Example #1
bool ast_debugvar_traverser_visitor::enter(class ast_declaration* node)
	ShVariable* var = findShVariable(node->debug_id);

	VPRINT(3, "%c%sdeclaration of %s <%i>%c%s\n", ESC_CHAR, ESC_BOLD,
			node->identifier, var->uniqueId, ESC_CHAR, ESC_RESET);

	// Add variable to the global list of all seen variables
	addShVariableCtx(vl, var, var->builtin, shader);

	if (node->initializer) {
		exec_list* scope = &node->initializer->scope;
		 * Actually do not add declared variable to the list here, because
		 * Code Generation would access the data before it is declared. This should
		 * not be needed anyway, since the data would be uninitialized
		 // Dont forget to check for double ids
		 scopeList::iterator e = find(sl->begin(), sl->end(), v->getUniqueId());

		 // Finally at it to the list
		 if (e == sl->end()) {

	// Now add the list to the actual scope and proceed
	return false;
Example #2
bool ast_debugvar_traverser_visitor::enter(class ast_parameter_declarator* node)
	// No variable when void
	if (node->is_void)
		return false;

	ShVariable* var = findShVariable(node->debug_id);

	VPRINT(3, "%c%sparameter %s <%i> %c%s\n", ESC_CHAR, ESC_BOLD,
			node->identifier, var->uniqueId, ESC_CHAR, ESC_RESET);
	addShVariableCtx(vl, var, var->builtin, shader);
	return false;
Example #3
IReport* Registry::DumpDataJSON()
	ProfileThreadsVec allThreads;
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_ThreadsMutex);
		allThreads = m_ProfiledThreads;

	std::function<void (indent, const unsigned long long, ProfileScope*, unsigned&, opstringstream&)> dumpScope = [&] (indent in, const unsigned long long totalTime, ProfileScope* scope, unsigned& row_id, opstringstream& output) {
		const auto count = scope->GetCallCount();

		indent_scope insc(in);
		output << in << "\"id\": " << row_id++ << "," << std::endl;
		output << in << "\"name\": \"" << scope->GetName() << "\", " << std::endl;
		HashMap childrenCopy = scope->Children();
		unsigned long long childrenTimes = 0;
		if(childrenCopy.size()) {
			output << in << "\"children\": [ " << std::endl;
				indent_scope insc(in);
				for(auto scopeIt = childrenCopy.begin(); scopeIt != childrenCopy.end();) {
					childrenTimes += (*scopeIt)->GetTime();
					output << in << "{" << std::endl;
					dumpScope(in, totalTime, *scopeIt, row_id, output);
					output << in << "}" << (++scopeIt != childrenCopy.end() ? "," : "") << std::endl;
			output << in << "]," << std::endl;
		const auto time = scope->GetTime();
		const auto excl_time = time - childrenTimes;
		output << in << "\"excl_time\": " << excl_time << "," << std::endl;
		output << in << "\"excl_time_perc\": " << (excl_time / double(totalTime)) * 100.0 << "," << std::endl;
		output << in << "\"time\": " << time /* not sync */ << "," << std::endl;
		output << in << "\"time_perc\": " << (time / double(totalTime)) * 100.0 /* not sync */ << "," << std::endl;
		output << in << "\"call_count\": " << count /* not sync */ << "," << std::endl;
		output << in << "\"avg_call_incl\": " << time / (double)count << "," << std::endl;
		output << in << "\"avg_call_excl\": " << excl_time / (double)count << std::endl;

	unsigned threadId = 0;
	opstringstream ostream;
	indent in;
	unsigned row_id = 0;
	ostream << "[" << std::endl;
	indent_scope insc(in);
	unsigned long long totalTime = 0;
	for(auto threadIt = allThreads.cbegin(); threadIt != allThreads.cend();) {
		ostream << in << "{" << std::endl;
		totalTime = (*threadIt)->GetTime();
		dumpScope(in, totalTime, *threadIt, row_id, ostream);
		ostream << in << "}" << (++threadIt != allThreads.cend() ? "," : "") << std::endl;
	ostream << "]" << std::endl;
	std::unique_ptr<JSONReport, profi_deleter<JSONReport>> report(profi_new(JSONReport));

	report->GetString() = ostream.str();

	return report.release();