Example #1
 * We're calling a JNI native method from an internal VM fuction or
 * via reflection.  This is also used to create the "fake" native-method
 * frames at the top of the interpreted stack.
 * This actually pushes two frames; the first is a "break" frame.
 * The top frame has additional space for JNI local reference tracking.
bool dvmPushJNIFrame(Thread* self, const Method* method)
    StackSaveArea* saveBlock;
    StackSaveArea* breakSaveBlock;
    int stackReq;
    u1* stackPtr;


    /* Interleaved taint tags plus "native hack" spacer */
    stackReq = method->registersSize * 8 + 4    // params only
                + sizeof(StackSaveArea) * 2;    // break frame + regular frame
    stackReq = method->registersSize * 4        // params only
                + sizeof(StackSaveArea) * 2;    // break frame + regular frame

    if (self->curFrame != NULL)
        stackPtr = (u1*) SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->curFrame);
        stackPtr = self->interpStackStart;

    if (stackPtr - stackReq < self->interpStackEnd) {
        /* not enough space */
        LOGW("Stack overflow on call to native "
             "(req=%d top=%p cur=%p size=%d '%s')\n",
            stackReq, self->interpStackStart, self->curFrame,
            self->interpStackSize, method->name);
        dvmHandleStackOverflow(self, method);
        return false;

     * Shift the stack pointer down, leaving space for just the stack save
     * area for the break frame, then shift down farther for the full frame.
     * We leave space for the method args, which are copied in later.
    stackPtr -= sizeof(StackSaveArea);
    breakSaveBlock = (StackSaveArea*)stackPtr;
    /* interleaved taint tags plus "native hack" spacer */
    stackPtr -= method->registersSize * 8 + 4 + sizeof(StackSaveArea);
    stackPtr -= method->registersSize * 4 + sizeof(StackSaveArea);
    saveBlock = (StackSaveArea*) stackPtr;

#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(PAD_SAVE_AREA)
    /* debug -- memset the new stack */
    memset(stackPtr, 0xaf, stackReq);
#ifdef EASY_GDB
    if (self->curFrame == NULL)
        breakSaveBlock->prevSave = NULL;
        breakSaveBlock->prevSave = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(self->curFrame);
    saveBlock->prevSave = breakSaveBlock;

    breakSaveBlock->prevFrame = self->curFrame;
    breakSaveBlock->savedPc = NULL;             // not required
    breakSaveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie = 0;    // not required
    breakSaveBlock->method = NULL;
    saveBlock->prevFrame = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(breakSaveBlock);
    saveBlock->savedPc = NULL;                  // not required
    saveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie = self->jniLocalRefTable.segmentState.all;
    saveBlock->xtra.localRefCookie = self->jniLocalRefTable.nextEntry;
    saveBlock->method = method;

    LOGVV("PUSH JNI frame: old=%p new=%p (size=%d)\n",
        self->curFrame, FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock),
        (u1*)self->curFrame - (u1*)FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock));

    self->curFrame = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock);

    return true;
Example #2
 * We're calling an interpreted method from an internal VM function or
 * via reflection.
 * Push a frame for an interpreted method onto the stack.  This is only
 * used when calling into interpreted code from native code.  (The
 * interpreter does its own stack frame manipulation for interp-->interp
 * calls.)
 * The size we need to reserve is the sum of parameters, local variables,
 * saved goodies, and outbound parameters.
 * We start by inserting a "break" frame, which ensures that the interpreter
 * hands control back to us after the function we call returns or an
 * uncaught exception is thrown.
static bool dvmPushInterpFrame(Thread* self, const Method* method)
    StackSaveArea* saveBlock;
    StackSaveArea* breakSaveBlock;
    int stackReq;
    u1* stackPtr;


    stackReq = method->registersSize * 4        // params + locals
                + sizeof(StackSaveArea) * 2     // break frame + regular frame
                + method->outsSize * 4;         // args to other methods

    if (self->curFrame != NULL)
        stackPtr = (u1*) SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(self->curFrame);
        stackPtr = self->interpStackStart;

    if (stackPtr - stackReq < self->interpStackEnd) {
        /* not enough space */
        LOGW("Stack overflow on call to interp (top=%p cur=%p size=%d %s.%s)\n",
            self->interpStackStart, self->curFrame, self->interpStackSize,
            method->clazz->descriptor, method->name);
        return false;

     * Shift the stack pointer down, leaving space for the function's
     * args/registers and save area.
    stackPtr -= sizeof(StackSaveArea);
    breakSaveBlock = (StackSaveArea*)stackPtr;
    stackPtr -= method->registersSize * 4 + sizeof(StackSaveArea);
    saveBlock = (StackSaveArea*) stackPtr;

#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(PAD_SAVE_AREA)
    /* debug -- memset the new stack, unless we want valgrind's help */
    memset(stackPtr - (method->outsSize*4), 0xaf, stackReq);
#ifdef EASY_GDB
    breakSaveBlock->prevSave = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(self->curFrame);
    saveBlock->prevSave = breakSaveBlock;

    breakSaveBlock->prevFrame = self->curFrame;
    breakSaveBlock->savedPc = NULL;             // not required
    breakSaveBlock->xtra.localRefTop = NULL;    // not required
    breakSaveBlock->method = NULL;
    saveBlock->prevFrame = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(breakSaveBlock);
    saveBlock->savedPc = NULL;                  // not required
    saveBlock->xtra.currentPc = NULL;           // not required?
    saveBlock->method = method;

    LOGVV("PUSH frame: old=%p new=%p (size=%d)\n",
        self->curFrame, FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock),
        (u1*)self->curFrame - (u1*)FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock));

    self->curFrame = FP_FROM_SAVEAREA(saveBlock);

    return true;