static void vInitTask( void *pvParameters ) { const unsigned char ucSlaveIDAdditonal[] = { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC }; eMBErrorCode eStatus; /* Select either ASCII or RTU Mode. */ eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN ); assert( eStatus == MB_ENOERR ); /* Configure the slave id of the device. */ eStatus = eMBSetSlaveID( 44, TRUE, ucSlaveIDAdditonal, 3 ); assert( eStatus == MB_ENOERR ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable( ); for( ;; ) { /* Call the main polling loop of the Modbus protocol stack. Internally * the polling loop waits for a new event by calling the port * dependent function xMBPortEventGet( ). In the FreeRTOS port the * event layer is built with queues. */ ( void )eMBPoll( ); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ usRegInputBuf[0]++; } }
/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/ int main( void ) { const UCHAR ucSlaveID[] = { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC }; eMBErrorCode eStatus; // DDRA |= 0b00001110; eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, 38400, MB_PAR_NONE ); eStatus = eMBSetSlaveID( 0x34, TRUE, ucSlaveID, 3 ); sei( ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable( ); for( ;; ) { ( void )eMBPoll( ); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ usRegInputBuf[0]++; } }
/** * MCU: Atmega328 * Fuses: Oscilador interno a 8 Mhz (sin dividir por 8) * -U lfuse:w:0xe2:m -U hfuse:w:0xd1:m -U efuse:w:0x07:m */ int main(void) { adc_init(); timer0_init(timer0_callback); i2c_init(); rtc_init(rtc); rtc_sqw_rate(rtc, 1); rtc_sqw_enable(rtc); rtc_clock_start(rtc); eMBInit(MB_RTU, 0x03, 0, 9600, MB_PAR_NONE); eMBSetSlaveID(0x3, TRUE, (UCHAR*) "demeter", 8); eMBEnable(); blinkenlight(5, 100); parameters_init(); ports_init(); f_mount(&fs, "", 0); update_log_filename(); while (1) { eMBPoll(); update_state(); _delay_ms(100); } return (0); }
/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/ int main( void ) { const UCHAR ucSlaveID[] = { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC }; eMBErrorCode eStatus; ULONG my_counter = 0; eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN ); eStatus = eMBSetSlaveID( 0x34, TRUE, ucSlaveID, 3 ); sei( ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable( ); for( ;; ) { ( void )eMBPoll( ); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ if( my_counter++ > 100000) { my_counter = 0; usRegInputBuf[0]++; } /* The constant value. */ usRegInputBuf[1] = 33; } }
bool_t initJbus485 (void) { eMBErrorCode eStatus; getJbus485StatesFromEeprom (); if ((eStatus = eMBInit (jbus485States.mode, jbus485States.address, 1, jbus485States.baudRate, jbus485States.parity, jbus485States.nbBitsStop)) != MB_ENOERR) { DebugTrace ("eMBInit Failed err=%d", eStatus); return FALSE; } if ((eStatus = eMBSetSlaveID (0x42, TRUE, UniqProcessorId, UniqProcessorIdLen)) != MB_ENOERR) { DebugTrace ("eMBSetSlaveID Failed err=%d", eStatus); return FALSE; } if ((eStatus = eMBEnable()) != MB_ENOERR) { DebugTrace ("eMBEnable Failed err=%d", eStatus); return FALSE; } pxMBPortCBTimerExpired (); return TRUE; }
static void Modbus_RS485_Task(void *pvParameters) { eMBEnable(&stContext_RS485); Watchdog_SetTaskStatus(RS485_TASK,TASK_ACTIVE); for( ;; ) { eMBPoll(&stContext_RS485); vTaskDelay(MODBUS_POLL_TIME); Watchdog_IncrementCouter(RS485_TASK); } }
/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/ int main( void ) { /* Select either ASCII or RTU Mode. */ ( void )eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, 9600, MB_PAR_EVEN ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ ( void )eMBEnable( ); for( ;; ) { /* Call the main polling loop of the Modbus protocol stack. */ ( void )eMBPoll( ); } }
static void vModbusTask( void *pvParameters ) { /* Select either ASCII or RTU Mode. */ ( void )eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ ( void )eMBEnable( ); /* Enter main loop. */ for( ;; ) { /* Call the main polling loop of the Modbus protocol stack. */ ( void )eMBPoll( ); } }
/* ============================================== main task routine ============================================== */ int main(void) { pool_memadd((uint32_t) pool, sizeof(pool)); #ifdef DEBUG dbg.start(); #endif eMBErrorCode eStatus; // dbg.waitToDebugMode(); #if MB_TCP_ENABLED == 1 eStatus = eMBTCPInit( MB_TCP_PORT_USE_DEFAULT ); #endif if (eStatus != MB_ENOERR) dbg.println("can't initialize modbus stack!"); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable(); if (eStatus != MB_ENOERR) dbg.println("can't enable modbus stack!"); // Initialise some registers usRegInputBuf[1] = 0x1234; usRegInputBuf[2] = 0x5678; usRegInputBuf[3] = 0x9abc; // debug LED CPin led(LED1); CTimeout tm; // Enter an endless loop while (1) { if (>0.5 ) { led = !led; tm.reset(); } eStatus = eMBPoll( ); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ usRegInputBuf[0]++; } return 0; }
/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/ int main( void ) { eMBErrorCode eStatus; eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable( ); for( ;; ) { ( void )eMBPoll( ); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ usRegInputBuf[0]++; } }
/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/ int main(void) { eMBErrorCode eStatus; eStatus = eMBInit(MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, BAUD_MODBUS, MB_PAR_EVEN); /* Port 0 is defined in portserial.c */ sei( ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable(); for (;;) { (void) eMBPoll(); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ usRegInputBuf[0]++; } }
/** * @功能 * @参数 * @返回值 */ int main(void) { NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_1); NVIC_Configuration(); LED_Config(); /* 模式 从机地址 端口 波特率 校验位*/ eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x02, 0, 9600, MB_PAR_NONE ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eMBEnable( ); for( ;; ) { ( void )eMBPoll( ); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ // usRegInputBuf[0]++; } }
/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/ int main( void ) { _SetupHardware( ); const UCHAR ucSlaveID[] = { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC }; eMBErrorCode eStatus; for( ;; ) { if( MB_ENOERR != ( eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 1, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN ) ) ) { /* Can not initialize. Add error handling code here. */ } else { if( MB_ENOERR != ( eStatus = eMBSetSlaveID( 0x34, TRUE, ucSlaveID, 3 ) ) ) { /* Can not set slave id. Check arguments */ } else if( MB_ENOERR != ( eStatus = eMBEnable( ) ) ) { /* Enable failed. */ } else { usRegHoldingBuf[0] = 1; do { ( void )eMBPoll( ); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ usRegInputBuf[0]++; } while( usRegHoldingBuf[0] ); ( void )eMBDisable( ); ( void )eMBClose( ); } } } return 1; }
DWORD WINAPI dwPollingThread( LPVOID lpParameter ) { eSetPollingThreadState( RUNNING ); if( eMBEnable( ) == MB_ENOERR ) { do { if( eMBPoll( ) != MB_ENOERR ) break; } while( eGetPollingThreadState( ) != SHUTDOWN ); } ( void )eMBDisable( ); eSetPollingThreadState( STOPPED ); return 0; }
/** * Poll the modbus. * * @param pvParameter */ void * pvPollingThread( void *pvParameter ) { vSetPollingThreadState( RUNNING ); DEBUG_PUTSTRING("Thread started!"); if( eMBEnable( ) == MB_ENOERR ) { do { if( eMBPoll( ) != MB_ENOERR ) break; } while( eGetPollingThreadState( ) != SHUTDOWN ); } ( void )eMBDisable( ); vSetPollingThreadState( STOPPED ); DEBUG_PUTSTRING("Thread stopped!"); cmd_done(BOOT_EXIT); return 0; }
static void vTaskMODBUS( void *pvArg ) { const UCHAR ucSlaveID[] = { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC }; eMBErrorCode eStatus; for( ;; ) { if( MB_ENOERR != ( eStatus = eMBInit( MB_ASCII, 0x0A, 1, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN ) ) ) { /* Can not initialize. Add error handling code here. */ } else { if( MB_ENOERR != ( eStatus = eMBSetSlaveID( 0x34, TRUE, ucSlaveID, 3 ) ) ) { /* Can not set slave id. Check arguments */ } else if( MB_ENOERR != ( eStatus = eMBEnable( ) ) ) { /* Enable failed. */ } else { usRegHoldingBuf[0] = 1; do { ( void )eMBPoll( ); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ usRegInputBuf[0]++; } while( usRegHoldingBuf[0] ); } ( void )eMBDisable( ); ( void )eMBClose( ); } vTaskDelay( 50 ); } }
int main(void) { board_init(); system_init(); QueueInit(&lock_fifo); //modbus485有线的配置 eMBInit(MB_RTU, MSlaveID, MODBUS_UART_NUMBER, MODBUS_UART_BAUDRATE, MB_PAR_NONE); eMBEnable(); while (1) { if(Timer2_Get_Sensor_Data() == 0){ QueueInit(&lock_fifo); if(Door_Flag1 == 1) { SetAndSendRemoteOpenDoorCmd(); Door_Flag1 = 0; } } } }
/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/ int main( void ) { const UCHAR ucSlaveID[] = { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC }; eMBErrorCode eStatus; eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, 9600, MB_PAR_NONE ); // 0x0A slave address eStatus = eMBSetSlaveID( 0x34, TRUE, ucSlaveID, 3 ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable( ); sei( ); while(1) { ( void )eMBPoll( ); usRegInputBuf[0] = 1234; usRegHoldingBuf[0] = 5678; } }
/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/ int main( void ) { const UCHAR ucSlaveID[] = { 0x01 }; eMBErrorCode eStatus; eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x01, 0, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN ); eStatus = eMBSetSlaveID(ucSlaveID[0], TRUE, ucSlaveID, 3 ); sei( ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable( ); for( ;; ) { ( void )eMBPoll( ); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ usRegInputBuf[0]++; } }
/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/ int main( void ) { eMBErrorCode eStatus; eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, SLAVE_ID, 0, 9600, MB_PAR_NONE ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable( ); // Initialise some registers usRegInputBuf[1] = 0x1234; usRegInputBuf[2] = 0x5678; usRegInputBuf[3] = 0x9abc; for( ;; ) { ( void )eMBPoll( ); /* Here we simply count the number of poll cycles. */ usRegInputBuf[0]++; } }
static void vModbusTask( void *pvParameters ) { int i; /* Select either ASCII or RTU Mode. */ ( void )eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN ); /* Initialize the holding register values before starting the * Modbus stack. */ for( i = 0; i < REG_HOLDING_NREGS; i++ ) { usRegHoldingBuf[i] = ( unsigned short )i; } /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ ( void )eMBEnable( ); for( ;; ) { /* Call the main polling loop of the Modbus protocol stack. */ ( void )eMBPoll( ); } }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int c; int option_index = 0; int received; int mq_id; struct sIPCMsg mymsg; char *ttydev = DEFAULT_TTY; char *parity_s = DEFAULT_PAR; int parity; int baud = DEFAULT_BAUD; USHORT result[255] = {0,}; int result_int = 0; USHORT usLen; eMBErrorCode err = MB_ENOERR; int reg_start = DEFAULT_REGISTER_START; int address = DEFAULT_ADDRESS; int regt = -1; int reg_action = -1; int reg_action_param = -1; int no_reg = -1; int run_forground = 0; int errorcount = 0; struct pidfile *pidfile = NULL; UCHAR *pucFrame; eMBException eException; UCHAR ucFuncType; /* Parse cmd-line options */ while ( (c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hVd:s:p:r:t:c:a:f", long_options, &option_index)) != EOF ) { switch (c) { case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "%s", helptext); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'V': exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'd': ttydev = strndup(optarg, MAXLEN); break; case 's': baud = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': parity_s = strndup(optarg, MAXLEN); break; case 'f': // run in forground run_forground = 1; break; case '?': /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */ default: fprintf(stderr, "%s", helptext); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } if(!run_forground){ fprintf(stderr, "Deamonizing...\n"); daemon(0, 0); } /* Setup signalhandler so that we shut down nicely on CTRL+C */ signal(SIGINT, int_handler); pidfile = pidfile_create(DEFAULT_PIDFILE, PMODE_RETURN, 0); mq_id = create_ipc(); /* Allocate space for an ADU frame */ pucFrame = eMBAllocateFrame(&usLen); while(outer_loop) { if(running == 1) printf("Restarting modbus layer\n"); else { printf("\n\n\n\n Restarting modbus layer\n\n\n\n"); running = 1; errorcount = 0; } /* Parse user inputs... */ if(strcmp(parity_s, "even") == 0) parity = MB_PAR_EVEN; else if(strcmp(parity_s, "odd") == 0) parity = MB_PAR_ODD; else parity = MB_PAR_NONE; PRINT_DBG(1, "init modbus at tty: %s parity %d baud %d", ttydev, parity, baud); /* mode, port, baud, parity */ eMBMasterInit(MB_RTU, ttydev, baud, parity); while(running) { /* Check message queue */ if((received = msgrcv(mq_id, &mymsg, sizeof(mymsg.text), 1, IPC_NOWAIT)) > 0) { /* Address */ address = parse_address(mymsg.text); /* Starting register */ reg_start = parse_reg_start(mymsg.text); /* Register type */ regt = parse_reg_type(mymsg.text); /* Register action */ reg_action_param = 0; reg_action = parse_reg_action(mymsg.text, ®_action_param); /* Optional: number of registers */ no_reg = parse_no_reg(mymsg.text); #ifdef DBG if(dbglev>=1){ printf("Got: %s\n", mymsg.text); printf("Parsing command:\n"); printf("Address: 0x%02x\n", address); printf("Register: %d\n", reg_start); printf("Register type: %d\n", regt); printf("Register action: %d Arg: %d\n", reg_action, reg_action_param); printf("Register count: %d\n", no_reg); } #endif switch(regt) { case MB_TYPE_COILS: switch(reg_action) { case ACTION_READ: err = build_eMBMasterReadCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, reg_action_param, &usLen); break; case ACTION_WRITE: err = build_eMBMasterWriteCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, reg_action_param ? 0xff : 0x0, &usLen); break; case ACTION_WRITEMULTIPLE: err = build_eMBMasterWriteMultipleCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, no_reg, reg_action_param ? 0xff : 0x0, &usLen); break; } break; case MB_TYPE_INPUT: err = build_eMBMasterReadInput (pucFrame, reg_start, reg_action_param, &usLen); break; case MB_TYPE_HOLDING: switch(reg_action) { case ACTION_READ: err = build_eMBMasterReadHolding (pucFrame, reg_start, reg_action_param, &usLen); break; case ACTION_WRITE: err = build_eMBMasterWriteSingleHolding (pucFrame, reg_start, reg_action_param, &usLen); break; } break; } #ifdef DBG if(dbglev){ int n; printf("Dumping built frame:\n"); for(n=0; n<10; n++) printf("%02x ",pucFrame[n]); printf("\n"); } #endif /* ? */ eMBEnable(); memset(result, 0, sizeof(result)); if(err == MB_EX_NONE) { /* Set the address of the device in question */ eMBSetSlaveAddress(address); /* Send the frame */ if( (err = eMBSendFrame(pucFrame, usLen)) == MB_ENOERR) { printf(" ---- done processing frame ----\n"); eException = MB_EX_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; ucFuncType = pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_OFF]; #ifdef DBG if(dbglev){ printf("%s():%d - after send...\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); { int n; printf("Dumping received frame:\n"); for(n=0; n<10; n++) printf("%02x ",pucFrame[n]); printf("\n"); } } #endif if(ucFuncType & 0x80) { UCHAR ucExceptType = pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_OFF+1]; /* We encountered some sort of error */ switch(ucExceptType) { case MB_EX_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Illegal function!\n"); break; case MB_EX_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Illegal data address!\n"); break; case MB_EX_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Illegal data value!\n"); break; case MB_EX_SLAVE_DEVICE_FAILURE: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Slave device failure!\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown error (%d)!\n", eException); break; } } else { switch(ucFuncType) { case MB_FUNC_READ_COILS: eException = parse_eMBMasterReadCoils(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); #ifdef DBG if(dbglev) printf("Reply: %04x\n", result[0]); #endif break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_SINGLE_COIL: eException = parse_eMBMasterWriteCoils(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); #ifdef DBG if(dbglev) printf("Reply: %04x\n", result[0]); #endif break; case MB_FUNC_READ_INPUT_REGISTER: eException = parse_eMBMasterReadInput(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); #ifdef DBG if(dbglev) printf("Reply (%d): %04x\n", eException, result[0]); #endif break; case MB_FUNC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTER: eException = parse_eMBMasterReadHolding(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); #ifdef DBG printf("Reply: %04x %04x %d %d\n", result[0],result[1], result_int, reg_action_param); #endif break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_REGISTER: eException = parse_eMBMasterWriteSingleHolding(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); #ifdef DBG printf("Reply: %04x\n", result[0]); #endif break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS: usLen = 5; eException = parse_eMBMasterWriteMultipleCoils(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)result); if(eException == MB_EX_NONE) printf("Write multiple coils SUCCESS!\n"); else printf("Write multiple coils FAIL!\n"); break; default: printf("Unknown function type : %x\n", ucFuncType); printf("%d : %s()\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); { int n; for(n=0; n<10; n++) printf("%02x ",pucFrame[n]); printf("\n"); } break; } switch(ucFuncType) { case MB_FUNC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTER: case MB_FUNC_READ_INPUT_REGISTER: if(reg_action_param == 2){ printf("!!!!\n"); result_int = (result[0]<<16) | result[1]; }else { result_int = result[0]; } break; default: result_int = result[0]; break; } if(eException == MB_EX_NONE) { snprintf(mymsg.text, sizeof(mymsg.text), "%ld:REG:%d:RESULT:%d", time(NULL), reg_start, result_int); } else { snprintf(mymsg.text, sizeof(mymsg.text), "ERROR:Parsing frame"); } #ifdef DBG printf("%s():%d - reply: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, mymsg.text); #endif goto out; } } else { printf("Error sending frame. (%d)\n", err); snprintf(mymsg.text, sizeof(mymsg.text), "ERROR:Sending frame"); if(errorcount > 10) running = 0; else errorcount++; } } else { printf("Error in frame arguments.\n"); snprintf(mymsg.text, sizeof(mymsg.text), "ERROR:Wrong argument"); } out: /* Set the reply */ mymsg.type = 2; #ifdef DBG printf("%s():%d - reply: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, mymsg.text); #endif msgsnd(mq_id, &mymsg, sizeof(mymsg.text), IPC_NOWAIT); eMBDisable(); } else { //printf("No messages. Sleeping (%d - %s)\n", received, received < 0 ? strerror(errno) : ""); } usleep(1000); } // free(pucFrame); eMBClose(); } destroy_ipc(PROJ_ID); pidfile_delete(pidfile); return 0; }
/* Private function ----------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; uint8_t cnt=0; /* Set the Vector Table base adress at 0x8004000 */ NVIC_SetVectorTable(NVIC_VectTab_FLASH, 0x4000); /* LED0 -> PB0 LED1 -> PB1 */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0 | GPIO_Pin_1; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP; GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure); // Initialize protocol stack in RTU mode for a slave with address 10 = 0x0A // MB_RTU, Device ID: 1, USART portL: 1 (este configurat in portserial.h, Baud rate: 38400, Parity: NONE) eMBInit(MB_RTU, 1, 1, 38400, MB_PAR_NONE); // Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. eMBEnable(); while(1) { // Reset the flag. It will only be set if the modbus pooling has a request Modbus_Request_Flag = 0; // Call the main polling loop of the Modbus protocol stack. eMBPoll(); if (Modbus_Request_Flag) GPIO_SetBits(GPIOB , GPIO_Pin_0); Delay(0xffff); if (Modbus_Request_Flag) GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB , GPIO_Pin_0); cnt++; if (cnt == 4) \ { writeInputRegister(1, 111); writeInputRegister(2, 222); writeInputRegister(98, 111); writeInputRegister(99, 222); writeHoldingRegister(1, 333); writeHoldingRegister(2, 444); writeHoldingRegister(98, 333); writeHoldingRegister(99, 444); writeCoil(1, 0); writeCoil(2, 1); writeCoil(58, 1); writeCoil(59, 0); } if (cnt == 8) { writeInputRegister(1, 222); writeInputRegister(2, 111); writeInputRegister(98, 222); writeInputRegister(99, 111); writeHoldingRegister(1, 444); writeHoldingRegister(2, 333); writeHoldingRegister(98, 444); writeHoldingRegister(99, 333); writeCoil(1, 1); writeCoil(2, 0); writeCoil(58, 0); writeCoil(59, 1); cnt = 0; } } }
int main(void) { /*Ждем пока все включится*/ _delay_ms(100); /*Настраиваем порты ввода-вывода*/ DDRB = 1<<PORTB0|1<<PORTB1|1<<PORTB2|1<<PORTB3|1<<PORTB4|1<<PORTB5|1<<PORTB6|1<<PORTB7; DDRC = 1<<PORTC0|1<<PORTC1|1<<PORTC2|0<<PORTC3|0<<PORTC4|0<<PORTC5|0<<PORTC6|0<<PORTC7; DDRD = 0<<PORTD0|0<<PORTD1|0<<PORTD2|0<<PORTD3|1<<PORTD4|0<<PORTD5|0<<PORTD6|1<<PORTD7; PORTB = 1; PORTD = 1 << PORTD2; /*Тяга двигателей на минимум*/ for(uint8_t k = 0; k < CHANNELS_COUNT; ++k) { counter[k] = LOW; } /*Настраиваем I2C*/ TWSR = 0x00; TWBR = ((F_CPU / I2C_SPEED) - 16) / 2; _delay_us(10); /*Включаем Таймер0*/ TCCR0 = 1<<CS02 | 0<<CS01 | 0<<CS00; /*Включаем Таймер1*/ OCR1A=HIGH; //TOP TCCR1A=0<<COM1A1|0<<COM1A0|1<<COM1B1|0<<COM1B0|0<<FOC1A|0<<FOC1B|1<<WGM11|1<<WGM10; TCCR1B=0<<ICNC1|0<<ICES1|1<<WGM13|1<<WGM12|0<<CS12|0<<CS11|1<<CS10; TIMSK= 1<<TOIE2 | 1<<OCIE1A|1<<OCIE1B|0<<TOIE1|1<<TOIE0|0<<OCIE0; OCR1B=LOW; /*Включаем АЦП*/ ADC_Init(); /*Включаем прерывание INT0(высотомер)*/ INT0_Init(); /*Разрешаем работу прерываний*/ sei(); /*Настраиваем Modbus*/ eMBErrorCode eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x01, 0, 57600, MB_PAR_NONE ); eStatus = eMBEnable(); /*Настраиваем сенсоры*/ SensorsInit(); /*Загружаем в Holding Registers и в массив параметров значения из EEPROM*/ ModbusInitValues(); filterInit(); while(1) { /*Актуализируем значения Modbus-регистров в соответствии со значениями параметров*/ ModbusLoader(); /*Актуализируем значения параметров в соответствии со значениями Holding Registers*/ ModbusSaver(); /*Итерация Modbus*/ eMBPoll(); /*Ресурсоемкий расчет курса*/ Course_Calc(); } }
static void setupHardware(void) { // TODO: Put hardware configuration and initialisation in here SystemInit(); resetGPIO(); setInput_P2(); ADCInit(ADC_CLK); //resetto il termometro pinMode(OUTPUT); digitalWrite(HIGH); Initial_Hardware(); //init lcd hardware Initial_GLCD_Hor(); //init lcd "software" bg_color(BLACK); int sto_premendo = 0; eMBErrorCode eStatus; eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, 38400, MB_PAR_NONE ); /* Initialize the holding register values before starting the * Modbus stack */ int i; for( i = 0; i < REG_HOLDING_NREGS; i++ ) { usRegHoldingBuf[i] = 0; } sensors.distance1 = 1; sensors.distance2 = 2; sensors.lumino = 3; sensors.mic = 4; sensors.vibro = 5; actual_DHT11.humidity = 666; actual_DHT11.temperature = 666; //associo ai registri holding il valore dei sensori *(usRegHoldingBuf ) = (USHORT *) &sensors.distance1; *(usRegHoldingBuf + 1 ) = (USHORT *) &sensors.distance2; *(usRegHoldingBuf + 2 ) = (USHORT *) &sensors.lumino; *(usRegHoldingBuf + 3 ) = (USHORT *) &sensors.mic; *(usRegHoldingBuf + 4 ) = (USHORT *) &sensors.vibro; *(usRegHoldingBuf + 5 ) = (USHORT *) &actual_DHT11.humidity; *(usRegHoldingBuf + 6 ) = (USHORT *) &actual_DHT11.temperature; /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable( ); // Warning: If you do not initialize the hardware clock, the timings will be inaccurate }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int c; int option_index = 0; char *ttydev = DEFAULT_TTY; char *parity_s = DEFAULT_PAR; int parity; int baud = DEFAULT_BAUD; int reg_start = DEFAULT_REGISTER_START; int address = DEFAULT_ADDRESS; char *reg_type = NULL; int regt = -1; char *reg_action = NULL; USHORT usLen; UCHAR *pucFrame; eMBErrorCode err = MB_ENOERR; /* Parse cmd-line options */ while ( (c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hVd:s:p:r:t:c:a:", long_options, &option_index)) != EOF ) { switch (c) { case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "%s", helptext); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'V': exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'd': ttydev = strndup(optarg, MAXLEN); break; case 's': baud = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': parity_s = strndup(optarg, MAXLEN); break; case 'r': reg_start = (int)strtod(optarg, NULL); break; case 't': reg_type = strndup(optarg, MAXLEN); break; case 'c': reg_action = strndup(optarg, MAXLEN); break; case 'a': address = (int)strtod(optarg, NULL); break; case '?': /* getopt_long already printed an error message. */ default: fprintf(stderr, "%s", helptext); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } if(argc <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", helptext); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Allocate space for an ADU frame */ pucFrame = eMBAllocateFrame(&usLen); /* Parse user inputs... */ if(strcmp(parity_s, "even") == 0) parity = MB_PAR_EVEN; else if(strcmp(parity_s, "odd") == 0) parity = MB_PAR_ODD; else parity = MB_PAR_NONE; if(reg_start < 0 || reg_start > 0xffff) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! Modbus register out of range. Must be within (0x0-0xffff)\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(reg_type) { if(strcmp(reg_type, "coils" ) == 0) { regt = MB_TYPE_COILS; } else if(strcmp(reg_type, "input" ) == 0) { regt = MB_TYPE_INPUT; } else if(strcmp(reg_type, "holding" ) == 0) { regt = MB_TYPE_HOLDING; } else if(strcmp(reg_type, "slaveid" ) == 0) { regt = MB_TYPE_SLAVEID; build_eMBMasterGetSlaveID (pucFrame, &usLen); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error! Unknown register type (%s). Known types are: coils\n", reg_type); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error! No register type (-t) specified\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(reg_action) { if(regt == MB_TYPE_COILS) { if(strncmp(reg_action, "read", 4) == 0) { int val; if(sscanf(reg_action, "%*s %i", &val) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! No number of coils specified.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(val%8 == 0) { build_eMBMasterReadCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, val, &usLen); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error! Invalid coil value (%d). Must be a multiple of 8.\n", val); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if(strncmp(reg_action, "writesingle", 11) == 0) { char buf[4]; if(sscanf(reg_action, "%*s %3[FNO]", buf) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! No coil value specified (ON/OFF).\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(strcmp(buf, "ON") == 0) build_eMBMasterWriteCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, 0xff, &usLen); else build_eMBMasterWriteCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, 0x0, &usLen); } else if(strncmp(reg_action, "writemultiple", 13) == 0) { int no; char buf[4]; if( sscanf(reg_action, "%*s %i %3[FNO]", &no, buf) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! Invalid value specified.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(strcmp(buf, "ON") == 0) build_eMBMasterWriteMultipleCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, no, 0xff, &usLen); else build_eMBMasterWriteMultipleCoils (pucFrame, reg_start, no, 0x0, &usLen); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error! Unknown command type (%s).\n", reg_action); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if(regt == MB_TYPE_INPUT) { if(strncmp(reg_action, "read", 4) == 0) { int val; if(sscanf(reg_action, "%*s %i", &val) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! No number of registers specified.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(build_eMBMasterReadInput (pucFrame, reg_start, val, &usLen) != MB_ENOERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! Wrong register count. Must be between 1 and 125 (0x7d)\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } else if(regt == MB_TYPE_HOLDING) { if(strncmp(reg_action, "read", 4) == 0) { int val; if(sscanf(reg_action, "%*s %i", &val) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! No number of registers specified.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(build_eMBMasterReadHolding (pucFrame, reg_start, val, &usLen) != MB_ENOERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! Wrong register count. Must be between 1 and 125 (0x7d)\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("%s():%d - build_eMBMasterReadHolding(pucFramem, %d, %d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, reg_start, val, usLen); } else if(strncmp(reg_action, "writesingle", 11) == 0) { int val; if( sscanf(reg_action, "%*s %i", &val) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! Invalid value specified.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(build_eMBMasterWriteSingleHolding (pucFrame, reg_start, val, &usLen) != MB_ENOERR) { fprintf(stderr, "Error!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error! No command (-c) specified.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* mode, port, baud, parity */ eMBMasterInit(MB_RTU, ttydev, baud, parity); /* ? */ eMBEnable(); /* Set the address of the device in question */ eMBSetSlaveAddress(address); /* Send the frame */ if( (err = eMBSendFrame(pucFrame, usLen)) != MB_ENOERR) { printf("Error sending frame (%d).\n", err); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } eMBException eException; eException = MB_EX_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION; UCHAR ucFuncType = pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_OFF]; USHORT retval[255]; if(ucFuncType & 0x80) { UCHAR ucExceptType = pucFrame[MB_PDU_FUNC_OFF+1]; /* We encountered some sort of error */ switch(ucExceptType) { case MB_EX_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Illegal function!\n"); break; case MB_EX_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Illegal data address!\n"); break; case MB_EX_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Illegal data value!\n"); break; case MB_EX_SLAVE_DEVICE_FAILURE: fprintf(stderr, "Error! Slave device failure!\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown error (%d)!\n", eException); break; } } else { switch(ucFuncType) { case MB_FUNC_READ_COILS: eException = parse_eMBMasterReadCoils(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)retval); printf("Reply: %04x\n", retval[0]); break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_SINGLE_COIL: eException = parse_eMBMasterWriteCoils(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)retval); printf("Reply: %04x\n", retval[0]); break; case MB_FUNC_READ_INPUT_REGISTER: eException = parse_eMBMasterReadInput(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)retval); printf("Reply (%d): %04x\n", eException, retval[0]); break; case MB_FUNC_READ_HOLDING_REGISTER: eException = parse_eMBMasterReadHolding(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)retval); printf("Reply: %04x\n", retval[0]); break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_REGISTER: eException = parse_eMBMasterWriteSingleHolding(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)retval); printf("Reply: %04x\n", retval[0]); break; case MB_FUNC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS: usLen = 5; eException = parse_eMBMasterWriteMultipleCoils(pucFrame, &usLen, (void *)retval); if(eException == MB_EX_NONE) printf("Write multiple coils SUCCESS!\n"); else printf("Write multiple coils FAIL!\n"); break; default: printf("Unknown function type : %x\n", ucFuncType); printf("%d : %s()\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); { int n; for(n=0; n<10; n++) printf("%02x ",pucFrame[n]); printf("\n"); } break; } } #ifdef DBG printf("%d : %s()\n", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); { int j; for(j=0; j<usLen; j++) printf("%02x ", pucFrame[j]); printf("\n"); } #endif eMBClose(); return 0; }
int main(void) { systemInit(); TIM_Cmd(TIM3, ENABLE); //启动FreeModbus eMBEnable(); while(1) { //FreeModbus不断查询 eMBPoll(); //Botton_Control(); //本地按键控制查询 bottonValue=Botton_Scan(1); if(bottonValue) { bottonPressed=True; switch(bottonValue) { case BottonUp: bollardControlType=Control_Bollard_Up; break; case BottonDown: bollardControlType=Control_Bollard_Down; break; case BottonStop: bollardControlType=Control_Bollard_Stop; break; } } //限位到达查询 limitValuePre=limitValue; limitValue=Limit_Scan(); if((limitValue)&&(limitValue!=limitValuePre)) { limitReach=True; } //升降柱状态查询 bollardStatusPre=bollardStatus; bollardStatus=Bollard_Status_Scan(); if(bollardStatus!=bollardStatusPre) { statusChange=True; } if(synchroOnOff==1) { //级联输入查询 cascadeConnectionPre=cascadeConnection; cascadeConnection=Cascade_Connection_Scan(); if(cascadeConnection&&(cascadeConnection!=cascadeConnectionPre)) { cascadeConnectionAft=cascadeConnection; cascadeChange=True; } } if(groundCoilOnOff==1) { groundCoilStatus=Ground_Coil_Scan(); if((bollardStatus!=Emergency) && groundCoilStatus && controlOn && (BollardControlUp==ControlEnable)) { BollardControlUp=ControlDisable; controlOn=0; TIM_Cmd(TIM2,DISABLE); TIM_SetCounter(TIM2,0);// //event save } } } }
void main( void ) { eMBErrorCode eStatus; /* Use external 32.768 Hz crystal to generate 4.194.304 Hz bus clock */ ICGC1 = 0x38; // ??=0,RANGE=0,REFS=1,CLKS=1:1,OSCSTEN=0,??=0:0 while( ICGS2_DCOS == 0 ); #if 0 /* Test code for porting */ #if 1 /* Timer test * Comment out call to pxMBPortCBTimerExpired() in prvvTIMERExpiredISR when testing the timer */ /* Disable the COP watchdog */ SOPT = 0x53; // COPE=0,COPT=1,STOPE=0,??=1:0:0,BKGDPE=1,??=1 ( void )xMBPortTimersInit( 20000 ); EnableInterrupts; for( ;; ) { vMBPortTimersEnable( ); _Wait; // wait for an interrupt /* toggle LED1 */ PTFD_PTFD0 = !PTFD_PTFD0; PTFDD_PTFDD0 = 1; } #else /* Receiver test * Comment out call to pxMBFrameCBByteReceived() in prvvUARTRxISR() when testing the receiver */ /* Disable the COP watchdog */ SOPT = 0x53; // COPE=0,COPT=1,STOPE=0,??=1:0:0,BKGDPE=1,??=1 /* Enable the receiver. */ assert( xMBPortSerialInit( 0, 9600, 8, MB_PAR_NONE ) ); EnableInterrupts; for( ;; ) { UCHAR ucByte; vMBPortSerialEnable( TRUE, FALSE ); _Wait; // wait for an interrupt assert( xMBPortSerialGetByte( &ucByte ) ); /* toggle LED1 */ PTFD_PTFD0 = !PTFD_PTFD0; PTFDD_PTFDD0 = 1; /* Transmitter test * Comment out call to pxMBFrameCBTransmitterEmpty() in prvvUARTTxReadyISR() when testing the transmitter */ #if 0 vMBPortSerialEnable( FALSE, TRUE ); assert( xMBPortSerialPutByte( ucByte ) ); _Wait; // wait for an interrupt /* toggle LED1 */ PTFD_PTFD0 = !PTFD_PTFD0; #endif // Transmitter test } #endif // Receiver test #else /* Demo * NOTE: Make sure the callbacks in the three ISPs have been restored after above testing */ /* Initialization */ eStatus = eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 0, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN ); // eStatus = eMBInit( MB_ASCII, 0x0A, 0, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN ); /* Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack. */ eStatus = eMBEnable( ); /* Start polling */ EnableInterrupts; for( ;; ) { /* Poll for Modbus events */ ( void )eMBPoll( ); /* Count the number of polls */ usRegInputBuf[0]++; /* Count the number of timer overflows */ if( TPM1SC_TOF ) { TPM1SC_TOF = 0; ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); if( ++usRegInputBuf[1] == 0 ) // Happens every 2 seconds usRegInputBuf[2]++; // Happens every 36.4 hours EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION( ); } /* Keep the COP watchdog happy */ __RESET_WATCHDOG( ); } #endif // Test code when porting }
static inline int modbus_initialize(void) { eMBErrorCode mberr; int status; /* Verify that we are in the stopped state */ if (g_modbus.threadstate != STOPPED) { fprintf(stderr, "modbus_main: " "ERROR: Bad state: %d\n", g_modbus.threadstate); return EINVAL; } /* Initialize the ModBus demo data structures */ status = pthread_mutex_init(&g_modbus.lock, NULL); if (status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "modbus_main: " "ERROR: pthread_mutex_init failed: %d\n", status); return status; } status = ENODEV; /* Initialize the FreeModBus library. * * MB_RTU = RTU mode * 0x0a = Slave address * CONFIG_EXAMPLES_MODBUS_PORT = port, default=0 (i.e., /dev/ttyS0) * CONFIG_EXAMPLES_MODBUS_BAUD = baud, default=B38400 * CONFIG_EXAMPLES_MODBUS_PARITY = parity, default=MB_PAR_EVEN */ mberr = eMBInit(MB_RTU, 0x0a, CONFIG_EXAMPLES_MODBUS_PORT, CONFIG_EXAMPLES_MODBUS_BAUD, CONFIG_EXAMPLES_MODBUS_PARITY); if (mberr != MB_ENOERR) { fprintf(stderr, "modbus_main: " "ERROR: eMBInit failed: %d\n", mberr); goto errout_with_mutex; } /* Set the slave ID * * 0x34 = Slave ID * true = Is running (run indicator status = 0xff) * g_slaveid = Additional values to be returned with the slave ID * 3 = Length of additional values (in bytes) */ mberr = eMBSetSlaveID(0x34, true, g_slaveid, 3); if (mberr != MB_ENOERR) { fprintf(stderr, "modbus_main: " "ERROR: eMBSetSlaveID failed: %d\n", mberr); goto errout_with_modbus; } /* Enable FreeModBus */ mberr = eMBEnable(); if (mberr != MB_ENOERR) { fprintf(stderr, "modbus_main: " "ERROR: eMBEnable failed: %d\n", mberr); goto errout_with_modbus; } /* Successfully initialized */ g_modbus.threadstate = RUNNING; return OK; errout_with_modbus: /* Release hardware resources. */ (void)eMBClose(); errout_with_mutex: /* Free/uninitialize data structures */ (void)pthread_mutex_destroy(&g_modbus.lock); g_modbus.threadstate = STOPPED; return status; }