Example #1
static void _view_map_filmstrip_activate_callback(gpointer instance, gpointer user_data)
  double longitude, latitude;
  int32_t imgid = 0;
  if ((imgid=dt_view_filmstrip_get_activated_imgid(darktable.view_manager))>0)
    const dt_image_t *cimg = dt_image_cache_read_get(darktable.image_cache, imgid);
    longitude = cimg->longitude;
    latitude = cimg->latitude;
    dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, cimg);
    if(!isnan(longitude) && !isnan(latitude))
      _view_map_center_on_location((dt_view_t*)user_data, longitude, latitude, 16); // TODO: is it better to keep the zoom level?
Example #2
      /* store current filmroll */

    dt_control_log(_("new session initiated '%s'"),cv->jobcode,cv->film->id);


const char *_capture_view_get_jobcode(const dt_view_t *view)
  g_assert( view != NULL );
  dt_capture_t *cv=(dt_capture_t *)view->data;

  return cv->jobcode;

void configure(dt_view_t *self, int wd, int ht)
  //dt_capture_t *lib=(dt_capture_t*)self->data;

#define MARGIN	20
#define BAR_HEIGHT 18 /* see libs/camera.c */
void _expose_tethered_mode(dt_view_t *self, cairo_t *cr, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t pointerx, int32_t pointery)
  dt_capture_t *lib=(dt_capture_t*)self->data;
  dt_camera_t *cam = (dt_camera_t*)darktable.camctl->active_camera;
  lib->image_over = DT_VIEW_DESERT;
  lib->image_id = dt_view_filmstrip_get_activated_imgid(darktable.view_manager);

  if( cam->is_live_viewing == TRUE) // display the preview
      gint pw = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(cam->live_view_pixbuf);
      gint ph = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(cam->live_view_pixbuf);

      float w = width-(MARGIN*2.0f);
      float h = height-(MARGIN*2.0f)-BAR_HEIGHT;

      float scale;
      if(cam->live_view_rotation%2 == 0)
        scale = fminf(w/pw, h/ph);
        scale = fminf(w/ph, h/pw);
      scale = fminf(1.0, scale);

      cairo_translate(cr, width*0.5, (height+BAR_HEIGHT)*0.5); // origin to middle of canvas
      if(cam->live_view_flip == TRUE)
        cairo_scale(cr, -1.0, 1.0); // mirror image
      cairo_rotate(cr, -M_PI_2*cam->live_view_rotation); // rotate around middle
      if(cam->live_view_zoom == FALSE)
        cairo_scale(cr, scale, scale); // scale to fit canvas
      cairo_translate (cr, -0.5*pw, -0.5*ph); // origin back to corner

      gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, cam->live_view_pixbuf, 0, 0);
  else if( lib->image_id >= 0 )  // First of all draw image if availble
    cairo_translate(cr,MARGIN, MARGIN);
    dt_view_image_expose(&(lib->image_over), lib->image_id,
                         cr, width-(MARGIN*2.0f), height-(MARGIN*2.0f), 1,
                         pointerx, pointery, FALSE);
Example #3
static void _view_map_filmstrip_activate_callback(gpointer instance, gpointer user_data)
  dt_view_t *self = (dt_view_t*)user_data;
  dt_map_t *lib = (dt_map_t*)self->data;
  double longitude, latitude;
  int32_t imgid = 0;
  if ((imgid=dt_view_filmstrip_get_activated_imgid(darktable.view_manager))>0)
    const dt_image_t *cimg = dt_image_cache_read_get(darktable.image_cache, imgid);
    longitude = cimg->longitude;
    latitude = cimg->latitude;
    dt_image_cache_read_release(darktable.image_cache, cimg);
    if(!isnan(longitude) && !isnan(latitude))
      int zoom;
      g_object_get(G_OBJECT(lib->map), "zoom", &zoom, NULL);
      _view_map_center_on_location(self, longitude, latitude, zoom); // TODO: is it better to keep the zoom level or to zoom in? 16 is a nice close up.
Example #4
static void _view_capture_filmstrip_activate_callback(gpointer instance, gpointer user_data)
  if(dt_view_filmstrip_get_activated_imgid(darktable.view_manager) >= 0) dt_control_queue_redraw_center();
Example #5
static void _view_print_filmstrip_activate_callback(gpointer instance,gpointer user_data)
  int32_t imgid = 0;
  if ((imgid=dt_view_filmstrip_get_activated_imgid(darktable.view_manager))>0)