Example #1
gui_reset (dt_lib_module_t *self)
  // make sure we don't do anything useless:
  if(!dt_control_running()) return;
  dt_lib_export_t *d = (dt_lib_export_t *)self->data;
  gtk_spin_button_set_value(d->width,   dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/export/width"));
  gtk_spin_button_set_value(d->height,  dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/export/height"));

  // Set storage
  gchar *storage_name = dt_conf_get_string("plugins/lighttable/export/storage_name");
  int storage_index = dt_imageio_get_index_of_storage(dt_imageio_get_storage_by_name(storage_name));
  gtk_combo_box_set_active(d->storage, storage_index);

  gtk_combo_box_set_active(d->intent, (int)dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/export/iccintent") + 1);
  // iccprofile
  int iccfound = 0;
  gchar *iccprofile = dt_conf_get_string("plugins/lighttable/export/iccprofile");
    GList *prof = d->profiles;
      dt_lib_export_profile_t *pp = (dt_lib_export_profile_t *)prof->data;
      if(!strcmp(pp->filename, iccprofile))
        gtk_combo_box_set_active(d->profile, pp->pos);
        iccfound = 1;
      if(iccfound) break;
      prof = g_list_next(prof);
  // style
  // set it to none if the var is not set or the style doesn't exist anymore
  gboolean rc = FALSE;
  gchar *style = dt_conf_get_string("plugins/lighttable/export/style");
  if (style != NULL)
    rc = _combo_box_set_active_text(d->style, style);
    if (rc == FALSE)
      gtk_combo_box_set_active(d->style, 0);
    gtk_combo_box_set_active(d->style, 0);

  if(!iccfound) gtk_combo_box_set_active(d->profile, 0);
  dt_imageio_module_format_t *mformat = dt_imageio_get_format();
  if(mformat) mformat->gui_reset(mformat);
  dt_imageio_module_storage_t *mstorage = dt_imageio_get_storage();
  if(mstorage) mstorage->gui_reset(mstorage);
Example #2
gui_reset (dt_lib_module_t *self)
  // make sure we don't do anything useless:
  if(!dt_control_running()) return;
  dt_lib_export_t *d = (dt_lib_export_t *)self->data;
  gtk_spin_button_set_value(d->width,   dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/export/width"));
  gtk_spin_button_set_value(d->height,  dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/export/height"));

  // Set storage
  int k = dt_conf_get_int ("plugins/lighttable/export/storage");
  gtk_combo_box_set_active(d->storage, k);

  gtk_combo_box_set_active(d->intent, (int)dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/export/iccintent") + 1);
  int iccfound = 0;
  gchar *iccprofile = dt_conf_get_string("plugins/lighttable/export/iccprofile");
    GList *prof = d->profiles;
      dt_lib_export_profile_t *pp = (dt_lib_export_profile_t *)prof->data;
      if(!strcmp(pp->filename, iccprofile))
        gtk_combo_box_set_active(d->profile, pp->pos);
        iccfound = 1;
      if(iccfound) break;
      prof = g_list_next(prof);
  if(!iccfound) gtk_combo_box_set_active(d->profile, 0);
  dt_imageio_module_format_t *mformat = dt_imageio_get_format();
  if(mformat) mformat->gui_reset(mformat);
  dt_imageio_module_storage_t *mstorage = dt_imageio_get_storage();
  if(mstorage) mstorage->gui_reset(mstorage);
Example #3
get_params (dt_lib_module_t *self, int *size)
  // concat storage and format, size is max + header
  dt_imageio_module_format_t  *mformat  = dt_imageio_get_format();
  dt_imageio_module_storage_t *mstorage = dt_imageio_get_storage();
  if(!mformat || !mstorage) return NULL;

  int32_t fsize = 0, ssize = 0;
  // size will be only as large as to remove random pointers from params (stored at the end).
  dt_imageio_module_data_t *fdata = mformat->get_params(mformat, &fsize);
  void *sdata = mstorage->get_params(mstorage, &ssize);
  // we allow null pointers (plugin not ready for export in current state), and just dont copy back the settings later:
  if(!sdata) ssize = 0;
  if(!fdata) fsize = 0;
    // clean up format global params (need to set all bytes to reliably detect which preset is active).
    // we happen to want to set it all to 0
    memset(fdata, 0, sizeof(dt_imageio_module_data_t));

  // FIXME: also the web preset has to be applied twice to be known as preset! (other dimension magic going on here?)
  // TODO: get this stuff from gui and not from conf, so it will be sanity-checked (you can never delete an insane preset)?
  // also store icc profile/intent here.
  int32_t iccintent = dt_conf_get_int("plugins/lighttable/export/iccintent");
  int32_t max_width  = dt_conf_get_int ("plugins/lighttable/export/width");
  int32_t max_height = dt_conf_get_int ("plugins/lighttable/export/height");
  gchar *iccprofile = dt_conf_get_string("plugins/lighttable/export/iccprofile");
  gchar *style = dt_conf_get_string("plugins/lighttable/export/style");

  if (fdata) {
    strncpy(fdata->style, style, 128);

    iccprofile = (char *)g_malloc(1);
    iccprofile[0] = '\0';

  char *fname = mformat->plugin_name, *sname = mstorage->plugin_name;
  int32_t fname_len = strlen(fname), sname_len = strlen(sname);
  *size = fname_len + sname_len + 2 + 2*sizeof(int32_t) + fsize + ssize + 3*sizeof(int32_t) + strlen(iccprofile) + 1;

  char *params = (char *)malloc(*size);
  memset(params, 0, *size);
  int pos = 0;
  memcpy(params+pos, &max_width, sizeof(int32_t));
  pos += sizeof(int32_t);
  memcpy(params+pos, &max_height, sizeof(int32_t));
  pos += sizeof(int32_t);
  memcpy(params+pos, &iccintent, sizeof(int32_t));
  pos += sizeof(int32_t);
  memcpy(params+pos, iccprofile, strlen(iccprofile)+1);
  pos += strlen(iccprofile) + 1;
  memcpy(params+pos, fname, fname_len+1);
  pos += fname_len+1;
  memcpy(params+pos, sname, sname_len+1);
  pos += sname_len+1;
  memcpy(params+pos, &fsize, sizeof(int32_t));
  pos += sizeof(int32_t);
  memcpy(params+pos, &ssize, sizeof(int32_t));
  pos += sizeof(int32_t);
  if(fdata != NULL) // otherwise fsize == 0, but clang doesn't like it ...
    memcpy(params+pos, fdata, fsize);
    pos += fsize;
  if(sdata != NULL) // see above
    memcpy(params+pos, sdata, ssize);
    pos += ssize;
  g_assert(pos == *size);


  if(fdata) mformat->free_params(mformat, fdata);
  if(sdata) mstorage->free_params(mstorage, sdata);
  return params;
Example #4
int32_t dt_control_export_job_run(dt_job_t *job)
  long int imgid = -1;
  dt_control_image_enumerator_t *t1 = (dt_control_image_enumerator_t *)job->param;
  GList *t = t1->index;
  const int total = g_list_length(t);
  int size = 0;
  dt_imageio_module_format_t  *mformat  = dt_imageio_get_format();
  dt_imageio_module_storage_t *mstorage = dt_imageio_get_storage();

  // Get max dimensions...
  uint32_t w,h,fw,fh,sw,sh;
  mstorage->dimension(mstorage, &sw,&sh);
  mformat->dimension(mformat, &fw,&fh);

  if( sw==0 || fw==0) w=sw>fw?sw:fw;
  else w=sw<fw?sw:fw;

  if( sh==0 || fh==0) h=sh>fh?sh:fh;
  else h=sh<fh?sh:fh;

  // get shared storage param struct (global sequence counter, one picasa connection etc)
  dt_imageio_module_data_t *sdata = mstorage->get_params(mstorage, &size);
  if(sdata == NULL)
    dt_control_log(_("failed to get parameters from storage module, aborting export.."));
    return 1;
  dt_control_log(ngettext ("exporting %d image..", "exporting %d images..", total), total);
  char message[512]= {0};
  snprintf(message, 512, ngettext ("exporting %d image to %s", "exporting %d images to %s", total), total, mstorage->name() );

  /* create a cancellable bgjob ui template */
  const guint *jid = dt_control_backgroundjobs_create(darktable.control, 0, message );
  dt_control_backgroundjobs_set_cancellable(darktable.control, jid, job);
  const dt_control_t *control = darktable.control;

  double fraction=0;
#ifdef _OPENMP
  // limit this to num threads = num full buffers - 1 (keep one for darkroom mode)
  // use min of user request and mipmap cache entries
  const int full_entries = dt_conf_get_int ("parallel_export");
  // GCC won't accept that this variable is used in a macro, considers
  // it set but not used, which makes for instance Fedora break.
  const __attribute__((__unused__)) int num_threads = MAX(1, MIN(full_entries, 8));
#if !defined(__SUNOS__)
  #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(imgid, size) shared(control, fraction, w, h, stderr, mformat, mstorage, t, sdata, job, jid, darktable) num_threads(num_threads) if(num_threads > 1)
  #pragma omp parallel private(imgid, size) shared(control, fraction, w, h, mformat, mstorage, t, sdata, job, jid, darktable) num_threads(num_threads) if(num_threads > 1)
    // get a thread-safe fdata struct (one jpeg struct per thread etc):
    dt_imageio_module_data_t *fdata = mformat->get_params(mformat, &size);
    fdata->max_width  = dt_conf_get_int ("plugins/lighttable/export/width");
    fdata->max_height = dt_conf_get_int ("plugins/lighttable/export/height");
    fdata->max_width = (w!=0 && fdata->max_width >w)?w:fdata->max_width;
    fdata->max_height = (h!=0 && fdata->max_height >h)?h:fdata->max_height;
    int num = 0;
    // Invariant: the tagid for 'darktable|changed' will not change while this function runs. Is this a sensible assumption?
    guint tagid = 0;

    while(t && dt_control_job_get_state(job) != DT_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED)
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp critical
          imgid = 0;
          imgid = (long int)t->data;
          t = g_list_delete_link(t, t);
          num = total - g_list_length(t);
      // remove 'changed' tag from image
      dt_tag_detach(tagid, imgid);
      // check if image still exists:
      char imgfilename[DT_MAX_PATH_LEN];
      const dt_image_t *image = dt_image_cache_read_get(darktable.image_cache, (int32_t)imgid);
        dt_image_full_path(image->id, imgfilename, DT_MAX_PATH_LEN);
        if(!g_file_test(imgfilename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR))
          dt_control_log(_("image `%s' is currently unavailable"), image->filename);
          fprintf(stderr, _("image `%s' is currently unavailable"), imgfilename);
          // dt_image_remove(imgid);
          dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, image);
          dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, image);
          mstorage->store(sdata, imgid, mformat, fdata, num, total);
#ifdef _OPENMP
      #pragma omp critical
        dt_control_backgroundjobs_progress(control, jid, fraction);
#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp barrier
    #pragma omp master
      dt_control_backgroundjobs_destroy(control, jid);
      if(mstorage->finalize_store) mstorage->finalize_store(mstorage, sdata);
      mstorage->free_params(mstorage, sdata);
    // all threads free their fdata
    mformat->free_params (mformat, fdata);
#ifdef _OPENMP
  return 0;