Example #1
// Function : arp_who_is
// Description : send arp request to destination ip, and save destination mac to dest_mac.
// call this function to find the destination mac address before send other packet.
BYTE arp_who_is ( BYTE *rxtx_buffer, BYTE *dest_mac, BYTE *dest_ip )
	BYTE i;
	WORD dlength;

	// send arp request packet to network
	arp_send_request ( rxtx_buffer, dest_ip );

	for ( i=0; i<10; i++ )
		// Time out 10x10ms = 100ms
		_delay_ms ( 10 );
		dlength = enc28j60_packet_receive( rxtx_buffer, MAX_RXTX_BUFFER );

		// destination ip address was found on network
		if ( dlength )
			if ( arp_packet_is_arp ( rxtx_buffer, (WORD_BYTES){ARP_OPCODE_REPLY_V} ) )
				// copy destination mac address from arp reply packet to destination mac address
				memcpy ( dest_mac, &rxtx_buffer[ ETH_SRC_MAC_P ], sizeof(MAC_ADDR) );
				return 1;
	// destination ip was not found on network
	return 0;
Example #2
// Function : server_process
// Description : Run web server and listen on port 80
void server_process ( void )
	MAC_ADDR client_mac;
	IP_ADDR client_ip;
	// you can change rx,tx buffer size in includes.h
	BYTE rxtx_buffer[MAX_RXTX_BUFFER];
	WORD plen;
	if ( flag1.bits.syn_is_sent )
	// get new packet
	plen = enc28j60_packet_receive( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer, MAX_RXTX_BUFFER );
	//plen will ne unequal to zero if there is a valid packet (without crc error)

	// copy client mac address from buffer to client mac variable
	memcpy ( (BYTE*)&client_mac, &rxtx_buffer[ ETH_SRC_MAC_P ], sizeof(MAC_ADDR) );
	// check arp packet if match with avr ip let's send reply
	if ( arp_packet_is_arp( rxtx_buffer, (WORD_BYTES){ARP_OPCODE_REQUEST_V} ) )
		arp_send_reply ( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer, (BYTE*)&client_mac );

	// get client ip address
	memcpy ( (BYTE*)&client_ip, &rxtx_buffer[ IP_SRC_IP_P ], sizeof(IP_ADDR) );
	// check ip packet send to avr or not?
	if ( ip_packet_is_ip ( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer ) == 0 )

	// check packet if packet is icmp packet let's send icmp echo reply
	if ( icmp_send_reply ( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer, (BYTE*)&client_mac, (BYTE*)&client_ip ) )
	// start web server at port 80, see http.c
	http_webserver_process ( (BYTE*)rxtx_buffer, (BYTE*)&client_mac, (BYTE*)&client_ip );
Example #3
// Function : client_process
// Description : send temparature to web server, this option is disabled by default.
// YOU MUST install webserver and server script before enable this option, 
// I recommented Apache webserver and PHP script. 
// More detail about Apache and PHP installation please visit http://www.avrportal.com/
void client_process ( void )
	WORD dlength;
	// you can change rx,tx buffer size in includes.h
	BYTE rxtx_buffer[MAX_RXTX_BUFFER];

	// wait for send temparature flag is set, this flag set by time_base function (menu.c)
	if ( flag1.bits.send_temp == 0 )
	// AVR busy now and wait untill transfer data to web browser completed.
	if ( flag1.bits.syn_is_received )
	// AVR sent temparature to web server but not found web server on port 80
	//if ( flag1.bits.not_found_server )
	//	return;
	// send SYN to initial connection
	if ( flag1.bits.syn_is_sent == 0 )
		// start arp 
		// server ip was not found on network
		if ( arp_who_is ( rxtx_buffer, (BYTE*)&server_mac, (BYTE*)&server_ip ) == 0 )
			flag1.bits.send_temp = 0;
		// send SYN packet to initial connection
		tcp_send_packet (
			(WORD_BYTES){80},						// destination port
			(WORD_BYTES){1200},					// source port
			TCP_FLAG_SYN_V,			// flag
			1,						// (bool)maximum segment size
			1,						// (bool)clear sequence ack number
			0,						// 0=use old seq, seqack : 1=new seq,seqack no data : new seq,seqack with data
			0,						// tcp data length
			(BYTE*)&server_mac,		// server mac address
			(BYTE*)&server_ip );	// server ip address
		flag1.bits.syn_is_sent = 1;
	// get new packet
	dlength = enc28j60_packet_receive( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer, MAX_RXTX_BUFFER );
	// no new packet incoming
	if ( dlength == 0 )
		// timeout occured, when SYN has been sent but no response from web server
		// reset send_temp and syn_is_sent flags
		if ( flag1.bits.send_temp_timeout )
			flag1.bits.send_temp_timeout = 0;
			flag1.bits.send_temp = 0;
			flag1.bits.syn_is_sent = 0;
	// check ip packet send to avr or not?
	// accept ip packet only
	if ( ip_packet_is_ip ( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer ) == 0 )

	// check SYNACK flag, after AVR send SYN server response by send SYNACK to AVR
	if ( rxtx_buffer [ TCP_FLAGS_P ] == ( TCP_FLAG_SYN_V | TCP_FLAG_ACK_V ) )
		// send ACK to answer SYNACK
		tcp_send_packet (
					(WORD_BYTES){80},						// destination port
					(WORD_BYTES){1200},					// source port
					TCP_FLAG_ACK_V,			// flag
					0,						// (bool)maximum segment size
					0,						// (bool)clear sequence ack number
					1,						// 0=use old seq, seqack : 1=new seq,seqack no data : >1 new seq,seqack with data
					0,						// tcp data length
					(BYTE*)&server_mac,		// server mac address
					(BYTE*)&server_ip );	// server ip address
		// setup http request to server
		dlength = http_put_request( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer );
		// send http request packet
		// send packet with PSHACK
		tcp_send_packet (
					(WORD_BYTES){80},						// destination port
					(WORD_BYTES){1200},					// source port
					TCP_FLAG_ACK_V | TCP_FLAG_PSH_V,			// flag
					0,						// (bool)maximum segment size
					0,						// (bool)clear sequence ack number
					0,						// 0=use old seq, seqack : 1=new seq,seqack no data : >1 new seq,seqack with data
					dlength,				// tcp data length
					(BYTE*)&server_mac,		// server mac address
					(BYTE*)&server_ip );	// server ip address
	// after AVR send http request to server, server response by send data with PSHACK to AVR
	// AVR answer by send ACK and FINACK to server
	if ( rxtx_buffer [ TCP_FLAGS_P ] == (TCP_FLAG_ACK_V|TCP_FLAG_PSH_V) )
		dlength = tcp_get_dlength( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer );

		// send ACK to answer PSHACK from server
		tcp_send_packet (
					(WORD_BYTES){80},						// destination port
					(WORD_BYTES){1200},					// source port
					TCP_FLAG_ACK_V,			// flag
					0,						// (bool)maximum segment size
					0,						// (bool)clear sequence ack number
					dlength,						// 0=use old seq, seqack : 1=new seq,seqack no data : >1 new seq,seqack with data
					0,				// tcp data length
					(BYTE*)&server_mac,		// server mac address
					(BYTE*)&server_ip );	// server ip address
		// send finack to disconnect from web server
		tcp_send_packet (
					(WORD_BYTES){80},						// destination port
					(WORD_BYTES){1200},					// source port
					TCP_FLAG_FIN_V|TCP_FLAG_ACK_V,			// flag
					0,						// (bool)maximum segment size
					0,						// (bool)clear sequence ack number
					0,						// (bool)calculate new seq and seqack number
					0,						// tcp data length
					(BYTE*)&server_mac,		// server mac address
					(BYTE*)&server_ip );	// server ip address
		//menu_flag.bits.send_temp = 0;
		//send_syn = 0;
	// answer FINACK from web server by send ACK to web server
	if ( rxtx_buffer [ TCP_FLAGS_P ] == (TCP_FLAG_FIN_V|TCP_FLAG_ACK_V) )
		// send ACK with seqack = 1
		tcp_send_packet (
					(WORD_BYTES){80},						// destination port
					(WORD_BYTES){1200},					// source port
					TCP_FLAG_ACK_V,			// flag
					0,						// (bool)maximum segment size
					0,						// (bool)clear sequence ack number
					1,						// 0=use old seq, seqack : 1=new seq,seqack no data : >1 new seq,seqack with data
					0,				// tcp data length
					(BYTE*)&server_mac,		// server mac address
					(BYTE*)&server_ip );	// server ip address
		// temparature has been sent
		// and wait for next schedule to send temparature
		flag1.bits.send_temp = 0;
		flag1.bits.syn_is_sent = 0;