Example #1
//! %*% -- generalized from dge to *ge():
SEXP geMatrix_matrix_mm(SEXP a, SEXP b, SEXP right) {
	da = PROTECT(dup_mMatrix_as_geMatrix(a)),
	db = PROTECT(dup_mMatrix_as_geMatrix(b)),
	val = _geMatrix_matrix_mm(da, db, right);
    return val;
Example #2
SEXP geMatrix_geMatrix_crossprod(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP trans)
    SEXP gx = PROTECT(dup_mMatrix_as_geMatrix(x)),
	 gy = PROTECT(dup_mMatrix_as_geMatrix(y)),
	val = _geMatrix__geMatrix_crossprod(gx, gy, trans);
    return val;
Example #3
SEXP geMatrix_crossprod(SEXP x, SEXP trans)
    SEXP y = PROTECT(dup_mMatrix_as_geMatrix(x)),
	val = _geMatrix_crossprod(y, trans);
    return val;
Example #4
SEXP dense_band(SEXP x, SEXP k1P, SEXP k2P)
/* Always returns a full matrix with entries outside the band zeroed
 * Class of the value can be [dln]trMatrix or [dln]geMatrix
    int k1 = asInteger(k1P), k2 = asInteger(k2P);

    if (k1 > k2) {
	error(_("Lower band %d > upper band %d"), k1, k2);
	return R_NilValue; /* -Wall */
    else {
	SEXP ans = PROTECT(dup_mMatrix_as_geMatrix(x));
	int *adims = INTEGER(GET_SLOT(ans, Matrix_DimSym)),
	    j, m = adims[0], n = adims[1],
	    sqr = (adims[0] == adims[1]),
	    tru = (k1 >= 0), trl = (k2 <= 0);
	const char *cl = class_P(ans);
	enum dense_enum { ddense, ldense, ndense
	} M_type = ( (cl[0] == 'd') ? ddense :
		    ((cl[0] == 'l') ? ldense : ndense));

#define SET_ZERO_OUTSIDE				\
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {			\
	    int i, i1 = j - k2, i2 = j + 1 - k1;	\
	    if(i1 > m) i1 = m;				\
	    if(i2 < 0) i2 = 0;				\
	    for (i = 0; i < i1; i++) xx[i + j * m] = 0;	\
	    for (i = i2; i < m; i++) xx[i + j * m] = 0;	\

	if(M_type == ddense) {
	    double *xx = REAL(GET_SLOT(ans, Matrix_xSym));
	else { /* (M_type == ldense || M_type == ndense) */