Example #1
 * Grays all references in the roots.
void dvmHeapReMarkRootSet(void)
    GcMarkContext *ctx = &gDvm.gcHeap->markContext;
    assert(ctx->finger == (void *)ULONG_MAX);
    dvmVisitRoots(markObjectVisitor, ctx);
Example #2
/* Mark the set of root objects.
 * Things we need to scan:
 * - System classes defined by root classloader
 * - For each thread:
 *   - Interpreted stack, from top to "curFrame"
 *     - Dalvik registers (args + local vars)
 *   - JNI local references
 *   - Automatic VM local references (TrackedAlloc)
 *   - Associated Thread/VMThread object
 *   - ThreadGroups (could track & start with these instead of working
 *     upward from Threads)
 *   - Exception currently being thrown, if present
 * - JNI global references
 * - Interned string table
 * - Primitive classes
 * - Special objects
 *   - gDvm.outOfMemoryObj
 * - Objects in debugger object registry
 * Don't need:
 * - Native stack (for in-progress stuff in the VM)
 *   - The TrackedAlloc stuff watches all native VM references.
void dvmHeapMarkRootSet()
    GcHeap *gcHeap = gDvm.gcHeap;
    dvmVisitRoots(rootMarkObjectVisitor, &gcHeap->markContext);