Example #1
static int tag_lib_find(lua_State *L)
  const char * name = luaL_checkstring(L,1);
  dt_lua_tag_t tagid;
  if(!dt_tag_exists(name,&tagid)) {
    return 1;
  return 1;
Example #2
void dt_lightroom_import(int imgid, dt_develop_t *dev, gboolean iauto)
  gboolean refresh_needed = FALSE;
  char imported[256] = { 0 };

  // Get full pathname
  char *pathname = dt_get_lightroom_xmp(imgid);

    if(!iauto) dt_control_log(_("cannot find lightroom XMP!"));

  // Load LR xmp

  xmlDocPtr doc;
  xmlNodePtr entryNode;

  // Parse xml document

  doc = xmlParseEntity(pathname);

  if(doc == NULL)

  // Enter first node, xmpmeta

  entryNode = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);

  if(entryNode == NULL)

  if(xmlStrcmp(entryNode->name, (const xmlChar *)"xmpmeta"))
    if(!iauto) dt_control_log(_("`%s' not a lightroom XMP!"), pathname);

  // Check that this is really a Lightroom document

  xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);

  if(xpathCtx == NULL)

  xmlXPathRegisterNs(xpathCtx, BAD_CAST "stEvt", BAD_CAST "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/sType/ResourceEvent#");

  xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression((const xmlChar *)"//@stEvt:softwareAgent", xpathCtx);

  if(xpathObj == NULL)
    if(!iauto) dt_control_log(_("`%s' not a lightroom XMP!"), pathname);

  xmlNodeSetPtr xnodes = xpathObj->nodesetval;

  if(xnodes != NULL && xnodes->nodeNr > 0)
    xmlNodePtr xnode = xnodes->nodeTab[0];
    xmlChar *value = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, xnode->xmlChildrenNode, 1);

    if(!strstr((char *)value, "Lightroom"))
      if(!iauto) dt_control_log(_("`%s' not a lightroom XMP!"), pathname);
    if(!iauto) dt_control_log(_("`%s' not a lightroom XMP!"), pathname);


  // Go safely to Description node

  if(entryNode) entryNode = entryNode->xmlChildrenNode;
  if(entryNode) entryNode = entryNode->next;
  if(entryNode) entryNode = entryNode->xmlChildrenNode;
  if(entryNode) entryNode = entryNode->next;

  if(!entryNode || xmlStrcmp(entryNode->name, (const xmlChar *)"Description"))
    if(!iauto) dt_control_log(_("`%s' not a lightroom XMP!"), pathname);

  //  Look for attributes in the Description

  dt_iop_clipping_params_t pc;
  memset(&pc, 0, sizeof(pc));
  gboolean has_crop = FALSE;

  dt_iop_flip_params_t pf;
  memset(&pf, 0, sizeof(pf));
  gboolean has_flip = FALSE;

  dt_iop_exposure_params_t pe;
  memset(&pe, 0, sizeof(pe));
  gboolean has_exposure = FALSE;

  dt_iop_vignette_params_t pv;
  memset(&pv, 0, sizeof(pv));
  gboolean has_vignette = FALSE;

  dt_iop_grain_params_t pg;
  memset(&pg, 0, sizeof(pg));
  gboolean has_grain = FALSE;

  dt_iop_spots_params_t ps;
  memset(&ps, 0, sizeof(ps));
  gboolean has_spots = FALSE;

  typedef enum lr_curve_kind_t
    linear = 0,
    medium_contrast = 1,
    string_contrast = 2,
    custom = 3
  } lr_curve_kind_t;

#define MAX_PTS 20
  dt_iop_tonecurve_params_t ptc;
  memset(&ptc, 0, sizeof(ptc));
  int ptc_value[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  float ptc_split[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
  lr_curve_kind_t curve_kind = linear;
  int curve_pts[MAX_PTS][2];
  int n_pts = 0;

  dt_iop_colorzones_params_t pcz;
  memset(&pcz, 0, sizeof(pcz));
  gboolean has_colorzones = FALSE;

  dt_iop_splittoning_params_t pst;
  memset(&pst, 0, sizeof(pst));
  gboolean has_splittoning = FALSE;

  dt_iop_bilat_params_t pbl;
  memset(&pbl, 0, sizeof(pbl));
  gboolean has_bilat = FALSE;

  gboolean has_tags = FALSE;

  int rating = 0;
  gboolean has_rating = FALSE;

  gdouble lat = 0, lon = 0;
  gboolean has_gps = FALSE;

  int color = 0;
  gboolean has_colorlabel = FALSE;

  float fratio = 0;                // factor ratio image
  float crop_roundness = 0;        // from lightroom
  int n_import = 0;                // number of iop imported
  const float hfactor = 3.0 / 9.0; // hue factor adjustment (use 3 out of 9 boxes in colorzones)
  const float lfactor = 4.0 / 9.0; // lightness factor adjustment (use 4 out of 9 boxes in colorzones)
  int iwidth = 0, iheight = 0;     // image width / height
  int orientation = 1;

  xmlAttr *attribute = entryNode->properties;

  while(attribute && attribute->name && attribute->children)
    xmlChar *value = xmlNodeListGetString(entryNode->doc, attribute->children, 1);
    if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"CropTop"))
      pc.cy = g_ascii_strtod((char *)value, NULL);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"CropRight"))
      pc.cw = g_ascii_strtod((char *)value, NULL);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"CropLeft"))
      pc.cx = g_ascii_strtod((char *)value, NULL);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"CropBottom"))
      pc.ch = g_ascii_strtod((char *)value, NULL);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"CropAngle"))
      pc.angle = -g_ascii_strtod((char *)value, NULL);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"ImageWidth"))
      iwidth = atoi((char *)value);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"ImageLength"))
      iheight = atoi((char *)value);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"Orientation"))
      orientation = atoi((char *)value);
      if(dev != NULL && ((dev->image_storage.orientation == 6 && orientation != 6)
                         || (dev->image_storage.orientation == 5 && orientation != 8)
                         || (dev->image_storage.orientation == 0 && orientation != 1)))
        has_flip = TRUE;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"HasCrop"))
      if(!xmlStrcmp(value, (const xmlChar *)"True")) has_crop = TRUE;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"Blacks2012"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0)
        has_exposure = TRUE;
        pe.black = lr2dt_blacks((float)v);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"Exposure2012"))
      float v = g_ascii_strtod((char *)value, NULL);
      if(v != 0.0)
        has_exposure = TRUE;
        pe.exposure = lr2dt_exposure(v);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"PostCropVignetteAmount"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0)
        has_vignette = TRUE;
        pv.brightness = lr2dt_vignette_gain((float)v);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"PostCropVignetteMidpoint"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      pv.scale = lr2dt_vignette_midpoint((float)v);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"PostCropVignetteStyle"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v == 1) // Highlight Priority
        pv.saturation = -0.300;
      else // Color Priority & Paint Overlay
        pv.saturation = -0.200;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"PostCropVignetteFeather"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) pv.falloff_scale = (float)v;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"PostCropVignetteRoundness"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      crop_roundness = (float)v;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"GrainAmount"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0)
        has_grain = TRUE;
        pg.strength = lr2dt_grain_amount((float)v);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"GrainFrequency"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) pg.scale = lr2dt_grain_frequency((float)v);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"ParametricShadows"))
      ptc_value[0] = atoi((char *)value);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"ParametricDarks"))
      ptc_value[1] = atoi((char *)value);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"ParametricLights"))
      ptc_value[2] = atoi((char *)value);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"ParametricHighlights"))
      ptc_value[3] = atoi((char *)value);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"ParametricShadowSplit"))
      ptc_split[0] = g_ascii_strtod((char *)value, NULL) / 100.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"ParametricMidtoneSplit"))
      ptc_split[1] = g_ascii_strtod((char *)value, NULL) / 100.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"ParametricHighlightSplit"))
      ptc_split[2] = g_ascii_strtod((char *)value, NULL) / 100.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"ToneCurveName2012"))
      if(!xmlStrcmp(value, (const xmlChar *)"Linear"))
        curve_kind = linear;
      else if(!xmlStrcmp(value, (const xmlChar *)"Medium Contrast"))
        curve_kind = medium_contrast;
      else if(!xmlStrcmp(value, (const xmlChar *)"Strong Contrast"))
        curve_kind = medium_contrast;
      else if(!xmlStrcmp(value, (const xmlChar *)"Custom"))
        curve_kind = custom;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SaturationAdjustmentRed"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[1][0] = 0.5 + (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SaturationAdjustmentOrange"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[1][1] = 0.5 + (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SaturationAdjustmentYellow"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[1][2] = 0.5 + (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SaturationAdjustmentGreen"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[1][3] = 0.5 + (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SaturationAdjustmentAqua"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[1][4] = 0.5 + (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SaturationAdjustmentBlue"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[1][5] = 0.5 + (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SaturationAdjustmentPurple"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[1][6] = 0.5 + (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SaturationAdjustmentMagenta"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[1][7] = 0.5 + (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"LuminanceAdjustmentRed"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[0][0] = 0.5 + lfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"LuminanceAdjustmentOrange"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[0][1] = 0.5 + lfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"LuminanceAdjustmentYellow"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[0][2] = 0.5 + lfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"LuminanceAdjustmentGreen"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[0][3] = 0.5 + lfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"LuminanceAdjustmentAqua"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[0][4] = 0.5 + lfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"LuminanceAdjustmentBlue"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[0][5] = 0.5 + lfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"LuminanceAdjustmentPurple"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[0][6] = 0.5 + lfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"LuminanceAdjustmentMagenta"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[0][7] = 0.5 + lfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"HueAdjustmentRed"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[2][0] = 0.5 + hfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"HueAdjustmentOrange"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[2][1] = 0.5 + hfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"HueAdjustmentYellow"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[2][2] = 0.5 + hfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"HueAdjustmentGreen"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[2][3] = 0.5 + hfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"HueAdjustmentAqua"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[2][4] = 0.5 + hfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"HueAdjustmentBlue"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[2][5] = 0.5 + hfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"HueAdjustmentPurple"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[2][6] = 0.5 + hfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"HueAdjustmentMagenta"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_colorzones = TRUE;
      pcz.equalizer_y[2][7] = 0.5 + hfactor * (float)v / 200.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SplitToningShawowHue"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_splittoning = TRUE;
      pst.shadow_hue = (float)v / 255.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SplitToningShawowSaturation"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_splittoning = TRUE;
      pst.shadow_saturation = (float)v / 100.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SplitToningHighlightHue"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_splittoning = TRUE;
      pst.highlight_hue = (float)v / 255.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SplitToningHighlightSaturation"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0) has_splittoning = TRUE;
      pst.highlight_saturation = (float)v / 100.0;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"SplitToningBalance"))
      float v = g_ascii_strtod((char *)value, NULL);
      pst.balance = lr2dt_splittoning_balance(v);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"Clarity2012"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0)
        has_bilat = TRUE;
        pbl.detail = lr2dt_clarity((float)v);
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"Rating"))
      int v = atoi((char *)value);
      if(v != 0)
        rating = v;
        has_rating = TRUE;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"GPSLatitude"))
      int deg;
      double msec;
      char d;

      if(sscanf((const char *)value, "%d,%lf%c", &deg, &msec, &d))
        lat = deg + msec / 60.0;
        if(d == 'S') lat = -lat;
        has_gps = TRUE;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"GPSLongitude"))
      int deg;
      double msec;
      char d;

      if(sscanf((const char *)value, "%d,%lf%c", &deg, &msec, &d))
        lon = deg + msec / 60.0;
        if(d == 'W') lon = -lon;
        has_gps = TRUE;
    else if(!xmlStrcmp(attribute->name, (const xmlChar *)"Label"))
      for(int i = 0; value[i]; i++) value[i] = tolower(value[i]);

      if(!strcmp((char *)value, _("red")))
        color = 0;
      else if(!strcmp((char *)value, _("yellow")))
        color = 1;
      else if(!strcmp((char *)value, _("green")))
        color = 2;
      else if(!strcmp((char *)value, _("blue")))
        color = 3;
        // just an else here to catch all other cases as on lightroom one can
        // change the names of labels. So purple and the user's defined labels
        // will be mapped to purple on darktable.
        color = 4;

      has_colorlabel = TRUE;

    attribute = attribute->next;

  //  Look for tags (subject/Bag/* and RetouchInfo/seq/*)

  entryNode = entryNode->xmlChildrenNode;
  if(entryNode) entryNode = entryNode->next;

    if(dev == NULL && (!xmlStrcmp(entryNode->name, (const xmlChar *)"subject")
                       || !xmlStrcmp(entryNode->name, (const xmlChar *)"hierarchicalSubject")))
      xmlNodePtr tagNode = entryNode;

      tagNode = tagNode->xmlChildrenNode;
      tagNode = tagNode->next;
      tagNode = tagNode->xmlChildrenNode;
      tagNode = tagNode->next;

        if(!xmlStrcmp(tagNode->name, (const xmlChar *)"li"))
          xmlChar *value = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, tagNode->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
          guint tagid = 0;

          if(!dt_tag_exists((char *)value, &tagid)) dt_tag_new((char *)value, &tagid);

          dt_tag_attach(tagid, imgid);
          has_tags = TRUE;
        tagNode = tagNode->next;
    else if(dev != NULL && !xmlStrcmp(entryNode->name, (const xmlChar *)"RetouchInfo"))
      xmlNodePtr riNode = entryNode;

      riNode = riNode->xmlChildrenNode;
      riNode = riNode->next;
      riNode = riNode->xmlChildrenNode;
      riNode = riNode->next;

        if(!xmlStrcmp(riNode->name, (const xmlChar *)"li"))
          xmlChar *value = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, riNode->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
          spot_t *p = &ps.spot[ps.num_spots];
          if(sscanf((const char *)value, "centerX = %f, centerY = %f, radius = %f, sourceState = %*[a-zA-Z], "
                                         "sourceX = %f, sourceY = %f",
                    &(p->x), &(p->y), &(p->radius), &(p->xc), &(p->yc)))
            has_spots = TRUE;
        if(ps.num_spots == MAX_SPOTS) break;
        riNode = riNode->next;
    else if(dev != NULL && !xmlStrcmp(entryNode->name, (const xmlChar *)"ToneCurvePV2012"))
      xmlNodePtr tcNode = entryNode;

      tcNode = tcNode->xmlChildrenNode;
      tcNode = tcNode->next;
      tcNode = tcNode->xmlChildrenNode;
      tcNode = tcNode->next;

        if(!xmlStrcmp(tcNode->name, (const xmlChar *)"li"))
          xmlChar *value = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, tcNode->xmlChildrenNode, 1);

          if(sscanf((const char *)value, "%d, %d", &(curve_pts[n_pts][0]), &(curve_pts[n_pts][1]))) n_pts++;
        if(n_pts == MAX_PTS) break;
        tcNode = tcNode->next;
    entryNode = entryNode->next;


  //  Integrates into the history all the imported iop

  if(dev != NULL && dt_image_is_raw(&dev->image_storage))
    // set colorin to cmatrix which is the default from Adobe (so closer to what Lightroom does)
    dt_iop_colorin_params_t pci = (dt_iop_colorin_params_t){ "cmatrix", DT_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL };

    dt_add_hist(imgid, "colorin", (dt_iop_params_t *)&pci, sizeof(dt_iop_colorin_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_COLORIN_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

  if(dev != NULL && has_crop)
    pc.k_sym = 0;
    pc.k_apply = 0;
    pc.crop_auto = 0;
    pc.k_h = pc.k_v = 0;
    pc.k_type = 0;
    pc.kxa = pc.kxd = 0.2f;
    pc.kxc = pc.kxb = 0.8f;
    pc.kya = pc.kyb = 0.2f;
    pc.kyc = pc.kyd = 0.8f;
    float tmp;

      // adjust crop data according to the rotation

        case 5: // portrait - counter-clockwise
          tmp = pc.ch;
          pc.ch = 1.0 - pc.cx;
          pc.cx = pc.cy;
          pc.cy = 1.0 - pc.cw;
          pc.cw = tmp;
        case 6: // portrait - clockwise
          tmp = pc.ch;
          pc.ch = pc.cw;
          pc.cw = 1.0 - pc.cy;
          pc.cy = pc.cx;
          pc.cx = 1.0 - tmp;

      if(pc.angle != 0)
        const float rangle = -pc.angle * (3.141592 / 180);
        float x, y;

        // do the rotation (rangle) using center of image (0.5, 0.5)

        x = pc.cx - 0.5;
        y = 0.5 - pc.cy;
        pc.cx = 0.5 + x * cos(rangle) - y * sin(rangle);
        pc.cy = 0.5 - (x * sin(rangle) + y * cos(rangle));

        x = pc.cw - 0.5;
        y = 0.5 - pc.ch;
        pc.cw = 0.5 + x * cos(rangle) - y * sin(rangle);
        pc.ch = 0.5 - (x * sin(rangle) + y * cos(rangle));
      pc.angle = 0;
      pc.cx = 0;
      pc.cy = 0;
      pc.cw = 1;
      pc.ch = 1;

    fratio = (pc.cw - pc.cx) / (pc.ch - pc.cy);

    dt_add_hist(imgid, "clipping", (dt_iop_params_t *)&pc, sizeof(dt_iop_clipping_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_CLIPPING_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

  if(dev != NULL && has_flip)
    pf.orientation = 0;

    if(dev->image_storage.orientation == 5)
      // portrait
        case 8:
          pf.orientation = 0;
        case 3:
          pf.orientation = 5;
        case 6:
          pf.orientation = 3;
        case 1:
          pf.orientation = 6;

        // with horizontal flip
        case 7:
          pf.orientation = 1;
        case 2:
          pf.orientation = 4;
        case 5:
          pf.orientation = 2;
        case 4:
          pf.orientation = 7;

    else if(dev->image_storage.orientation == 6)
      // portrait
        case 8:
          pf.orientation = 3;
        case 3:
          pf.orientation = 6;
        case 6:
          pf.orientation = 0;
        case 1:
          pf.orientation = 5;

        // with horizontal flip
        case 7:
          pf.orientation = 2;
        case 2:
          pf.orientation = 7;
        case 5:
          pf.orientation = 1;
        case 4:
          pf.orientation = 4;

      // landscape
        case 8:
          pf.orientation = 5;
        case 3:
          pf.orientation = 3;
        case 6:
          pf.orientation = 6;
        case 1:
          pf.orientation = 0;

        // with horizontal flip
        case 7:
          pf.orientation = 7;
        case 2:
          pf.orientation = 1;
        case 5:
          pf.orientation = 4;
        case 4:
          pf.orientation = 2;

    dt_add_hist(imgid, "flip", (dt_iop_params_t *)&pf, sizeof(dt_iop_flip_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_FLIP_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

  if(dev != NULL && has_exposure)
    dt_add_hist(imgid, "exposure", (dt_iop_params_t *)&pe, sizeof(dt_iop_exposure_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_EXPOSURE_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

  if(dev != NULL && has_grain)
    pg.channel = 0;

    dt_add_hist(imgid, "grain", (dt_iop_params_t *)&pg, sizeof(dt_iop_grain_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_GRAIN_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

  if(dev != NULL && has_vignette)
    const float base_ratio = 1.325 / 1.5;

    pv.autoratio = FALSE;
    pv.dithering = DITHER_8BIT;
    pv.center.x = 0.0;
    pv.center.y = 0.0;
    pv.shape = 1.0;

    // defensive code, should not happen, but just in case future Lr version
    // has not ImageWidth/ImageLength XML tag.
    if(iwidth == 0 || iheight == 0)
      pv.whratio = base_ratio;
      pv.whratio = base_ratio * ((float)iwidth / (float)iheight);

    if(has_crop) pv.whratio = pv.whratio * fratio;

    //  Adjust scale and ratio based on the roundness. On Lightroom changing
    //  the roundness change the width and the height of the vignette.

    if(crop_roundness > 0)
      float newratio = pv.whratio - (pv.whratio - 1) * (crop_roundness / 100.0);
      float dscale = (1 - (newratio / pv.whratio)) / 2.0;

      pv.scale -= dscale * 100.0;
      pv.whratio = newratio;

    dt_add_hist(imgid, "vignette", (dt_iop_params_t *)&pv, sizeof(dt_iop_vignette_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_VIGNETTE_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

  if(dev != NULL && has_spots)
    // Check for orientation, rotate when in portrait mode
    if(orientation > 4)
      for(int k = 0; k < ps.num_spots; k++)
        float tmp = ps.spot[k].y;
        ps.spot[k].y = 1.0 - ps.spot[k].x;
        ps.spot[k].x = tmp;
        tmp = ps.spot[k].yc;
        ps.spot[k].yc = 1.0 - ps.spot[k].xc;
        ps.spot[k].xc = tmp;

    dt_add_hist(imgid, "spots", (dt_iop_params_t *)&ps, sizeof(dt_iop_spots_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_SPOTS_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

  if(curve_kind != linear || ptc_value[0] != 0 || ptc_value[1] != 0 || ptc_value[2] != 0 || ptc_value[3] != 0)
    ptc.tonecurve_nodes[ch_L] = 6;
    ptc.tonecurve_nodes[ch_a] = 7;
    ptc.tonecurve_nodes[ch_b] = 7;
    ptc.tonecurve_type[ch_L] = CUBIC_SPLINE;
    ptc.tonecurve_type[ch_a] = CUBIC_SPLINE;
    ptc.tonecurve_type[ch_b] = CUBIC_SPLINE;
    ptc.tonecurve_autoscale_ab = 1;
    ptc.tonecurve_preset = 0;

    float linear_ab[7] = { 0.0, 0.08, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.92, 1.0 };

    // linear a, b curves
    for(int k = 0; k < 7; k++) ptc.tonecurve[ch_a][k].x = linear_ab[k];
    for(int k = 0; k < 7; k++) ptc.tonecurve[ch_a][k].y = linear_ab[k];
    for(int k = 0; k < 7; k++) ptc.tonecurve[ch_b][k].x = linear_ab[k];
    for(int k = 0; k < 7; k++) ptc.tonecurve[ch_b][k].y = linear_ab[k];

    // Set the base tonecurve

    if(curve_kind == linear)
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][0].x = 0.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][0].y = 0.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][1].x = ptc_split[0] / 2.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][1].y = ptc_split[0] / 2.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][2].x = ptc_split[1] - (ptc_split[1] - ptc_split[0]) / 2.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][2].y = ptc_split[1] - (ptc_split[1] - ptc_split[0]) / 2.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][3].x = ptc_split[1] + (ptc_split[2] - ptc_split[1]) / 2.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][3].y = ptc_split[1] + (ptc_split[2] - ptc_split[1]) / 2.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][4].x = ptc_split[2] + (1.0 - ptc_split[2]) / 2.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][4].y = ptc_split[2] + (1.0 - ptc_split[2]) / 2.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][5].x = 1.0;
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][5].y = 1.0;
      for(int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
        ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][k].x = curve_pts[k][0] / 255.0;
        ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][k].y = curve_pts[k][1] / 255.0;

    if(curve_kind != custom)
      // set shadows/darks/lights/highlight adjustments

      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][1].y += ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][1].y * ((float)ptc_value[0] / 100.0);
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][2].y += ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][1].y * ((float)ptc_value[1] / 100.0);
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][3].y += ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][1].y * ((float)ptc_value[2] / 100.0);
      ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][4].y += ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][1].y * ((float)ptc_value[3] / 100.0);

      if(ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][1].y > ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][2].y)
        ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][1].y = ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][2].y;
      if(ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][3].y > ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][4].y)
        ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][4].y = ptc.tonecurve[ch_L][3].y;

    dt_add_hist(imgid, "tonecurve", (dt_iop_params_t *)&ptc, sizeof(dt_iop_tonecurve_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_TONECURVE_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

  if(dev != NULL && has_colorzones)
    pcz.channel = DT_IOP_COLORZONES_h;

    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++) pcz.equalizer_x[i][k] = k / (DT_IOP_COLORZONES_BANDS - 1.0);

    dt_add_hist(imgid, "colorzones", (dt_iop_params_t *)&pcz, sizeof(dt_iop_colorzones_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_COLORZONES_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

  if(dev != NULL && has_splittoning)
    pst.compress = 50.0;

    dt_add_hist(imgid, "splittoning", (dt_iop_params_t *)&pst, sizeof(dt_iop_splittoning_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_SPLITTONING_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

  if(dev != NULL && has_bilat)
    pbl.sigma_r = 100.0;
    pbl.sigma_s = 100.0;

    dt_add_hist(imgid, "bilat", (dt_iop_params_t *)&pbl, sizeof(dt_iop_bilat_params_t), imported,
                sizeof(imported), LRDT_BILAT_VERSION, &n_import);
    refresh_needed = TRUE;

    if(imported[0]) g_strlcat(imported, ", ", sizeof(imported));
    g_strlcat(imported, _("tags"), sizeof(imported));

  if(dev == NULL && has_rating)
    dt_ratings_apply_to_image(imgid, rating);

    if(imported[0]) g_strlcat(imported, ", ", sizeof(imported));
    g_strlcat(imported, _("rating"), sizeof(imported));

  if(dev == NULL && has_gps)
    dt_image_set_location(imgid, lon, lat);

    if(imported[0]) g_strlcat(imported, ", ", sizeof(imported));
    g_strlcat(imported, _("geotagging"), sizeof(imported));

  if(dev == NULL && has_colorlabel)
    dt_colorlabels_set_label(imgid, color);

    if(imported[0]) g_strlcat(imported, ", ", sizeof(imported));
    g_strlcat(imported, _("color label"), sizeof(imported));

  if(dev != NULL && refresh_needed && dev->gui_attached)
    char message[512];

    g_snprintf(message, sizeof(message), ngettext("%s has been imported", "%s have been imported", n_import),

      /* signal history changed */
      dt_dev_modulegroups_set(darktable.develop, dt_dev_modulegroups_get(darktable.develop));
      /* update xmp file */
      dt_control_signal_raise(darktable.signals, DT_SIGNAL_DEVELOP_HISTORY_CHANGE);