std::unique_ptr<Metric> MetricBackend_INTEL_perfquery::getMetricByName(std::string metricName) { if (nameLookup.empty()) { enumGroups(populateLookupGroups, this); } if (nameLookup.count(metricName) > 0) { std::unique_ptr<Metric> p(new Metric_INTEL_perfquery(nameLookup[metricName].first, nameLookup[metricName].second)); return p; } else return nullptr; }
void listMetricsCLI() { // backends is to be populated with backend names std::string backends[] = {"GL_AMD_performance_monitor", "GL_INTEL_performance_query", "opengl"}; std::cout << "Available metrics: \n"; for (auto s : backends) { auto b = getBackend(s); if (!b->isSupported()) { continue; } std::cout << "\nBackend " << s << ":\n"; b->enumGroups(listMetrics_groupCallback, b); std::cout << std::endl; } }
bool CSVWholeview::enumGroups(const string &szGroupID, WTable *pTable) { bool bShowGroup = false; bool gShowGroup = true;//jansion bool mShowGroup = true; //jansion pTable->setStyleClass("widthauto"); if(!szGroupID.empty()) { OBJECT objGroup = GetGroup(szGroupID); if(objGroup != INVALID_VALUE) { //PrintDebugString("In ------------------------------------\n"); string szIndex(""), szName(""), szShowIndex(""), szContext(""); string szShow(""), szHide(""), szSubTable(""); string szShowText(""), szHideText(""); bool bHasRight = true; int nIndex = 0, nRow = 0; MAPNODE node = INVALID_VALUE; list<string> lsGroupID; list<string> lsDeviceID; list<string>::iterator lstItem; //list<string>::iterator bcompItem; if(GetSubGroupsIDByGroup(objGroup, lsGroupID)) { map<int, base_param, less<int> > sortList; map<int, base_param, less<int> >::iterator lsItem; map<int, base_param, less<int> >::iterator bcompItem; //bool gShow = false; base_param group; OBJECT objSubGroup = INVALID_VALUE; for(lstItem = lsGroupID.begin(); lstItem != lsGroupID.end(); lstItem ++) { //PrintDebugString("In --------------- for ---------------------\n"); szIndex =(*lstItem); bHasRight = true; if(m_pSVUser) bHasRight = m_pSVUser->haveGroupRight(szIndex, Tree_GROUP); if(bHasRight) { objSubGroup = GetGroup(szIndex, m_szIDCUser, m_szIDCPwd); if(objGroup != INVALID_VALUE) { node = GetGroupMainAttribNode(objSubGroup); if(node != INVALID_VALUE) { FindNodeValue(node, "sv_name", szName); FindNodeValue(node, "sv_index", szShowIndex); if(szShowIndex.empty()) nIndex = FindIndexByID(szIndex); else nIndex = atoi(szShowIndex.c_str()); group.szIndex = szIndex; group.szName = szName; lsItem = sortList.find(nIndex); while(lsItem != sortList.end()) { nIndex ++; lsItem = sortList.find(nIndex); } sortList[nIndex] = group; } else { gShowGroup = false; } CloseGroup(objSubGroup); } } else { gShowGroup =false; } } //if (lsGroupID.empty()) // PrintDebugString("In group is ====== false\n"); for(lsItem = sortList.begin(); lsItem != sortList.end(); lsItem ++) { //PrintDebugString("In emnuGroup " + lsItem->second.szName + "\n"); //bool gShow = false; nRow = pTable->numRows(); //WImage *pShow = new WImage("../Images/foldopen.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); //WImage *pHide = new WImage("../Images/foldclose.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); //if(!enumGroups(lsItem->second.szIndex, pSub)) //{ WImage *pShow = new WImage("/Images/cb1-unwrap.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); WImage *pHide = new WImage("/Images/cb1-fold.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); //} new WText(" ",pTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); //new WImage("../Images/group.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); new WImage("/Images/cbb-3group.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); new WText(" ",pTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); WText *pName = new WText(lsItem->second.szName, pTable->elementAt(nRow, 2)); if(pName) { szContext = "onclick='parent.document.frames(\"left\").location.replace(\"/fcgi-bin/menu.exe?cmd=treeview.exe?groupid=" + lsItem->second.szIndex + "\");' style='color:#669;cursor:pointer;' onmouseover='\"underline\"'" + "onmouseout='\"none\"'"; sprintf(pName->contextmenu_, szContext.c_str()); } WTable * pSub = new WTable(pTable->elementAt(nRow + 1, 2)); if(pSub) { if(pShow && pHide) { szShow = pHide->formName(); szHide = pShow->formName(); szSubTable = pSub->formName(); szShowText = "onclick='showsubtable(\"" + szShow + "\", \"" + szHide + "\", \"" + szSubTable + "\")' " + "style='display:none;cursor:pointer'"; szHideText = "onclick='hidesubtable(\"" + szShow + "\", \"" + szHide + "\", \"" + szSubTable + "\")' " + "style='cursor:pointer'"; sprintf(pShow->contextmenu_, szShowText.c_str()); sprintf(pHide->contextmenu_, szHideText.c_str()); } if(!enumGroups(lsItem->second.szIndex, pSub)) { //gShow = true; //pTable->deleteRow(nRow); pShow->hide(); pHide->hide(); } else { //bShowGroup = true; //pShow->hide(); //pHide->hide(); } } } if (sortList.empty()) gShowGroup = false; } else { gShowGroup = false; } if(GetSubEntitysIDByGroup(objGroup, lsDeviceID)) { map<int, base_param, less<int> > sortList; map<int, base_param, less<int> >::iterator lsItem; base_param device; OBJECT objDevice = INVALID_VALUE; for(lstItem = lsDeviceID.begin(); lstItem != lsDeviceID.end(); lstItem ++) { szIndex =(*lstItem); bHasRight = true; if(m_pSVUser) bHasRight = m_pSVUser->haveGroupRight(szIndex, Tree_DEVICE); if(bHasRight) { objDevice = GetEntity(szIndex, m_szIDCUser, m_szIDCPwd); if(objDevice != INVALID_VALUE) { node = GetEntityMainAttribNode(objDevice); if(node != INVALID_VALUE) { FindNodeValue(node, "sv_name", szName); FindNodeValue(node, "sv_index", szShowIndex); if(szShowIndex.empty()) nIndex = FindIndexByID(szIndex); else nIndex = atoi(szShowIndex.c_str()); device.szIndex = szIndex; device.szName = szName; lsItem = sortList.find(nIndex); while(lsItem != sortList.end()) { nIndex ++; lsItem = sortList.find(nIndex); } sortList[nIndex] = device; } else { mShowGroup = false; } CloseEntity(objDevice); } } } for(lsItem = sortList.begin(); lsItem != sortList.end(); lsItem ++) { //PrintDebugString("In emnuGroup " + lsItem->second.szName + "------------------------\n"); nRow = pTable->numRows(); //new WImage("../Images/device.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); new WImage("/Images/cbb-4server.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); new WText(" ",pTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); WText *pName = new WText(lsItem->second.szName, pTable->elementAt(nRow, 2)); if(pName) { szContext = "onclick='parent.document.frames(\"left\").location.replace(\"/fcgi-bin/menu.exe?cmd=treeview.exe?deviceid=" + lsItem->second.szIndex + "\");' style='color:#669;cursor:pointer;' onmouseover='\"underline\"'" + "onmouseout='\"none\"'"; sprintf(pName->contextmenu_, szContext.c_str()); } if(!enumMonitors(lsItem->second.szIndex, lsItem->second.szName, pTable->elementAt(nRow, 2))) { bShowGroup = false; //bShowGroup = true; //pTable->deleteRow(nRow); } else bShowGroup = true; } //84200891 if (sortList.empty()) { mShowGroup = false; } } else { mShowGroup = false; } CloseGroup(objGroup); } else { mShowGroup = false; gShowGroup = false; } } else { mShowGroup = false; gShowGroup = false; } bool bbShowGroup; bbShowGroup = gShowGroup || mShowGroup; return bbShowGroup; }
void CSVWholeview::enumSVSE() { if(!m_pContent) return; PAIRLIST selist; string szRootname(""); int nRow = 0; WTable *pTable = m_pContent; if(GetIniFileInt("solover","solover",1,"general.ini") == 1) { sv_pair svpair; = "1"; OBJECT objSE = GetSVSE("1");//, m_szIDCUser, m_szIDCPwd); if(objSE != INVALID_VALUE) { svpair.value = GetSVSELabel(objSE); CloseSVSE(objSE); } selist.push_back(svpair); } else { GetAllSVSEInfo(selist); szRootname = GetIniFileString("segroup","name","","general.ini"); if(szRootname.empty()) szRootname = "SiteView ECC 7.0"; nRow = m_pContent->numRows(); //WImage *pShow = new WImage("../Images/foldopen.gif", m_pContent->elementAt(nRow, 0)); //WImage *pHide = new WImage("../Images/foldclose.gif", m_pContent->elementAt(nRow, 0)); WImage *pShow = new WImage("/Images/cb1-unwrap.gif", m_pContent->elementAt(nRow, 0)); WImage *pHide = new WImage("/Images/cb1-fold.gif", m_pContent->elementAt(nRow, 0)); new WText(" ",m_pContent->elementAt(nRow, 0)); //new WImage("../Images/home.gif", m_pContent->elementAt(nRow, 1)); new WImage("/Images/cbb-2main.gif", m_pContent->elementAt(nRow, 1)); new WText(" ",m_pContent->elementAt(nRow, 1)); WText *pName = new WText(szRootname, m_pContent->elementAt(nRow, 2)); if(pName) { sprintf(pName->contextmenu_, "style='color:#669;cursor:pointer;' onmouseover='" \ "\"underline\"' " \ "onmouseout='\"none\"'"); } pTable = new WTable(m_pContent->elementAt(nRow + 1, 2)); pTable->setStyleClass("widthauto"); if(!pTable) return; else { if(pShow && pHide) { string szShow = "", szHide = "", szSubTable = ""; szShow = pHide->formName(); szHide = pShow->formName(); szSubTable = pTable->formName(); string szShowText = "onclick='showsubtable(\"" + szShow + "\", \"" + szHide + "\", \"" + szSubTable + "\")' " + "style='display:none;cursor:pointer'"; string szHideText = "onclick='hidesubtable(\"" + szShow + "\", \"" + szHide + "\", \"" + szSubTable + "\")' " + "style='cursor:pointer'"; sprintf(pShow->contextmenu_, szShowText.c_str()); sprintf(pHide->contextmenu_, szHideText.c_str()); } } } PAIRLIST::iterator iSe; bool bHasRight = true; int nChildCount = 0, nIndex = 0; OBJECT objSE = INVALID_VALUE; OBJECT objGroup = INVALID_VALUE; MAPNODE node = INVALID_VALUE; string szSEID(""), szSubGroupID(""), szEntityID(""); string szName(""), szIndex(""); string szContext(""), szShow(""), szHide(""), szSubTable(""); string szShowText(""), szHideText(""); list<string> lsGroupID; list<string> lsDeviceID; list<string>::iterator lstItem; for(iSe= selist.begin(); iSe!=selist.end(); iSe++) { szSEID = (*iSe).name; bHasRight = true; if(m_pSVUser) bHasRight = m_pSVUser->haveGroupRight(szSEID, Tree_SE); if(bHasRight) { nRow = pTable->numRows(); //WImage *pShow = new WImage("../Images/foldopen.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); //WImage *pHide = new WImage("../Images/foldclose.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); WImage *pShow = new WImage("/Images/cb1-unwrap.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); WImage *pHide = new WImage("/Images/cb1-fold.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); new WText(" ",pTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); new WImage("/Images/cbb-2main.gif", pTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); new WText(" ",pTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); WText *pName = new WText((*iSe).value, pTable->elementAt(nRow, 2)); if(pName) { szContext = "onclick='parent.document.frames(\"left\").location.replace(\"/fcgi-bin/menu.exe?cmd=treeview.exe?svseid=" + szSEID + "\");' style='color:#669;cursor:pointer;' onmouseover='\"underline\"'" + "onmouseout='\"none\"'"; sprintf(pName->contextmenu_, szContext.c_str()); } WTable *pSubTable = new WTable(pTable->elementAt(nRow + 1, 2)); pSubTable->setStyleClass("widthauto"); if(!pSubTable) return; else { if(pShow && pHide) { szShow = pHide->formName(); szHide = pShow->formName(); szSubTable = pSubTable->formName(); szShowText = "onclick='showsubtable(\"" + szShow + "\", \"" + szHide + "\", \"" + szSubTable + "\")' " + "style='display:none;cursor:pointer'"; szHideText = "onclick='hidesubtable(\"" + szShow + "\", \"" + szHide + "\", \"" + szSubTable + "\")' " + "style='cursor:pointer'"; sprintf(pShow->contextmenu_, szShowText.c_str()); sprintf(pHide->contextmenu_, szHideText.c_str()); } } objSE = GetSVSE(szSEID); if(objSE != INVALID_VALUE) { lsGroupID.clear(); if(GetSubGroupsIDBySE(objSE, lsGroupID)) { map<int, base_param, less<int> > sortList; map<int, base_param, less<int> >::iterator lsItem; map<int, base_param, less<int> >::iterator compItem; base_param group; for(lstItem = lsGroupID.begin(); lstItem != lsGroupID.end(); lstItem ++) { szSubGroupID =(*lstItem); bHasRight = true; if(m_pSVUser) bHasRight = m_pSVUser->haveGroupRight(szSubGroupID, Tree_GROUP); if(bHasRight) { objGroup = GetGroup(szSubGroupID, m_szIDCUser, m_szIDCPwd); if(objGroup != INVALID_VALUE) { node = GetGroupMainAttribNode(objGroup); if(node != INVALID_VALUE) { FindNodeValue(node, "sv_name", szName); FindNodeValue(node, "sv_index", szIndex); if(szIndex.empty()) nIndex = FindIndexByID(szSubGroupID); else nIndex = atoi(szIndex.c_str()); group.szIndex = szSubGroupID; group.szName = szName; lsItem = sortList.find(nIndex); while(lsItem != sortList.end()) { nIndex ++; lsItem = sortList.find(nIndex); } sortList[nIndex] = group; } CloseGroup(objGroup); } } } nChildCount += static_cast<int>(sortList.size()); for(lsItem = sortList.begin(); lsItem != sortList.end(); lsItem ++) { //PrintDebugString("In first setting ---------" + lsItem->second.szName + "\n"); //bool bbbb = false; nRow = pSubTable->numRows(); WImage *pShow = new WImage("/Images/cb1-unwrap.gif", pSubTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); WImage *pHide = new WImage("/Images/cb1-fold.gif", pSubTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); new WText(" ",pSubTable->elementAt(nRow, 0)); new WImage("/Images/cbb-3group.gif", pSubTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); new WText(" ",pSubTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); WText *pName = new WText(lsItem->second.szName, pSubTable->elementAt(nRow, 2)); if(pName) { string szContext = "onclick='parent.document.frames(\"left\").location.replace(\"/fcgi-bin/menu.exe?cmd=treeview.exe?groupid=" + lsItem->second.szIndex + "\");' style='color:#669;cursor:pointer;' onmouseover='\"underline\"'" + "onmouseout='\"none\"'"; sprintf(pName->contextmenu_, szContext.c_str()); } WTable * pSub = new WTable(pSubTable->elementAt(nRow + 1, 2)); if(pSub) { if(pShow && pHide) { szShow = pHide->formName(); szHide = pShow->formName(); szSubTable = pSub->formName(); string szShowText = "onclick='showsubtable(\"" + szShow + "\", \"" + szHide + "\", \"" + szSubTable + "\")' " + "style='display:none;cursor:pointer'"; string szHideText = "onclick='hidesubtable(\"" + szShow + "\", \"" + szHide + "\", \"" + szSubTable + "\")' " + "style='cursor:pointer'"; sprintf(pShow->contextmenu_, szShowText.c_str()); sprintf(pHide->contextmenu_, szHideText.c_str()); } if(!enumGroups(lsItem->second.szIndex, pSub)) { //bbbb = true; //pSubTable->deleteRow(nRow); pShow->hide(); pHide->hide(); } } } } lsDeviceID.clear(); if(GetSubEntitysIDBySE(objSE, lsDeviceID)) { map<int, base_param, less<int> > sortList; map<int, base_param, less<int> >::iterator lsItem; base_param device; for(lstItem = lsDeviceID.begin(); lstItem != lsDeviceID.end(); lstItem ++) { szEntityID =(*lstItem); bHasRight = true; if(m_pSVUser) bHasRight = m_pSVUser->haveGroupRight(szEntityID, Tree_DEVICE); if(bHasRight) { OBJECT objDevice = GetEntity(szEntityID, m_szIDCUser, m_szIDCPwd); if(objDevice != INVALID_VALUE) { MAPNODE node = GetEntityMainAttribNode(objDevice); if(node != INVALID_VALUE) { FindNodeValue(node, "sv_name", szName); FindNodeValue(node, "sv_index", szIndex); if(szIndex.empty()) nIndex = FindIndexByID(szEntityID); else nIndex = atoi(szIndex.c_str()); device.szIndex = szEntityID; device.szName = szName; lsItem = sortList.find(nIndex); while(lsItem != sortList.end()) { nIndex ++; lsItem = sortList.find(nIndex); } sortList[nIndex] = device; } CloseEntity(objDevice); } } } nChildCount += static_cast<int>(sortList.size()); for(lsItem = sortList.begin(); lsItem != sortList.end(); lsItem ++) { nRow = pSubTable->numRows(); new WText(" ",pSubTable->elementAt(nRow , 0)); new WImage("/Images/cbb-4server.gif", pSubTable->elementAt(nRow, 1)); new WText(" ",pSubTable->elementAt(nRow , 1)); WText *pName = new WText(lsItem->second.szName, pSubTable->elementAt(nRow, 2)); if(pName) { szContext = "onclick='parent.document.frames(\"left\").location.replace(\"/fcgi-bin/menu.exe?cmd=treeview.exe?deviceid=" + lsItem->second.szIndex + "\");' style='color:#669;cursor:pointer;' onmouseover='\"underline\"'" + "onmouseout='\"none\"'"; sprintf(pName->contextmenu_, szContext.c_str()); } if(!enumMonitors(lsItem->second.szIndex, lsItem->second.szName, pSubTable->elementAt(nRow, 2))) { //pSubTable->deleteRow(nRow); } } } CloseSVSE(objSE); if(nChildCount <= 0) { new WText(m_szNoChild, pSubTable->elementAt(nRow, 2)); } } } } }