Example #1
void CDiskPartHandlerBase::open() 
    unsigned location;
    StringBuffer filePath;
    if (!(globals->getPropBool("@autoCopyBackup", true)?ensurePrimary(&activity, *partDesc, iFile, location, filePath):getBestFilePart(&activity, *partDesc, iFile, location, filePath, &activity)))
        StringBuffer locations;
        IException *e = MakeActivityException(&activity, TE_FileNotFound, "No physical file part for logical file %s, found at given locations: %s (Error = %d)", activity.logicalFilename.get(), getFilePartLocations(*partDesc, locations).str(), GetLastError());
        EXCLOG(e, NULL);
        throw e;
    ActPrintLog(&activity, "%s[part=%d]: reading physical file '%s' (logical file = %s)", kindStr, which, filePath.str(), activity.logicalFilename.get());
    if (checkFileCrc)
        CDateTime createTime, modifiedTime, accessedTime;
        iFile->getTime(&createTime, &modifiedTime, &accessedTime);
        const char *descModTimeStr = partDesc->queryProperties().queryProp("@modified");
        CDateTime descModTime;
        if (!descModTime.equals(modifiedTime, false))
            StringBuffer diskTimeStr;
            ActPrintLog(&activity, "WARNING: file (%s); modified date stamps on disk (%s) are not equal to published modified data (%s)", filePath.str(), modifiedTime.getString(diskTimeStr).str(), descModTimeStr);

    ActPrintLog(&activity, "%s[part=%d]: Base offset to %"I64F"d", kindStr, which, fileBaseOffset);

    if (compressed)
        ActPrintLog(&activity, "Reading %s compressed file: %s", (NULL != activity.eexp.get())?"encrypted":blockCompressed?"block":"row", filename.get());
        if (checkFileCrc)
            checkFileCrc = false;
            if (activity.crcCheckCompressed) // applies to encrypted too, (optional, default off)
                ActPrintLog(&activity, "Calculating crc for file: %s", filename.get());
                unsigned calcCrc = iFile->getCRC();
                // NB: for compressed files should always be ~0
                ActPrintLog(&activity, "Calculated crc = %x, storedCrc = %x", calcCrc, storedCrc);
                if (calcCrc != storedCrc)
                    IThorException *e = MakeActivityException(&activity, TE_FileCrc, "CRC Failure validating compressed file: %s", iFile->queryFilename());
                    throw e;
Example #2
static IKeyIndex *openKeyPart(CActivityBase *activity, const char *logicalFilename, IPartDescriptor &partDesc)
    unsigned location;
    StringBuffer filePath;
    OwnedIFile ifile;
    if (!(globals->getPropBool("@autoCopyBackup", true)?ensurePrimary(activity, partDesc, ifile, location, filePath):getBestFilePart(activity, partDesc, ifile, location, filePath, activity)))
        StringBuffer locations;
        IException *e = MakeActivityException(activity, TE_FileNotFound, "No physical file part for logical key file %s, found at given locations: %s (Error = %d)", logicalFilename, getFilePartLocations(partDesc, locations).str(), GetLastError());
        EXCLOG(e, NULL);
        throw e;
    unsigned crc;
    return createKeyIndex(filePath.str(), crc, false, false);