Example #1
// This is the entrypoint from real-mode which functions exactly as it did
// before. Multiboot does its own runtime initialization, does some of its
// own things, and then calls common_boot.
void boot(int biosdev)
	// Enable A20 gate before accessing memory above 1Mb.
Example #2
 * Name:
 *	main	
 * Description:
 * 	Start Function of the Kernel	
 * Parameter:
 * ReturnValue:
void main() {

	/* Global Descriptor Table setup */

	/* Interrupt Descriptor Table setup */

	/* Setup Interrupts */

	/* Setup Empty Devices */

	/* Initialize Video Device -> Device does not send Interrupts */
	initializeDevice(0,(char *)0xB8000,DEVICE_VIDEO,NULL,IRQ_EMPTY);

	/* Initialize Keyboard Handler */

	/* set Video Device for Console */

	/* Initialize the Character Buffer */

	/* Clear Screen on Video Device */

	/* Printing OS Headers */
	printf("\t\t-------------------------\n", C437_GREEN);
	printf("\t\tWELLCOME TO "OS_NAME"\n", C437_GREEN);
	printf("\t\t-------------------------\n", C437_GREEN);

        printf("\t\t"OS_NAME" version "OS_VERSION", Copyright (C) 2012 Simon Sommer\n", C437_CYAN); 
    	printf("\t\t"OS_NAME" comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n", C437_CYAN);
    	printf("\t\tThis is free software, and you are\n", C437_CYAN); 
	printf("\t\twelcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.\n", C437_CYAN);

	/* Enable Full 4GB Memory */
	printf("\t\tA20 GATE ACTIVATED\n", C437_GREEN);

	/* Gives Feedback of previus done Tasks */
	printf("\t\tGDT SETUP DONE\n", C437_GREEN);
	printf("\t\tIDT SETUP DONE\n", C437_GREEN);
	printf("\t\tIRQ SETUP DONE\n", C437_GREEN);

	/* Enable Iterrupts */
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("sti");
	printf("\t\tINTERRUPTS ENABLED\n", C437_GREEN);


	/* TODO: Malloc and Free Debug and Final Test */
Example #3
File: nbp.c Project: JrCs/Chameleon
 * Issue a command to the network loader.
 * The 'cmd' command structure should be allocated on the stack to
 * ensure that it resides within the addressable range for the
 * network loader, which runs in real mode.
static UInt32 nbp(nbpCommandCode_t code, nbpCommand_u * cmd)
    loader(code, GET_FP((UInt32) cmd));

    // Must re-enable the A20 address line, the PXE firmware will
    // disable the A20 line control.

    return cmd->header.status;
void kernel_init(struct multiboot *mboot_ptr) { 
  //Reprogram PICs
  init_pics(0x20, 0x28);
  //Initialize Terminal
  kinfo("Enable A20 Gate (if not already done)\n");
  //Enable A20 Gate if it is not already enabled.
  if (checkA20() = 0)
  //Check if A20 is REALLY enabled
  if (checkA20() = 0)
    panic("Enabling A20 Gate");
  //Enable the timer and setting it to 50hz
  kinfo("Enable Timer (50hz)");
  //Initiate the descriptor tables (gdt and idt)
  //Enter the protected mode
  kinfo("Enter protected mode");
  //Spawning the init process with argument *mboot_ptr
  kinfo("Spawning Init process...");
  //The init process should NEVER die.
  //If it dies
  kerror("Init Process terminated... make a kernel panic...");
  panic("Unendable Process ended.");
Example #5
File: boot.c Project: aosm/boot
void boot(int biosdev)
    int      status;
    char     *bootFile;
    unsigned long adler32;
    BOOL     quiet;
    BOOL     firstRun = YES;
    BVRef    bvChain;


    // Initialize malloc

    malloc_init(0, 0, 0, malloc_error);

    // Enable A20 gate before accessing memory above 1Mb.


    // Set reminder to unload the PXE base code. Neglect to unload
    // the base code will result in a hang or kernel panic.

    gUnloadPXEOnExit = 1;

    // Record the device that the booter was loaded from.

    gBIOSDev = biosdev & kBIOSDevMask;

    // Initialize boot info structure.

    initKernBootStruct( gBIOSDev );

    // Setup VGA text mode.
    // Not sure if it is safe to call setVideoMode() before the
    // config table has been loaded. Call video_mode() instead.

    video_mode( 2 );  // 80x25 mono text mode.

    // Scan hardware configuration.


    // First get info for boot volume.
    bvChain = scanBootVolumes(gBIOSDev, 0);

    // Record default boot device.
    gBootVolume = selectBootVolume(bvChain);
    bootArgs->kernDev = MAKEKERNDEV(gBIOSDev,
                                    gBootVolume->part_no );

    // Load default config file from boot device.
    status = loadSystemConfig(0, 0);

    if ( getBoolForKey( kQuietBootKey, &quiet ) && quiet ) {
        gBootMode |= kBootModeQuiet;

    // Parse args, load and start kernel.

    while (1)
        const char *val;
        int len;
        int trycache;
        long flags, cachetime, kerneltime, exttime;
        int ret = -1;

        // Initialize globals.

        sysConfigValid = 0;
        gErrors        = 0;

        status = getBootOptions(firstRun);
        firstRun = NO;
        if (status == -1) continue;

        status = processBootOptions();
        if ( status ==  1 ) break;
        if ( status == -1 ) continue;

        // Found and loaded a config file. Proceed with boot.

        // Reset cache name.
        bzero(gCacheNameAdler, sizeof(gCacheNameAdler));

        if ( getValueForKey( kRootDeviceKey, &val, &len ) == YES ) {
            if (*val == '*') {
            strncpy( gCacheNameAdler + 64, val, len );
            sprintf(gCacheNameAdler + 64 + len, ",%s", bootArgs->bootFile);
        } else {
            strcpy(gCacheNameAdler + 64, bootArgs->bootFile);
        adler32 = Adler32(gCacheNameAdler, sizeof(gCacheNameAdler));

        if (getValueForKey(kKernelCacheKey, &val, &len) == YES) {
            strlcpy(gBootKernelCacheFile, val, len+1);
        } else {
            sprintf(gBootKernelCacheFile, "%s.%08lX", kDefaultCachePath, adler32);

        // Check for cache file.

        trycache = (((gBootMode & kBootModeSafe) == 0) &&
                    (gOverrideKernel == NO) &&
                    (gBootFileType == kBlockDeviceType) &&
                    (gMKextName[0] == '\0') &&
                    (gBootKernelCacheFile[0] != '\0'));

        printf("Loading Darwin/x86\n");

        if (trycache) do {
            // if we haven't found the kernel yet, don't use the cache
            ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, bootArgs->bootFile, &flags, &kerneltime);
            if ((ret != 0) || ((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeFlat)) {
                trycache = 0;
            ret = GetFileInfo(NULL, gBootKernelCacheFile, &flags, &cachetime);
            if ((ret != 0) || ((flags & kFileTypeMask) != kFileTypeFlat)
                || (cachetime < kerneltime)) {
                trycache = 0;
            ret = GetFileInfo("/System/Library/", "Extensions", &flags, &exttime);
            if ((ret == 0) && ((flags & kFileTypeMask) == kFileTypeDirectory)
                && (cachetime < exttime)) {
                trycache = 0;
            if (kerneltime > exttime) {
                exttime = kerneltime;
            if (cachetime != (exttime + 1)) {
                trycache = 0;
        } while (0);

        do {
            if (trycache) {
                bootFile = gBootKernelCacheFile;
                verbose("Loading kernel cache %s\n", bootFile);
                ret = LoadFile(bootFile);
                if (ret >= 0) {
            bootFile = bootArgs->bootFile;
            verbose("Loading kernel %s\n", bootFile);
            ret = LoadFile(bootFile);
        } while (0);


        if (ret < 0) {
            error("Can't find %s\n", bootFile);

            if ( gBootFileType == kBIOSDevTypeFloppy )
                // floppy in drive, but failed to load kernel.
                gBIOSDev = kBIOSDevTypeHardDrive;
                initKernBootStruct( gBIOSDev );
                printf("Attempting to load from hard drive...");
            else if ( gBootFileType == kNetworkDeviceType )
                // Return control back to PXE. Don't unload PXE base code.
                gUnloadPXEOnExit = 0;
        } else {
            /* Won't return if successful. */
            ret = ExecKernel((void *)kLoadAddr);

    } /* while(1) */
    if ((gBootFileType == kNetworkDeviceType) && gUnloadPXEOnExit) {
Example #6
void boot(int biosdev)
    mallocInit(0, 0, 0, mallocError);

    // Enable A20 gate before accessing memory above 1 MB.
	if (fastEnableA20() != 0)
		enableA20(); // Fast enable failed. Try legacy method.

	bool	haveCABootPlist	= false;
	bool	quietBootMode	= true;

	void *fileLoadBuffer = (void *)kLoadAddr;

	char bootFile[256];
	char rootUUID[37];

	char * kernelFlags = NULL;

	const char * val;

	int length	= 0;
	int kernelFlagsLength = 0;

	bootFile[0] = '\0';
	rootUUID[0] = '\0';

	bool	mayUseKernelCache	= false;

	long flags, cachetime;

	initPlatform(biosdev);	// Passing on the boot drive.

	// Don't switch graphics mode / show boot logo when DEBUG is set to 1.
	printf("\ngArchCPUType (CPU): %s\n", (gArchCPUType == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) ? "x86_64" : "i386");
	sleep(3); // Silent sleep.

	// A bit ugly maybe, but this will be changed sometime soon.
	while (readKeyboardStatus())
		int key = (bgetc() & 0xff);

		if ((key |= 0x20) == 'r')
			gPlatform.BootRecoveryHD = true;


	#define loadCABootPlist() loadSystemConfig(&bootInfo->bootConfig)

	// Loading: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist
	// TODO: Check if everything works <i>without</i> having this plist.
	if (loadCABootPlist() == STATE_SUCCESS)
		_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("com.apple.Boot.plist located.\n");

		// Load successful. Change state accordantly.
		haveCABootPlist = true;	// Checked <i>before</i> calling key functions.

		// Check the value of <key>Kernel Flags</key> for stuff we are interested in.
		// Note: We need to know about: arch= and the boot flags: -s, -v, -f and -x

		if (getValueForKey(kKernelFlagsKey, &val, &kernelFlagsLength, &bootInfo->bootConfig))
			// "Kernel Flags" key found. Check length to see if we have anything to work with.
			if (kernelFlagsLength)

				// Yes. Allocate memory for it and copy the kernel flags into it.
				kernelFlags = malloc(kernelFlagsLength);
				strlcpy(kernelFlags, val, kernelFlagsLength);

				// Is 'arch=<i386/x86_64>' specified as kernel flag?
				if (getValueForBootKey(kernelFlags, "arch", &val, &length)) //  && len >= 4)
					gArchCPUType = (strncmp(val, "x86_64", 6) == 0) ? CPU_TYPE_X86_64 : CPU_TYPE_I386;

					_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("gArchCPUType (c.a.B.plist): %s\n",  (gArchCPUType == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) ? "x86_64" : "i386");
				// Check for -v (verbose) and -s (single user mode) flags.
				gVerboseMode =	getValueForBootKey(kernelFlags, kVerboseModeFlag, &val, &length) || 
								getValueForBootKey(kernelFlags, kSingleUserModeFlag, &val, &length);
				if (gVerboseMode)
#if DEBUG_BOOT == false

				// Check for -x (safe) and -f (flush cache) flags.
				if (getValueForBootKey(kernelFlags, kSafeModeFlag, &val, &length) || 
					getValueForBootKey(kernelFlags, kIgnoreCachesFlag, &val, &length))
					gBootMode = kBootModeSafe;

				// Is 'boot-uuid=<value>' specified as kernel flag?
				if (getValueForBootKey(kernelFlags, kBootUUIDKey, &val, &length) && length == 36)
					_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Target boot-uuid=<%s>\n", val);

					// Yes. Copy its value into rootUUID.
					strlcpy(rootUUID, val, 37);
				/* else
					strlcpy(rootUUID, "3453E0E5-017B-38AD-A0AA-D0BBD8565D6", 37);
					_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Target boot-uuid=<%s>\n", rootUUID);
				} */

		/* Look for 'Kernel Cache' key. */
		if (getValueForKey(kKernelCacheKey, &val, &length, &bootInfo->bootConfig))
			_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Kernel Cache set to: %s\n", val);

			// Key found. Check if the given filepath/name exists.
			if (length && GetFileInfo(NULL, val, &flags, &cachetime) == 0)
				// File located. Init kernelCacheFile so that we can use it as boot file.
				gPlatform.KernelCachePath = strdup(val);

				// Set flag to inform the load process to skip parts of the code.
				gPlatform.KernelCacheSpecified = true;

				_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("kernelcache file found.\n");

			_BOOT_DEBUG_ELSE_DUMP("Error: kernelcache file not found.\n");

		// _BOOT_DEBUG_ELSE_DUMP("No 'Kernel Cache' key given.\n");
		/* Enable touching of a single BIOS device by setting 'Scan Single Drive' to yes.
		if (getBoolForKey(kScanSingleDriveKey, &gScanSingleDrive, &bootInfo->bootConfig) && gScanSingleDrive)
			gScanSingleDrive = true;
		} */
		_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("No com.apple.Boot.plist found.\n");
	// Was a target drive (per UUID) specified in com.apple.Boot.plist?
	if (rootUUID[0] == '\0')
		_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("No UUID specified in com.apple.Boot.plist\n");

		// No, so are we booting from a System Volume?
		if (gPlatform.BootVolume->flags & kBVFlagSystemVolume)
			_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Booting from a System Volume, getting UUID.\n");

			// Yes, then let's get the UUID.
			if (HFSGetUUID(gPlatform.BootVolume, rootUUID) == STATE_SUCCESS)
				_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Success [%s]\n", rootUUID);
		else // Booting from USB-stick or SDboot media.
			_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Booting from a Non System Volume, getting UUID.\n");

			// Get target System Volume and UUID in one go.
			BVRef rootVolume = getTargetRootVolume(rootUUID);

			if (rootVolume)
				_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Success [%s]\n", rootUUID);

				gPlatform.RootVolume = rootVolume;

		// This should never happen, but just to be sure.
		if (rootUUID[0] == '\0')
			_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Failed to get UUID for System Volume.\n");

			if (!gVerboseMode)
				// Force verbose mode when we didn't find a UUID, so 
				// that people see what is going on in times of trouble.
				gVerboseMode = true;

	 * At this stage we know exactly what boot mode we're in, and which disk to boot from
	 * any of which may or may not have been set/changed (in com.apple.Boot.plist) into a 
	 * non-default system setting and thus is this the place to update our EFI tree.


	if (haveCABootPlist) // Check boolean before doing more time consuming tasks.
		if (getBoolForKey(kQuietBootKey, &quietBootMode, &bootInfo->bootConfig) && !quietBootMode)
			gBootMode = kBootModeNormal; // Reversed from: gBootMode |= kBootModeQuiet;

    // Parse args, load and start kernel.
    while (1)
		// Initialize globals.

		sysConfigValid = 0;
		gErrors        = 0;

		int retStatus = -1;


		// Initialize bootFile (defaults to: mach_kernel).
		strcpy(bootFile, bootInfo->bootFile);


		_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("gBootMode = %d\n", gBootMode);

		// Preliminary checks to prevent us from doing useless things.
		mayUseKernelCache = ((gBootMode & kBootModeSafe) == 0);

		_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("mayUseKernelCache = %s\n", mayUseKernelCache ? "true" : "false");

		 * A pre-linked kernel, or kernelcache, requires you to have all essential kexts for your
		 * configuration, including FakeSMC.kext in: /System/Library/Extensions/ 
		 * Not in /Extra/Extensions/ because this directory will be ignored, completely when a 
		 * pre-linked kernel or kernelcache is used!
		 * Note: Not following this word of advise will render your system incapable of booting!
		if (mayUseKernelCache == false)
			_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Warning: kernelcache will be ignored!\n");

			// True when 'Kernel Cache' is set in com.apple.Boot.plist
			if (gPlatform.KernelCacheSpecified == true)
				sprintf(bootFile, "%s", bootInfo->bootFile);
			// True when 'Kernel Cache' is set in com.apple.Boot.plist
			if (gPlatform.KernelCacheSpecified == true)
				_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("kernelcache: %s\n", gPlatform.KernelCachePath);

				 * Starting with Lion, we can take a shortcut by simply pointing 
				 * the 'bootFile' to the kernel cache and we are done.

				sprintf(bootFile, "%s", gPlatform.KernelCachePath);

			 * We might have been fired up from a USB thumbdrive (kickstart boot) and 
			 * thus we have to check the kernel cache path first (might not be there).

			else if (GetFileInfo(NULL, gPlatform.KernelCachePath, &flags, &cachetime) == 0)

#if ((MAKE_TARGET_OS & LION) == LION) // Also for Mountain Lion, which has bit 2 set like Lion.

				_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Checking for kernelcache...\n");

				if (GetFileInfo(gPlatform.KernelCachePath, (char *)kKernelCache, &flags, &cachetime) == 0)
					sprintf(bootFile, "%s/%s", gPlatform.KernelCachePath, kKernelCache);

					_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Kernelcache located.\n");

				_BOOT_DEBUG_ELSE_DUMP("Failed to locate the kernelcache. Will load: %s!\n", bootInfo->bootFile);

			_BOOT_DEBUG_ELSE_DUMP("Failed to locate the kernelcache (directory)!\n");
#else // Not for (Mountain) Lion, go easy with the Snow Leopard.

				static char preLinkedKernelPath[128];
				static char adler32Key[PLATFORM_NAME_LEN + ROOT_PATH_LEN];

				unsigned long adler32 = 0;

				preLinkedKernelPath[0] = '\0';

				_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Checking for pre-linked kernel...\n");

				// Zero out platform info (name and kernel root path).
				bzero(adler32Key, sizeof(adler32Key));
				// Construct key for the pre-linked kernel checksum (generated by adler32). 
				sprintf(adler32Key, gPlatform.ModelID);
				sprintf(adler32Key + PLATFORM_NAME_LEN, "%s", BOOT_DEVICE_PATH);
				sprintf(adler32Key + (PLATFORM_NAME_LEN + 38), "%s", bootInfo->bootFile);
				adler32 = Adler32((unsigned char *)adler32Key, sizeof(adler32Key));
				_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("adler32: %08X\n", adler32);
				// Create path to pre-linked kernel.
				sprintf(preLinkedKernelPath, "%s/%s_%s.%08lX", gPlatform.KernelCachePath, kKernelCache, 
						((gArchCPUType == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) ? "x86_64" : "i386"), adler32);

				// Check if this file exists.
				if ((GetFileInfo(NULL, preLinkedKernelPath, &flags, &cachetime) == 0) && ((flags & kFileTypeMask) == kFileTypeFlat))
					_BOOT_DEBUG_DUMP("Pre-linked kernel cache located!\nLoading pre-linked kernel: %s\n", preLinkedKernelPath);
					// Returns -1 on error, or the actual filesize.
					if (LoadFile((const char *)preLinkedKernelPath))
						retStatus = 1;
						fileLoadBuffer = (void *)kLoadAddr;
						bootFile[0] = 0;

					_BOOT_DEBUG_ELSE_DUMP("Failed to load the pre-linked kernel. Will load: %s!\n", bootInfo->bootFile);

				_BOOT_DEBUG_ELSE_DUMP("Failed to locate the pre-linked kernel!\n");

			_BOOT_DEBUG_ELSE_DUMP("Failed to locate the cache directory!\n");