static void action_calendar_taskpad_print_cb (GtkAction *action, ECalShellView *cal_shell_view) { ECalShellContent *cal_shell_content; ECalModelComponent *comp_data; ETaskTable *task_table; ECalComponent *comp; ECalModel *model; icalcomponent *clone; GSList *list; cal_shell_content = cal_shell_view->priv->cal_shell_content; task_table = e_cal_shell_content_get_task_table (cal_shell_content); model = e_task_table_get_model (task_table); list = e_task_table_get_selected (task_table); g_return_if_fail (list != NULL); comp_data = list->data; g_slist_free (list); /* XXX We only print the first selected task. */ comp = e_cal_component_new (); clone = icalcomponent_new_clone (comp_data->icalcomp); e_cal_component_set_icalcomponent (comp, clone); print_comp ( comp, comp_data->client, e_cal_model_get_timezone (model), e_cal_model_get_use_24_hour_format (model), GTK_PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT_DIALOG); g_object_unref (comp); }
static struct tm cal_shell_view_get_current_time (ECalendarItem *calitem, ECalShellView *cal_shell_view) { ECalShellContent *cal_shell_content; struct icaltimetype tt; icaltimezone *timezone; ECalModel *model; cal_shell_content = cal_shell_view->priv->cal_shell_content; model = e_cal_base_shell_content_get_model (E_CAL_BASE_SHELL_CONTENT (cal_shell_content)); timezone = e_cal_model_get_timezone (model); tt = icaltime_from_timet_with_zone (time (NULL), FALSE, timezone); return icaltimetype_to_tm (&tt); }
static struct tm annum_shell_view_get_current_time (ECalendarItem * calitem, AnnumShellView * prox_shell_view) { AnnumShellContent *prox_shell_content; struct icaltimetype tt; icaltimezone *timezone; ECalModel *model; prox_shell_content = prox_shell_view->priv->prox_shell_content; model = annum_shell_content_get_model (prox_shell_content); timezone = e_cal_model_get_timezone (model); tt = icaltime_from_timet_with_zone (time (NULL), FALSE, timezone); return icaltimetype_to_tm (&tt); }
static void memo_shell_content_cursor_change_cb (EMemoShellContent *memo_shell_content, gint row, ETable *table) { ECalComponentPreview *memo_preview; ECalModel *memo_model; ECalModelComponent *comp_data; EPreviewPane *preview_pane; EWebView *web_view; const gchar *uid; memo_model = e_memo_shell_content_get_memo_model (memo_shell_content); preview_pane = e_memo_shell_content_get_preview_pane (memo_shell_content); web_view = e_preview_pane_get_web_view (preview_pane); memo_preview = E_CAL_COMPONENT_PREVIEW (web_view); if (e_table_selected_count (table) != 1) { if (memo_shell_content->priv->preview_visible) e_cal_component_preview_clear (memo_preview); return; } row = e_table_get_cursor_row (table); comp_data = e_cal_model_get_component_at (memo_model, row); if (memo_shell_content->priv->preview_visible) { ECalComponent *comp; comp = e_cal_component_new_from_icalcomponent ( icalcomponent_new_clone (comp_data->icalcomp)); e_cal_component_preview_display ( memo_preview, comp_data->client, comp, e_cal_model_get_timezone (memo_model), e_cal_model_get_use_24_hour_format (memo_model)); g_object_unref (comp); } uid = icalcomponent_get_uid (comp_data->icalcomp); g_free (memo_shell_content->priv->current_uid); memo_shell_content->priv->current_uid = g_strdup (uid); }
void annum_shell_view_update_timezone (AnnumShellView * self) { AnnumShellContent *annum_content; AnnumShellSidebar *annum_sidebar; icaltimezone *timezone; ECalModel *model; GList *clients, *iter; annum_content = self->priv->prox_shell_content; model = annum_shell_content_get_model (annum_content); timezone = e_cal_model_get_timezone (model); annum_sidebar = self->priv->prox_shell_sidebar; clients = annum_shell_sidebar_get_clients (annum_sidebar); for (iter = clients; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) { ECal *client = iter->data; if (e_cal_get_load_state (client) == E_CAL_LOAD_LOADED) e_cal_set_default_timezone (client, timezone, NULL); } g_list_free (clients); }
static void annum_shell_view_date_navigator_selection_changed_cb (AnnumShellView * self, ECalendarItem * calitem) { AnnumShellContent *prox_shell_content; GnomeCalendarViewType switch_to; GnomeCalendarViewType view_type; GnomeCalendar *calendar; ECalModel *model; GDate start_date, end_date; GDate new_start_date, new_end_date; icaltimetype tt; icaltimezone *timezone; time_t start, end, new_time; gboolean starts_on_week_start_day; gint new_days_shown; gint week_start_day; prox_shell_content = self->priv->prox_shell_content; calendar = annum_shell_content_get_calendar (prox_shell_content); model = gnome_calendar_get_model (calendar); view_type = gnome_calendar_get_view (calendar); switch_to = view_type; timezone = e_cal_model_get_timezone (model); week_start_day = e_cal_model_get_week_start_day (model); e_cal_model_get_time_range (model, &start, &end); time_to_gdate_with_zone (&start_date, start, timezone); time_to_gdate_with_zone (&end_date, end, timezone); if (view_type == GNOME_CAL_MONTH_VIEW) { EWeekView *week_view; ECalendarView *calendar_view; gboolean multi_week_view; gboolean compress_weekend; calendar_view = gnome_calendar_get_calendar_view (calendar, GNOME_CAL_MONTH_VIEW); week_view = E_WEEK_VIEW (calendar_view); multi_week_view = e_week_view_get_multi_week_view (week_view); compress_weekend = e_week_view_get_compress_weekend (week_view); if (week_start_day == 0 && (!multi_week_view || compress_weekend)) g_date_add_days (&start_date, 1); } g_date_subtract_days (&end_date, 1); e_calendar_item_get_selection (calitem, &new_start_date, &new_end_date); /* There used to be a check here to make sure the rest of the * code only ran when the date actually changed. We do not * this to simplify always having three columns for the day * view. */ new_days_shown = g_date_get_julian (&new_end_date) - g_date_get_julian (&new_start_date) + 1; /* If a complete week is selected we show the week view. * Note that if weekends are compressed and the week start * day is set to Sunday, we don't actually show complete * weeks in the week view, so this may need tweaking. */ starts_on_week_start_day = (g_date_get_weekday (&new_start_date) % 7 == week_start_day); /* Update selection to be in the new time range. */ tt = icaltime_null_time (); tt.year = g_date_get_year (&new_start_date); tt.month = g_date_get_month (&new_start_date); = g_date_get_day (&new_start_date); new_time = icaltime_as_timet_with_zone (tt, timezone); /* Switch views as appropriate, and change the number of * days or weeks shown. */ if (new_days_shown > 9) { if (view_type != GNOME_CAL_LIST_VIEW) { ECalendarView *calendar_view; calendar_view = gnome_calendar_get_calendar_view (calendar, GNOME_CAL_MONTH_VIEW); e_week_view_set_weeks_shown (E_WEEK_VIEW (calendar_view), (new_days_shown + 6) / 7); switch_to = GNOME_CAL_MONTH_VIEW; } } else if (new_days_shown == 7 && starts_on_week_start_day) switch_to = GNOME_CAL_WEEK_VIEW; else { ECalendarView *calendar_view; calendar_view = gnome_calendar_get_calendar_view (calendar, GNOME_CAL_DAY_VIEW); /* We always show three days */ if (new_days_shown == 1) new_days_shown = 3; e_day_view_set_days_shown (E_DAY_VIEW (calendar_view), new_days_shown); if (new_days_shown != 5 || !starts_on_week_start_day) switch_to = GNOME_CAL_DAY_VIEW; else if (view_type != GNOME_CAL_WORK_WEEK_VIEW) switch_to = GNOME_CAL_DAY_VIEW; } /* Make the views display things properly. */ gnome_calendar_update_view_times (calendar, new_time); gnome_calendar_set_view (calendar, switch_to); gnome_calendar_set_range_selected (calendar, TRUE); gnome_calendar_notify_dates_shown_changed (calendar); g_signal_emit (self, signals[DATE_CHANGED], 0, switch_to); }
static ECellDateEditValue * get_dtend (ECalModelCalendar *model, ECalModelComponent *comp_data) { struct icaltimetype tt_end; if (!comp_data->dtend) { icalproperty *prop; icaltimezone *zone = NULL, *model_zone = NULL; gboolean got_zone = FALSE; prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (comp_data->icalcomp, ICAL_DTEND_PROPERTY); if (!prop) return NULL; tt_end = icalproperty_get_dtend (prop); if (icaltime_get_tzid (tt_end) && e_cal_client_get_timezone_sync (comp_data->client, icaltime_get_tzid (tt_end), &zone, NULL, NULL)) got_zone = TRUE; model_zone = e_cal_model_get_timezone (E_CAL_MODEL (model)); if (got_zone) { tt_end = icaltime_from_timet_with_zone (comp_data->instance_end, tt_end.is_date, zone); if (model_zone) icaltimezone_convert_time (&tt_end, zone, model_zone); } else { tt_end = icaltime_from_timet_with_zone ( comp_data->instance_end, tt_end.is_date, model_zone); } if (!icaltime_is_valid_time (tt_end) || icaltime_is_null_time (tt_end)) return NULL; if (tt_end.is_date && icalcomponent_get_first_property (comp_data->icalcomp, ICAL_DTSTART_PROPERTY)) { struct icaltimetype tt_start; icaltimezone *start_zone = NULL; gboolean got_start_zone = FALSE; tt_start = icalproperty_get_dtstart (prop); if (icaltime_get_tzid (tt_start) && e_cal_client_get_timezone_sync (comp_data->client, icaltime_get_tzid (tt_start), &start_zone, NULL, NULL)) got_start_zone = TRUE; if (got_start_zone) { tt_start = icaltime_from_timet_with_zone (comp_data->instance_start, tt_start.is_date, start_zone); if (model_zone) icaltimezone_convert_time (&tt_start, start_zone, model_zone); } else { tt_start = icaltime_from_timet_with_zone ( comp_data->instance_start, tt_start.is_date, model_zone); } icaltime_adjust (&tt_start, 1, 0, 0, 0); /* Decrease by a day only if the DTSTART will still be before, or the same as, DTEND */ if (icaltime_compare (tt_start, tt_end) <= 0) icaltime_adjust (&tt_end, -1, 0, 0, 0); } comp_data->dtend = g_new0 (ECellDateEditValue, 1); comp_data->dtend->tt = tt_end; if (got_zone) comp_data->dtend->zone = zone; else comp_data->dtend->zone = NULL; } return e_cal_model_copy_cell_date_value (comp_data->dtend); }
static void task_shell_view_execute_search (EShellView *shell_view) { ETaskShellContent *task_shell_content; EShellWindow *shell_window; EShellContent *shell_content; EShellSearchbar *searchbar; EActionComboBox *combo_box; GtkRadioAction *action; ECalComponentPreview *task_preview; EPreviewPane *preview_pane; ETaskTable *task_table; EWebView *web_view; ECalModel *model; ECalDataModel *data_model; icaltimezone *timezone; struct icaltimetype current_time; time_t start_range; time_t end_range; time_t now_time; gchar *start, *end; gchar *query; gchar *temp; gint value; shell_window = e_shell_view_get_shell_window (shell_view); shell_content = e_shell_view_get_shell_content (shell_view); task_shell_content = E_TASK_SHELL_CONTENT (shell_content); searchbar = e_task_shell_content_get_searchbar (task_shell_content); task_shell_content = E_TASK_SHELL_CONTENT (shell_content); task_table = e_task_shell_content_get_task_table (task_shell_content); model = e_task_table_get_model (task_table); data_model = e_cal_model_get_data_model (model); timezone = e_cal_model_get_timezone (model); current_time = icaltime_current_time_with_zone (timezone); now_time = time_day_begin (icaltime_as_timet (current_time)); action = GTK_RADIO_ACTION (ACTION (TASK_SEARCH_ANY_FIELD_CONTAINS)); value = gtk_radio_action_get_current_value (action); if (value == TASK_SEARCH_ADVANCED) { query = e_shell_view_get_search_query (shell_view); if (!query) query = g_strdup (""); } else { const gchar *format; const gchar *text; GString *string; text = e_shell_searchbar_get_search_text (searchbar); if (text == NULL || *text == '\0') { text = ""; value = TASK_SEARCH_SUMMARY_CONTAINS; } switch (value) { default: text = ""; /* fall through */ case TASK_SEARCH_SUMMARY_CONTAINS: format = "(contains? \"summary\" %s)"; break; case TASK_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION_CONTAINS: format = "(contains? \"description\" %s)"; break; case TASK_SEARCH_ANY_FIELD_CONTAINS: format = "(contains? \"any\" %s)"; break; } /* Build the query. */ string = g_string_new (""); e_sexp_encode_string (string, text); query = g_strdup_printf (format, string->str); g_string_free (string, TRUE); } /* Apply selected filter. */ combo_box = e_shell_searchbar_get_filter_combo_box (searchbar); value = e_action_combo_box_get_current_value (combo_box); switch (value) { case TASK_FILTER_ANY_CATEGORY: break; case TASK_FILTER_UNMATCHED: temp = g_strdup_printf ( "(and (has-categories? #f) %s)", query); g_free (query); query = temp; break; case TASK_FILTER_NEXT_7_DAYS_TASKS: start_range = now_time; end_range = time_day_end (time_add_day (start_range, 7)); start = isodate_from_time_t (start_range); end = isodate_from_time_t (end_range); temp = g_strdup_printf ( "(and %s (due-in-time-range? " "(make-time \"%s\") (make-time \"%s\")))", query, start, end); g_free (query); query = temp; break; case TASK_FILTER_ACTIVE_TASKS: start_range = now_time; end_range = time_day_end (time_add_day (start_range, 365)); start = isodate_from_time_t (start_range); end = isodate_from_time_t (end_range); temp = g_strdup_printf ( "(and %s (due-in-time-range? " "(make-time \"%s\") (make-time \"%s\")) " "(not (is-completed?)))", query, start, end); g_free (query); query = temp; break; case TASK_FILTER_OVERDUE_TASKS: start_range = 0; end_range = time_day_end (now_time); start = isodate_from_time_t (start_range); end = isodate_from_time_t (end_range); temp = g_strdup_printf ( "(and %s (due-in-time-range? " "(make-time \"%s\") (make-time \"%s\")) " "(not (is-completed?)))", query, start, end); g_free (query); query = temp; break; case TASK_FILTER_COMPLETED_TASKS: temp = g_strdup_printf ( "(and (is-completed?) %s)", query); g_free (query); query = temp; break; case TASK_FILTER_TASKS_WITH_ATTACHMENTS: temp = g_strdup_printf ( "(and (has-attachments?) %s)", query); g_free (query); query = temp; break; default: { GList *categories; const gchar *category_name; categories = e_util_dup_searchable_categories (); category_name = g_list_nth_data (categories, value); temp = g_strdup_printf ( "(and (has-categories? \"%s\") %s)", category_name, query); g_free (query); query = temp; g_list_free_full (categories, g_free); break; } } /* Honor the user's preference to hide completed tasks. */ temp = calendar_config_get_hide_completed_tasks_sexp (FALSE); if (temp != NULL) { gchar *temp2; temp2 = g_strdup_printf ("(and %s %s)", temp, query); g_free (query); g_free (temp); query = temp2; } /* Submit the query. */ e_cal_data_model_set_filter (data_model, query); g_free (query); preview_pane = e_task_shell_content_get_preview_pane (task_shell_content); web_view = e_preview_pane_get_web_view (preview_pane); task_preview = E_CAL_COMPONENT_PREVIEW (web_view); e_cal_component_preview_clear (task_preview); }