void *ThreadMain(void *arg)
	for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		char str[256];
		sprintf(str, "file%d.txt", i);
		printf("Writing file %s..\n", str); // Prints out to page console, this is a proxied operation.
		FILE *handle = fopen(str, "w"); // fopen, fputs and fclose are currently proxied operations too (although hopefully not in the future)
		fputs(str, handle);
	emscripten_atomic_store_u32(&main_thread_wait_val, 0);
	emscripten_futex_wake(&main_thread_wait_val, 1);
	emscripten_atomic_store_u32(&result, 0);
static inline void unlock_requeue(volatile int *l, volatile int *r, int w)
	a_store(l, 0);
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
	// Here the intent is to wake one waiter, and requeue all other waiters from waiting on address 'l'
	// to wait on address 'r' instead. This is not possible at the moment with SharedArrayBuffer Atomics,
	// as it does not have a "wake X waiters and requeue the rest" primitive. However this kind of
	// primitive is strictly not needed, since it is more like an optimization to avoid spuriously waking
	// all waiters, just to make them wait on another location immediately afterwards. Here we do exactly
	// that: wake every waiter.
	emscripten_futex_wake(l, 0x7FFFFFFF);
	if (w) __wake(l, 1, 1);
	else __syscall(SYS_futex, l, FUTEX_REQUEUE|128, 0, 1, r) != -ENOSYS
		|| __syscall(SYS_futex, l, FUTEX_REQUEUE, 0, 1, r);
void *mandelbrot_thread(void *arg)
  int idx = (int)arg;

    emscripten_futex_wait(&tasksPending[idx], 0, INFINITY);
    emscripten_atomic_store_u32(&tasksPending[idx], 0);
    double t0 = emscripten_get_now();
    int ni;
    if (use_sse)
      ni = ComputeMandelbrot_SSE(mandelReal, mandelImag, outputImage, sizeof(float)*W, sizeof(uint32_t)*W, 0, idx, numTasks, W, H, left, top, incrX, incrY, numItersDoneOnCanvas, numItersPerFrame);
      ni = ComputeMandelbrot(mandelReal, mandelImag, outputImage, sizeof(float)*W, sizeof(uint32_t)*W, 0, idx, numTasks, W, H, left, top, incrX, incrY, numItersDoneOnCanvas, numItersPerFrame);
    //emscripten_atomic_add_u32(&numIters, ni);
    double t1 = emscripten_get_now();
    numIters[idx] += ni;
    timeSpentInMandelbrot[idx] += t1-t0;
    emscripten_atomic_add_u32(&tasksDone, 1);
    emscripten_futex_wake(&tasksDone, 9999);