int j=0; j<n; j+=4)
        _mm_stream_ps(out+j, _mm_min_ps(clipm, _mm_load_ps(in+j)));
      // lets see if there's a non-multiple of four rest to process:
      if(n & 3) for(size_t j=n&~3u; j<n; j++) out[j] = MIN(clip, in[j]);

    dt_iop_alpha_copy(ivoid, ovoid, roi_out->width, roi_out->height);
int32_t dt_control_merge_hdr_job_run(dt_job_t *job)
  long int imgid = -1;
  dt_control_image_enumerator_t *t1 = (dt_control_image_enumerator_t *)job->param;
  GList *t = t1->index;
  int total = g_list_length(t);
  char message[512]= {0};
  double fraction=0;
  snprintf(message, 512, ngettext ("merging %d image", "merging %d images", total), total );

  const guint *jid = dt_control_backgroundjobs_create(darktable.control, 1, message); 
  float *pixels = NULL;
  float *weight = NULL;
  int wd = 0, ht = 0, first_imgid = -1;
  uint32_t filter = 0;
  float whitelevel = 0.0f;
  total ++;
    imgid = (long int)t->data;
    dt_mipmap_buffer_t buf;
    dt_mipmap_cache_read_get(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf, imgid, DT_MIPMAP_FULL, DT_MIPMAP_BLOCKING);
    // just take a copy. also do it after blocking read, so filters and bpp will make sense.
    const dt_image_t *img = dt_image_cache_read_get(darktable.image_cache, imgid);
    dt_image_t image = *img;
    dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, img);
    if(image.filters == 0 || image.bpp != sizeof(uint16_t))
      dt_control_log(_("exposure bracketing only works on raw images"));
      dt_mipmap_cache_read_release(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf);
      goto error;
    filter = dt_image_flipped_filter(img);
    if(buf.size != DT_MIPMAP_FULL)
      dt_control_log(_("failed to get raw buffer from image `%s'"), image.filename);
      dt_mipmap_cache_read_release(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf);
      goto error;

      first_imgid = imgid;
      pixels = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*image.width*image.height);
      weight = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*image.width*image.height);
      memset(pixels, 0x0, sizeof(float)*image.width*image.height);
      memset(weight, 0x0, sizeof(float)*image.width*image.height);
      wd = image.width;
      ht = image.height;
    else if(image.width != wd || image.height != ht)
      dt_control_log(_("images have to be of same size!"));
      dt_mipmap_cache_read_release(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf);
      goto error;
    // if no valid exif data can be found, assume peleng fisheye at f/16, 8mm, with half of the light lost in the system => f/22
    const float eap = image.exif_aperture > 0.0f ? image.exif_aperture : 22.0f;
    const float efl = image.exif_focal_length > 0.0f ? image.exif_focal_length : 8.0f;
    const float rad = .5f * efl/eap;
    const float aperture = M_PI * rad * rad;
    const float iso = image.exif_iso > 0.0f ? image.exif_iso : 100.0f;
    const float exp = image.exif_exposure > 0.0f ? image.exif_exposure : 1.0f;
    const float cal = 100.0f/(aperture*exp*iso);
    whitelevel = fmaxf(whitelevel, cal);
#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) default(none) shared(buf, pixels, weight, wd, ht)
    for(int k=0; k<wd*ht; k++)
      const uint16_t in = ((uint16_t *)buf.buf)[k];
      const float w = .001f + (in >= 1000 ? (in < 65000 ? in/65000.0f : 0.0f) : exp * 0.01f);
      pixels[k] += w * in * cal;
      weight[k] += w;

    t = g_list_delete_link(t, t);
    /* update backgroundjob ui plate */
    dt_control_backgroundjobs_progress(darktable.control, jid, fraction);

    dt_mipmap_cache_read_release(darktable.mipmap_cache, &buf);
  // normalize by white level to make clipping at 1.0 work as expected (to be sure, scale down one more stop, thus the 0.5):
#ifdef _OPENMP
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) default(none) shared(pixels, wd, ht, weight, whitelevel)
  for(int k=0; k<wd*ht; k++) pixels[k] = fmaxf(0.0f, fminf(2.0f, pixels[k]/((.5f*whitelevel*65535.0f)*weight[k])));

  // output hdr as digital negative with exif data.
  uint8_t exif[65535];
  char pathname[1024];
  dt_image_full_path(first_imgid, pathname, 1024);
  const int exif_len = dt_exif_read_blob(exif, pathname, 0, first_imgid);
  char *c = pathname + strlen(pathname);
  while(*c != '.' && c > pathname) c--;
  g_strlcpy(c, "-hdr.dng", sizeof(pathname)-(c-pathname));
  dt_imageio_write_dng(pathname, pixels, wd, ht, exif, exif_len, filter, whitelevel);
  dt_control_backgroundjobs_progress(darktable.control, jid, 1.0f);

  while(*c != '/' && c > pathname) c--;
  dt_control_log(_("wrote merged hdr `%s'"), c+1);

  // import new image
  gchar *directory = g_path_get_dirname((const gchar *)pathname);
  dt_film_t film;
  const int filmid = dt_film_new(&film, directory);
  dt_image_import(filmid, pathname, TRUE);
  g_free (directory);

  dt_control_backgroundjobs_destroy(darktable.control, jid);
  return 0;