Example #1
void vrpn_Tracker_ButtonFly::mainloop()
  int i;
  struct timeval  now;
  double	  interval;	// How long since the last report, in secs

  // Call generic server mainloop, since we are a server

  // Mainloop() all of the buttons that are defined and the analog
  // scale values if they are defined so that we will get all of
  // the values fresh.
  for (i = 0; i < d_num_axes; i++) {
  if (d_vel_scale != NULL) { d_vel_scale->mainloop(); };
  if (d_rot_scale != NULL) { d_rot_scale->mainloop(); };

  // See if it has been long enough since our last report.
  // If so, generate a new one.
  vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
  interval = duration(now, d_prevtime);

  if (shouldReport(interval)) {
    // Figure out the new matrix based on the current values and
    // the length of the interval since the last report
    d_prevtime = now;

    // Set the time on the report to now.
    vrpn_Tracker::timestamp = now;

    // pack and deliver tracker report;
    if (d_connection) {
      char	msgbuf[1000];
      int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
      if (d_connection->pack_message(len, vrpn_Tracker::timestamp,
	      position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
      fprintf(stderr,"Tracker ButtonFly: cannot write message: tossing\n");
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr,"Tracker ButtonFly: No valid connection\n");

  // We're not always sending reports, but we still want to
  // update the matrix so that we don't integrate over
  // too long a timespan when we do finally report a change.
  } else if (interval >= d_update_interval) {
    // Figure out the new matrix based on the current values and
    // the length of the interval since the last report
    d_prevtime = now;
Example #2
void vrpn_Tracker_MotionNode::send_report()
  // Send the message on the connection
  if (NULL != vrpn_Tracker::d_connection) {
    char buffer[1024];
    int	len = encode_to(buffer);
    if (vrpn_Tracker::d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp, position_m_id, d_sender_id, buffer, vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "MotionNode: cannot write message: tossing\n");
Example #3
void vrpn_Tracker_NDI_Polaris::send_report(void) // called from get_report()
	if (d_connection) 
      char	msgbuf[VRPN_MSGBUFSIZE];
      int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
      if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp, position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
                                     vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {
        fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_Tracker_NDI_Polaris: cannot write message: tossing\n");
Example #4
void vrpn_Tracker_PhaseSpace::send_report(void)
      int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
      if(d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp, position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
                                    vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {
        fprintf(stderr,"PhaseSpace: cannot write message: tossing\n");
Example #5
void vrpn_IMU_SimpleCombiner::mainloop()
  // Call generic server mainloop, since we are a server

  // Mainloop() all of the analogs that are defined and the button
  // so that we will get all of the values fresh.
  if (d_acceleration.ana != NULL) { d_acceleration.ana->mainloop(); }
  if (d_rotational_vel.ana != NULL) { d_rotational_vel.ana->mainloop(); }
  if (d_magnetometer.ana != NULL) { d_magnetometer.ana->mainloop(); }

  // Update the matrix based on the change in time since the last
  // update and the current values.
  struct timeval	now;
  vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
  double delta_t = vrpn_TimevalDurationSeconds(now, d_prev_update_time);
  d_prev_update_time = now;

  // See if it has been long enough since our last report.
  // If so, generate a new one.
  double interval = vrpn_TimevalDurationSeconds(now, d_prevtime);
  if (interval >= d_update_interval) {

    // pack and deliver tracker report with info from the current matrix;
    if (d_connection) {
      char	msgbuf[1000];
      int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
      if (d_connection->pack_message(len, vrpn_Tracker::timestamp,
        position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
        fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_IMU_SimpleCombiner: "
          "cannot write pose message: tossing\n");
      len = encode_vel_to(msgbuf);
      if (d_connection->pack_message(len, vrpn_Tracker::timestamp,
        velocity_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
        fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_IMU_SimpleCombiner: "
          "cannot write velocity message: tossing\n");
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_IMU_SimpleCombiner: "
        "No valid connection\n");

    // We just sent a report, so reset the time
    d_prevtime = now;
Example #6
void vrpn_Tracker_InterSense::send_report(void)
	// Send the message on the connection
    if (d_connection) 
	    char	msgbuf[1000];
	    int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
	    if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp, position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
	      fprintf(stderr,"InterSense: cannot write message: tossing\n");
Example #7
int vrpn_Poser_Remote::client_send_pose_relative() 
    char msgbuf[1000];
    vrpn_int32 len;

    // Pack pose delta.
    len = encode_to(msgbuf);
    if (d_connection->pack_message(len, p_timestamp,
        req_position_relative_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
        fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Poser_Remote: can't write a message: tossing\n");
        return -1;

    return 0;
Example #8
// This will report the dials whether they have changed or not; this
// will result in some 0 dial values being sent. Normally, code will
// use the report_changes method to avoid flooding the system with
// un-needed messages.
// It then clears the dials back to 0.
void vrpn_Dial::report(void)

    char msgbuf[1000];
    vrpn_int32 i;
    vrpn_int32 len;

    if (d_connection) {
        for (i = 0; i < num_dials; i++) {
            len = encode_to(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), i, dials[i]);
            if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp, change_m_id,
                                           d_sender_id, msgbuf,
                                           vrpn_CONNECTION_RELIABLE)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Dial: can't write message: tossing\n");
            dials[i] = 0; // We've reported it the change.
Example #9
 void reportState()
     if (d_connection)
         for (int i = 0; i < num_buttons; i++)
             char	msgbuf[1000];
             vrpn_int32	len = encode_to(msgbuf,i, buttons[i]);
             if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp, change_message_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf, vrpn_CONNECTION_RELIABLE))
                 qCritical("myButtonServer: can't write message: tossing\n");
         qWarning("No valid connection");
Example #10
void vrpn_Tracker_WiimoteHead::report() {
	// pack and deliver tracker report;
	if (d_connection) {
		char      msgbuf[1000];
		int       len = encode_to(msgbuf);
		if (d_connection->pack_message(len, vrpn_Tracker::timestamp,
		                               position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
		                               vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_WiimoteHead: "
			        "cannot write message: tossing\n");
	} else {
		fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_WiimoteHead: "
		        "No valid connection\n");

	// We just sent a report, so reset the time
	vrpn_gettimeofday(&d_prevtime, NULL);
	d_updated = false;
Example #11
void vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow::send_report(void) {
    // Send the message on the connection
    if (d_connection) {
		char msgbuf[1000];
		int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
		if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp, position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf, vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Tracker: cannot write message: tossing\n");

		len = encode_acc_to(msgbuf);
		if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp, accel_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf, vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Tracker: cannot write message: tossing\n");

		len = encode_vel_to(msgbuf);
		if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp, velocity_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf, vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {
			fprintf(stderr,"Tracker: cannot write message: tossing\n");
    } else {
	    fprintf(stderr,"Tracker: No valid connection\n");
void vrpn_Tracker_JoyFly::mainloop(void)

  if (joy_remote !=  NULL)
  if (status == vrpn_TRACKER_REPORT_READY) {
    // pack and deliver tracker report;
    fprintf(stderr, "Sending a report\n");

    char msgbuf[1000];
    vrpn_int32	    len = encode_to(msgbuf);
    if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp,
				 position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
	      "\nvrpn_Tracker_Flock: cannot write message ...  tossing");
    } else {
	fprintf(stderr,"\nvrpn_Tracker_Flock: No valid connection");
    status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;
Example #13
void vrpn_Tracker_AnalogFly::mainloop()
  struct timeval	now;
  double	interval;	// How long since the last report, in secs

  // Call generic server mainloop, since we are a server

  // Mainloop() all of the analogs that are defined and the button
  // so that we will get all of the values fresh.
  if (d_x.ana != NULL) { d_x.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_y.ana != NULL) { d_y.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_z.ana != NULL) { d_z.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_sx.ana != NULL) { d_sx.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_sy.ana != NULL) { d_sy.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_sz.ana != NULL) { d_sz.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_reset_button != NULL) { d_reset_button->mainloop(); };
  if (d_clutch_button != NULL) { d_clutch_button->mainloop(); };

  // See if it has been long enough since our last report.
  // If so, generate a new one.
  vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
  interval = vrpn_TimevalDurationSeconds(now, d_prevtime);

  if (shouldReport(interval)) {

    // Set the time on the report to now, if not an absolute
    // tracker.  Absolute trackers have their time values set
    // to match the time at which their analog devices gave the
    // last report.
    if (!d_absolute) {
      vrpn_Tracker::timestamp = now;

    // Figure out the new matrix based on the current values and
    // the length of the interval since the last report

    // pack and deliver tracker report;
    if (d_connection) {
      char	msgbuf[1000];
      int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
      if (d_connection->pack_message(len, vrpn_Tracker::timestamp,
	      position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
      fprintf(stderr,"Tracker AnalogFly: "
              "cannot write message: tossing\n");
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr,"Tracker AnalogFly: "
              "No valid connection\n");

    // We just sent a report, so reset the time
    d_prevtime = now;

  // We're not always sending reports, but we still want to
  // update the interval clock so that we don't integrate over
  // too long a timespan when we do finally report a change.
  if (interval >= d_update_interval) {
    d_prevtime = now;
Example #14
void vrpn_Tracker_GPS::mainloop()
  //char temp[256];
	fprintf(stderr,"calling server main\n");
  // Call the generic server mainloop, since we are a server

//-eb adding get report and removing switch statement

	fprintf(stderr,"status in mainloop is %d\n\n",status);

  switch (status) {
		printf("tracker report ready\n",status);

        gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);	// Set watchdog now
        // Send the message on the connection
    	  if (d_connection) {
		      char	msgbuf[1000];

			//sprintf(temp, "position id = %d, sender id = %d", position_m_id, d_sender_id); 
			//MessageBox(NULL, temp,"GPS Testing",0);

			  // Pack position report
			  int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
		      if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp,
			      position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
			      vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {

				  fprintf(stderr,"Fastrak: cannot write message: tossing\n");

			  // Pack velocity report
		     //   len = encode_vel_to(msgbuf);
  		     // if (d_connection->pack_message(len, timestamp,
	         //                                velocity_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
             //                              vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)){
			//	  fprintf(stderr,"Fastrak: cannot write message: tossing\n");
		    //  }
		  } else {
		      fprintf(stderr,"Tracker Fastrak: No valid connection\n");

	      // Ready for another report
	      status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;

    case vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING:
    case vrpn_TRACKER_PARTIAL:
		  // It turns out to be important to get the report before checking
		  // to see if it has been too long since the last report.  This is
		  // because there is the possibility that some other device running
		  // in the same server may have taken a long time on its last pass
		  // through mainloop().  Trackers that are resetting do this.  When
		  // this happens, you can get an infinite loop -- where one tracker
		  // resets and causes the other to timeout, and then it returns the
		  // favor.  By checking for the report here, we reset the timestamp
		  // if there is a report ready (ie, if THIS device is still operating).
		 // struct timeval current_time;
		 // gettimeofday(&current_time, NULL);
		 // if ( duration(current_time,timestamp) > MAX_TIME_INTERVAL) {
		//	  sprintf(errmsg,"Timeout... current_time=%ld:%ld, timestamp=%ld:%ld",current_time.tv_sec, current_time.tv_usec, timestamp.tv_sec, timestamp.tv_usec);
		//	  FT_ERROR(errmsg);
		//	  MessageBox(NULL,"Timeout","GPS Testing",0);
		//	  status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
		//  }

    case vrpn_TRACKER_RESETTING:

    case vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL:
	    FT_WARNING("Tracking failed, trying to reset (try power cycle if more than 4 attempts made)");
	    //serial_fd = vrpn_open_commport(portname, baudrate);
	    status = vrpn_TRACKER_RESETTING;