Example #1
int CHOLMOD(metis)
    /* ---- input ---- */
    cholmod_sparse *A,	/* matrix to order */
    Int *fset,		/* subset of 0:(A->ncol)-1 */
    size_t fsize,	/* size of fset */
    int postorder,	/* if TRUE, follow with etree or coletree postorder */
    /* ---- output --- */
    Int *Perm,		/* size A->nrow, output permutation */
    /* --------------- */
    cholmod_common *Common
    double d ;
    Int *Iperm, *Iwork, *Bp, *Bi ;
    idxtype *Mp, *Mi, *Mperm, *Miperm ;
    cholmod_sparse *B ;
    Int i, j, n, nz, p, identity, uncol ;
    int Opt [8], nn, zero = 0 ;
    size_t n1, s ;
    int ok = TRUE ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get inputs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Common->status = CHOLMOD_OK ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* quick return */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    n = A->nrow ;
    if (n == 0)
	return (TRUE) ;
    n1 = ((size_t) n) + 1 ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* allocate workspace */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* s = 4*n + uncol */
    uncol = (A->stype == 0) ? A->ncol : 0 ;
    s = CHOLMOD(mult_size_t) (n, 4, &ok) ;
    s = CHOLMOD(add_size_t) (s, uncol, &ok) ;
    if (!ok)
	ERROR (CHOLMOD_TOO_LARGE, "problem too large") ;
	return (FALSE) ;

    CHOLMOD(allocate_work) (n, s, 0, Common) ;
    if (Common->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
	return (FALSE) ;
    ASSERT (CHOLMOD(dump_work) (TRUE, TRUE, 0, Common)) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* convert the matrix to adjacency list form */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    /* The input graph for METIS must be symmetric, with both upper and lower
     * parts present, and with no diagonal entries.  The columns need not be
     * sorted.
     * B = A+A', A*A', or A(:,f)*A(:,f)', upper and lower parts present */
    if (A->stype)
	/* Add the upper/lower part to a symmetric lower/upper matrix by
	 * converting to unsymmetric mode */
	/* workspace: Iwork (nrow) */
	B = CHOLMOD(copy) (A, 0, -1, Common) ;
	/* B = A*A' or A(:,f)*A(:,f)', no diagonal */
	/* workspace: Flag (nrow), Iwork (max (nrow,ncol)) */
	B = CHOLMOD(aat) (A, fset, fsize, -1, Common) ;
    ASSERT (CHOLMOD(dump_sparse) (B, "B for NodeND", Common) >= 0) ;
    if (Common->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
	return (FALSE) ;
    ASSERT (B->nrow == A->nrow) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* get inputs */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Iwork = Common->Iwork ;
    Iperm = Iwork ;		/* size n (i/i/l) */

    Bp = B->p ;
    Bi = B->i ;
    nz = Bp [n] ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* METIS does not have a SuiteSparse_long integer version */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifdef LONG
    if (sizeof (Int) > sizeof (idxtype) && MAX (n,nz) > INT_MAX / sizeof (int))
	/* CHOLMOD's matrix is too large for METIS */
	CHOLMOD(free_sparse) (&B, Common) ;
	return (FALSE) ;

    /* B does not include the diagonal, and both upper and lower parts.
     * Common->anz includes the diagonal, and just the lower part of B */
    Common->anz = nz / 2 + n ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* set control parameters for METIS_NodeND */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Opt [0] = 0 ;	/* use defaults */
    Opt [1] = 3 ;	/* matching type */
    Opt [2] = 1 ;	/* init. partitioning algo*/
    Opt [3] = 2 ;	/* refinement algorithm */
    Opt [4] = 0 ;	/* no debug */
    Opt [5] = 1 ;	/* initial compression */
    Opt [6] = 0 ;	/* no dense node removal */
    Opt [7] = 1 ;	/* number of separators @ each step */

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* allocate the METIS input arrays, if needed */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (sizeof (Int) == sizeof (idxtype))
	/* This is the typical case. */
	Miperm = (idxtype *) Iperm ;
	Mperm  = (idxtype *) Perm ;
	Mp     = (idxtype *) Bp ;
	Mi     = (idxtype *) Bi ;
	/* allocate graph for METIS only if Int and idxtype differ */
	Miperm = CHOLMOD(malloc) (n,  sizeof (idxtype), Common) ;
	Mperm  = CHOLMOD(malloc) (n,  sizeof (idxtype), Common) ;
	Mp     = CHOLMOD(malloc) (n1, sizeof (idxtype), Common) ;
	Mi     = CHOLMOD(malloc) (nz, sizeof (idxtype), Common) ;
	if (Common->status < CHOLMOD_OK)
	    /* out of memory */
	    CHOLMOD(free_sparse) (&B, Common) ;
	    CHOLMOD(free) (n,  sizeof (idxtype), Miperm, Common) ;
	    CHOLMOD(free) (n,  sizeof (idxtype), Mperm, Common) ;
	    CHOLMOD(free) (n1, sizeof (idxtype), Mp, Common) ;
	    CHOLMOD(free) (nz, sizeof (idxtype), Mi, Common) ;
	    return (FALSE) ;
	for (j = 0 ; j <= n ; j++)
	    Mp [j] = Bp [j] ;
	for (p = 0 ; p < nz ; p++)
	    Mi [p] = Bi [p] ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* METIS workarounds */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    identity = FALSE ;
    if (nz == 0)
	/* The matrix has no off-diagonal entries.  METIS_NodeND fails in this
	 * case, so avoid using it.  The best permutation is identity anyway,
	 * so this is an easy fix. */
	identity = TRUE ;
	PRINT1 (("METIS:: no nz\n")) ;
    else if (Common->metis_nswitch > 0)
	/* METIS_NodeND in METIS 4.0.1 gives a seg fault with one matrix of
	 * order n = 3005 and nz = 6,036,025, including the diagonal entries.
	 * The workaround is to return the identity permutation instead of using
	 * METIS for matrices of dimension 3000 or more and with density of 66%
	 * or more - admittedly an uncertain fix, but such matrices are so dense
	 * that any reasonable ordering will do, even identity (n^2 is only 50%
	 * higher than nz in this case).  CHOLMOD's nested dissection method
	 * (cholmod_nested_dissection) has no problems with the same matrix,
	 * even though it too uses METIS_NodeComputeSeparator.  The matrix is
	 * derived from LPnetlib/lpi_cplex1 in the UF sparse matrix collection.
	 * If C is the lpi_cplex matrix (of order 3005-by-5224), A = (C*C')^2
	 * results in the seg fault.  The seg fault also occurs in the stand-
	 * alone onmetis program that comes with METIS.  If a future version of
	 * METIS fixes this problem, then set Common->metis_nswitch to zero.
	d = ((double) nz) / (((double) n) * ((double) n)) ;
	if (n > (Int) (Common->metis_nswitch) && d > Common->metis_dswitch)
	    identity = TRUE ;
	    PRINT1 (("METIS:: nswitch/dswitch activated\n")) ;

    if (!identity && !metis_memory_ok (n, nz, Common))
	/* METIS might ask for too much memory and thus terminate the program */
	identity = TRUE ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* find the permutation */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (identity)
	/* no need to do the postorder */
	postorder = FALSE ;
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    Mperm [i] = i ;
	/* DUMP_GRAPH */ printf ("Calling METIS_NodeND n "ID" nz "ID""
	"density %g\n", n, nz, ((double) nz) / (((double) n) * ((double) n)));
	dumpgraph (Mp, Mi, n, Common) ;

	nn = n ;
	METIS_NodeND (&nn, Mp, Mi, &zero, Opt, Mperm, Miperm) ;
	n = nn ;

	PRINT0 (("METIS_NodeND done\n")) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* free the METIS input arrays */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (sizeof (Int) != sizeof (idxtype))
	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
	    Perm [i] = (Int) (Mperm [i]) ;
	CHOLMOD(free) (n,   sizeof (idxtype), Miperm, Common) ;
	CHOLMOD(free) (n,   sizeof (idxtype), Mperm, Common) ;
	CHOLMOD(free) (n+1, sizeof (idxtype), Mp, Common) ;
	CHOLMOD(free) (nz,  sizeof (idxtype), Mi, Common) ;

    CHOLMOD(free_sparse) (&B, Common) ;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* etree or column-etree postordering, using the Cholesky Module */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (postorder)
	Int *Parent, *Post, *NewPerm ;
	Int k ;

	Parent = Iwork + 2*((size_t) n) + uncol ;   /* size n = nrow */
	Post   = Parent + n ;			    /* size n */

	/* workspace: Iwork (2*nrow+uncol), Flag (nrow), Head (nrow+1) */
	CHOLMOD(analyze_ordering) (A, CHOLMOD_METIS, Perm, fset, fsize,
		Parent, Post, NULL, NULL, NULL, Common) ;
	if (Common->status == CHOLMOD_OK)
	    /* combine the METIS permutation with its postordering */
	    NewPerm = Parent ;	    /* use Parent as workspace */
	    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
		NewPerm [k] = Perm [Post [k]] ;
	    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
		Perm [k] = NewPerm [k] ;

    ASSERT (CHOLMOD(dump_work) (TRUE, TRUE, 0, Common)) ;
    PRINT1 (("cholmod_metis done\n")) ;
    return (Common->status == CHOLMOD_OK) ;
Example #2
/* transform the graph to a shortest-path tree by marking tree edges */
{	register p_node n;
	register p_link l;
	p_link lparent;
	static int firsttime = 0;

	vprintf(stderr, "*** mapping\n");
	Tflag = Tflag && Vflag;		/* tracing here only if verbose */
	/* re-use the hash table space for the heap */
	Heap = (p_link *) Table;
	Hashpart = pack(0L, Tabsize - 1);

	/* expunge penalties from -a option and make circular copy lists */

	if (firsttime++) {
		if (Linkout && *Linkout)	/* dump cheapest links */
		if (Graphout && *Graphout)	/* dump the edge list */

	/* insert Home to get things started */
	l = newlink();		/* link to get things started */
	getlink(l)->l_to = Home;
	(void) dehash(Home);

	/* main mapping loop */
	Heaphighwater = Nheap;
	while ((lparent = min_node()) != 0) {
		getlink(lparent)->l_flag |= LTREE;
		n = getlink(lparent)->l_to;
		if (Tflag && maptrace(n, n))
			fprintf(stderr, "%s -> %s mapped\n",
		if (getnode(n)->n_flag & MAPPED)
			die("mapped node in heap");
		getnode(n)->n_flag |= MAPPED;

		/* add children to heap */
	vprintf(stderr, "heap high water mark was %ld\n", Heaphighwater);

	/* sanity check on implementation */
	if (Nheap != 0)
		die("null entry in heap");

	if (Hashpart < Tabsize) {
		 * add back links from unreachable hosts to
		 * reachable neighbors, then remap.
		 * asymptotically, this is quadratic; in
		 * practice, this is done once or twice.
		if (Nheap)
			goto remap;
	if (Hashpart < Tabsize) {
		fputs("You can't get there from here:\n", stderr);
		for ( ; Hashpart < Tabsize; Hashpart++) {
			fprintf(stderr, "\t%s", getnode(Table[Hashpart])->n_name);
			if (getnode(Table[Hashpart])->n_flag & ISPRIVATE)
				fputs(" (private)", stderr);
			putc('\n', stderr);