Example #1
File: librsa.c Project: lcurole/rsa
/** \brief Encrypt a plaintext string using RSA encryption and stores it
 * \param pt[] char Plaintext
 * \param ct[] int Where ciphertext gets stored
 * \param e int Public Exponent
 * \param n int Modulus
 * \return void
void encrypt(char pt[], int ct[], int e, int n)
    int i;
    int pte[50000] = {};
    encodePlain(pt, pte);

    for (i = 0; pte[i] > 0; i++) //loop thru pte member
        ct[i] = encodeRSA(pte[i], e, n); //and RSA encrypt
    ct[i] = -1; //insert sentinel valuee
Example #2
/** \brief Encrypt a plaintext string using RSA encryption and stores it
 * \param pt[] char Plaintext
 * \param ct[] int Where ciphertext gets stored
 * \param e int Public Exponent
 * \param n int Modulus
 * \return void
void RSA::RSAEncrypt( char pt[], int ct[], int e, int n,int size )
    int i;
    int *pte = new int[size+1];

    encodePlain(pt, pte,size);

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) //loop thru pte member
        ct[i] = encode(pte[i], e, n); //and RSA encrypt

	delete pte;
