Example #1
uint32_t ecmdCheckExpected (ecmdDataBuffer & i_data, ecmdDataBuffer & i_expected, uint32_t & o_mismatchBit) {

  uint32_t wordCounter = 0;
  uint32_t maxBits = 32;
  uint32_t numBits = i_data.getBitLength();
  uint32_t numToFetch = numBits < maxBits ? numBits : maxBits;
  uint32_t curData, curExpected;

  /* We are going to make sure they didn't expect more data then we had */
  /* We are going to allow for odd bits in a nibble if the user provided data in hex */
  if ((i_data.getBitLength()-1)/4 > (i_expected.getBitLength()-1)/4) {
    ecmdOutputError("ecmdCheckExpected - Not enough expect data provided\n");
    o_mismatchBit = ECMD_UNSET;
    return 0;
  } else if ((i_data.getBitLength()-1)/4 < (i_expected.getBitLength()-1)/4) {
    ecmdOutputError("ecmdCheckExpected - More expect data provided than data that was retrieved\n");
    o_mismatchBit = ECMD_UNSET;
    return 0;

  while (numToFetch > 0) {

    curData = i_data.getWord(wordCounter);
    curExpected = i_expected.getWord(wordCounter);

    if (numToFetch == maxBits) {
      if (curData != curExpected) {
	if (o_mismatchBit != ECMD_UNSET) {
	  uint32_t mask = 0x80000000;
	  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numToFetch; i++, mask >>= 1) {
	    if ( (curData & mask) != (curExpected & mask) ) {
	      o_mismatchBit = (wordCounter * 32) + i;
        return 0;
    else {
Example #2
uint32_t ecmdGetTraceArrayUser(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  uint32_t rc = ECMD_SUCCESS;
  uint32_t coeRc = ECMD_SUCCESS;        //@02
  ecmdChipTarget target;                ///< Current target
  ecmdChipTarget cuTarget;              ///< Current target being operated on for the chipUnits
  bool validPosFound = false;           ///< Did we find something to actually execute on ?
  std::string printed;                  ///< Print Buffer
  bool printedHeader;                   ///< Have we printed the array name and pos
  ecmdLooperData looperData;            ///< Store internal Looper data
  ecmdLooperData cuLooper;            ///< Store internal Looper data for the chipUnit loop
  uint32_t loop; 			///<loop around the array data
  uint32_t doStopStart = 0x0;              ///< Do we StopStart trace arrays ?
  std::list<ecmdTraceArrayData> queryTraceData; ///< Trace Data
  std::list<ecmdTraceArrayData>::iterator queryIt; ///< Trace Data Ietrator
  std::map< std::string, std::list<ecmdNameVectorEntry> > cuArrayMap;        ///< Array data fetched
  std::map< std::string, std::list<ecmdNameVectorEntry> >::iterator cuArrayMapIter;        ///< Array data fetched
  std::list<ecmdNameVectorEntry> nestArrayList;        ///< Array data fetched
  ecmdNameVectorEntry entry;                       ///< Entry to populate the list
  bool haveItrs = false;                 ///< Do we have any iteration values passed in?
  std::vector<uint32_t> itrVals;         ///< Iteration values to pass into ecmdNameVectorEntry.iteration
  /* get format flag, if it's there */
  std::string format;
  char * formatPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-o");
  if (formatPtr == NULL) {
    format = "x";
  else {
    format = formatPtr;

  if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-stopstart")) {
    doStopStart |= ECMD_TRACE_ARRAY_STOP;
    doStopStart |= ECMD_TRACE_ARRAY_START;
  } else if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-stop")) {
    doStopStart |= ECMD_TRACE_ARRAY_STOP;

  /* Parse Common Cmdline Args                                            */
  rc = ecmdCommandArgs(&argc, &argv);
  if (rc) return rc;

  /* Global args have been parsed, we can read if -coe was given */
  bool coeMode = ecmdGetGlobalVar(ECMD_GLOBALVAR_COEMODE); ///< Are we in continue on error mode
  /* Parse Local ARGS here!                                               */

  // Check for the iteration option
  // Can be of a format -itr x:y or -itr a,b,...,z or -itr a
  char * itrArgs = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-itr");
  if (itrArgs != NULL) 
    std::vector<std::string> tokens;
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator tokit;
    size_t l_find = 0;
    std::string l_tmp_string;

    haveItrs = true;
    // First look for ":" then look for "," - singleton otherwise.

    l_tmp_string = itrArgs;

    l_find = l_tmp_string.find_first_of(":");
    if (l_find == std::string::npos) 
      // No ":" found - check for ","
      l_find = l_tmp_string.find_first_of(",");
      if (l_find == std::string::npos)
	// No "," found either
	// Must have a single value, but check first to make sure it's a number
	if (!ecmdIsAllDecimal(itrArgs))
	  ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Invalid iteration option specified.  Must be a decimal number.\n");
	  return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;	  
	  // We have a good numeric value, so assign it
	  itrVals.push_back (atoi(l_tmp_string.c_str()));
	// Found ","; Make sure there's something before frist ','
	if (l_find == 0)
	  ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Invalid iteration list specified.  Must be of format x,y,z.\n");
          return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
          // Parse the values ','
	  ecmdParseTokens(itrArgs,",", tokens);
	  for (tokit = tokens.begin(); tokit != tokens.end(); tokit++) 
	    // Do a check for numeric values
	      ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Invalid iteration option specified.  Must be a decimal number.\n");
	      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
	      // We have a good numeric value, so assign it
	      itrVals.push_back (atoi(tokit->c_str()));

	  } //end tokit for loop
        } // end if statement for comma parsing
      } // end if statement for finding a comma      
    } // end if for not finding a colon
      // Found ":"; Make sure there's something before first ':'
      if (l_find == 0)
	  ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Invalid iteration range specified.  Must be of format x:z.\n");
          return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
          // Parse the values ':'
	  ecmdParseTokens(itrArgs,":", tokens);
	  // Check to make sure there are only 2 values in the range.
	  if (tokens.size() != 2)
	    ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Invalid iteration range specified.  Must be of format x:z. \n");
	    return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
	    uint32_t l_range_start = 0;
	    uint32_t l_range_end = 0;
	    for (tokit = tokens.begin(); tokit != tokens.end(); tokit++) 
	      // Do a check for numeric values	      
	      if (!ecmdIsAllDecimal(tokit->c_str()))
		ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Invalid iteration option specified.  Must be a decimal number.\n");
		return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;	      
		// We have a good numeric value, so assign it
		if (tokit == tokens.begin())
		  l_range_start = atoi(tokit->c_str());
		  l_range_end = atoi(tokit->c_str());
	    } //end tokit for loop

	    //Make sure the first number in the range is less than the second
	    if (!(l_range_start < l_range_end))
	      ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Invalid iteration range specified.  First number not less than second.\n");
	      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;

	    // Now fill in all the iterations between the range specified
	    for (uint32_t i = l_range_start; i <= l_range_end; i++)
	      itrVals.push_back (i);

	  } //end valid range size condition
        } //end if condition for colon parsing
    } // end if condition for finding colon
  } //end if itrArgs

  if (argc < 2) {
    ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Too few arguments specified; you need at least a chip and an array.\n");
    ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Type 'gettracearray -h' for usage.\n");
  //Setup the looper to do gettracearray
  std::string chipType, chipUnitType;
  ecmdParseChipField(argv[0], chipType, chipUnitType);
  target.chipType = chipType;
  target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
  target.cageState = target.nodeState = target.slotState = target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
  target.chipUnitTypeState = target.chipUnitNumState = target.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
  rc = ecmdLooperInit(target, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP, looperData);
  if (rc) return rc;
  while (ecmdLooperNext(target, looperData) && (!coeRc || coeMode)) {

    //Get all the valid trace arrays
    rc = ecmdQueryTraceArray(target, queryTraceData, NULL, ECMD_QUERY_DETAIL_LOW);
    if (rc) {
      printed = "gettracearray - Error occurred performing querytracearray on ";
      printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target);
      printed += "\n";
      ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
      coeRc = rc;

    if (queryTraceData.size() < 1) {
      ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Too much/little tracearray information returned from the dll, unable to determine chipUnit vs non-chipUnit\n");
      return ECMD_DLL_INVALID;


    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {//Loop for the trace array names from the user

      bool tracearrayfound = false;
      std::string traceArrayName = argv[i];
      transform(traceArrayName.begin(), traceArrayName.end(), traceArrayName.begin(), (int(*)(int)) toupper);

      for (queryIt = queryTraceData.begin(); queryIt != queryTraceData.end(); queryIt++) {
        std::string qTrace = queryIt->traceArrayName;
        transform(qTrace.begin(), qTrace.end(), qTrace.begin(), (int(*)(int)) toupper);
        if (qTrace == traceArrayName) {
          tracearrayfound = true;
          entry.name = traceArrayName;	
	  if (haveItrs)
	    entry.iteration = itrVals;
          if (queryIt->isChipUnitRelated) {
          } else {

      if (!tracearrayfound) {
        printed = "gettracearray - TraceArray " + traceArrayName + " not found on\n";
        printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
        return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;


    if (nestArrayList.size() > 0) {

      rc = getTraceArrayMultiple(target,  doStopStart, nestArrayList);
      if (rc) {
        printed = "gettracearray - Error occured performing getTraceArrayMultiple on ";
        printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
        coeRc = rc;                                           //@02
        continue;                                             //@02
      } else {
        validPosFound = true;

      for (std::list<ecmdNameVectorEntry>::iterator lit = nestArrayList.begin(); lit != nestArrayList.end(); lit++ ) {
        printedHeader = false;
        for(loop =0; loop < lit->buffer.size() ; loop++) {
          if (!printedHeader) {
	    if (haveItrs)
	      char charIteration [50];
	      sprintf(charIteration, "%d", lit->iteration[loop]);
	      printed = ecmdWriteTarget(target) + " " + lit->name + "  Iteration: " + charIteration + "\n";
	      ecmdOutput( printed.c_str() );
	      printed = ecmdWriteTarget(target) + " " + lit->name + "\n";
	      ecmdOutput( printed.c_str() );
	      printedHeader = true;

	  for(uint32_t bufloop = 0; bufloop < lit->buffer[loop].size(); bufloop++)
	    printed = ecmdWriteDataFormatted(lit->buffer[loop][bufloop], format); 
	    ecmdOutput( printed.c_str() );

    if (!cuArrayMap.empty()) {
      for (cuArrayMapIter = cuArrayMap.begin(); cuArrayMapIter != cuArrayMap.end(); cuArrayMapIter++) {
        /* Setup our target */
        cuTarget = target;
        if (cuArrayMapIter->first != "") {
          /* Check that if the user gave a chipunit, it matches the type for this array */
          /* If the user didn't specify a chipunit, we don't want to check and just let the code set it */
          if (!chipUnitType.empty() && chipUnitType != cuArrayMapIter->first) {
            printed = "gettracearray - Provided chipUnit \"";
            printed += chipUnitType;
            printed += "\" doesn't match chipUnit returned by queryTraceArray \"";
            printed += cuArrayMapIter->first + "\"\n";
            rc = ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
          cuTarget.chipUnitType = cuArrayMapIter->first;
          cuTarget.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
        cuTarget.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
        cuTarget.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

        /* Init the chipUnit loop */
        rc = ecmdLooperInit(cuTarget, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP, cuLooper);
        if (rc) return rc;

        /* If this isn't a chipUnit ring we will fall into while loop and break at the end, if it is we will call run through configloopernext */
        while (ecmdLooperNext(cuTarget, cuLooper) && (!coeRc || coeMode)) {

          //Clear the chipUnit List
          for (std::list<ecmdNameVectorEntry>::iterator lit = cuArrayMapIter->second.begin(); lit != cuArrayMapIter->second.end(); lit++ ) {
          rc = getTraceArrayMultiple(cuTarget,  doStopStart, cuArrayMapIter->second);
          if (rc) {
            printed = "gettracearray - Error occured performing getTraceArray on ";
            printed += ecmdWriteTarget(cuTarget) + "\n";
            ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
            coeRc = rc;
          } else {
            validPosFound = true;

          for (std::list<ecmdNameVectorEntry>::iterator lit = cuArrayMapIter->second.begin(); lit != cuArrayMapIter->second.end(); lit++ ) {
            printedHeader = false;
            for(loop =0; loop < lit->buffer.size() ; loop++) {
              if (!printedHeader) {
		if (haveItrs)
		  char charIteration [50];
		  sprintf(charIteration, "%d", lit->iteration[loop]);
		  printed = ecmdWriteTarget(cuTarget) + " " + lit->name + "  Iteration: " + charIteration + "\n";
		  ecmdOutput( printed.c_str() );
		  printed = ecmdWriteTarget(cuTarget) + " " + lit->name + "\n";
		  ecmdOutput( printed.c_str() );
		  printedHeader = true;

	      for(uint32_t bufloop = 0; bufloop < lit->buffer[loop].size(); bufloop++)
		printed = ecmdWriteDataFormatted(lit->buffer[loop][bufloop], format);
		ecmdOutput( printed.c_str() );

        }/* End cuLooper */
      } /* End map loop */
    } /* If chipUnit trace */
  }/* End ChipLooper */
  // coeRc will be the return code from in the loop, coe mode or not.
  if (coeRc) return coeRc;

  if (!validPosFound) {
    //this is an error common across all UI functions
    ecmdOutputError("gettracearray - Unable to find a valid chip to execute command on\n");

  return rc;
Example #3
uint32_t ecmdGetArrayUser(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  uint32_t rc = ECMD_SUCCESS;
  uint32_t coeRc = ECMD_SUCCESS;
  ecmdChipTarget target;                ///< Current target
  ecmdChipTarget cuTarget;              ///< Current target being operated on for the chipUnits
  std::string arrayName;                ///< Name of array to access
  ecmdDataBuffer address;               ///< Buffer to store address
  ecmdDataBuffer address_copy;          ///< Copy of address to modify in entry loop
  uint32_t  numEntries = 1;             ///< Number of consecutive entries to fetch
  bool validPosFound = false;           ///< Did we find something to actually execute on ?
  std::string printed;                  ///< Print Buffer
  bool printedHeader;                   ///< Have we printed the array name and pos
  std::list<ecmdArrayEntry> entries;    ///< List of arrays to fetch, to use getArrayMultiple
  ecmdArrayEntry entry;                 ///< Array entry to fetch
  uint32_t* add_buffer = NULL;          ///< Buffer to do temp work with the address for incrementing
  std::list<ecmdArrayData> arrayDataList;       ///< Query data about array
  std::list<ecmdArrayData>::iterator arrayData; ///< arrayData from the query
  ecmdLooperData looperData;            ///< Store internal Looper data
  ecmdLooperData cuLooper;              ///< Store internal Looper data for the chipUnit loop
  std::string outputformat = "x";       ///< Output Format to display
  std::string inputformat = "x";        ///< Input format of data
  bool expectFlag = false;
  bool maskFlag = false;
  char* expectPtr = NULL;               ///< Pointer to expected data in arg list
  char* maskPtr = NULL;                 ///< Pointer to mask data in arg list
  ecmdDataBuffer expected;              ///< Buffer to store expected data
  ecmdDataBuffer mask;                  ///< Buffer for mask of expected data
  uint8_t oneLoop = 0;                  ///< Used to break out of the chipUnit loop after the first pass for non chipUnit operations

  //expect and mask flags check
  if ((expectPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-exp")) != NULL) {
    expectFlag = true;

    if ((maskPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-mask")) != NULL) {
      maskFlag = true;
  /* get format flag, if it's there */
  char * formatPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-o");
  if (formatPtr != NULL) {
    outputformat = formatPtr;
  formatPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-i");
  if (formatPtr != NULL) {
    inputformat = formatPtr;

  /* Parse Common Cmdline Args                                            */

  rc = ecmdCommandArgs(&argc, &argv);
  if (rc) return rc;

  /* Global args have been parsed, we can read if -coe was given */
  bool coeMode = ecmdGetGlobalVar(ECMD_GLOBALVAR_COEMODE); ///< Are we in continue on error mode
  /* Parse Local ARGS here!                                               */
  if (argc < 3) {
    ecmdOutputError("getarray - Too few arguments specified; you need at least a chip, an array, and an address or ALL.\n");
    ecmdOutputError("getarray - Type 'getarray -h' for usage.\n");

  //Setup the target that will be used to query the system config 
  std::string chipType, chipUnitType;
  ecmdParseChipField(argv[0], chipType, chipUnitType);
  target.chipType = chipType;
  target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
  target.cageState = target.nodeState = target.slotState = target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
  target.chipUnitTypeState = target.chipUnitNumState = target.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

  arrayName = argv[1];

  /* Did the specify more then one entry ? */
  if( (argc > 3) && ((std::string)argv[2] == "ALL") ) {
    ecmdOutputError("getarray - Cannot specify NumEntries with the ALL option.\n");
  } else if (argc > 3) {
    if (!ecmdIsAllDecimal(argv[3])) {
      ecmdOutputError("getarray - Non-decimal numbers detected in numEntries field\n");
      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
    numEntries = (uint32_t)atoi(argv[3]);

  rc = ecmdLooperInit(target, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP, looperData);
  if (rc) return rc;

  while (ecmdLooperNext(target, looperData) && (!coeRc || coeMode)) {

    /* We need to find out info about this array */
    rc = ecmdQueryArray(target, arrayDataList , arrayName.c_str(), ECMD_QUERY_DETAIL_LOW);
    if (rc || arrayDataList.empty()) {
      printed = "getarray - Problems retrieving data about array '" + arrayName + "' on ";
      printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
      ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
      coeRc = rc;
    arrayData = arrayDataList.begin();

    if (arrayData->readAddressLength == 0) {
      printed = "getarray - readAddressLength of '" + arrayName + "' is 0.  Read not possible on ";
      printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
      coeRc = ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;

    /* We have to do the expact flag data read here so that we know the bit length in the right aligned data case - JTA 02/21/06 */
    if (expectFlag) {

      rc = ecmdReadDataFormatted(expected, expectPtr, inputformat, arrayData->width);
      if (rc) {
        ecmdOutputError("getarray - Problems occurred parsing expected data, must be an invalid format\n");
        coeRc = rc;

      if (maskFlag) {
        rc = ecmdReadDataFormatted(mask, maskPtr, inputformat, arrayData->width);
        if (rc) {
          ecmdOutputError("getarray - Problems occurred parsing mask data, must be an invalid format\n");
          coeRc = rc;

    if ((std::string)argv[2] == "ALL") {
    } else {

      /* Set the length  */
      rc = address.insertFromHexRight(argv[2], 0, arrayData->readAddressLength);
      if (rc) {
        ecmdOutputError("getarray - Invalid number format detected trying to parse address\n");
        coeRc = rc;

      add_buffer = new uint32_t[address.getWordLength()];
      uint32_t idx;
      uint32_t add_inc = 1;	      ///< Address increment, this will increment data by 1 for left aligned buffer
      uint32_t add_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;	  ///< Mask of valid bits in the last word of the address
      if (address.getBitLength() % 32) {
        add_inc = 1 << (32 - (address.getBitLength() % 32));
        add_mask <<= (32 - (address.getBitLength() % 32));

      /* Extract the address into a buffer we can deal with */
      for (idx = 0; idx < address.getWordLength(); idx ++) {
        add_buffer[idx] = address.getWord(idx);
      /* Setup the array entries we are going to fetch */
      for (idx = 0; idx < numEntries; idx ++) { 			   //@01d
        entry.address.insert(add_buffer, 0, address.getBitLength());


        /* Increment for the next one, if we have more to go */
        if ((idx + 1) < numEntries) {
          // Can't hit initialized error for add_buffer that Beam calls out.  So
          // tell it to ignore that message with the comment on the following line.
          if (add_buffer[address.getWordLength()-1] == add_mask) {/*uninitialized*/
            /* We are going to rollover */
            if (address.getWordLength() == 1) {
              printed = "getarray - Address overflow on " + arrayName + " ";
              printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
              ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
              // Clean up allocated memory
              if (coeMode) {
              } else {
                if (add_buffer) {
                  delete[] add_buffer;

                return ECMD_DATA_OVERFLOW;

            add_buffer[address.getWordLength()-1] = 0;
            for (int word = (int)address.getWordLength()-2; word >= 0; word --) {
              if (add_buffer[word] == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
                /* We are going to rollover */
                if (word == 0) {
                  printed = "getarray - Address overflow on " + arrayName + " ";
                  printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
                  ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
                  // Clean up allocated memory
                  if (coeMode) {       
                  } else {
                    delete[] add_buffer;
                    return ECMD_DATA_OVERFLOW;
                add_buffer[word] = 0;
              } else {
                add_buffer[word] ++;
                /* We took care of the carryover, let's get out of here */

          } else {
            // Beam doesn't pick up add_inc initialization above.  So tell it to
            // ignore uninitialized error message with comment in line below.
            add_buffer[address.getWordLength()-1] += add_inc; /*uninitialized*/


    printedHeader = false;

    /* Setup our chipUnit looper if needed */
    cuTarget = target;
    if (arrayData->isChipUnitRelated) {
      /* Error check the chipUnit returned */
      if (!arrayData->isChipUnitMatch(chipUnitType)) {
        printed = "getarray - Provided chipUnit \"";
        printed += chipUnitType;
        printed += "\"doesn't match chipUnit returned by queryArray \"";
        printed += arrayData->relatedChipUnit + "\"\n";
        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
        rc = ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
      /* If we have a chipUnit, set the state fields properly */
      if (chipUnitType != "") {
        cuTarget.chipUnitType = chipUnitType;
        cuTarget.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
      cuTarget.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
      cuTarget.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

      /* Init the chipUnit loop */
      rc = ecmdLooperInit(cuTarget, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP, cuLooper);
      if (rc) {
        printed = "getarray - Error returned from ecmdLooperInit on chipUnit Looper ";
        printed += ecmdWriteTarget(cuTarget) + "\n";
        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
        // Clean up allocated memory
        if (add_buffer)
          delete[] add_buffer;
        coeRc = rc;
    } else { // !arrayData->isChipUnitRelated
      if (chipUnitType != "") {
        printed = "getarray - A chipUnit \"";
        printed += chipUnitType;
        printed += "\" was given on a non chipUnit array\n";
        rc = ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
      // Setup the variable oneLoop variable for this non-chipUnit case
      oneLoop = 1;

    /* If this isn't a chipUnit array we will fall into while loop and break at the end, if it is we will call run through configloopernext */
    while ((arrayData->isChipUnitRelated ? ecmdLooperNext(cuTarget, cuLooper) : (oneLoop--)) && (!coeRc || coeMode)) {

      rc = getArrayMultiple(cuTarget, arrayName.c_str(), entries);
      if (rc) {
        printed = "getarray - Error occured performing getArrayMultiple on ";
        printed += ecmdWriteTarget(cuTarget) + "\n";
        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
        // Clean up allocated memory
        if (add_buffer) {
          delete[] add_buffer;
        coeRc = rc;
      else {
        validPosFound = true;     

      for (std::list<ecmdArrayEntry>::iterator entit = entries.begin(); entit != entries.end(); entit ++) {
        if (expectFlag) {

          if (maskFlag) {
            entit->buffer.setAnd(mask, 0, entit->buffer.getBitLength());

          uint32_t mismatchBit = 0;
          if (!ecmdCheckExpected(entit->buffer, expected, mismatchBit)) {

            if (!printedHeader) {
              printed = ecmdWriteTarget(cuTarget) + " " + arrayName + "\n";
              printedHeader = true;

            printed = "\ngetarray - Data miscompare occured at address: " + entit->address.genHexRightStr() + "\n";
            ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );

            if (mismatchBit != ECMD_UNSET) {
              char outstr[200];
              sprintf(outstr, "First bit mismatch found at bit %d\n",mismatchBit);
              ecmdOutputError( outstr );

            printed = "getarray - Actual";
            if (maskFlag) {
              printed += " (with mask): ";
            else {
              printed += "            : ";

            printed += ecmdWriteDataFormatted(entit->buffer, outputformat);
            ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );

            printed = "getarray - Expected          : ";
            printed += ecmdWriteDataFormatted(expected, outputformat);
            ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
            coeRc = ECMD_EXPECT_FAILURE;

        else {

          if (!printedHeader) {
            printed = ecmdWriteTarget(cuTarget) + " " + arrayName + "\n";
            ecmdOutput( printed.c_str() );
            printedHeader = true;

          printed = entit->address.genHexRightStr() + "\t";
          printed += ecmdWriteDataFormatted(entit->buffer, outputformat);
          ecmdOutput( printed.c_str() );

        // Clear ecmdDataBuffer and rc before next 'get'
        //  but save address info
        entit->rc=ECMD_SUCCESS;  // clear rc before next 'get'
        entit->buffer.clear(); // clear data before next 'get'

      } // end of for loop for output of all entries for a target

      // reset printedHeader for next target
      printedHeader = false;
    } /* End cuLooper */

    /* Now that we are done, clear the list for the next iteration - fixes BZ#49 */
  } /* End PosLooper */
  // coeRc will be the return code from in the loop, coe mode or not.
  if (coeRc) return coeRc;

  if (!validPosFound) {
    //this is an error common across all UI functions
    ecmdOutputError("getarray - Unable to find a valid chip to execute command on\n");
    // Clean up allocated memory
    if (add_buffer) {
        delete[] add_buffer;

  // Clean up allocated memory
  if (add_buffer) {
      delete[] add_buffer;

  return rc;
Example #4
uint32_t ecmdPutArrayUser(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  uint32_t rc = ECMD_SUCCESS;
  uint32_t coeRc = ECMD_SUCCESS;                    //@02
  ecmdChipTarget target;        ///< Current target
  ecmdChipTarget cuTarget;      ///< Current target being operated on for the chipUnits
  std::string arrayName;        ///< Name of array to access
  ecmdDataBuffer address;       ///< Buffer to store address
  ecmdDataBuffer buffer;        ///< Buffer to store data to write with
  ecmdDataBuffer cmdlineBuffer; ///< Buffer to store data to be inserted
  bool validPosFound = false;   ///< Did we find something to actually execute on ?
  std::string printed;          ///< Print Buffer
  ecmdLooperData looperData;    ///< Store internal Looper data
  ecmdLooperData cuLooper;      ///< Store internal Looper data for the chipUnit loop
  std::list<ecmdArrayData> arrayDataList;        ///< Query data about array
  std::list<ecmdArrayData>::iterator arrayData;  ///< arrayData from the query
  uint8_t oneLoop = 0;              ///< Used to break out of the chipUnit loop after the first pass for non chipUnit operations
  std::string inputformat = "x";                ///< Default input format
  std::string dataModifier = "insert";          ///< Default data Modifier (And/Or/insert)
  uint32_t startbit = ECMD_UNSET;               ///< Startbit to insert data
  uint32_t numbits = 0;                         ///< Number of bits to insert data
  char* cmdlinePtr = NULL;                      ///< Pointer to data in argv array

  /* Parse Local ARGS here!                                               */
  char* formatPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-i");
  if (formatPtr != NULL) {
    inputformat = formatPtr;

  formatPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-b");
  if (formatPtr != NULL) {
    dataModifier = formatPtr;

  /* Parse Common Cmdline Args                                            */
  rc = ecmdCommandArgs(&argc, &argv);
  if (rc) return rc;

  /* Global args have been parsed, we can read if -coe was given */
  bool coeMode = ecmdGetGlobalVar(ECMD_GLOBALVAR_COEMODE); ///< Are we in continue on error mode

  if (argc < 4) {
    ecmdOutputError("putarray - Too few arguments specified; you need at least a chip, an array, an address, and some data.\n");
    ecmdOutputError("putarray - Type 'putarray -h' for usage.\n");

  //Setup the target that will be used to query the system config 
  std::string chipType, chipUnitType;
  ecmdParseChipField(argv[0], chipType, chipUnitType);
  target.chipType = chipType;
  target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
  target.cageState = target.nodeState = target.slotState = target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
  target.chipUnitTypeState = target.chipUnitNumState = target.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

  /* Get the name */
  arrayName = argv[1];

  /* Get the index into the array */
  rc = ecmdReadDataFormatted(address, argv[2], "xr");

  /* Did they specify a start/numbits */
  if (argc > 4) {
    if (argc != 6) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Too many arguments specified; you probably added an unsupported option.\n");
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Type 'putarray -h' for usage.\n");
      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;

    if (!ecmdIsAllDecimal(argv[3])) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Non-decimal characters detected in startbit field\n");
      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
    startbit = (uint32_t)atoi(argv[3]);

    if (!ecmdIsAllDecimal(argv[4])) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Non-decimal characters detected in numbits field\n");
      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
    numbits = (uint32_t)atoi(argv[4]);

    /* Bounds check */
    if ((startbit + numbits) > ECMD_MAX_DATA_BITS) {
      char errbuf[100];
      sprintf(errbuf,"putarray - Too much data requested > %d bits\n", ECMD_MAX_DATA_BITS);
    } else if (numbits == 0) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Number of bits == 0, operation not performed\n");
      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;

    rc = ecmdReadDataFormatted(cmdlineBuffer, argv[5], inputformat, numbits);
    if (rc) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Problems occurred parsing input data, must be an invalid format\n");
      return rc;
  } else {  

    cmdlinePtr = argv[3];


  rc = ecmdLooperInit(target, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP, looperData);
  if (rc) return rc;

  while (ecmdLooperNext(target, looperData) && (!coeRc || coeMode)) {

    /* We need to find out info about this array */
    rc = ecmdQueryArray(target, arrayDataList , arrayName.c_str(), ECMD_QUERY_DETAIL_LOW);
    if (rc || arrayDataList.empty()) {
      printed = "putarray - Problems retrieving data about array '" + arrayName + "' on ";
      printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
      ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
      coeRc = rc;
    arrayData = arrayDataList.begin();

    /* If we have a cmdlinePtr, read it in now that we have a length we can use */
    if (cmdlinePtr != NULL) {
      if (dataModifier == "insert") {
        rc = ecmdReadDataFormatted(buffer, cmdlinePtr, inputformat, arrayData->width);
      } else {
        rc = ecmdReadDataFormatted(cmdlineBuffer, cmdlinePtr, inputformat, arrayData->width);
      if (rc) {
        ecmdOutputError("putarray - Problems occurred parsing input data, must be an invalid format\n");
        coeRc = rc;

    /* Set the length of the address field if it wasn't given properly */
    if (arrayData->writeAddressLength > address.getBitLength()) {
      uint32_t difference = (arrayData->writeAddressLength - address.getBitLength());
    } else if (address.getBitLength() > arrayData->writeAddressLength) {
      char errbuf[100];
      sprintf(errbuf,"putarray - Too much address data provided with a length of %d bits.\n", address.getBitLength());
      sprintf(errbuf,"putarray - The array you are writing only supports an address of %d bits.\n", arrayData->writeAddressLength);
    rc = address.insertFromHexRight(argv[2], 0, arrayData->writeAddressLength);
    if (rc) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Invalid number format detected trying to parse address\n");
      coeRc = rc;

    /* Setup our chipUnit looper if needed */
    cuTarget = target;
    if (arrayData->isChipUnitRelated) {
      /* Error check the chipUnit returned */
      if (!arrayData->isChipUnitMatch(chipUnitType)) {
        printed = "putarray - Provided chipUnit \"";
        printed += chipUnitType;
        printed += "\"doesn't match chipUnit returned by queryArray \"";
        printed += arrayData->relatedChipUnit + "\"\n";
        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
        rc = ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
      /* If we have a chipUnit, set the state fields properly */
      if (chipUnitType != "") {
        cuTarget.chipUnitType = chipUnitType;
        cuTarget.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
      cuTarget.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
      cuTarget.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

      /* Init the chipUnit loop */
      rc = ecmdLooperInit(cuTarget, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP, cuLooper);
      if (rc) return rc;
    } else { // !arrayData->isChipUnitRelated
      if (chipUnitType != "") {
        printed = "putarray - A chipUnit \"";
        printed += chipUnitType;
        printed += "\" was given on a non chipUnit array\n";
        rc = ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
      // Setup the variable oneLoop variable for this non-chipUnit case
      oneLoop = 1;

    /* If this isn't a chipUnit array we will fall into while loop and break at the end, if it is we will call run through configloopernext */
    while ((arrayData->isChipUnitRelated ? ecmdLooperNext(cuTarget, cuLooper) : (oneLoop--)) && (!coeRc || coeMode)) {

      /* Do we need to perform a read/modify/write op ? */
      if ((dataModifier != "insert") || (startbit != ECMD_UNSET)) {

        rc = getArray(cuTarget, arrayName.c_str(), address, buffer);
        if (rc) {
          printed = "putarray - Error occured performing getarray on ";
          printed += ecmdWriteTarget(cuTarget);
          printed += "\n";
          ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
          coeRc = rc;
        } else {
          validPosFound = true;

        rc = ecmdApplyDataModifier(buffer, cmdlineBuffer, (startbit == ECMD_UNSET ? 0 : startbit), dataModifier);
        if (rc) {
          coeRc = rc;

      rc = putArray(cuTarget, arrayName.c_str(), address, buffer);
      if (rc) {
        printed = "putarray - Error occured performing putarray on ";
        printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
        coeRc = rc;
      } else {
        validPosFound = true;     

      if (!ecmdGetGlobalVar(ECMD_GLOBALVAR_QUIETMODE)) {
        printed = ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
    } /* End cuLooper */
  } /* End PosLooper */
  // coeRc will be the return code from in the loop, coe mode or not.
  if (coeRc) return coeRc;

  if (!validPosFound) {
    //this is an error common across all UI functions
    ecmdOutputError("putarray - Unable to find a valid chip to execute command on\n");

  return rc;
Example #5
uint32_t fapi2GetAttributeUser(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  uint32_t rc = ECMD_SUCCESS, coeRc = ECMD_SUCCESS;

  ecmdChipTarget target;        ///< Current target
  std::string attributeName;    ///< Name of attribute to fetch
  bool validPosFound = false;   ///< Did we find something to actually execute on ?
  ecmdDataBuffer numData;       ///< Initialise data buffer with the numeric value
  std::string printed;          ///< Print Buffer
  ecmdLooperData looperData;    ///< Store internal Looper data
  bool l_from_hostboot = false; ///< Set flag indicating attribute should be requested from hostboot

  int CAGE = 1, NODE = 2, SLOT = 3, POS = 4, CHIPUNIT = 5;
  int depth = 0;                 ///< depth found from Command line parms

  /* get format flag, if it's there */
  std::string format;
  char * formatPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-o");
  if (formatPtr == NULL) {
    format = "x";
  } else {
    format = formatPtr;

  if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-dk"))             depth = CAGE;
  else if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-dn"))        depth = NODE;
  else if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-ds"))        depth = SLOT;
  else if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-dp"))        depth = POS;
  else if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-dc"))        depth = CHIPUNIT;

  if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-hostboot")) {
      l_from_hostboot = true;

  /* Parse Common Cmdline Args                                            */
  rc = ecmdCommandArgs(&argc, &argv);
  if (rc) return rc;

  /* Global args have been parsed, we can read if -coe was given */
  bool coeMode = ecmdGetGlobalVar(ECMD_GLOBALVAR_COEMODE); ///< Are we in continue on error mode

  /* Parse Local ARGS here!                                               */
  if (argc < 1) {
    ecmdOutputError("fapi2getattr - Too few arguments specified; you need at least an attribute.\n");
    ecmdOutputError("fapi2getattr - Type 'fapi2getattr -h' for usage.\n");

  //Setup the target that will be used to query the system config
  if (argc > 2) {
    ecmdOutputError("fapi2getattr - Too many arguments specified; you probably added an unsupported option.\n");
    ecmdOutputError("fapi2getattr - Type 'fapi2getattr -h' for usage.\n");
  } else if (argc == 2) {
    std::string chipType, chipUnitType;
    rc = ecmdParseChipField(argv[0], chipType, chipUnitType);
    if (rc) { 
      ecmdOutputError("fapi2getattr - Wildcard character detected however it is not supported by this command.\n");
      return rc;

    /* Error check */
    if (depth) {
      if (chipUnitType == "" && depth < POS) {
        ecmdOutputError("fapi2getattr - Invalid Depth parm specified when a chip was specified.  Try with -dp.\n");
        return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;

      if (chipUnitType != "" && depth < CHIPUNIT) {
        ecmdOutputError("fapi2getattr - Invalid Depth parm specified when a chipUnit was specified.  Try with -dc.\n");
        return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
    } else { /* No depth, set on for the code below */
      if (chipUnitType == "") {
        depth = POS;
      } else {
        depth = CHIPUNIT;
    target.chipType = chipType;
    target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
    target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    if (chipUnitType != "") {
      target.chipUnitType = chipUnitType;
      target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
    attributeName = argv[1];
  } else {
    if (depth == 0) depth = CAGE;
    attributeName = argv[0];

  /* Check that attribute name is valid */
  fapi2::AttributeId attributeId;
  rc = fapi2AttributeStringToId(attributeName, attributeId);
  if (rc) {
    printed = "fapi2getattr - Unknown attribute name (";
    printed += attributeName + ")\n";
    ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );

  /* Determine attribute type and size */
  uint32_t attributeType = 0;
  uint32_t l_numOfEntries;
  uint32_t l_numOfBytes;
  bool attributeEnum = false;
  rc = fapi2GetAttrInfo(attributeId, attributeType, l_numOfEntries, l_numOfBytes, attributeEnum);
  if (rc) {
    printed = "fapi2getattr - Unknown attribute type (";
    printed += attributeName + ")\n";
    ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );

  fapi2::AttributeData attributeData;
  attributeData.faValidMask = attributeType;
  attributeData.faEnumUsed = attributeEnum;

  if (l_from_hostboot)
      attributeData.faMode = FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_MODE_HOSTBOOT;

  if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT8ARY)
      attributeData.faUint8ary = new uint8_t[l_numOfEntries];
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT16ARY)
      attributeData.faUint16ary = new uint16_t[l_numOfEntries];
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32ARY)
      attributeData.faUint32ary = new uint32_t[l_numOfEntries];
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT64ARY)
      attributeData.faUint64ary = new uint64_t[l_numOfEntries];
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT8ARY)
      attributeData.faInt8ary = new int8_t[l_numOfEntries];
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT16ARY)
      attributeData.faInt16ary = new int16_t[l_numOfEntries];
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT32ARY)
      attributeData.faInt32ary = new int32_t[l_numOfEntries];
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT64ARY)
      attributeData.faInt64ary = new int64_t[l_numOfEntries];

  /* Now set our states based on depth */
  target.cageState = target.nodeState = target.slotState = target.posState = target.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
  target.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
  if (depth == POS) {
    target.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
  } else if (depth == SLOT) {
    target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
  } else if (depth == NODE) {
    target.slotState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
  } else if (depth == CAGE) {
    target.nodeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.slotState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

  /* Kickoff Looping Stuff                                                */
  rc = ecmdLooperInit(target, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP, looperData);
  if (rc) return rc;

  while (ecmdLooperNext(target, looperData) && (!coeRc || coeMode)) {

    /* Actually go fetch the data */
    rc = fapi2GetAttribute(target, attributeId, attributeData);
    if (rc) {
      printed = "fapi2getattr - Error occured performing fapi2GetAttribute on ";
      printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
      ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
      coeRc = rc;
    else {
      validPosFound = true;

    printed = ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";

    std::string attributeDataString;
    rc = fapi2AttributeDataToString(attributeId, attributeData, attributeDataString, true, format.c_str());
    if (rc) {
      printed = "fapi2getattr - Error occured performing fapi2AttributeDataToString for ";
      printed += attributeName + "\n";
      ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
      coeRc = rc;
    printed += attributeName + " = " + attributeDataString + "\n";


  if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT8ARY)
    delete [] attributeData.faUint8ary;
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT16ARY)
    delete [] attributeData.faUint16ary;
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32ARY)
    delete [] attributeData.faUint32ary;
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT64ARY)
    delete [] attributeData.faUint64ary;
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT8ARY)
    delete [] attributeData.faInt8ary;
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT16ARY)
    delete [] attributeData.faInt16ary;
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT32ARY)
    delete [] attributeData.faInt32ary;
  else if (attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT64ARY)
    delete [] attributeData.faInt64ary;

  // coeRc will be the return code from in the loop, coe mode or not.
  if (coeRc) return coeRc;

  // This is an error common across all UI functions
  if (!validPosFound) {
    ecmdOutputError("fapi2getattr - Unable to find a valid chip to execute command on\n");

  return rc;
Example #6
uint32_t fapi2DumpAttributeUser(int argc, char * argv[])
    // fapi2dumpattr [chip[.chipunit]] [all | hwp | plat] [-f filename]
    // all is default
    uint32_t rc = ECMD_SUCCESS;

    ecmdChipTarget target;        ///< Current target
    std::string attributeName;    ///< Name of attribute to fetch
    bool validPosFound = false;   ///< Did we find something to actually execute on ?
    ecmdDataBuffer numData;       ///< Initialise data buffer with the numeric value
    std::string printed;          ///< Print Buffer
    ecmdLooperData looperData;    ///< Store internal Looper data
    char * dumpfilename = NULL;

    int CAGE = 1, NODE = 2, SLOT = 3, POS = 4, CHIPUNIT = 5;
    int depth = 0;                 ///< depth found from Command line parms

    uint32_t attributeSource = fapi2::FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_PLAT | fapi2::FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_HWP;

    if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-dk"))             depth = CAGE;
    else if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-dn"))        depth = NODE;
    else if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-ds"))        depth = SLOT;
    else if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-dp"))        depth = POS;
    else if (ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-dc"))        depth = CHIPUNIT;

    target.cageState = target.nodeState = target.slotState = target.chipTypeState = target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
    target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
    target.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
    target.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

    dumpfilename = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-f");

    /* Parse Common Cmdline Args                                            */
    rc = ecmdCommandArgs(&argc, &argv);
    if (rc) return rc;

    /* Parse Local ARGS here!                                               */
    //Setup the target that will be used to query the system config
    if (argc > 3)
        ecmdOutputError("fapi2dumpattr - Too many arguments specified; you probably added an unsupported option.\n");
        ecmdOutputError("fapi2dumpattr - Type 'fapi2dumpattr -h' for usage.\n");
        return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
    for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < argc; argIndex++)
        // need to parse chip and/or all|plat|hwp
        if (strcmp("all", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
            attributeSource = fapi2::FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_PLAT | fapi2::FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_HWP;
        else if (strcmp("plat", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
            attributeSource = fapi2::FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_PLAT;
        else if(strcmp("hwp", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
            attributeSource = fapi2::FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_HWP;
            std::string chipType, chipUnitType;
            rc = ecmdParseChipField(argv[argIndex], chipType, chipUnitType);
            if (rc)
                ecmdOutputError("fapi2dumpattr - Wildcard character detected however it is not supported by this command.\n");
                return rc;

            /* Error check */
            if (depth)
                    if (chipUnitType == "" && depth < POS)
                        ecmdOutputError("fapi2dumpattr - Invalid Depth parm specified when a chip was specified.  Try with -dp.\n");
                        return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;

                    if (chipUnitType != "" && depth < CHIPUNIT)
                        ecmdOutputError("fapi2dumpattr - Invalid Depth parm specified when a chipUnit was specified.  Try with -dc.\n");
                        return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
            { /* No depth, set on for the code below */
                if (chipUnitType == "") {
                    depth = POS;
                } else {
                    depth = CHIPUNIT;
            target.chipType = chipType;
            target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
            target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
            if (chipUnitType != "")
                target.chipUnitType = chipUnitType;
                target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;

    /* Now set our states based on depth */
    if (depth == POS)
        target.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
        target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    else if (depth == SLOT)
        target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    else if (depth == NODE)
        target.slotState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
    else if (depth == CAGE)
        target.nodeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

    ecmdQueryData queryData;
    rc = ecmdQueryConfigSelected(target, queryData, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP_DEFALL);
    if (rc) return rc;

    std::list<ecmdChipTarget> targetList;
    for (std::list<ecmdCageData>::iterator ecmdCurCage = queryData.cageData.begin(); ecmdCurCage != queryData.cageData.end(); ecmdCurCage++)
        if (depth == 0 || depth == CAGE)
            // print cage
            target.cage = ecmdCurCage->cageId;
            target.cageState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
            target.nodeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
            target.slotState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
            target.chipType = "";
            target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
            target.chipUnitType = "";
            target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
            target.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
        for (std::list<ecmdNodeData>::iterator ecmdCurNode = ecmdCurCage->nodeData.begin(); ecmdCurNode != ecmdCurCage->nodeData.end(); ecmdCurNode++)
            for (std::list<ecmdSlotData>::iterator ecmdCurSlot = ecmdCurNode->slotData.begin(); ecmdCurSlot != ecmdCurNode->slotData.end(); ecmdCurSlot++)
                for (std::list<ecmdChipData>::iterator ecmdCurChip = ecmdCurSlot->chipData.begin(); ecmdCurChip != ecmdCurSlot->chipData.end(); ecmdCurChip++)
                    if (depth == 0 || depth == POS)
                        //print chip
                        target.cage = ecmdCurCage->cageId;
                        target.cageState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                        target.node = ecmdCurNode->nodeId;
                        target.nodeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                        target.slot = ecmdCurSlot->slotId;
                        target.slotState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                        target.chipType = ecmdCurChip->chipType;
                        target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                        target.pos = ecmdCurChip->pos;
                        target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                        target.chipUnitType = "";
                        target.chipUnitTypeState = target.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
                        target.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;
                    for (std::list<ecmdChipUnitData>::iterator ecmdCurChipUnit = ecmdCurChip->chipUnitData.begin(); ecmdCurChipUnit != ecmdCurChip->chipUnitData.end(); ecmdCurChipUnit++)
                        if (depth == 0 || depth == CHIPUNIT)
                            // print chip unit
                            target.cage = ecmdCurCage->cageId;
                            target.cageState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                            target.node = ecmdCurNode->nodeId;
                            target.nodeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                            target.slot = ecmdCurSlot->slotId;
                            target.slotState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                            target.chipType = ecmdCurChip->chipType;
                            target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                            target.pos = ecmdCurChip->pos;
                            target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                            target.chipUnitType = ecmdCurChipUnit->chipUnitType;
                            target.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                            target.chipUnitNum = ecmdCurChipUnit->chipUnitNum;
                            target.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
                            target.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

    // open file to write if needed
    std::ofstream dumpfile;
    if (dumpfilename != NULL)
        errno = 0;
        if (dumpfile.fail())
            printed = "fapi2dumpattr - Unable to open file (";
            printed += dumpfilename;
            printed += ") to write. ";
            printed += strerror(errno);
            printed += ".\n";
            return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;

    std::map<fapi2::TargetType, std::list<fapi2::AttributeId> > attributeIds;
    std::list<fapi2::AttributeId> systemAttributeIds;

    std::map<fapi2::AttributeId, AttributeInfo> attributeInfoMap;

    fapi2::TargetType targetType = fapi2::TARGET_TYPE_NONE;
    for (std::list<ecmdChipTarget>::iterator targetIter = targetList.begin(); targetIter != targetList.end(); targetIter++)
        rc = fapi2GetTargetType(*targetIter, targetType);
        if (rc)
            // ERROR

        if (attributeIds.count(targetType) == 0)
            fapi2GetAttributeIdsByType(targetType, attributeSource, attributeIds[targetType]);

        if ((attributeIds.count(targetType) != 0) && (!attributeIds[targetType].empty()))
            printed = "\ntarget = " + ecmdWriteTarget(*targetIter, ECMD_DISPLAY_TARGET_HYBRID) + "\n";
            if (dumpfilename != NULL)
                dumpfile << printed;
            for (std::list<fapi2::AttributeId>::iterator curAttr = attributeIds[targetType].begin(); curAttr != attributeIds[targetType].end(); curAttr++)
                std::map<fapi2::AttributeId, AttributeInfo>::iterator attributeInfoIter = attributeInfoMap.find(*curAttr);
                if (attributeInfoIter == attributeInfoMap.end())
                    AttributeInfo tempAttributeInfo = {0, 0, 0, false};
                    /* Determine attribute type and size */
                    rc = fapi2GetAttrInfo(*curAttr, tempAttributeInfo.attributeType, tempAttributeInfo.numOfEntries, tempAttributeInfo.numOfBytes, tempAttributeInfo.attributeEnum);
                    if (rc) {
                        printed = "fapi2dumpattr - Unknown attribute type\n";
                        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
                    attributeInfoMap[*curAttr] = tempAttributeInfo;
                    attributeInfoIter = attributeInfoMap.find(*curAttr);

                fapi2::AttributeData attributeData;
                attributeData.faValidMask = attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType;
                attributeData.faEnumUsed = attributeInfoIter->second.attributeEnum;

                if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT8ARY)
                    attributeData.faUint8ary = new uint8_t[attributeInfoIter->second.numOfEntries];
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT16ARY)
                    attributeData.faUint16ary = new uint16_t[attributeInfoIter->second.numOfEntries];
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32ARY)
                    attributeData.faUint32ary = new uint32_t[attributeInfoIter->second.numOfEntries];
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT64ARY)
                    attributeData.faUint64ary = new uint64_t[attributeInfoIter->second.numOfEntries];
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT8ARY)
                    attributeData.faInt8ary = new int8_t[attributeInfoIter->second.numOfEntries];
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT16ARY)
                    attributeData.faInt16ary = new int16_t[attributeInfoIter->second.numOfEntries];
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT32ARY)
                    attributeData.faInt32ary = new int32_t[attributeInfoIter->second.numOfEntries];
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT64ARY)
                    attributeData.faInt64ary = new int64_t[attributeInfoIter->second.numOfEntries];

                rc = fapi2GetAttribute(*targetIter, *curAttr, attributeData);
                if (rc) 
                    printed = "fapi2dumpattr - Error occured performing fapi2GetAttribute on ";
                    printed += ecmdWriteTarget(*targetIter) + "\n";
                    ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
                    validPosFound = true;

                std::string attributeDataString;
                rc = fapi2AttributeDataToString(*curAttr, attributeData, attributeDataString, true, "file");
                if (rc)
                    printed = "fapi2dumpattr - Error occured performing fapi2AttributeDataToString for ";
                    printed += attributeName + "\n";
                    ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
                printed = attributeDataString;
                if (dumpfilename != NULL)
                    dumpfile << printed;

                if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT8ARY)
                    delete [] attributeData.faUint8ary;
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT16ARY)
                    delete [] attributeData.faUint16ary;
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32ARY)
                    delete [] attributeData.faUint32ary;
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT64ARY)
                    delete [] attributeData.faUint64ary;
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT8ARY)
                    delete [] attributeData.faInt8ary;
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT16ARY)
                    delete [] attributeData.faInt16ary;
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT32ARY)
                    delete [] attributeData.faInt32ary;
                else if (attributeInfoIter->second.attributeType == FAPI_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INT64ARY)
                    delete [] attributeData.faInt64ary;
    if (dumpfilename != NULL)

    // This is an error common across all UI functions
    if (!validPosFound) {
        ecmdOutputError("fapi2dumpattr - Unable to find a valid chip to execute command on\n");

    return rc;
Example #7
uint32_t ecmdSendCmdUser(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  uint32_t rc = ECMD_SUCCESS;
  uint32_t coeRc = ECMD_SUCCESS;                                    //@01
  /*  bool expectFlag = false; */
  /*  bool xstateFlag = false; */
  ecmdLooperData looperdata;            ///< Store internal Looper data
  ecmdChipTarget target;                ///< Current target being operated on
  uint32_t instruction;                 ///< Instruction to send to chip
  uint32_t modifier;                    ///< Modifier to send to chip
  ecmdDataBuffer statusBuffer;          ///< Buffer to hold return status data
  bool validPosFound = false;           ///< Did the looper find something to run on?

  /* Parse Local FLAGS here!                                              */
  /* get format flag, if it's there */
  std::string format;
  char * formatPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-o");
  if (formatPtr == NULL) {
    format = "x";
  else {
    format = formatPtr;
  //Check verbose option
  bool verbose = ecmdParseOption(&argc, &argv, "-v");

  /* Parse Common Cmdline Args                                            */

  rc = ecmdCommandArgs(&argc, &argv);
  if (rc) return rc;

  /* Global args have been parsed, we can read if -coe was given */
  bool coeMode = ecmdGetGlobalVar(ECMD_GLOBALVAR_COEMODE); ///< Are we in continue on error mode

  /* Parse Local ARGS here!                                               */
  if (argc < 3) {  //chip + instruction + modifier
    ecmdOutputError("sendcmd - Too few arguments specified; you need at least a chip, instruction, and modifier.\n");
    ecmdOutputError("sendcmd - Type 'sendcmd -h' for usage.\n");

  //Setup the target that will be used to query the system config 
  std::string chipType, chipUnitType;
  ecmdParseChipField(argv[0], chipType, chipUnitType);
  if (chipUnitType != "") {
    ecmdOutputError("sendcmd - chipUnit specified on the command line, this function doesn't support chipUnits.\n");
  target.chipType = chipType;
  target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
  target.cageState = target.nodeState = target.slotState = target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
  target.chipUnitTypeState = target.chipUnitNumState = target.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

  // we need the instruction and modifier

  if (strlen(argv[1]) > 2) {
    ecmdOutputError("sendcmd - The instruction has to be <= 8 bits\n");
  } else if (!ecmdIsAllHex(argv[1])) {
    ecmdOutputError("sendcmd - Instruction data contained some non-hex characters\n");
  ecmdGenB32FromHexRight(&instruction, argv[1], 32);

  if (strlen(argv[2]) > 8) { 
    ecmdOutputError("sendcmd - The modifier has to be <= 24 bits\n");
  } else if (!ecmdIsAllHex(argv[2])) {
    ecmdOutputError("sendcmd - Modifier data contained some non-hex characters\n");
  ecmdGenB32FromHexRight(&modifier, argv[2], 32);

  if (argc > 3) {
    ecmdOutputError("sendcmd - Too many arguments specified; you probably added an option that wasn't recognized.\n");
    ecmdOutputError("sendcmd - Type 'sendcmd -h' for usage.\n");

  /* Kickoff Looping Stuff                                                */

  rc = ecmdLooperInit(target, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP, looperdata);
  if (rc) return rc;
  /*  char outstr[30]; */
  std::string printed;

  while (ecmdLooperNext(target, looperdata) && (!coeRc || coeMode)) {    //@01

    rc = sendCmd(target, instruction, modifier, statusBuffer);
    if (rc) {
      printed = "sendcmd - Error occured performing sendcmd on ";
      printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
      ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
      coeRc = rc;                                   //@01                       
      continue;                                     //@01 
    else {
      validPosFound = true;     

    printed = ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "  ";
    std::string dataStr = ecmdWriteDataFormatted(statusBuffer, format);
    printed += dataStr;
    ecmdOutput( printed.c_str() ); 

    if ( verbose ) {

      ecmdChipData chipdata;
      rc = ecmdGetChipData (target, chipdata);

      if ( (!rc) && (chipdata.interfaceType == ECMD_INTERFACE_CFAM) ) {
        printed = "\n\t\tInstruction Status Register\n";
        printed += "\t\t---------------------------\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(0, 1) + " Attention Active" + "\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(1, 1) + " Checkstop" + "\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(2, 1) + " Special Attention" + "\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(3, 1) + " Recoverable Error" + "\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(4, 1) + " SCOM Attention" + "\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(5, 1) + " CRC Miscompare on previous data scan-in" + "\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(6, 1) + " Invalid Instruction" + "\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(7, 1) + " PGOOD Indicator(set to '1' by flush, set to '0' by first JTAG instruction)" + "\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexLeftStr(8, 4) + " JTAG Instruction count(Incremented following Shift-IR) Bits(8:11). (Hex Left)" + "\n";

        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(12, 1) + " Data scan occured after the last instruction" + "\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexLeftStr(13, 3) + " Reserved Bits(13:15). (Hex Left)" + "\n";

        printed += "\t      " + statusBuffer.genHexLeftStr(16,14) + " Clock States(1 = running) Bits(16:29). (Hex Left)" + "\n";

        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(30, 1) + " IEEE defined 0"  + "\n";
        printed += "\t\t " + statusBuffer.genHexRightStr(31, 1) + " IEEE defined 1"  + "\n";
      else if (rc) {
        printed = "sendcmd - Error occured performing chipinfo query on ";
        printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
        coeRc = rc;                                   //@01                       
        continue;                                     //@01

  // coeRc will be the return code from in the loop, coe mode or not.
  if (coeRc) return coeRc;

  if (!validPosFound) {
    ecmdOutputError("Unable to find a valid chip to execute command on\n");

  return rc;