Example #1
static void getSubmittedFile(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct edwFile *bf,  
    char *submitDir, char *submitUrl, int submitId)
/* We know the submission, we know what the file is supposed to look like.  Fetch it.
 * If things go badly catch the error, attach it to the submission record, and then
 * keep throwing. */
struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
    if (freeSpaceOnFileSystem(edwRootDir) < 2*bf->size)
	errAbort("No space left in warehouse!!");

    int hostId=0, submitDirId = 0;
    int fd = edwOpenAndRecordInDir(conn, submitDir, bf->submitFileName, submitUrl,
	&hostId, &submitDirId);

    int fileId = edwFileFetch(conn, bf, fd, submitUrl, submitId, submitDirId, hostId);

    edwAddQaJob(conn, fileId);
    tellSubscribers(conn, submitDir, bf->submitFileName, fileId);
if (errCatch->gotError)
    handleSubmitError(conn, submitId, errCatch->message->string);
    /* The handleSubmitError will keep on throwing. */
Example #2
void edwFileResetTags(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct edwFile *ef, char *newTags)
/* Reset tags on file, strip out old validation and QA,  schedule new validation and QA. */
/* Remove existing QA records and rerun QA agent on given file.   */
long long fileId = ef->id;
/* Update database to let people know format revalidation is in progress. */
char query[4*1024];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update edwFile set errorMessage = '%s' where id=%lld",
     "Revalidation in progress.", fileId); 
sqlUpdate(conn, query);

/* Update tags for file in edwFile table. */
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "update edwFile set tags='%s' where id=%lld", newTags, fileId);
sqlUpdate(conn, query);
/* Get rid of records referring to file in other validation and qa tables. */
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "delete from edwFastqFile where fileId=%lld", fileId);
sqlUpdate(conn, query);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
    "delete from edwQaPairSampleOverlap where elderFileId=%lld or youngerFileId=%lld",
    fileId, fileId);
sqlUpdate(conn, query);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
    "delete from edwQaPairCorrelation where elderFileId=%lld or youngerFileId=%lld",
    fileId, fileId);
sqlUpdate(conn, query);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "delete from edwQaEnrich where fileId=%lld", fileId);
sqlUpdate(conn, query);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "delete from edwQaContam where fileId=%lld", fileId);
sqlUpdate(conn, query);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "delete from edwQaRepeat where fileId=%lld", fileId);
sqlUpdate(conn, query);
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
    "delete from edwQaPairedEndFastq where fileId1=%lld or fileId2=%lld",
    fileId, fileId);
sqlUpdate(conn, query);

/* schedule validator */
edwAddQaJob(conn, ef->id);