void milxQtDiffusionTensorModel::colourByDirection()
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> currentMesh = model.Result();

    typedef double projectionType;

    ///Determine colours based on axes directions
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnsignedCharArray> scalars = vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnsignedCharArray>::New();
        scalars->SetName("Fibre Colours");
        scalars->FillComponent(0, 0);
        scalars->FillComponent(1, 0);
        scalars->FillComponent(2, 0);
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> projections = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
        projections->SetName("Fibre Projections");
        projections->FillComponent(0, 0.0);
        projections->FillComponent(1, 0.0);
        projections->FillComponent(2, 0.0);

    emit working(-1);
    if(currentMesh->GetNumberOfLines() == 0)
        printInfo("No lines in model. Computing colours for mesh.");

        ///Use the dot product in each axis
        for(size_t j = 0; j < 3; j ++)
            projectionType axis[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
            axis[j] = 1.0;
            cout << "Computing toward axis " << j << endl;

            ///Colour based on each of the gradient values in that direction
            for(vtkIdType k = 0; k < currentMesh->GetNumberOfPoints(); k ++)
                coordinate currentProjection(projections->GetTuple3(k)), position(currentMesh->GetPoint(k));

                projectionType projection = vtkMath::Dot(axis, position.data_block()); //project to axis being done,
                currentProjection[j] = projection; //projection in each direction

                projections->SetTuple3(k, currentProjection[0], currentProjection[1], currentProjection[2]);

        ///Colour based on each of the gradient values in that direction
        for(vtkIdType k = 0; k < currentMesh->GetNumberOfPoints(); k ++)
            coordinate currentProjection(projections->GetTuple3(k));
            coordinate currentProjSquared = element_product(currentProjection, currentProjection);
            projectionType maxProjection = currentProjSquared.max_value();
            currentProjSquared /= maxProjection;

            unsigned char colourOfPoint[3] = {0, 0, 0};
            colourOfPoint[0] = static_cast<unsigned char>( currentProjSquared[0]*255.0 );
            colourOfPoint[1] = static_cast<unsigned char>( currentProjSquared[1]*255.0 );
            colourOfPoint[2] = static_cast<unsigned char>( currentProjSquared[2]*255.0 );

            scalars->SetTupleValue(k, colourOfPoint);

        printInfo("Re-colouring lines by axes directions");
        //Ensure lines done properly so can colour appropriately
        vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> points = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
        vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList> idList = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList>::New();
        std::vector<vtkIdType> trackLengths;
        for(vtkIdType j = 0; j < currentMesh->GetNumberOfLines(); j ++)
            for(vtkIdType pointId = 0; pointId < idList->GetNumberOfIds(); pointId ++)
    //            std::cout << idList->GetId(pointId) << " ";

                double position[3];
                currentMesh->GetPoint(idList->GetId(pointId), position);

        //Re-stitch lines together
        vtkIdType step = 0;
        vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> lines = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New();
        for(size_t j = 0; j < trackLengths.size(); j ++)
            for(vtkIdType k = step; k < trackLengths[j]-1; k ++)
                vtkSmartPointer<vtkLine> line = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLine>::New();
                    line->GetPointIds()->SetId(0, k);
                    line->GetPointIds()->SetId(1, k+1);
            qDebug() << trackLengths[j] << endl;
            step += trackLengths[j];

        vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> linesPolyData = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();
            //Add the points to the dataset
            //Add the lines to the dataset

    emit done(-1);
bool PivotCalibration2::ComputeSpinCalibration(bool snapRotation)
	if (this->ToolToReferenceMatrices.size() < 10)
		this->ErrorText = "Not enough input transforms are available";
		return false;

	if (this->GetMaximumToolOrientationDifferenceDeg() < this->MinimumOrientationDifferenceDeg)
		this->ErrorText = "Not enough variation in the input transforms";
		return false;

	// Setup our system to find the axis of rotation
	unsigned int rows = 3, columns = 3;

	vnl_matrix<double> A(rows, columns, 0);

	vnl_matrix<double> I(3, 3, 0);

	vnl_matrix<double> RI(rows, columns);

	// this will store the maximum difference in orientation between the first transform and all the other transforms
	double maximumOrientationDifferenceDeg = 0;

	std::vector< vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> >::const_iterator previt = this->ToolToReferenceMatrices.end();
	for (std::vector< vtkSmartPointer<vtkMatrix4x4> >::const_iterator it = this->ToolToReferenceMatrices.begin(); it != this->ToolToReferenceMatrices.end(); it++)
		if (previt == this->ToolToReferenceMatrices.end())
			previt = it;
			continue; // No comparison to make for the first matrix

		vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 > itinverse = vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 >::New();
		vtkMatrix4x4::Invert((*it), itinverse);

		vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 > instRotation = vtkSmartPointer< vtkMatrix4x4 >::New();
		vtkMatrix4x4::Multiply4x4(itinverse, (*previt), instRotation);

		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				RI(i, j) = instRotation->GetElement(i, j);

		RI = RI - I;
		A = A + RI.transpose() * RI;

		previt = it;

	// Note: If the needle orientation protocol changes, only the definitions of shaftAxis and secondaryAxes need to be changed
	// Define the shaft axis and the secondary shaft axis
	// Current needle orientation protocol dictates: shaft axis -z, orthogonal axis +x
	// If StylusX is parallel to ShaftAxis then: shaft axis -z, orthogonal axis +y
	vnl_vector<double> shaftAxis_Shaft(columns, 0); shaftAxis_Shaft(0) = 0; shaftAxis_Shaft(1) = 0; shaftAxis_Shaft(2) = -1;
	vnl_vector<double> orthogonalAxis_Shaft(columns, 0); orthogonalAxis_Shaft(0) = 1; orthogonalAxis_Shaft(1) = 0; orthogonalAxis_Shaft(2) = 0;
	vnl_vector<double> backupAxis_Shaft(columns, 0); backupAxis_Shaft(0) = 0; backupAxis_Shaft(1) = 1; backupAxis_Shaft(2) = 0;

	// Find the eigenvector associated with the smallest eigenvalue
	// This is the best axis of rotation over all instantaneous rotations
	vnl_matrix<double> eigenvectors(columns, columns, 0);
	vnl_vector<double> eigenvalues(columns, 0);
	vnl_symmetric_eigensystem_compute(A, eigenvectors, eigenvalues);
	// Note: eigenvectors are ordered in increasing eigenvalue ( 0 = smallest, end = biggest )
	vnl_vector<double> shaftAxis_ToolTip(columns, 0);
	shaftAxis_ToolTip(0) = eigenvectors(0, 0);
	shaftAxis_ToolTip(1) = eigenvectors(1, 0);
	shaftAxis_ToolTip(2) = eigenvectors(2, 0);

	// Snap the direction vector to be exactly aligned with one of the coordinate axes
	// This is if the sensor is known to be parallel to one of the axis, just not which one
	if (snapRotation)
		int closestCoordinateAxis = element_product(shaftAxis_ToolTip, shaftAxis_ToolTip).arg_max();
		shaftAxis_ToolTip.put(closestCoordinateAxis, 1); // Doesn't matter the direction, will be sorted out in the next step

	// Make sure it is in the correct direction (opposite the StylusTipToStylus translation)
	vnl_vector<double> toolTipToToolTranslation(3);
	toolTipToToolTranslation(0) = this->ToolTipToToolMatrix->GetElement(0, 3);
	toolTipToToolTranslation(1) = this->ToolTipToToolMatrix->GetElement(1, 3);
	toolTipToToolTranslation(2) = this->ToolTipToToolMatrix->GetElement(2, 3);
	if (dot_product(shaftAxis_ToolTip, toolTipToToolTranslation) > 0)
		shaftAxis_ToolTip = shaftAxis_ToolTip * (-1);

	//set the RMSE
	this->SpinRMSE = (A * shaftAxis_ToolTip).rms();

	// If the secondary axis 1 is parallel to the shaft axis in the tooltip frame, then use secondary axis 2
	vnl_vector<double> orthogonalAxis_ToolTip;
	double angle = acos(dot_product(shaftAxis_ToolTip, orthogonalAxis_Shaft));
	// Force angle to be between -pi/2 and +pi/2
	if (angle > vtkMath::Pi() / 2)
		angle -= vtkMath::Pi();
	if (angle < -vtkMath::Pi() / 2)
		angle += vtkMath::Pi();
	if (fabs(angle) > vtkMath::RadiansFromDegrees(PARALLEL_ANGLE_THRESHOLD_DEGREES)) // If shaft axis and orthogonal axis are not parallel
		orthogonalAxis_ToolTip = orthogonalAxis_Shaft;
		orthogonalAxis_ToolTip = backupAxis_Shaft;

	// Do the registration find the appropriate rotation
	orthogonalAxis_ToolTip = orthogonalAxis_ToolTip - dot_product(orthogonalAxis_ToolTip, shaftAxis_ToolTip) * shaftAxis_ToolTip;

	// Register X,Y,O points in the two coordinate frames (only spherical registration - since pure rotation)
	vnl_matrix<double> ToolTipPoints(3, 3, 0.0);
	vnl_matrix<double> ShaftPoints(3, 3, 0.0);

	ToolTipPoints.put(0, 0, shaftAxis_ToolTip(0));
	ToolTipPoints.put(0, 1, shaftAxis_ToolTip(1));
	ToolTipPoints.put(0, 2, shaftAxis_ToolTip(2));
	ToolTipPoints.put(1, 0, orthogonalAxis_ToolTip(0));
	ToolTipPoints.put(1, 1, orthogonalAxis_ToolTip(1));
	ToolTipPoints.put(1, 2, orthogonalAxis_ToolTip(2));
	ToolTipPoints.put(2, 0, 0);
	ToolTipPoints.put(2, 1, 0);
	ToolTipPoints.put(2, 2, 0);

	ShaftPoints.put(0, 0, shaftAxis_Shaft(0));
	ShaftPoints.put(0, 1, shaftAxis_Shaft(1));
	ShaftPoints.put(0, 2, shaftAxis_Shaft(2));
	ShaftPoints.put(1, 0, orthogonalAxis_Shaft(0));
	ShaftPoints.put(1, 1, orthogonalAxis_Shaft(1));
	ShaftPoints.put(1, 2, orthogonalAxis_Shaft(2));
	ShaftPoints.put(2, 0, 0);
	ShaftPoints.put(2, 1, 0);
	ShaftPoints.put(2, 2, 0);

	vnl_svd<double> ShaftToToolTipRegistrator(ShaftPoints.transpose() * ToolTipPoints);
	vnl_matrix<double> V = ShaftToToolTipRegistrator.V();
	vnl_matrix<double> U = ShaftToToolTipRegistrator.U();
	vnl_matrix<double> Rotation = V * U.transpose();

	// Make sure the determinant is positve (i.e. +1)
	double determinant = vnl_determinant(Rotation);
	if (determinant < 0)
		// Switch the sign of the third column of V if the determinant is not +1
		// This is the recommended approach from Huang et al. 1987
		V.put(0, 2, -V.get(0, 2));
		V.put(1, 2, -V.get(1, 2));
		V.put(2, 2, -V.get(2, 2));
		Rotation = V * U.transpose();

	// Set the elements of the output matrix
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			this->ToolTipToToolMatrix->SetElement(i, j, Rotation[i][j]);

	return true;