Example #1
LinkingContext::createEntrySymbolFile(StringRef filename) const {
  if (entrySymbolName().empty())
    return nullptr;
  std::unique_ptr<SimpleFile> entryFile(new SimpleFile(filename));
      *(new (_allocator) SimpleUndefinedAtom(*entryFile, entrySymbolName())));
  return std::move(entryFile);
Example #2
void RuntimeEngine::updateConfigParser()
    // set entry file
    auto parser = ConfigParser::getInstance();
    string entryFile(_project.getScriptFileRealPath());
    if (entryFile.find(_project.getProjectDir()) != string::npos)
        entryFile.erase(0, _project.getProjectDir().length());
    std::replace(entryFile.begin(), entryFile.end(), '\\', '/');

Example #3
void Playlist::onFetchEntryFinished() {
    auto reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender());

    if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to download item at url" << _refreshIterator->url << ", removing entry";
    } else {
        QFile entryFile(_entryPath.filePath(_refreshIterator->fileId));
        _refreshIterator->loaded = true;


Example #4
void Playlist::downloadEntries() {
    if (_refreshIterator == _refreshEntries.end()) {
        _entries = _refreshEntries;
        _playbackIterator = _entries.end();
        emit playlistAvailable();


    QFile entryFile(_entryPath.filePath(_refreshIterator->fileId));
    if (! entryFile.exists()) {
        qDebug() << "Downloading" << _refreshIterator->url;
        auto reply = _nam.get(QNetworkRequest(_refreshIterator->url));
        connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &Playlist::onFetchEntryFinished);
    } else {
Example #5
void K3bCddbLocalSubmit::doSubmit()
  QString path = m_cddbDir;
  if( path.startsWith( "~" ) )
    path.replace( 0, 1, QDir::homeDirPath() + "/" );
  else if( !path.startsWith( "/" ) )
    path.prepend( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/" );
  if( path[path.length()-1] != '/' )
    path.append( "/" );

  if( !QFile::exists( path ) && !QDir().mkdir( path ) ) {
    kdDebug() << "(K3bCddbLocalSubmit) could not create directory: " << path << endl;
    setError( IO_ERROR );
    emit submitFinished( this );

  if( QFile::exists( path ) ) {
    // if the category dir does not exists
    // create it

    path += resultEntry().category;

    if( !QFile::exists( path ) ) {
      if( !QDir().mkdir( path ) ) {
	kdDebug() << "(K3bCddbLocalSubmit) could not create directory: " << path << endl;
	setError( IO_ERROR );
	emit submitFinished( this );

    // we always overwrite existing entries
    path += "/" + resultEntry().discid;
    QFile entryFile( path );
    if( entryFile.exists() ) {
      kdDebug() << "(K3bCddbLocalSubmit) file already exists: " << path << endl;
    if( !entryFile.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
      kdDebug() << "(K3bCddbLocalSubmit) could not create file: " << path << endl;
      setError( IO_ERROR );
      emit submitFinished( this );
    else {
      kdDebug() << "(K3bCddbLocalSubmit) creating file: " << path << endl;
      QTextStream entryStream( &entryFile );
      entryStream.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
      entryStream << resultEntry().rawData;

      setError( SUCCESS );
      emit submitFinished( this );
  else {
    kdDebug() << "(K3bCddbLocalSubmit) could not find directory: " << path << endl;
    setError( IO_ERROR );
    emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not find directory: %1").arg(path) );
    emit submitFinished( this );
Example #6
void MainWindow::generateImage(const QString &path)
    try {
        QFile imageFile(path);
        if (!imageFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
            throw tr("<p>Could not write the image file</p><p>The error message was: %1</p>").arg(imageFile.errorString());
        QDataStream ds(&imageFile);
        // First calculate everything.
        struct DirectoryEntry {
            QString filePath; // The path of the file.
            quint32 startBlock; // The start block, relative to the directory size.
            quint32 fileSize; // The size of the file.
            quint8 fileNameSize; // The size of the file name.
            QByteArray fileName; // The file name in ascii format.
        QRegularExpression reValidFileName("^[-a-z0-9_]{1,16}$", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption);
        QSet<QString> identifiers;
        QList<DirectoryEntry> directoryEntries;
        quint32 currentStartBlock = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < ui->fileList->topLevelItemCount(); ++i) {
            // Gather all available information and check if everything is in range.
            const auto item = ui->fileList->topLevelItem(i);
            const QString identifier = item->text(0);
            if (identifiers.contains(identifier)) {
                throw tr("The identifier \"%1\" exists multiple times.").arg(identifier);
            const QString filePath = item->data(0, DataPath).toString();
            QFileInfo fileInfo(filePath);
            if (!fileInfo.exists()) {
                throw tr("Could not find file \"%1\" with path \"%2\".").arg(identifier).arg(filePath);
            if (!fileInfo.isReadable()) {
                throw tr("File \"%1\" with path \"%2\" is not readable.").arg(identifier).arg(filePath);
            const qint64 fileSize = fileInfo.size();
            if (fileSize > Q_INT64_C(0xffffffff)) {
                throw tr("The file size of file \"%1\" with path \"%2\" exceeds the maximum size of 4.2GB.").arg(identifier).arg(filePath);
            if (fileSize == 0) {
                throw tr("The file size of file \"%1\" with path \"%2\" is zero. This is not supported.").arg(identifier).arg(filePath);
            if (!reValidFileName.match(identifier).hasMatch()) {
                throw tr("The identifier \"%1\" is not valid. Only characters a-z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed. The length of the identifier must be between 1 and 16 characters.").arg(identifier);
            // Create the directory entry.
            DirectoryEntry entry;
            entry.filePath = filePath;
            entry.startBlock = currentStartBlock;
            entry.fileSize = static_cast<quint32>(fileSize);
            entry.fileName = identifier.toUtf8();
            entry.fileNameSize = static_cast<quint8>(entry.fileName.size());
            const quint32 numberOfBlocks = static_cast<quint32>(((fileSize-Q_INT64_C(1))/static_cast<qint64>(cSDBlockSize)))+1;
            currentStartBlock += numberOfBlocks;
        // Calculate the directory size.
        quint32 directorySize = (4 + 4); // 4 bytes magic + 4 bytes end mark.
        for (auto entry : directoryEntries) {
            directorySize += (9 + entry.fileNameSize);
        const quint32 firstDataBlock = ((directorySize-1)/512u)+1u;
        // Write the directory.
        if (ds.writeRawData("HCDI", 4) != 4) {
            throw tr("Could not write the magic to the image file.");
        for (auto entry : directoryEntries) {
            if (ui->nonHcCards->isChecked()) {
                ds << static_cast<quint32>((entry.startBlock + firstDataBlock) * 512);
            } else {
                ds << static_cast<quint32>(entry.startBlock + firstDataBlock);
            ds << static_cast<quint32>(entry.fileSize);
            ds << static_cast<quint8>(entry.fileNameSize);
            if (ds.writeRawData(entry.fileName.constData(), entry.fileNameSize) != entry.fileNameSize) {
                throw tr("There was a problem writing to the image file.");
        // Write the end mark.
        ds << static_cast<quint32>(0);
        // Fill bytes to the next full block size.
        while ((imageFile.pos() & cSDBlockSizeMask) != 0) {
            ds << static_cast<quint8>(0);
        // Now copy all files
        char buffer[cSDBlockSize];
        for (auto entry : directoryEntries) {
            QFile entryFile(entry.filePath);
            if (!entryFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
                throw tr("Could not open the file \"%1\" with path \"%2\". The error message was: %3").arg(QString::fromLatin1(entry.fileName)).arg(entry.filePath).arg(entryFile.errorString());
            while (!entryFile.atEnd()) {
                const qint64 readBytes = entryFile.read(buffer, cSDBlockSize);
                if (readBytes > 0) {
                    qint64 writeIndex = 0;
                    qint64 writtenBytes = 0;
                    while (writeIndex < readBytes) {
                        writtenBytes = imageFile.write(buffer + writeIndex, readBytes - writeIndex);
                        if (writtenBytes < 0) {
                            throw tr("There was a problem writing data to the image.");
                        writeIndex += writtenBytes;
                    // Fill bytes to the next full block size.
                    while ((imageFile.pos() & cSDBlockSizeMask) != 0) {
                        ds << static_cast<quint8>(0);
        // Successfully wrote the image file.
    } catch (const QString &message) {
        QMessageBox m(this);