Example #1
// cac::cac ()
cac::cac ( 
    epicsMutex & mutualExclusionIn, 
    epicsMutex & callbackControlIn, 
    cacContextNotify & notifyIn ) :
    _refLocalHostName ( localHostNameCache.getReference () ),
    programBeginTime ( epicsTime::getCurrent() ),
    mutex ( mutualExclusionIn ),
    cbMutex ( callbackControlIn ),
    ipToAEngine ( ipAddrToAsciiEngine::allocate () ),
    timerQueue ( epicsTimerQueueActive::allocate ( false, 
        lowestPriorityLevelAbove(epicsThreadGetPrioritySelf()) ) ),
    pUserName ( 0 ),
    pudpiiu ( 0 ),
    tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList ( 0 ),
    tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList ( 0 ),
    notify ( notifyIn ),
    initializingThreadsId ( epicsThreadGetIdSelf() ),
    initializingThreadsPriority ( epicsThreadGetPrioritySelf() ),
    maxRecvBytesTCP ( MAX_TCP ),
    maxContigFrames ( contiguousMsgCountWhichTriggersFlowControl ),
    beaconAnomalyCount ( 0u ),
    iiuExistenceCount ( 0u ),
    cacShutdownInProgress ( false )
    if ( ! osiSockAttach () ) {
        throwWithLocation ( udpiiu :: noSocket () );

    try {
	    long status;

         * Certain os, such as HPUX, do not unblock a socket system call 
         * when another thread asynchronously calls both shutdown() and 
         * close(). To solve this problem we need to employ OS specific
         * mechanisms.
        epicsSignalInstallSigAlarmIgnore ();
        epicsSignalInstallSigPipeIgnore ();

            char tmp[256];
            size_t len;
            osiGetUserNameReturn gunRet;

            gunRet = osiGetUserName ( tmp, sizeof (tmp) );
            if ( gunRet != osiGetUserNameSuccess ) {
                tmp[0] = '\0';
            len = strlen ( tmp ) + 1;
            this->pUserName = new char [ len ];
            strncpy ( this->pUserName, tmp, len );

        this->_serverPort = 
            envGetInetPortConfigParam ( &EPICS_CA_SERVER_PORT,
                                        static_cast <unsigned short> (CA_SERVER_PORT) );

        status = envGetDoubleConfigParam ( &EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO, &this->connTMO );
        if ( status ) {
            this->connTMO = CA_CONN_VERIFY_PERIOD;
            epicsGuard < epicsMutex > cbGuard ( this->cbMutex );
            errlogPrintf ( "EPICS \"%s\" double fetch failed\n", EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO.name );
            errlogPrintf ( "Defaulting \"%s\" = %f\n", EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO.name, this->connTMO );

        long maxBytesAsALong;
        status =  envGetLongConfigParam ( &EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES, &maxBytesAsALong );
        if ( status || maxBytesAsALong < 0 ) {
            errlogPrintf ( "cac: EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES was not a positive integer\n" );
        else {
            /* allow room for the protocol header so that they get the array size they requested */
            static const unsigned headerSize = sizeof ( caHdr ) + 2 * sizeof ( ca_uint32_t );
            ca_uint32_t maxBytes = ( unsigned ) maxBytesAsALong;
            if ( maxBytes < 0xffffffff - headerSize ) {
                maxBytes += headerSize;
            else {
                maxBytes = 0xffffffff;
            if ( maxBytes < MAX_TCP ) {
                errlogPrintf ( "cac: EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES was rounded up to %u\n", MAX_TCP );
            else {
                this->maxRecvBytesTCP = maxBytes;
        freeListInitPvt ( &this->tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList, MAX_TCP, 1 );
        if ( ! this->tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList ) {
            throw std::bad_alloc ();

        freeListInitPvt ( &this->tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList, this->maxRecvBytesTCP, 1 );
        if ( ! this->tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList ) {
            throw std::bad_alloc ();
        unsigned bufsPerArray = this->maxRecvBytesTCP / comBuf::capacityBytes ();
        if ( bufsPerArray > 1u ) {
            maxContigFrames = bufsPerArray * 
    catch ( ... ) {
        osiSockRelease ();
        delete [] this->pUserName;
        if ( this->tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList ) {
            freeListCleanup ( this->tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList );
        if ( this->tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList ) {
            freeListCleanup ( this->tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList );
        this->timerQueue.release ();

     * load user configured tcp name server address list,
     * create virtual circuits, and add them to server table
    ELLLIST dest, tmpList;

    ellInit ( & dest );
    ellInit ( & tmpList );

    addAddrToChannelAccessAddressList ( &tmpList, &EPICS_CA_NAME_SERVERS, this->_serverPort, false );
    removeDuplicateAddresses ( &dest, &tmpList, 0 );

    epicsGuard < epicsMutex > guard ( this->mutex );

    while ( osiSockAddrNode *
        pNode = reinterpret_cast < osiSockAddrNode * > ( ellGet ( & dest ) ) ) {
        tcpiiu * piiu = NULL;
        SearchDestTCP * pdst = new SearchDestTCP ( *this, pNode->addr );
        this->registerSearchDest ( guard, * pdst );
        bool newIIU = findOrCreateVirtCircuit (
            guard, pNode->addr, cacChannel::priorityDefault,
            piiu, CA_UKN_MINOR_VERSION, pdst );
        free ( pNode );
        if ( newIIU ) {
            piiu->start ( guard );
Example #2
void rsrv_online_notify_task(void *pParm)
    unsigned                    priorityOfSelf = epicsThreadGetPrioritySelf ();
    osiSockAddrNode             *pNode;
    double                      delay;
    double                      maxdelay;
    long                        longStatus;
    double                      maxPeriod;
    caHdr                       msg;
    int                         status;
    SOCKET                      sock;
    int                         intTrue = TRUE;
    unsigned short              port;
    ca_uint32_t                 beaconCounter = 0;
    char                        * pStr;
    int                         autoBeaconAddr;
    ELLLIST                     autoAddrList;
    char                        buf[16];
    unsigned                    priorityOfUDP;
    epicsThreadBooleanStatus    tbs;
    epicsThreadId               tid;
    taskwdInsert (epicsThreadGetIdSelf(),NULL,NULL);
    if ( envGetConfigParamPtr ( & EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PERIOD ) ) {
        longStatus = envGetDoubleConfigParam ( & EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PERIOD, & maxPeriod );
    else {
        longStatus = envGetDoubleConfigParam ( & EPICS_CA_BEACON_PERIOD, & maxPeriod );
    if (longStatus || maxPeriod<=0.0) {
        maxPeriod = 15.0;
        epicsPrintf ("EPICS \"%s\" float fetch failed\n",
        epicsPrintf ("Setting \"%s\" = %f\n",
            EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PERIOD.name, maxPeriod);
    delay = 0.02; /* initial beacon period in sec */
    maxdelay = maxPeriod;
     *  Open the socket.
     *  Use ARPA Internet address format and datagram socket.
     *  Format described in <sys/socket.h>.
    if ( (sock = epicsSocketCreate (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) {
        errlogPrintf ("CAS: online socket creation error\n");
        epicsThreadSuspendSelf ();
    status = setsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 
                (char *)&intTrue, sizeof(intTrue));
    if (status<0) {
        errlogPrintf ("CAS: online socket set up error\n");
        epicsThreadSuspendSelf ();

         * this connect is to supress a warning message on Linux
         * when we shutdown the read side of the socket. If it
         * fails (and it will on old ip kernels) we just ignore 
         * the failure.
        osiSockAddr sockAddr;
        sockAddr.ia.sin_family = AF_UNSPEC;
        sockAddr.ia.sin_port = htons ( 0 );
        sockAddr.ia.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (0);
        connect ( sock, & sockAddr.sa, sizeof ( sockAddr.sa ) );
        shutdown ( sock, SHUT_RD );
    memset((char *)&msg, 0, sizeof msg);
    msg.m_cmmd = htons (CA_PROTO_RSRV_IS_UP);
    msg.m_count = htons (ca_server_port);
    msg.m_dataType = htons (CA_MINOR_PROTOCOL_REVISION);
    ellInit ( & beaconAddrList );
    ellInit ( & autoAddrList );

    pStr = envGetConfigParam(&EPICS_CAS_AUTO_BEACON_ADDR_LIST, sizeof(buf), buf);
    if ( ! pStr ) {
	    pStr = envGetConfigParam(&EPICS_CA_AUTO_ADDR_LIST, sizeof(buf), buf);
	if (pStr) {
		if (strstr(pStr,"no")||strstr(pStr,"NO")) {
			autoBeaconAddr = FALSE;
		else if (strstr(pStr,"yes")||strstr(pStr,"YES")) {
			autoBeaconAddr = TRUE;
		else {
		"CAS: EPICS_CA(S)_AUTO_ADDR_LIST = \"%s\"? Assuming \"YES\"\n", pStr);
			autoBeaconAddr = TRUE;
	else {
		autoBeaconAddr = TRUE;

     * load user and auto configured
     * broadcast address list
    if (envGetConfigParamPtr(&EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PORT)) {
        port = envGetInetPortConfigParam (&EPICS_CAS_BEACON_PORT, 
            (unsigned short) CA_REPEATER_PORT );
    else {
        port = envGetInetPortConfigParam (&EPICS_CA_REPEATER_PORT, 
            (unsigned short) CA_REPEATER_PORT );

     * discover beacon addresses associated with this interface
    if ( autoBeaconAddr ) {
        osiSockAddr addr;
		ELLLIST tmpList;

		ellInit ( &tmpList );
        addr.ia.sin_family = AF_UNSPEC;
        osiSockDiscoverBroadcastAddresses (&tmpList, sock, &addr); 
        forcePort ( &tmpList, port );
		removeDuplicateAddresses ( &autoAddrList, &tmpList, 1 );
     * by default use EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST for the
     * beacon address list
        const ENV_PARAM *pParam;
        if (envGetConfigParamPtr(&EPICS_CAS_INTF_ADDR_LIST) || 
            envGetConfigParamPtr(&EPICS_CAS_BEACON_ADDR_LIST)) {
            pParam = &EPICS_CAS_BEACON_ADDR_LIST;
        else {
            pParam = &EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST;
         * add in the configured addresses
        addAddrToChannelAccessAddressList (
            &autoAddrList, pParam, port,  pParam == &EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST );
    removeDuplicateAddresses ( &beaconAddrList, &autoAddrList, 0 );

    if ( ellCount ( &beaconAddrList ) == 0 ) {
        errlogPrintf ("The CA server's beacon address list was empty after initialization?\n");
#   ifdef DEBUG
        printChannelAccessAddressList (&beaconAddrList);
#   endif

    tbs  = epicsThreadHighestPriorityLevelBelow ( priorityOfSelf, &priorityOfUDP );
    if ( tbs != epicsThreadBooleanStatusSuccess ) {
        priorityOfUDP = priorityOfSelf;

    casudp_startStopEvent = epicsEventMustCreate(epicsEventEmpty);
    casudp_ctl = ctlPause;

    tid = epicsThreadCreate ( "CAS-UDP", priorityOfUDP,
        epicsThreadGetStackSize (epicsThreadStackMedium),
        cast_server, 0 );
    if ( tid == 0 ) {
        epicsPrintf ( "CAS: unable to start UDP daemon thread\n" );


    while (TRUE) {
        pNode = (osiSockAddrNode *) ellFirst (&beaconAddrList);
        while (pNode) {
            char buf[64];

            status = connect (sock, &pNode->addr.sa, 
            if (status<0) {
                char sockErrBuf[64];
                epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( 
                    sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
                ipAddrToDottedIP (&pNode->addr.ia, buf, sizeof(buf));
                errlogPrintf ( "%s: CA beacon routing (connect to \"%s\") error was \"%s\"\n",
                    __FILE__, buf, sockErrBuf);
            else {
                struct sockaddr_in if_addr;

                osiSocklen_t size = sizeof (if_addr);
                status = getsockname (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &if_addr, &size);
                if (status<0) {
                    char sockErrBuf[64];
                    epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
                    errlogPrintf ( "%s: CA beacon routing (getsockname) error was \"%s\"\n",
                        __FILE__, sockErrBuf);
                else if (if_addr.sin_family==AF_INET) {
                    msg.m_available = if_addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
                    msg.m_cid = htonl ( beaconCounter );

                    status = send (sock, (char *)&msg, sizeof(msg), 0);
                    if (status < 0) {
                        char sockErrBuf[64];
                        epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
                        ipAddrToDottedIP (&pNode->addr.ia, buf, sizeof(buf));
                        errlogPrintf ( "%s: CA beacon (send to \"%s\") error was \"%s\"\n",
                            __FILE__, buf, sockErrBuf);
                    else {
                        assert (status == sizeof(msg));
            pNode = (osiSockAddrNode *) pNode->node.next;

        if (delay<maxdelay) {
            delay *= 2.0;
            if (delay>maxdelay) {
                delay = maxdelay;

        beaconCounter++; /* expected to overflow */

        while (beacon_ctl == ctlPause) {
            delay = 0.02; /* Restart beacon timing if paused */
Example #3
// udpiiu::udpiiu ()
udpiiu::udpiiu ( 
    epicsGuard < epicsMutex > & cacGuard,
    epicsTimerQueueActive & timerQueue, 
    epicsMutex & cbMutexIn, 
    epicsMutex & cacMutexIn,
    cacContextNotify & ctxNotifyIn,
    cac & cac,
    unsigned port,
    tsDLList < SearchDest > & searchDestListIn ) :
    recvThread ( *this, ctxNotifyIn, cbMutexIn, "CAC-UDP", 
        epicsThreadGetStackSize ( epicsThreadStackMedium ),
        cac::lowestPriorityLevelAbove (
            cac::lowestPriorityLevelAbove (
                cac.getInitializingThreadsPriority () ) ) ),
    m_repeaterTimerNotify ( *this ),
    repeaterSubscribeTmr (
        m_repeaterTimerNotify, timerQueue, cbMutexIn, ctxNotifyIn ),
    govTmr ( *this, timerQueue, cacMutexIn ),
    maxPeriod ( maxSearchPeriodDefault ),
    rtteMean ( minRoundTripEstimate ),
    rtteMeanDev ( 0 ),
    cacRef ( cac ),
    cbMutex ( cbMutexIn ),
    cacMutex ( cacMutexIn ),
    nBytesInXmitBuf ( 0 ),
    nTimers ( 0 ),
    beaconAnomalyTimerIndex ( 0 ),
    sequenceNumber ( 0 ),
    lastReceivedSeqNo ( 0 ),
    sock ( 0 ),
    repeaterPort ( 0 ),
    serverPort ( port ),
    localPort ( 0 ),
    shutdownCmd ( false ),
    lastReceivedSeqNoIsValid ( false )
    cacGuard.assertIdenticalMutex ( cacMutex );
    if ( envGetConfigParamPtr ( & EPICS_CA_MAX_SEARCH_PERIOD ) ) {
        long longStatus = envGetDoubleConfigParam ( 
            & EPICS_CA_MAX_SEARCH_PERIOD, & this->maxPeriod );
        if ( ! longStatus ) {
            if ( this->maxPeriod < maxSearchPeriodLowerLimit ) {
                epicsPrintf ( "\"%s\" out of range (low)\n",
                                EPICS_CA_MAX_SEARCH_PERIOD.name );
                this->maxPeriod = maxSearchPeriodLowerLimit;
                epicsPrintf ( "Setting \"%s\" = %f seconds\n",
                    EPICS_CA_MAX_SEARCH_PERIOD.name, this->maxPeriod );
        else {
            epicsPrintf ( "EPICS \"%s\" wasnt a real number\n",
                            EPICS_CA_MAX_SEARCH_PERIOD.name );
            epicsPrintf ( "Setting \"%s\" = %f seconds\n",
                EPICS_CA_MAX_SEARCH_PERIOD.name, this->maxPeriod );

    double powerOfTwo = log ( this->maxPeriod / minRoundTripEstimate ) / log ( 2.0 );
    this->nTimers = static_cast < unsigned > ( powerOfTwo + 1.0 );
    if ( this->nTimers > channelNode::getMaxSearchTimerCount () ) {
        this->nTimers = channelNode::getMaxSearchTimerCount ();
        epicsPrintf ( "\"%s\" out of range (high)\n",
                        EPICS_CA_MAX_SEARCH_PERIOD.name );
        epicsPrintf ( "Setting \"%s\" = %f seconds\n",
            (1<<(this->nTimers-1)) * minRoundTripEstimate );

    powerOfTwo = log ( beaconAnomalySearchPeriod / minRoundTripEstimate ) / log ( 2.0 );
    this->beaconAnomalyTimerIndex = static_cast < unsigned > ( powerOfTwo + 1.0 );
    if ( this->beaconAnomalyTimerIndex >= this->nTimers ) {
        this->beaconAnomalyTimerIndex = this->nTimers - 1;

    this->ppSearchTmr.reset ( new epics_auto_ptr < class searchTimer > [ this->nTimers ] );
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < this->nTimers; i++ ) {
        this->ppSearchTmr[i].reset ( 
            new searchTimer ( *this, timerQueue, i, cacMutexIn, 
                i > this->beaconAnomalyTimerIndex ) ); 

    this->repeaterPort = 
        envGetInetPortConfigParam ( &EPICS_CA_REPEATER_PORT,
                                    static_cast <unsigned short> (CA_REPEATER_PORT) );

    this->sock = epicsSocketCreate ( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP );
    if ( this->sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
        char sockErrBuf[64];
        epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( 
            sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
        errlogPrintf ("CAC: unable to create datagram socket because = \"%s\"\n",
            sockErrBuf );
        throwWithLocation ( noSocket () );

    int boolValue = true;
    int status = setsockopt ( this->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 
                (char *) &boolValue, sizeof ( boolValue ) );
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        char sockErrBuf[64];
        epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( 
            sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
        errlogPrintf ("CAC: IP broadcasting enable failed because = \"%s\"\n",
            sockErrBuf );

#if 0
         * some concern that vxWorks will run out of mBuf's
         * if this change is made joh 11-10-98
         * bump up the UDP recv buffer
        int size = 1u<<15u;
        status = setsockopt ( this->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,
                (char *)&size, sizeof (size) );
        if (status<0) {
            char sockErrBuf[64];
            epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
            errlogPrintf ( "CAC: unable to set socket option SO_RCVBUF because \"%s\"\n",
                sockErrBuf );

    // force a bind to an unconstrained address so we can obtain
    // the local port number below
    static const unsigned short PORT_ANY = 0u;
    osiSockAddr addr;
    memset ( (char *)&addr, 0 , sizeof (addr) );
    addr.ia.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.ia.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl ( INADDR_ANY ); 
    addr.ia.sin_port = htons ( PORT_ANY );
    status = bind (this->sock, &addr.sa, sizeof (addr) );
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        char sockErrBuf[64];
        epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( 
            sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
        epicsSocketDestroy (this->sock);
        errlogPrintf ( "CAC: unable to bind to an unconstrained address because = \"%s\"\n",
            sockErrBuf );
        throwWithLocation ( noSocket () );
        osiSockAddr tmpAddr;
        osiSocklen_t saddr_length = sizeof ( tmpAddr );
        status = getsockname ( this->sock, &tmpAddr.sa, &saddr_length );
        if ( status < 0 ) {
            char sockErrBuf[64];
            epicsSocketConvertErrnoToString ( 
                sockErrBuf, sizeof ( sockErrBuf ) );
            epicsSocketDestroy ( this->sock );
            errlogPrintf ( "CAC: getsockname () error was \"%s\"\n", sockErrBuf );
            throwWithLocation ( noSocket () );
        if ( tmpAddr.sa.sa_family != AF_INET) {
            epicsSocketDestroy ( this->sock );
            errlogPrintf ( "CAC: UDP socket was not inet addr family\n" );
            throwWithLocation ( noSocket () );
        this->localPort = ntohs ( tmpAddr.ia.sin_port );

     * load user and auto configured
     * broadcast address list
    ELLLIST dest;
    ellInit ( & dest );
    configureChannelAccessAddressList ( & dest, this->sock, this->serverPort );
    while ( osiSockAddrNode * 
        pNode = reinterpret_cast < osiSockAddrNode * > ( ellGet ( & dest ) ) ) {
        SearchDestUDP & searchDest = * 
            new SearchDestUDP ( pNode->addr, *this );
        _searchDestList.add ( searchDest );
        free ( pNode );

    /* add list of tcp name service addresses */
    _searchDestList.add ( searchDestListIn );
    caStartRepeaterIfNotInstalled ( this->repeaterPort );

    this->pushVersionMsg ();

    // start timers and receive thread
    for ( unsigned j =0; j < this->nTimers; j++ ) {
        this->ppSearchTmr[j]->start ( cacGuard ); 
    this->govTmr.start ();
    this->repeaterSubscribeTmr.start ();
    this->recvThread.start ();
void popupPvInfo(DisplayInfo *displayInfo)
    DlElement *pE;
    Record **records;
    chid chId;
    int i, status;
    Record *pR;
    Channel *pCh;
    char descName[MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH];
    char *pDot;
    double connTimeout;


  /* Check if another call is in progress */
    if(pvInfo) {
	medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: "
	  "Another PV Info request is already in progress\n"
	  "  It is probably having problems\n"
	  "  Wait for it to finish\n");

  /* Create the dialog box if it has not been created */
    if(!pvInfoS) createPvInfoDlg();

  /* Get the records */
    records = getPvInfoFromDisplay(displayInfo, &nPvInfoPvs, &pE);
    if(!records) return;
    pvInfoElement = pE;

  /* Allocate space */
    pvInfo = (PvInfo *)calloc(nPvInfoPvs, sizeof(PvInfo));
    if(!pvInfo) {
	medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: Memory allocation error\n");
	if(records) free(records);
	if(pvInfoS && XtIsManaged(pvInfoS)) return;

  /* Loop over the records, initialize, and initiate search for DESC */
    for(i=0; i < nPvInfoPvs; i++) {
      /* Initialize */
	pvInfo[i].pvChid = NULL;
	pvInfo[i].pvOk = False;
	pvInfo[i].timeOk = False;
	pvInfo[i].descChid = NULL;
	pvInfo[i].descOk = False;
	strcpy(pvInfo[i].descVal, NOT_AVAILABLE);
#if defined(DBR_CLASS_NAME) && DO_RTYP
	pvInfo[i].rtypOk = False;
	strcpy(pvInfo[i].rtypVal, NOT_AVAILABLE);

      /* Check for a valid record */
	if(records[i]) {
	    pR = pvInfo[i].record = records[i];
	    pCh = getChannelFromRecord(pR);
	    if(!pCh) continue;
	    if(!pCh->chid) continue;
	    chId = pvInfo[i].pvChid = pCh->chid;
	} else continue;
	pvInfo[i].pvOk = True;

      /* Don't try the others unless the PV is connected */
	if(ca_state(chId) != cs_conn || !ca_read_access(chId))

      /* Construct the DESC name */
	pDot = strchr(descName,'.');
	if(pDot) {
	  /* Assume it is a name with a field and replace the field
	   * with DESC */
	} else {
	  /* Append .DESC */
      /* Search for the DESC */
	status = ca_search(descName, &pvInfo[i].descChid);
	if(status == ECA_NORMAL) {
	    pvInfo[i].descOk = True;
	} else {
	    medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: DESC: ca_search for %s: %s\n",
	      descName, ca_message(status));

  /* Free the records, they are now stored in pvInfo */
    if(records) free(records);

  /* Wait for the searches (Timeouts should be uncommon) */
    if(status != ECA_NORMAL) {
	medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: Waited %g seconds.  "
	  "Did not find the DESC information (%s).\n",
	  CA_PEND_IO_TIME, descName);

  /* Loop over the records and do the gets */
    nPvInfoCbs = 0;
    for(i=0; i < nPvInfoPvs; i++) {
	if(!pvInfo[i].pvOk) continue;

      /* Don't try the others unless the PV is connected */
	chId = pvInfo[i].pvChid;
	if(ca_state(chId) != cs_conn || !ca_read_access(chId))

      /* Get the DESC */
	if(ca_state(pvInfo[i].descChid) == cs_conn &&
	  ca_read_access(pvInfo[i].descChid)) {
	  /* Do the get */
	    status = ca_get_callback(DBR_STRING, pvInfo[i].descChid,
	      pvInfoDescGetCb, &pvInfo[i]);
	    if(status == ECA_NORMAL) {
	    } else {
		pvInfo[i].descOk = False;
		medmPostMsg(1,"pvInfoConnectCb: DESC: ca_array_get_callback"
		  " for %s: %s\n",
		  ca_name(pvInfo[i].descChid), ca_message(status));
	} else {
	    pvInfo[i].descOk = False;

      /* Get the time value as a string */
	status = ca_get_callback(DBR_TIME_STRING, chId, pvInfoTimeGetCb,
	if(status == ECA_NORMAL) {
	} else {
	    medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: STAMP: ca_get_callback for %s: %s\n",
	      ca_name(chId), ca_message(status));

#if defined(DBR_CLASS_NAME) && DO_RTYP
      /* Get the RTYP */
	status = ca_get_callback(DBR_CLASS_NAME, chId, pvInfoRtypGetCb,
	if(status == ECA_NORMAL) {
	} else {
	    medmPostMsg(1,"popupPvInfo: RTYP: ca_get_callback for %s: %s\n",
	      ca_name(chId), ca_message(status));

  /* Add a timeout and poll if there are callbacks
   *   The timeout is a safety net and should never be called
   *   All callbacks should come back inside the EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO
   *   Wait for 2 times this */
    if(nPvInfoCbs) {
	ca_poll();     /* May not be really necessary here */
	status = envGetDoubleConfigParam(&EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO, &connTimeout);
	if (status == 0) pvInfoTime = (unsigned long)(2000.*connTimeout+.5);
	else pvInfoTime = PVINFO_TIMEOUT;
	pvInfoTimeoutId = XtAppAddTimeOut(appContext, pvInfoTime,
	  pvInfoTimeout, NULL);
	pvInfoTimerOn = True;
    } else {

    print("popupPvInfo: nPvInfoCbs=%d timeout=%ld\n",
      nPvInfoCbs, nPvInfoCbs?pvInfoTime:0L);