Example #1
/** Ricker function; random effects vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param b ; differentiable scalar in a random effects model
\return  \f$ axe^{-bx} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector Ricker(const dvector& x,  const df1b2vector& a,  const df1b2variable& b)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=elem_prod(a, elem_prod(x, exp(-b*x)));

Example #2
/** Ricker function; random effects vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param b ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\return  \f$ axe^{-bx} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector Ricker(const dvector& x,  const df1b2vector& a,  const df1b2vector& b)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=elem_prod(a, elem_prod(x, exp(-1.0*elem_prod(b, x))));

Example #3
/** ecologically parameterized logistic function with carrying capacity K;  random effects vectorized
\param t independent variable; data vector
\param K carrying capacity; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param r growth rate; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param n0 initial population size at t=0; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\return  \f$ \frac{K}{1+(\frac{K}{n0}-1)e^{-rt}} \f$ 
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector logisticK( const dvector& t,  const df1b2vector& K,  const df1b2vector& r,  const df1b2vector& n0)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=elem_div(K, 1.0 + elem_prod(elem_div(K, n0)-1.0, exp(-1.0*elem_prod(r,t)))); 

Example #4
/**  monomoleular function; random effects vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param b ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\return  \f$ a(1-e^{-bx}) \f$ 
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector monomolecular(const dvector& x,  const df1b2vector& a,  const df1b2vector& b)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=elem_prod(a, 1.0-exp(-1.0*elem_prod(b,x))); 

Example #5
/** ecologically parameterized logistic function with carrying capacity K;  random effects vectorized
\param t independent variable; data vector
\param K carrying capacity; differentiable scalar in a random effects model
\param r growth rate; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param n0 initial population size at t=0; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\return  \f$ \frac{K}{1+(\frac{K}{n0}-1)e^{-rt}} \f$ 
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector logisticK( const dvector& t,  const df1b2variable& K,  const df1b2vector& r,  const df1b2vector& n0)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=K/(1.0+elem_prod(K/n0-1.0, exp(-1.0*elem_prod(r,t)))); 

Example #6
/** logistic function; random effects vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param b ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\return  \f$ \frac{e^{a+bx}}{(1+e^{a+bx})} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector logistic(const dvector& x,  const df1b2vector& a,  const df1b2vector& b)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=elem_div(exp(a+elem_prod(b,x)), 1.0+exp(a+elem_prod(b,x)));

/** generalized Ricker function, first parameerization; random effects vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param x0 ; differentiable scalar in a random effects model
\param A ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param alpha ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\return  \f$ A(\frac{x}{x0}e^{(1.0-\frac{x}{x0})})^{\alpha} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector generalized_Ricker1(const dvector& x,  const df1b2variable& x0,  const df1b2vector& A,  const df1b2vector& alpha)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=elem_prod(A, pow(elem_prod(x/x0, exp(1.0-x/x0)), alpha));

/** generalized Ricker function, first parameerization; random effects vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param x0 ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param A ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param alpha ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\return  \f$ A(\frac{x}{x0}e^{(1.0-\frac{x}{x0})})^{\alpha} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector generalized_Ricker1(const dvector& x,  const df1b2vector& x0,  const df1b2vector& A,  const df1b2vector& alpha)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=elem_prod(A, pow(elem_prod(elem_div(x, x0), exp(1.0-elem_div(x, x0))), alpha));

/**  generalized Ricker function, first parameerization; vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param x0 ; differentiable vector
\param A ; differentiable vector
\param alpha ; differentiable scalar
\return  \f$ A(\frac{x}{x0}e^{(1.0-\frac{x}{x0})})^{\alpha} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
dvar_vector generalized_Ricker1(const dvector& x,  const dvar_vector& x0,  const dvar_vector& A,  const prevariable& alpha)
	dvar_vector y;
	y=elem_prod(A, pow(elem_prod(elem_div(x, x0), exp(1.0-elem_div(x, x0))), alpha));

    return (y);
Example #10
/**  Ricker function; vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector
\param b ; differentiable vector
\return  \f$ axe^{-bx} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
dvar_vector Ricker(const dvector& x,  const dvar_vector& a,  const dvar_vector& b)
	dvar_vector y;
	y=elem_prod(a, elem_prod(x, exp(-1.0*elem_prod(b, x))));

    return (y);
Example #11
/**  Ricker function; vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector
\param b ; differentiable scalar
\return  \f$ axe^{-bx} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
dvar_vector Ricker(const dvector& x,  const dvar_vector& a,  const prevariable& b)
	dvar_vector y;
	y=elem_prod(a, elem_prod(x, exp(-b*x)));

    return (y);
Example #12
/**   monomoleular function; vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector
\param b ; differentiable vector
\return  \f$ a(1-e^{-bx}) \f$ 
\ingroup ECOL
dvar_vector monomolecular(const dvector& x,  const dvar_vector& a,  const dvar_vector& b)
	dvar_vector y;
	y=elem_prod(a, 1.0-exp(-1.0*elem_prod(b,x))); 

    return (y);
Example #13
/**  ecologically parameterized logistic function with carrying capacity K;  vectorized
\param t independent variable; data vector
\param K carrying capacity; differentiable vector
\param r growth rate; differentiable vector
\param n0 initial population size at t=0; differentiable scalar
\return  \f$ \frac{K}{1+(\frac{K}{n0}-1)e^{-rt}} \f$ 
\ingroup ECOL
dvar_vector logisticK( const dvector& t,  const dvar_vector& K,  const dvar_vector& r,  const prevariable& n0)
	dvar_vector y;
	y=elem_div(K, 1.0 + elem_prod(K/n0-1.0, exp(-1.0*elem_prod(r,t)))); 

    return (y);
Example #14
/**  logistic function; vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector
\param b ; differentiable vector
\return  \f$ \frac{e^{a+bx}}{(1+e^{a+bx})} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
dvar_vector logistic(const dvector& x,  const dvar_vector& a,  const dvar_vector& b)
	dvar_vector y;
	y=elem_div(exp(a+elem_prod(b,x)), 1.0+exp(a+elem_prod(b,x)));

    return (y);
Example #15
void model_parameters::userfunction(void)
  obj_fun =0.0;
  int Gtype, L;
  FMpar = mfexp(logFM); // estimated F/M
  SL50 = mfexp(logSL50);
  Delta = mfexp(logDelta);
  Vul = 1.0/(1+mfexp(-log(19)*(LenBins-SL50)/Delta));
  MkL = Mk * pow(Linf/LenBins, Mpow);
  FkL = FMpar * Mk * Vul;
  for (Gtype=1;Gtype<=NGTG;Gtype++) {
	MKLMat(Gtype) = MkL + kslope*(DiffLinfs(Gtype) - Linf);
    ZKLMat(Gtype) = MKLMat(Gtype) + FkL;
	currMkL = MKLMat(Gtype);
	currZkL = ZKLMat(Gtype);
    PUnFished = 0;
    PFished = 0;
    NUnFished = 0;
    NFished = 0 ;
    PUnFished(1) = RecProbs(Gtype);
    PFished(1) = RecProbs(Gtype);
    GTGLinf = DiffLinfs(Gtype);
    for (L=2;L<=NLenMids+1;L++) {
     if (LenBins(L) < GTGLinf) {
       PUnFished(L) = PUnFished(L-1) * pow(((GTGLinf-LenBins(L))/(GTGLinf-LenBins(L-1))),currMkL(L-1));
       PFished(L) = PFished(L-1) * pow(((GTGLinf-LenBins(L))/(GTGLinf-LenBins(L-1))),currZkL(L-1));
     if (LenBins(L) >= GTGLinf) {
       PUnFished(L) = 0;
       PFished(L) = 0;
   for (L=1;L<=NLenMids;L++) {
 	NUnFished(L)  = (PUnFished(L) - PUnFished(L+1))/currMkL(L);
 	NFished(L) =  (PFished(L) - PFished(L+1))/currZkL(L);
  UnfishedMatrix(Gtype) =  NUnFished;
  FishedMatrix(Gtype) = NFished;
  EP0_gtg(Gtype) = sum(elem_prod(NUnFished, Fec));
  EPf_gtg(Gtype) = sum(elem_prod(NFished, Fec));
  EP0 = sum(EP0_gtg);
  EPf = sum(EPf_gtg);
  SPR =  EPf/EP0;
  PredUnfishedComp = colsum(UnfishedMatrix);
  PredUnfishedComp = PredUnfishedComp/sum(PredUnfishedComp);
  // cout<<"hello"<<endl;
  PredFishedComp = colsum(FishedMatrix);
  PredFishedComp = PredFishedComp/sum(PredFishedComp);
  PredLenComp = colsum(FishedMatrix);
  PredLenComp =  elem_prod(PredLenComp,  1.0/(1+mfexp(-log(19)*(LenMids-SL50)/Delta)));
  PredLenComp = PredLenComp/sum(PredLenComp);
  SL95 = SL50 + Delta;
  obj_fun = -sum(elem_prod(ObsLength, log(elem_div(PredLenComp+0.00000001,ObsLength+0.00000001)))); // AP from ADMB living doc
Example #16
void model_parameters::initialization(void)
	Nage(1,1) = So*Bo/(1+beta*Bo);
	for(int i=sage+1 ; i <= nage ; i++)
		Nage(1,i) = Nage(1,i-1) * mfexp(-za(i-1));
	VulB(1) = elem_prod(elem_prod(Nage(1),va),wa);
	SB(1) = elem_prod(Nage(1),fa)*wa/2;
	tBo = Nage(1)*wa;
	varPos = maxPos*cvPos;
	PosX(1) = minPos + (maxPos - minPos) * (0.5+0.5*sin(indmonth(1)*PI/6 - mo*PI/6)); 
	VBarea(1,sarea) = VulB(1)* (cnorm(areas(sarea)+0.5,PosX(1),varPos));
	for(int r=sarea+1 ; r <= narea-1 ; r++)
		VBarea(1,r) = VulB(1)* (cnorm(areas(r)+0.5,PosX(1),varPos)-cnorm(areas(r)-0.5,PosX(1),varPos));
		NAreaAge(1)(r) = elem_prod(Nage(1)(sage,nage),(cnorm(areas(r)+0.5,PosX(1),varPos)-cnorm(areas(r)-0.5,PosX(1),varPos)));
	//VBarea(1,narea) = VulB(1)* (1.0-cnorm(areas(narea)-0.5,PosX(1),varPos));
	NationVulB(1,1) = sum(VBarea(1)(sarea,sarea+nationareas(1)-1)); 
	NationVulB(1,2) = sum(VBarea(1)(sarea+nationareas(1),narea)); 
	dvar_vector tmp1(sarea,narea);
	dvar_vector tmp2(sarea,narea);
	dvar_vector tmp3(sarea,narea);
	for(int rr= sarea; rr<=narea; rr++)
		tmp1(rr)= VBarea(1)(rr)/ (NationVulB(1)(indnatarea(rr)) + 0.0001);
		tmp2(rr) = tmp1(rr)*TotEffyear(indnatarea(rr))(indyr(1));
		Effarea(1)(rr) = tmp2(rr)*TotEffmonth(indnatarea(rr))(indmonth(1));
	for(int a= sage; a<= nage;a++)
		dvar_vector propVBarea(sarea,narea);
		for(int rr =sarea; rr<=narea; rr++)
			propVBarea(rr) = (cnorm(areas(rr)+0.5,PosX(1),varPos)-cnorm(areas(rr)-0.5,PosX(1),varPos))(a-sage+1);
			CatchAreaAge(1)(rr)(a) = q*Effarea(1)(rr)*va(a)/(q*Effarea(1)(rr)*va(a)+m)*(1-mfexp(-(q*Effarea(1)(rr)*va(a)+m)))*NAreaAge(1)(rr)(a);
			CatchNatAge(1)(indnatarea(rr))(a) += CatchAreaAge(1)(rr)(a);
			EffNatAge(indnatarea(rr))(1)(sage-2) = 1;
			EffNatAge(indnatarea(rr))(1)(sage-1) = indnatarea(rr);
			EffNatAge(indnatarea(rr))(1)(a) += Effarea(1)(rr)*propVBarea(rr);
		//cout<<"propVBarea "<<propVBarea<<endl;
		//cout<<"Effarea(1) "<<Effarea(1)<<endl;
		Effage(1)(a) = Effarea(1)* propVBarea;
Example #17
/** Shepherd function random effects vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param b ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param c ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\return  \f$ \frac{ax}{b+x^c} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector Shepherd(const dvector& x,  const df1b2vector& a,  const df1b2vector& b,  const df1b2vector& c)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=elem_prod(a, elem_div(x, (b+pow(x,c))));

Example #18
/** ecologically parameterized logistic function with carrying capacity K;  random effects vectorized
\param t independent variable; data vector
\param K carrying capacity; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param r growth rate; differentiable scalar in a random effects model
\param n0 initial population size at t=0; differentiable scalar in a random effects model
\return  \f$ \frac{K}{1+(\frac{K}{n0}-1)e^{-rt}} \f$ 
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector logisticK( const dvector& t,  const df1b2vector& K,  const df1b2variable& r,  const df1b2variable& n0)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=elem_div(K, 1.0 + elem_prod(K/n0-1.0, exp(-r*t))); 

Example #19
/**  monomoleular function; random effects vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector in a random effects model
\param b ; differentiable scalar in a random effects model
\return  \f$ a(1-e^{-bx}) \f$ 
\ingroup ECOL
df1b2vector monomolecular(const dvector& x,  const df1b2vector& a,  const df1b2variable& b)
	df1b2vector y;
	y=elem_prod(a, 1.0-exp(-b*x)); 

Example #20
double eff_N(const dvector& pobs, const dvar_vector& phat)
  pobs += 0.0001;
  phat += 0.0001;
  dvar_vector rtmp = elem_div((pobs-phat),sqrt(elem_prod(phat,(1-phat))));
  double vtmp;
  vtmp = value(norm2(rtmp)/size_count(rtmp));
  return 1./vtmp;
Example #21
/**  Shepherd function vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param a ; differentiable vector
\param b ; differentiable vector
\param c ; differentiable scalar
\return  \f$ \frac{ax}{b+x^c} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
dvar_vector Shepherd(const dvector& x,  const dvar_vector& a,  const dvar_vector& b,  const prevariable& c)
	dvar_vector y;
	y=elem_prod(a, elem_div(x, (b+pow(x,c))));

    return (y);
Example #22
/**  ecologically parameterized logistic function with carrying capacity K;  vectorized
\param t independent variable; data vector
\param K carrying capacity; differentiable scalar
\param r growth rate; differentiable scalar
\param n0 initial population size at t=0; differentiable vector
\return  \f$ \frac{K}{1+(\frac{K}{n0}-1)e^{-rt}} \f$ 
\ingroup ECOL
dvar_vector logisticK( const dvector& t,  const prevariable& K,  const prevariable& r,  const dvar_vector& n0)
	dvar_vector y;
	y=K/(1.0+elem_prod((K/n0-1.0), exp(-r*t))); 

    return (y);
Example #23
 * Gauss-Hermite quadature.
 * this is normlaized so that standard normal density
 * integrates to 1
 * \param _x array of abscissa
 * \param _w array of corresponding wights
void normalized_gauss_hermite(const dvector& _x, const dvector& _w)
  dvector& x=(dvector&) _x;
  dvector& w=(dvector&) _w;
Example #24
/**  generalized Ricker function, first parameerization; vectorized
\param x independent variable; data vector
\param x0 ; differentiable scalar
\param A ; differentiable scalar
\param alpha ; differentiable scalar
\return  \f$ A(\frac{x}{x0}e^{(1.0-\frac{x}{x0})})^{\alpha} \f$
\ingroup ECOL
dvar_vector generalized_Ricker1(const dvector& x,  const prevariable& x0,  const prevariable& A,  const prevariable& alpha)
	dvar_vector y;
	y=A*pow(elem_prod(x/x0, exp(1.0-x/x0)), alpha);

    return (y);
Example #25
dvector norm_res(const dvector& pred, const dvector& obs, double m)
  pred += 0.0001;
  obs  += 0.0001;
  dvector nr(1,size_count(obs));
  nr = elem_div(obs-pred,sqrt(elem_prod(pred,(1.-pred))/m));
  return nr;
Example #26
dvariable dstudent_t( const dvar_vector& residual, const dvar_vector& df)
	double pi =  3.141593;
	dvar_vector t1 = 0.5*(df+1);
	dvar_vector t2 = gammln(t1);
	dvar_vector t3 = 0.5*log(df*pi)+gammln(0.5*df);
	dvar_vector t4 = elem_prod(t1,log(1+elem_div(square(residual),df)));
	dvariable pdf = sum(t3+t4-t2);
	return( pdf );
Example #27
void model_parameters::preliminary_calculations(void)

 int X;
 double pi = 3.14159265358979323844;
 MatDelta = L95 - L50;
 Mat = 1.0/(1+mfexp(-log(19)*(LenMids-L50)/MatDelta));
 Fec = elem_prod(Mat, pow(LenMids, FecB));
 Fec = Fec/max(Fec);
 SDLinf = CVLinf * Linf;
 LinfdL = ((Linf + MaxSD * SDLinf) - (Linf - MaxSD * SDLinf))/(NGTG-1);
 for (X=0;X<NGTG;X++) {
   DiffLinfs(X+1) = (Linf - MaxSD * SDLinf) + X * LinfdL;  	 
 RecProbs = 1/(sqrt(2*pi*SDLinf*SDLinf)) * mfexp(-(elem_prod((DiffLinfs-Linf),(DiffLinfs-Linf)))/(2*SDLinf*SDLinf));
 RecProbs = RecProbs/sum(RecProbs);
 cout << "damnit" << endl;
Example #28
void initial_params::xinit1(const dvector& _x, const dvector& g)
    int ii=1;
    dvector& x=(dvector&) _x;
    for (int i=0;i<num_initial_params;i++)
      //if ((varsptr[i])->phase_start <= current_phase)
      if (withinbound(0,(varsptr[i])->phase_start,current_phase))
Example #29
 * Description not yet available.
 * \param
dmatrix elem_prod(const dmatrix& m, const dmatrix& m2)
  ivector cmin(m.rowmin(),m.rowmax());
  ivector cmax(m.rowmin(),m.rowmax());
  int i;
  for (i=m.rowmin();i<=m.rowmax();i++)
  dmatrix tmp(m.rowmin(),m.rowmax(),cmin,cmax);
  for (i=m.rowmin();i<=m.rowmax();i++)
  return tmp;
Example #30
dvariable mult_likelihood(const dmatrix &o, const dvar_matrix &p, dvar_matrix &nu, 
                          const dvariable &log_vn)

	// kludge to ensure observed and predicted matrixes are the same size
	if(o.colsize()!=p.colsize() || o.rowsize()!=p.rowsize())
		cerr<<"Error in multivariate_t_likelihood, observed and predicted matrixes"
		" are not the same size\n";
	dvariable vn = mfexp(log_vn);
	dvariable ff = 0.0;
	int r1 = o.rowmin();
	int r2 = o.rowmax();
	int c1 = o.colmin();
	int c2 = o.colmax();

	for(int i = r1; i <= r2; i++ )
		dvar_vector sobs = vn * o(i)/sum(o(i));  //scale observed numbers by effective sample size.
		ff -= gammln(vn);
		for(int j = c1; j <= c2; j++ )
			if( value(sobs(j)) > 0.0 )
				ff += gammln(sobs(j));
		ff -= sobs * log(TINY + p(i));
		dvar_vector o1=o(i)/sum(o(i));
		dvar_vector p1=p(i)/sum(p(i));
		nu(i) = elem_div(o1-p1,sqrt(elem_prod(p1,1.-p1)/vn));

	// exit(1);
	return ff;