void test(duk_context *ctx) { duk_int_t rc; /* From API doc */ duk_push_string(ctx, "print('Hello world!'); 123;"); duk_eval(ctx); printf("return value is: %lf\n", duk_get_number(ctx, -1)); duk_pop(ctx); /* Function expression */ duk_push_string(ctx, "(function adder(x,y) { return x+y; })"); duk_eval(ctx); /* [ func ] */ duk_push_int(ctx, 123); duk_push_int(ctx, 234); duk_call(ctx, 2); /* [ func 123 234 ] -> [ result ] */ printf("adder(123, 234) -> %lf\n", duk_get_number(ctx, -1)); duk_pop(ctx); /* Protected eval with success */ duk_push_string(ctx, "print('Hello world!'); 123;"); rc = duk_peval(ctx); printf("return value is: %s (rc=%d)\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1), (int) rc); duk_pop(ctx); /* Protected eval with failure */ duk_push_string(ctx, "throw new Error('eval error');"); rc = duk_peval(ctx); printf("return value is: %s (rc=%d)\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1), (int) rc); duk_pop(ctx); /* Protected eval with syntax error */ duk_push_string(ctx, "obj = {"); rc = duk_peval(ctx); printf("return value is: %s (rc=%d)\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1), (int) rc); duk_pop(ctx); /* Plain eval with no result */ printf("top=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx)); duk_push_string(ctx, "print('doing eval');"); duk_eval_noresult(ctx); /* Protected eval with no result, no error */ printf("top=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx)); duk_push_string(ctx, "print('doing peval');"); rc = duk_peval_noresult(ctx); printf("rc=%d\n", (int) rc); /* Protected eval with no result, syntax error */ printf("top=%ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx)); duk_push_string(ctx, "print('doing peval'); obj = {"); rc = duk_peval_noresult(ctx); printf("rc=%d\n", (int) rc); printf("top: %ld\n", (long) duk_get_top(ctx)); }
int app_sqlang_dofile(sip_msg_t *msg, char *script) { #if 0 int ret; sip_msg_t *bmsg; LM_DBG("executing sqlang file: [[%s]]\n", script); LM_DBG("JS top index is: %d\n", sqlang_gettop(_sr_J_env.J)); bmsg = _sr_J_env.msg; _sr_J_env.msg = msg; if(sqlang_load_file(_sr_J_env.J, script)<0) { LM_ERR("failed to load sqlang script file: %s\n", script); return -1; } ret = duk_peval(_sr_J_env.J); if(ret != 0) { LM_ERR("JS failed running: %s\n", sqlang_safe_tostring(_sr_J_env.J, -1)); } duk_pop(_sr_J_env.J); /* ignore result */ _sr_J_env.msg = bmsg; return (ret==0)?1:-1; #endif LM_ERR("not implemented\n"); return -1; }
int app_sqlang_runstring(sip_msg_t *msg, char *script) { #if 0 int ret; sip_msg_t *bmsg; if(_sr_J_env.JJ==NULL) { LM_ERR("sqlang loading state not initialized (call: %s)\n", script); return -1; } sqlang_kemi_reload_script(); LM_DBG("running sqlang string: [[%s]]\n", script); LM_DBG("sqlang top index is: %d\n", sqlang_gettop(_sr_J_env.JJ)); bmsg = _sr_J_env.msg; _sr_J_env.msg = msg; sqlang_pushstring(_sr_J_env.JJ, script); ret = duk_peval(_sr_J_env.JJ); if(ret != 0) { LM_ERR("JS failed running: %s\n", sqlang_safe_tostring(_sr_J_env.JJ, -1)); } duk_pop(_sr_J_env.JJ); /* ignore result */ _sr_J_env.msg = bmsg; return (ret==0)?1:-1; #endif LM_ERR("not implemented\n"); return -1; }
static duk_int_t eval_file(duk_context *ctx, const char *filename) { size_t len; char *buf = read_file(filename, &len); if(!buf) FAIL_LOAD duk_push_lstring(ctx, (const char *)buf, (duk_size_t)len); duk_int_t retval = duk_peval(ctx); duk_pop(ctx); return retval; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { duk_context *ctx = NULL; char line[4096]; size_t idx; int ch; (void) argc; (void) argv; ctx = duk_create_heap_default(); if (!ctx) { printf("Failed to create a Duktape heap.\n"); exit(1); } push_file_as_string(ctx, "process.js"); if (duk_peval(ctx) != 0) { printf("Error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1)); goto finished; } duk_pop(ctx); /* ignore result */ memset(line, 0, sizeof(line)); idx = 0; for (;;) { if (idx >= sizeof(line)) { printf("Line too long\n"); exit(1); } ch = fgetc(stdin); if (ch == 0x0a) { line[idx++] = '\0'; duk_push_global_object(ctx); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1 /*index*/, "processLine"); duk_push_string(ctx, line); if (duk_pcall(ctx, 1 /*nargs*/) != 0) { printf("Error: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1)); } else { printf("%s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1)); } duk_pop(ctx); /* pop result/error */ idx = 0; } else if (ch == EOF) { break; } else { line[idx++] = (char) ch; } } finished: duk_destroy_heap(ctx); exit(0); }
int __stdcall Eval(duk_context *ctx, char* js ){ #pragma EXPORT int rv = 0; if(ctx == 0) return -1; //safe to call eval to avoid fatal panic handler on syntax error duk_push_string(ctx, js); startTime = GetTickCount(); if (duk_peval(ctx) != 0) { setLastString(duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1)); rv = -1; } else { setLastString(duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1)); } duk_pop(ctx); return rv; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *cbuf = NULL; int n_cbuf = 1024; duk_context *ctx; muduk_init_context(&ctx); if (ctx==NULL) { printf(">> could not allocate duk_context, exiting\n"); exit(1); } glob_ctx.tid.push_back(-1); glob_ctx.duk_ctx.push_back(ctx); cbuf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*n_cbuf); while (1) { printf("> "); fflush(stdout); fgets(cbuf, n_cbuf, stdin); muduk_start_timeout(); duk_push_string(ctx, cbuf); if (duk_peval(ctx)!=0) { printf("eval failed: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1)); } else { printf("ok: %s\n", duk_safe_to_string(ctx, -1)); } muduk_clear_timeout(); } return 0; }
static duk_ret_t test_func(duk_context *ctx, void *udata) { (void) udata; if (ctx) { printf("dummy - return here\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; } /* Up-to-date for Duktape 1.3.0, alphabetical order: * $ cd website/api; ls *.yaml */ (void) duk_alloc_raw(ctx, 0); (void) duk_alloc(ctx, 0); (void) duk_base64_decode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_base64_encode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_buffer_to_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_call_method(ctx, 0); (void) duk_call_prop(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_call(ctx, 0); (void) duk_char_code_at(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_check_stack_top(ctx, 0); (void) duk_check_stack(ctx, 0); (void) duk_check_type_mask(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_check_type(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_compact(ctx, 0); (void) duk_compile_lstring_filename(ctx, 0, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_compile_lstring(ctx, 0, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_compile_string_filename(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_compile_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_compile(ctx, 0); (void) duk_concat(ctx, 0); (void) duk_config_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL, 0); (void) duk_copy(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_create_heap_default(); (void) duk_create_heap(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); (void) duk_debugger_attach(ctx, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); (void) duk_debugger_cooperate(ctx); (void) duk_debugger_detach(ctx); (void) duk_debugger_notify(ctx, 0); (void) duk_debugger_pause(ctx); (void) duk_decode_string(ctx, 0, NULL, NULL); (void) duk_def_prop(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_del_prop_index(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_del_prop_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_del_prop(ctx, 0); (void) duk_destroy_heap(ctx); (void) duk_dump_function(ctx); (void) duk_dup_top(ctx); (void) duk_dup(ctx, 0); (void) duk_enum(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_equals(ctx, 0, 0); duk_error_va(ctx, 0, NULL, NULL); duk_error(ctx, 0, "dummy"); /* (void) cast won't work without variadic macros */ (void) duk_eval_lstring_noresult(ctx, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_eval_lstring(ctx, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_eval_noresult(ctx); (void) duk_eval_string_noresult(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_eval_string(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_eval(ctx); (void) duk_fatal(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_free_raw(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_free(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_gc(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_boolean(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_buffer_data(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_get_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_get_c_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_context(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_current_magic(ctx); (void) duk_get_error_code(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_finalizer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_global_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_heapptr(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_int(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_length(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_lstring(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_get_magic(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_memory_functions(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_get_number(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_pointer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_prop_index(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_get_prop_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_get_prop(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_prototype(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_top_index(ctx); (void) duk_get_top(ctx); (void) duk_get_type_mask(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_type(ctx, 0); (void) duk_get_uint(ctx, 0); (void) duk_has_prop_index(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_has_prop_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_has_prop(ctx, 0); (void) duk_hex_decode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_hex_encode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_insert(ctx, 0); (void) duk_instanceof(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_is_array(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_boolean(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_bound_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_buffer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_callable(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_c_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_constructor_call(ctx); (void) duk_is_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_ecmascript_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_eval_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_fixed_buffer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_lightfunc(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_nan(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_null_or_undefined(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_null(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_number(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_object_coercible(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_object(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_pointer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_primitive(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_range_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_reference_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_strict_call(ctx); (void) duk_is_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_syntax_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_thread(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_type_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_undefined(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_uri_error(ctx, 0); (void) duk_is_valid_index(ctx, 0); (void) duk_join(ctx, 0); (void) duk_json_decode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_json_encode(ctx, 0); (void) duk_load_function(ctx); (void) duk_map_string(ctx, 0, NULL, NULL); (void) duk_new(ctx, 0); (void) duk_next(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_normalize_index(ctx, 0); (void) duk_pcall_method(ctx, 0); (void) duk_pcall_prop(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_pcall(ctx, 0); (void) duk_pcompile_lstring_filename(ctx, 0, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_pcompile_lstring(ctx, 0, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_pcompile_string_filename(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_pcompile_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_pcompile(ctx, 0); (void) duk_peval_lstring_noresult(ctx, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_peval_lstring(ctx, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_peval_noresult(ctx); (void) duk_peval_string_noresult(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_peval_string(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_peval(ctx); (void) duk_pnew(ctx, 0); (void) duk_pop_2(ctx); (void) duk_pop_3(ctx); (void) duk_pop_n(ctx, 0); (void) duk_pop(ctx); (void) duk_push_array(ctx); (void) duk_push_boolean(ctx, 0); (void) duk_push_buffer_object(ctx, 0, 0, 0, 0); (void) duk_push_buffer(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_push_c_function(ctx, NULL, 0); (void) duk_push_c_lightfunc(ctx, NULL, 0, 0, 0); (void) duk_push_context_dump(ctx); (void) duk_push_current_function(ctx); (void) duk_push_current_thread(ctx); (void) duk_push_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_push_error_object_va(ctx, 0, NULL, NULL); (void) duk_push_error_object(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_push_external_buffer(ctx); (void) duk_push_false(ctx); (void) duk_push_fixed_buffer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_push_global_object(ctx); (void) duk_push_global_stash(ctx); (void) duk_push_heap_stash(ctx); (void) duk_push_heapptr(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_push_int(ctx, 0); (void) duk_push_lstring(ctx, "dummy", 0); (void) duk_push_nan(ctx); (void) duk_push_null(ctx); (void) duk_push_number(ctx, 0.0); (void) duk_push_object(ctx); (void) duk_push_pointer(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_push_sprintf(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_push_string(ctx, "dummy"); (void) duk_push_this(ctx); (void) duk_push_thread_new_globalenv(ctx); (void) duk_push_thread_stash(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_push_thread(ctx); (void) duk_push_true(ctx); (void) duk_push_uint(ctx, 0); (void) duk_push_undefined(ctx); (void) duk_push_vsprintf(ctx, "dummy", NULL); (void) duk_put_function_list(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_put_global_string(ctx, NULL); (void) duk_put_number_list(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_put_prop_index(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_put_prop_string(ctx, 0, "dummy"); (void) duk_put_prop(ctx, 0); (void) duk_realloc_raw(ctx, NULL, 0); (void) duk_realloc(ctx, NULL, 0); (void) duk_remove(ctx, 0); (void) duk_replace(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_boolean(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_buffer_data(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_require_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_require_c_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_callable(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_context(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_function(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_heapptr(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_int(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_lstring(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_require_normalize_index(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_null(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_number(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_object_coercible(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_pointer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_stack_top(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_stack(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_top_index(ctx); (void) duk_require_type_mask(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_require_uint(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_undefined(ctx, 0); (void) duk_require_valid_index(ctx, 0); (void) duk_resize_buffer(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_safe_call(ctx, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); (void) duk_safe_to_lstring(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_safe_to_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_set_finalizer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_set_global_object(ctx); (void) duk_set_magic(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_set_prototype(ctx, 0); (void) duk_set_top(ctx, 0); (void) duk_steal_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_strict_equals(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_substring(ctx, 0, 0, 0); (void) duk_swap_top(ctx, 0); (void) duk_swap(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_throw(ctx); (void) duk_to_boolean(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_to_defaultvalue(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_to_dynamic_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_to_fixed_buffer(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_to_int32(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_int(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_lstring(ctx, 0, NULL); (void) duk_to_null(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_number(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_object(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_pointer(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_primitive(ctx, 0, 0); (void) duk_to_string(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_uint16(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_uint32(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_uint(ctx, 0); (void) duk_to_undefined(ctx, 0); (void) duk_trim(ctx, 0); (void) duk_xcopy_top(ctx, NULL, 0); (void) duk_xmove_top(ctx, NULL, 0); printf("never here\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; }
//duk_int_t duk_peval(duk_context *ctx); duk_int_t aperl_duk_peval(duk_context *ctx) { duk_int_t ret = duk_peval(ctx); return ret; }