Groupsock* ProxyServerMediaSession::createGroupsock(struct in_addr const& addr, Port port) {
  // Default implementation; may be redefined by subclasses:
  return new Groupsock(envir(), addr, port, 255);
RTCPInstance* ProxyServerMediaSession
::createRTCP(Groupsock* RTCPgs, unsigned totSessionBW, /* in kbps */
	     unsigned char const* cname, RTPSink* sink) {
  // Default implementation; may be redefined by subclasses:
  return RTCPInstance::createNew(envir(), RTCPgs, totSessionBW, cname, sink, NULL/*we're a server*/);
void H264FrameSource::doGetNextFrame()
        // 根据 fps, 计算等待时间  
        double delay = 1000.0 / videoFPS ;
        int to_delay = delay * 1000;    // us  

	BYTE *pic = m_videoInput->GrabFrame();

	//Check picture
	if (!pic) {
		fFrameSize = 0;
		m_started = 0; 

	//Check if we need to send intra
	if (sendFPU)

	//if (fPresentationTime.tv_sec == 0 && fPresentationTime.tv_usec == 0) {
      		// This is the first frame, so use the current time:
	//} else {
		// Increment by the play time of the previous data:
	//	unsigned uSeconds	= fPresentationTime.tv_usec + fLastPlayTime;
	//	fPresentationTime.tv_sec += uSeconds/1000000;
	//	fPresentationTime.tv_usec = uSeconds%1000000;
	// Remember the play time of this data:
	//fLastPlayTime = (fPlayTimePerFrame*fFrameSize)/fPreferredFrameSize;
	//fDurationInMicroseconds = fLastPlayTime;
	//fDurationInMicroseconds = 1000.0 / videoFPS;

	VideoFrame *videoFrame = videoEncoder->EncodeFrame(pic,m_videoInput->GetBufferSize());
	//If was failed
	if (!videoFrame){
		fFrameSize = 0;
		m_started = 0;
		Log("-----Error encoding video\n");
        	double delay = 1000.0 / videoFPS;
        	int to_delay = delay * 1000;    // us  
        	nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(to_delay,
                (TaskFunc*)FramedSource::afterGetting, this); 
		sendFPU = false;

	//Set frame timestamp

	//Set sending time of previous frame

	//gettimeofday(&fPresentationTime, 0);

	fFrameSize = videoFrame->GetLength();

	memmove(fTo, videoFrame->GetData(), fFrameSize);

	if (fFrameSize > fMaxSize) {
		fNumTruncatedBytes = fFrameSize - fMaxSize;
		fFrameSize = fMaxSize;
	else {
		fNumTruncatedBytes = 0;
	gettimeofday(&fPresentationTime, NULL);

	//to_delay = ((1000 / videoFPS) * fFrameSize / RTPPAYLOADSIZE) * 1000;    // us  

        nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(to_delay,
				(TaskFunc*)FramedSource::afterGetting, this);
Example #4
Boolean ADUFromMP3Source::doGetNextFrame1()
    // First, check whether we have enough previously-read data to output an
    // ADU for the last-read MP3 frame:
    unsigned tailIndex;
    Segment *tailSeg;
    Boolean needMoreData;

    if (fSegments->isEmpty())
        needMoreData = True;
        tailSeg = NULL;
        tailIndex = 0; // unneeded, but stops compiler warnings
        tailIndex = SegmentQueue::prevIndex(fSegments->nextFreeIndex());
        tailSeg = &(fSegments->s[tailIndex]);

        = fTotalDataSizeBeforePreviousRead < tailSeg->backpointer // bp points back too far
          || tailSeg->backpointer + tailSeg->dataHere() < tailSeg->aduSize; // not enough data

    if (needMoreData)
        // We don't have enough data to output an ADU from the last-read MP3
        // frame, so need to read another one and try again:
        return True;

    // Output an ADU from the tail segment:
    fFrameSize = tailSeg->headerSize + tailSeg->sideInfoSize + tailSeg->aduSize;
    fPresentationTime = tailSeg->presentationTime;
    fDurationInMicroseconds = tailSeg->durationInMicroseconds;
    unsigned descriptorSize
    = fIncludeADUdescriptors ? ADUdescriptor::computeSize(fFrameSize) : 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "m->a:outputting ADU %d<-%d, nbr:%d, sis:%d, dh:%d, (descriptor size: %d)\n", tailSeg->aduSize, tailSeg->backpointer, fFrameSize, tailSeg->sideInfoSize, tailSeg->dataHere(), descriptorSize);
    if (descriptorSize + fFrameSize > fMaxSize)
        envir() << "ADUFromMP3Source::doGetNextFrame1(): not enough room ("
                << descriptorSize + fFrameSize << ">"
                << fMaxSize << ")\n";
        fFrameSize = 0;
        return False;

    unsigned char *toPtr = fTo;
    // output the ADU descriptor:
    if (fIncludeADUdescriptors)
        fFrameSize += ADUdescriptor::generateDescriptor(toPtr, fFrameSize);

    // output header and side info:
    memmove(toPtr, tailSeg->dataStart(),
            tailSeg->headerSize + tailSeg->sideInfoSize);
    toPtr += tailSeg->headerSize + tailSeg->sideInfoSize;

    // go back to the frame that contains the start of our data:
    unsigned offset = 0;
    unsigned i = tailIndex;
    unsigned prevBytes = tailSeg->backpointer;
    while (prevBytes > 0)
        i = SegmentQueue::prevIndex(i);
        unsigned dataHere = fSegments->s[i].dataHere();
        if (dataHere < prevBytes)
            prevBytes -= dataHere;
            offset = dataHere - prevBytes;

    // dequeue any segments that we no longer need:
    while (fSegments->headIndex() != i)
        fSegments->dequeue(); // we're done with it

    unsigned bytesToUse = tailSeg->aduSize;
    while (bytesToUse > 0)
        Segment &seg = fSegments->s[i];
        unsigned char *fromPtr
        = &seg.dataStart()[seg.headerSize + seg.sideInfoSize + offset];
        unsigned dataHere = seg.dataHere() - offset;
        unsigned bytesUsedHere = dataHere < bytesToUse ? dataHere : bytesToUse;
        memmove(toPtr, fromPtr, bytesUsedHere);
        bytesToUse -= bytesUsedHere;
        toPtr += bytesUsedHere;
        offset = 0;
        i = SegmentQueue::nextIndex(i);

    if (fFrameCounter++ % fScale == 0)
        // Call our own 'after getting' function.  Because we're not a 'leaf'
        // source, we can call this directly, without risking infinite recursion.
        // Don't use this frame; get another one:

    return True;
// Note: We should change the following to use asynchronous file reading, #####
// as we now do with ByteStreamFileSource. #####
void AMRAudioFileDescriptorSource::doGetNextFrame()
	if (feof(fFid) || ferror(fFid))

	// Begin by reading the 1-byte frame header (and checking it for validity)
	while (1)
		if (fread(&fLastFrameHeader, 1, 1, fFid) < 1)
		if ((fLastFrameHeader&0x83) != 0)
			unsigned char ft = (fLastFrameHeader&0x78)>>3;
			fFrameSize = fIsWideband ? frameSizeWideband[ft] : frameSize[ft];
			if (fFrameSize == FT_INVALID)

	// Next, read the frame-block into the buffer provided:
	fFrameSize *= fNumChannels; // because multiple channels make up a frame-block
	if (fFrameSize > fMaxSize)
		fNumTruncatedBytes = fFrameSize - fMaxSize;
		fFrameSize = fMaxSize;
	fFrameSize = fread(fTo, 1, fFrameSize, fFid);

	// Set the 'presentation time':
	if (fPresentationTime.tv_sec == 0 && fPresentationTime.tv_usec == 0)
		// This is the first frame, so use the current time:
		gettimeofday(&fPresentationTime, NULL);
		// Increment by the play time of the previous frame (20 ms)
		unsigned uSeconds = fPresentationTime.tv_usec + 20000;
		fPresentationTime.tv_sec += uSeconds/1000000;
		fPresentationTime.tv_usec = uSeconds%1000000;

	fDurationInMicroseconds = 20000; // each frame is 20 ms

	// Switch to another task, and inform the reader that he has data:
	nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(0,
			(TaskFunc*)FramedSource::afterGetting, this);
void OnDemandServerMediaSubsession
::getStreamParameters(unsigned clientSessionId,
		      netAddressBits clientAddress,
		      Port const& clientRTPPort,
		      Port const& clientRTCPPort,
		      int tcpSocketNum,
		      unsigned char rtpChannelId,
		      unsigned char rtcpChannelId,
		      netAddressBits& destinationAddress,
		      u_int8_t& /*destinationTTL*/,
		      Boolean& isMulticast,
		      Port& serverRTPPort,
		      Port& serverRTCPPort,
		      void*& streamToken) {
  if (destinationAddress == 0) destinationAddress = clientAddress;
  struct in_addr destinationAddr; destinationAddr.s_addr = destinationAddress;
  isMulticast = False;

  if (fLastStreamToken != NULL && fReuseFirstSource) {
    // Special case: Rather than creating a new 'StreamState',
    // we reuse the one that we've already created:
    serverRTPPort = ((StreamState*)fLastStreamToken)->serverRTPPort();
    serverRTCPPort = ((StreamState*)fLastStreamToken)->serverRTCPPort();
    streamToken = fLastStreamToken;
  } else {
    // Normal case: Create a new media source:
    unsigned streamBitrate;
    FramedSource* mediaSource
      = createNewStreamSource(clientSessionId, streamBitrate);

    // Create 'groupsock' and 'sink' objects for the destination,
    // using previously unused server port numbers:
    RTPSink* rtpSink = NULL;
    BasicUDPSink* udpSink = NULL;
    Groupsock* rtpGroupsock = NULL;
    Groupsock* rtcpGroupsock = NULL;

    if (clientRTPPort.num() != 0 || tcpSocketNum >= 0) { // Normal case: Create destinations
      portNumBits serverPortNum;
      if (clientRTCPPort.num() == 0) {
	// We're streaming raw UDP (not RTP). Create a single groupsock:
	NoReuse dummy(envir()); // ensures that we skip over ports that are already in use
	for (serverPortNum = fInitialPortNum; ; ++serverPortNum) {
	  struct in_addr dummyAddr; dummyAddr.s_addr = 0;
	  serverRTPPort = serverPortNum;
	  rtpGroupsock = new Groupsock(envir(), dummyAddr, serverRTPPort, 255);
	  if (rtpGroupsock->socketNum() >= 0) break; // success

	udpSink = BasicUDPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock);
      } else {
	// Normal case: We're streaming RTP (over UDP or TCP).  Create a pair of
	// groupsocks (RTP and RTCP), with adjacent port numbers (RTP port number even):
	NoReuse dummy(envir()); // ensures that we skip over ports that are already in use
	for (portNumBits serverPortNum = fInitialPortNum; ; serverPortNum += 2) {
	  struct in_addr dummyAddr; dummyAddr.s_addr = 0;

	  serverRTPPort = serverPortNum;
	  rtpGroupsock = new Groupsock(envir(), dummyAddr, serverRTPPort, 255);
	  if (rtpGroupsock->socketNum() < 0) {
	    delete rtpGroupsock;
	    continue; // try again

	  serverRTCPPort = serverPortNum+1;
	  rtcpGroupsock = new Groupsock(envir(), dummyAddr, serverRTCPPort, 255);
	  if (rtcpGroupsock->socketNum() < 0) {
	    delete rtpGroupsock;
	    delete rtcpGroupsock;
	    continue; // try again

	  break; // success

	unsigned char rtpPayloadType = 96 + trackNumber()-1; // if dynamic
	rtpSink = createNewRTPSink(rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadType, mediaSource);
	if (rtpSink != NULL && rtpSink->estimatedBitrate() > 0) streamBitrate = rtpSink->estimatedBitrate();

      // Turn off the destinations for each groupsock.  They'll get set later
      // (unless TCP is used instead):
      if (rtpGroupsock != NULL) rtpGroupsock->removeAllDestinations();
      if (rtcpGroupsock != NULL) rtcpGroupsock->removeAllDestinations();

      if (rtpGroupsock != NULL) {
	// Try to use a big send buffer for RTP -  at least 0.1 second of
	// specified bandwidth and at least 50 KB
	unsigned rtpBufSize = streamBitrate * 25 / 2; // 1 kbps * 0.1 s = 12.5 bytes
	if (rtpBufSize < 50 * 1024) rtpBufSize = 50 * 1024;
	increaseSendBufferTo(envir(), rtpGroupsock->socketNum(), rtpBufSize);

    // Set up the state of the stream.  The stream will get started later:
    streamToken = fLastStreamToken
      = new StreamState(*this, serverRTPPort, serverRTCPPort, rtpSink, udpSink,
			streamBitrate, mediaSource,
			rtpGroupsock, rtcpGroupsock);

  // Record these destinations as being for this client session id:
  Destinations* destinations;
  if (tcpSocketNum < 0) { // UDP
    destinations = new Destinations(destinationAddr, clientRTPPort, clientRTCPPort);
  } else { // TCP
    destinations = new Destinations(tcpSocketNum, rtpChannelId, rtcpChannelId);
  fDestinationsHashTable->Add((char const*)clientSessionId, destinations);
char* ServerMediaSession::generateSDPDescription() {
  AddressString ipAddressStr(ourIPAddress(envir()));
  unsigned ipAddressStrSize = strlen(ipAddressStr.val());

  // For a SSM sessions, we need a "a=source-filter: incl ..." line also:
  char* sourceFilterLine;
  if (fIsSSM) {
    char const* const sourceFilterFmt =
      "a=source-filter: incl IN IP4 * %s\r\n"
      "a=rtcp-unicast: reflection\r\n";
    unsigned const sourceFilterFmtSize = strlen(sourceFilterFmt) + ipAddressStrSize + 1;

    sourceFilterLine = new char[sourceFilterFmtSize];
    sprintf(sourceFilterLine, sourceFilterFmt, ipAddressStr.val());
  } else {
    sourceFilterLine = strDup("");

  char* rangeLine = NULL; // for now
  char* sdp = NULL; // for now

  do {
    // Count the lengths of each subsession's media-level SDP lines.
    // (We do this first, because the call to "subsession->sdpLines()"
    // causes correct subsession 'duration()'s to be calculated later.)
    unsigned sdpLength = 0;
    ServerMediaSubsession* subsession;
    for (subsession = fSubsessionsHead; subsession != NULL;
	 subsession = subsession->fNext) {
      char const* sdpLines = subsession->sdpLines();
      if (sdpLines == NULL) continue; // the media's not available
      sdpLength += strlen(sdpLines);
    if (sdpLength == 0) break; // the session has no usable subsessions

    // Unless subsessions have differing durations, we also have a "a=range:" line:
    float dur = duration();
    if (dur == 0.0) {
      rangeLine = strDup("a=range:npt=0-\r\n");
    } else if (dur > 0.0) {
      char buf[100];
      sprintf(buf, "a=range:npt=0-%.3f\r\n", dur);
      rangeLine = strDup(buf);
    } else { // subsessions have differing durations, so "a=range:" lines go there
      rangeLine = strDup("");

    char const* const sdpPrefixFmt =
      "o=- %ld%06ld %d IN IP4 %s\r\n"
      "t=0 0\r\n"
    sdpLength += strlen(sdpPrefixFmt)
      + 20 + 6 + 20 + ipAddressStrSize
      + strlen(fDescriptionSDPString)
      + strlen(fInfoSDPString)
      + strlen(libNameStr) + strlen(libVersionStr)
      + strlen(sourceFilterLine)
      + strlen(rangeLine)
      + strlen(fDescriptionSDPString)
      + strlen(fInfoSDPString)
      + strlen(fMiscSDPLines);
    sdp = new char[sdpLength];
    if (sdp == NULL) break;

    // Generate the SDP prefix (session-level lines):
    sprintf(sdp, sdpPrefixFmt,
	    fCreationTime.tv_sec, fCreationTime.tv_usec, // o= <session id>
	    1, // o= <version> // (needs to change if params are modified)
	    ipAddressStr.val(), // o= <address>
	    fDescriptionSDPString, // s= <description>
	    fInfoSDPString, // i= <info>
	    libNameStr, libVersionStr, // a=tool:
	    sourceFilterLine, // a=source-filter: incl (if a SSM session)
	    rangeLine, // a=range: line
	    fDescriptionSDPString, // a=x-qt-text-nam: line
	    fInfoSDPString, // a=x-qt-text-inf: line
	    fMiscSDPLines); // miscellaneous session SDP lines (if any)

    // Then, add the (media-level) lines for each subsession:
    char* mediaSDP = sdp;
    for (subsession = fSubsessionsHead; subsession != NULL;
	 subsession = subsession->fNext) {
      mediaSDP += strlen(mediaSDP);
      char const* sdpLines = subsession->sdpLines();
      if (sdpLines != NULL) sprintf(mediaSDP, "%s", sdpLines);
  } while (0);

  delete[] rangeLine; delete[] sourceFilterLine;
  return sdp;
void H265VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::afterPlayingDummy1() {
  // Unschedule any pending 'checking' task:
  // Signal the event loop that we're done:
FramedSource* AMRAudioFileServerMediaSubsession
::createNewStreamSource(unsigned /*clientSessionId*/, unsigned& estBitrate) {
  estBitrate = 10; // kbps, estimate

  return AMRAudioFileSource::createNew(envir(), fFileName);
Example #10
void H264or5Fragmenter::doGetNextFrame() {
    if (fNumValidDataBytes == 1) {
        // We have no NAL unit data currently in the buffer.  Read a new one:
        fInputSource->getNextFrame(&fInputBuffer[1], fInputBufferSize - 1,
                                   afterGettingFrame, this,
                                   FramedSource::handleClosure, this);
    } else {
        // We have NAL unit data in the buffer.  There are three cases to consider:
        // 1. There is a new NAL unit in the buffer, and it's small enough to deliver
        //    to the RTP sink (as is).
        // 2. There is a new NAL unit in the buffer, but it's too large to deliver to
        //    the RTP sink in its entirety.  Deliver the first fragment of this data,
        //    as a FU packet, with one extra preceding header byte (for the "FU header").
        // 3. There is a NAL unit in the buffer, and we've already delivered some
        //    fragment(s) of this.  Deliver the next fragment of this data,
        //    as a FU packet, with two (H.264) or three (H.265) extra preceding header bytes
        //    (for the "NAL header" and the "FU header").

        if (fMaxSize < fMaxOutputPacketSize) { // shouldn't happen
            envir() << "H264or5Fragmenter::doGetNextFrame(): fMaxSize ("
                    << fMaxSize << ") is smaller than expected\n";
        } else {
            fMaxSize = fMaxOutputPacketSize;

        fLastFragmentCompletedNALUnit = True; // by default
        if (fCurDataOffset == 1) { // case 1 or 2
            if (fNumValidDataBytes - 1 <= fMaxSize) { // case 1
                memmove(fTo, &fInputBuffer[1], fNumValidDataBytes - 1);
                fFrameSize = fNumValidDataBytes - 1;
                fCurDataOffset = fNumValidDataBytes;
            } else { // case 2
                // We need to send the NAL unit data as FU packets.  Deliver the first
                // packet now.  Note that we add "NAL header" and "FU header" bytes to the front
                // of the packet (overwriting the existing "NAL header").
                if (fHNumber == 264) {
                    fInputBuffer[0] = (fInputBuffer[1] & 0xE0) | 28; // FU indicator
                    fInputBuffer[1] = 0x80 | (fInputBuffer[1] & 0x1F); // FU header (with S bit)
                } else { // 265
                    u_int8_t nal_unit_type = (fInputBuffer[1]&0x7E)>>1;
                    fInputBuffer[0] = (fInputBuffer[1] & 0x81) | (49<<1); // Payload header (1st byte)
                    fInputBuffer[1] = fInputBuffer[2]; // Payload header (2nd byte)
                    fInputBuffer[2] = 0x80 | nal_unit_type; // FU header (with S bit)
                memmove(fTo, fInputBuffer, fMaxSize);
                fFrameSize = fMaxSize;
                fCurDataOffset += fMaxSize - 1;
                fLastFragmentCompletedNALUnit = False;
        } else { // case 3
            // We are sending this NAL unit data as FU packets.  We've already sent the
            // first packet (fragment).  Now, send the next fragment.  Note that we add
            // "NAL header" and "FU header" bytes to the front.  (We reuse these bytes that
            // we already sent for the first fragment, but clear the S bit, and add the E
            // bit if this is the last fragment.)
            unsigned numExtraHeaderBytes;
            if (fHNumber == 264) {
                fInputBuffer[fCurDataOffset-2] = fInputBuffer[0]; // FU indicator
                fInputBuffer[fCurDataOffset-1] = fInputBuffer[1]&~0x80; // FU header (no S bit)
                numExtraHeaderBytes = 2;
            } else { // 265
                fInputBuffer[fCurDataOffset-3] = fInputBuffer[0]; // Payload header (1st byte)
                fInputBuffer[fCurDataOffset-2] = fInputBuffer[1]; // Payload header (2nd byte)
                fInputBuffer[fCurDataOffset-1] = fInputBuffer[2]&~0x80; // FU header (no S bit)
                numExtraHeaderBytes = 3;
            unsigned numBytesToSend = numExtraHeaderBytes + (fNumValidDataBytes - fCurDataOffset);
            if (numBytesToSend > fMaxSize) {
                // We can't send all of the remaining data this time:
                numBytesToSend = fMaxSize;
                fLastFragmentCompletedNALUnit = False;
            } else {
                // This is the last fragment:
                fInputBuffer[fCurDataOffset-1] |= 0x40; // set the E bit in the FU header
                fNumTruncatedBytes = fSaveNumTruncatedBytes;
            memmove(fTo, &fInputBuffer[fCurDataOffset-numExtraHeaderBytes], numBytesToSend);
            fFrameSize = numBytesToSend;
            fCurDataOffset += numBytesToSend - numExtraHeaderBytes;

        if (fCurDataOffset >= fNumValidDataBytes) {
            // We're done with this data.  Reset the pointers for receiving new data:
            fNumValidDataBytes = fCurDataOffset = 1;

        // Complete delivery to the client:
Example #11
void RTCPInstance::reschedule(double nextTime) {
Example #12
void RTCPInstance::incomingReportHandler1() {
	do {
		Boolean callByeHandler = False;
		int tcpReadStreamSocketNum = fRTCPInterface.nextTCPReadStreamSocketNum();
		unsigned char tcpReadStreamChannelId = fRTCPInterface.nextTCPReadStreamChannelId();
		unsigned packetSize = 0;
		unsigned numBytesRead;
		struct sockaddr_in fromAddress;
		Boolean packetReadWasIncomplete;
		Boolean readResult
			= fRTCPInterface.handleRead(&fInBuf[fNumBytesAlreadyRead], maxPacketSize - fNumBytesAlreadyRead,
					numBytesRead, fromAddress, packetReadWasIncomplete);
		if (packetReadWasIncomplete) {
			fNumBytesAlreadyRead += numBytesRead;
			return; // more reads are needed to get the entire packet
		} else { // normal case: We've read the entire packet 
			packetSize = fNumBytesAlreadyRead + numBytesRead;
			fNumBytesAlreadyRead = 0; // for next time
		if (!readResult) break;

		// Ignore the packet if it was looped-back from ourself:
		Boolean packetWasFromOurHost = False;
		if (RTCPgs()->wasLoopedBackFromUs(envir(), fromAddress)) {
			packetWasFromOurHost = True;
			// However, we still want to handle incoming RTCP packets from
			// *other processes* on the same machine.  To distinguish this
			// case from a true loop-back, check whether we've just sent a
			// packet of the same size.  (This check isn't perfect, but it seems
			// to be the best we can do.)
			if (fHaveJustSentPacket && fLastPacketSentSize == packetSize) {
				// This is a true loop-back:
				fHaveJustSentPacket = False;
				break; // ignore this packet

		unsigned char* pkt = fInBuf;
		if (fIsSSMSource && !packetWasFromOurHost) {
			// This packet is assumed to have been received via unicast (because we're a SSM source, and SSM receivers send back RTCP "RR"
			// packets via unicast).  'Reflect' the packet by resending it to the multicast group, so that any other receivers can also
			// get to see it.

			// NOTE: Denial-of-service attacks are possible here.
			// Users of this software may wish to add their own,
			// application-specific mechanism for 'authenticating' the
			// validity of this packet before reflecting it.

			// NOTE: The test for "!packetWasFromOurHost" means that we won't reflect RTCP packets that come from other processes on
			// the same host as us.  The reason for this is that the 'packet size' test above is not 100% reliable; some packets
			// that were truly looped back from us might not be detected as such, and this might lead to infinite forwarding/receiving
			// of some packets.  To avoid this possibility, we only reflect RTCP packets that we know for sure originated elsewhere.
			// (Note, though, that if we ever re-enable the code in "Groupsock::multicastSendOnly()", then we could remove the test for
			// "!packetWasFromOurHost".)
			fRTCPInterface.sendPacket(pkt, packetSize);
			fHaveJustSentPacket = True;
			fLastPacketSentSize = packetSize;

#ifdef DEBUG
		fprintf(stderr, "[%p]saw incoming RTCP packet (from address %s, port %d)\n", this, AddressString(fromAddress).val(), ntohs(fromAddress.sin_port));
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < packetSize; ++i) {
			if (i%4 == 0) fprintf(stderr, " ");
			fprintf(stderr, "%02x", pkt[i]);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");
		int totPacketSize = IP_UDP_HDR_SIZE + packetSize;

		// Check the RTCP packet for validity:
		// It must at least contain a header (4 bytes), and this header
		// must be version=2, with no padding bit, and a payload type of
		// SR (200) or RR (201):
		if (packetSize < 4) 
		unsigned rtcpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt);
		if ((rtcpHdr & 0xE0FE0000) != (0x80000000 | (RTCP_PT_SR<<16))) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			fprintf(stderr, "rejected bad RTCP packet: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);

		// Process each of the individual RTCP 'subpackets' in (what may be)
		// a compound RTCP packet.
		int typeOfPacket = PACKET_UNKNOWN_TYPE;
		unsigned reportSenderSSRC = 0;
		Boolean packetOK = False;
		while (1) {
			unsigned rc = (rtcpHdr>>24)&0x1F;
			unsigned pt = (rtcpHdr>>16)&0xFF;
			unsigned length = 4*(rtcpHdr&0xFFFF); // doesn't count hdr
			ADVANCE(4); // skip over the header
			if (length > packetSize) break;

			// Assume that each RTCP subpacket begins with a 4-byte SSRC:
			if (length < 4) break; length -= 4;
			reportSenderSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);

			Boolean subPacketOK = False;
			switch (pt) {
				case RTCP_PT_SR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
							 fprintf(stderr, "SR\n");
							 if (length < 20) break; length -= 20;

							 // Extract the NTP timestamp, and note this:
							 unsigned NTPmsw = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
							 unsigned NTPlsw = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
							 unsigned rtpTimestamp = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
							 if (fSource != NULL) {
								 RTPReceptionStatsDB& receptionStats
									 = fSource->receptionStatsDB();
										 NTPmsw, NTPlsw, rtpTimestamp);
							 ADVANCE(8); // skip over packet count, octet count

							 // If a 'SR handler' was set, call it now:
							 if (fSRHandlerTask != NULL) (*fSRHandlerTask)(fSRHandlerClientData);

							 // The rest of the SR is handled like a RR (so, no "break;" here)
				case RTCP_PT_RR: {
#ifdef DEBUG
							 fprintf(stderr, "RR\n");
							 unsigned reportBlocksSize = rc*(6*4);
							 if (length < reportBlocksSize) break;
							 length -= reportBlocksSize;

							 if (fSink != NULL) {
								 // Use this information to update stats about our transmissions:
								 RTPTransmissionStatsDB& transmissionStats = fSink->transmissionStatsDB();
								 for (unsigned i = 0; i < rc; ++i) {
									 unsigned senderSSRC = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
									 // We care only about reports about our own transmission, not others'
									 if (senderSSRC == fSink->SSRC()) {
										 unsigned lossStats = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
										 unsigned highestReceived = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
										 unsigned jitter = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
										 unsigned timeLastSR = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
										 unsigned timeSinceLastSR = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt); ADVANCE(4);
										 transmissionStats.noteIncomingRR(reportSenderSSRC, fromAddress,
												 highestReceived, jitter,
												 timeLastSR, timeSinceLastSR);
									 } else {
							 } else {

							 if (pt == RTCP_PT_RR) { // i.e., we didn't fall through from 'SR'
								 // If a 'RR handler' was set, call it now:

								 // Specific RR handler:
								 if (fSpecificRRHandlerTable != NULL) {
									 netAddressBits fromAddr;
									 portNumBits fromPortNum;
									 if (tcpReadStreamSocketNum < 0) {
										 // Normal case: We read the RTCP packet over UDP
										 fromAddr = fromAddress.sin_addr.s_addr;
										 fromPortNum = ntohs(fromAddress.sin_port);
									 } else {
										 // Special case: We read the RTCP packet over TCP (interleaved)
										 // Hack: Use the TCP socket and channel id to look up the handler
										 fromAddr = tcpReadStreamSocketNum;
										 fromPortNum = tcpReadStreamChannelId;
									 Port fromPort(fromPortNum);
									 RRHandlerRecord* rrHandler
										 = (RRHandlerRecord*)(fSpecificRRHandlerTable->Lookup(fromAddr, (~0), fromPort));
									 if (rrHandler != NULL) {
										 if (rrHandler->rrHandlerTask != NULL) {

								 // General RR handler:
								 if (fRRHandlerTask != NULL) (*fRRHandlerTask)(fRRHandlerClientData);

							 subPacketOK = True;
							 typeOfPacket = PACKET_RTCP_REPORT;
				case RTCP_PT_BYE: {
#ifdef DEBUG
							  fprintf(stderr, "BYE\n");
							  // If a 'BYE handler' was set, arrange for it to be called at the end of this routine.
							  // (Note: We don't call it immediately, in case it happens to cause "this" to be deleted.)
							  if (fByeHandlerTask != NULL
									  && (!fByeHandleActiveParticipantsOnly
										  || (fSource != NULL
											  && fSource->receptionStatsDB().lookup(reportSenderSSRC) != NULL)
										  || (fSink != NULL
											  && fSink->transmissionStatsDB().lookup(reportSenderSSRC) != NULL))) {
								  callByeHandler = True;

							  // We should really check for & handle >1 SSRCs being present #####

							  subPacketOK = True;
							  typeOfPacket = PACKET_BYE;
						  // Later handle SDES, APP, and compound RTCP packets #####
#ifdef DEBUG
						  fprintf(stderr, "UNSUPPORTED TYPE(0x%x)\n", pt);
						  subPacketOK = True;
			if (!subPacketOK) break;

			// need to check for (& handle) SSRC collision! #####

#ifdef DEBUG
			fprintf(stderr, "validated RTCP subpacket (type %d): %d, %d, %d, 0x%08x\n", typeOfPacket, rc, pt, length, reportSenderSSRC);

			// Skip over any remaining bytes in this subpacket:

			// Check whether another RTCP 'subpacket' follows:
			if (packetSize == 0) {
				packetOK = True;
			} else if (packetSize < 4) {
#ifdef DEBUG
				fprintf(stderr, "extraneous %d bytes at end of RTCP packet!\n", packetSize);
			rtcpHdr = ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)pkt);
			if ((rtcpHdr & 0xC0000000) != 0x80000000) {
#ifdef DEBUG
				fprintf(stderr, "bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);

		if (!packetOK) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			fprintf(stderr, "rejected bad RTCP subpacket: header 0x%08x\n", rtcpHdr);
		} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
			fprintf(stderr, "validated entire RTCP packet\n");

		onReceive(typeOfPacket, totPacketSize, reportSenderSSRC);

		// Finally, if we need to call a "BYE" handler, do so now (in case it causes "this" to get deleted):
		if (callByeHandler && fByeHandlerTask != NULL/*sanity check*/) {
			TaskFunc* byeHandler = fByeHandlerTask;
			fByeHandlerTask = NULL; // because we call the handler only once, by default
	} while (0);
FramedSource* H264QueueServerMediaSubsession::createNewStreamSource(unsigned /*clientSessionId*/, unsigned& estBitrate) {
    //TODO: WTF
    estBitrate = 2000; // kbps, estimate
    return H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer::createNew(envir(), replicator->createStreamReplica());
FramedSource* ProxyServerMediaSubsession::createNewStreamSource(unsigned clientSessionId, unsigned& estBitrate) {
  ProxyServerMediaSession* const sms = (ProxyServerMediaSession*)fParentSession;

  if (verbosityLevel() > 0) {
    envir() << *this << "::createNewStreamSource(session id " << clientSessionId << ")\n";

  // If we haven't yet created a data source from our 'media subsession' object, initiate() it to do so:
  if (fClientMediaSubsession.readSource() == NULL) {
    fClientMediaSubsession.receiveRawMP3ADUs(); // hack for MPA-ROBUST streams
    fClientMediaSubsession.receiveRawJPEGFrames(); // hack for proxying JPEG/RTP streams. (Don't do this if we're transcoding.)
    if (verbosityLevel() > 0) {
      envir() << "\tInitiated: " << *this << "\n";

    if (fClientMediaSubsession.readSource() != NULL) {
      // First, check whether we have defined a 'transcoder' filter to be used with this codec:
      if (sms->fTranscodingTable != NULL) {
	char* outputCodecName;
	FramedFilter* transcoder
	  = sms->fTranscodingTable->lookupTranscoder(fClientMediaSubsession, outputCodecName);
	if (transcoder != NULL) {
	  delete[] (char*)fCodecName; fCodecName = outputCodecName;

      // Then, add to the front of all data sources a filter that will 'normalize' their frames'
      // presentation times, before the frames get re-transmitted by our server:
      FramedFilter* normalizerFilter = sms->fPresentationTimeSessionNormalizer

      // Some data sources require a 'framer' object to be added, before they can be fed into
      // a "RTPSink".  Adjust for this now:
      if (strcmp(fCodecName, "H264") == 0) {
					 ::createNew(envir(), fClientMediaSubsession.readSource()));
      } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "H265") == 0) {
					 ::createNew(envir(), fClientMediaSubsession.readSource()));
      } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MP4V-ES") == 0) {
					 ::createNew(envir(), fClientMediaSubsession.readSource(),
						     True/* leave PTs unmodified*/));
      } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MPV") == 0) {
					 ::createNew(envir(), fClientMediaSubsession.readSource(),
						     False, 5.0, True/* leave PTs unmodified*/));
      } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "DV") == 0) {
					 ::createNew(envir(), fClientMediaSubsession.readSource(),
						     False, True/* leave PTs unmodified*/));

    if (fClientMediaSubsession.rtcpInstance() != NULL) {
      fClientMediaSubsession.rtcpInstance()->setByeHandler(subsessionByeHandler, this);

  ProxyRTSPClient* const proxyRTSPClient = sms->fProxyRTSPClient;
  if (clientSessionId != 0) {
    // We're being called as a result of implementing a RTSP "SETUP".
    if (!fHaveSetupStream) {
      // This is our first "SETUP".  Send RTSP "SETUP" and later "PLAY" commands to the proxied server, to start streaming:
      // (Before sending "SETUP", enqueue ourselves on the "RTSPClient"s 'SETUP queue', so we'll be able to get the correct
      //  "ProxyServerMediaSubsession" to handle the response.  (Note that responses come back in the same order as requests.))
      Boolean queueWasEmpty = proxyRTSPClient->fSetupQueueHead == NULL;
      if (queueWasEmpty) {
	if (proxyRTSPClient->fSetupQueueTail != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "##### INTERNAL ERROR 3\n");
	proxyRTSPClient->fSetupQueueHead = this;
      } else {
	if (proxyRTSPClient->fSetupQueueTail == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "##### INTERNAL ERROR 4\n"); else //##### TEMP FOR DEBUGGING
	proxyRTSPClient->fSetupQueueTail->fNext = this;
      proxyRTSPClient->fSetupQueueTail = this;

      // Hack: If there's already a pending "SETUP" request (for another track), don't send this track's "SETUP" right away, because
      // the server might not properly handle 'pipelined' requests.  Instead, wait until after previous "SETUP" responses come back.
      if (queueWasEmpty) {
	proxyRTSPClient->sendSetupCommand(fClientMediaSubsession, ::continueAfterSETUP,
					  False, proxyRTSPClient->fStreamRTPOverTCP, False, proxyRTSPClient->auth());
	fHaveSetupStream = True;
    } else {
      // This is a "SETUP" from a new client.  We know that there are no other currently active clients (otherwise we wouldn't
      // have been called here), so we know that the substream was previously "PAUSE"d.  Send "PLAY" downstream once again,
      // to resume the stream:
      if (!proxyRTSPClient->fLastCommandWasPLAY) { // so that we send only one "PLAY"; not one for each subsession
	proxyRTSPClient->sendPlayCommand(fClientMediaSubsession.parentSession(), ::continueAfterPLAY, -1.0f/*resume from previous point*/,
					 -1.0f, 1.0f, proxyRTSPClient->auth());
	proxyRTSPClient->fLastCommandWasPLAY = True;

  estBitrate = fClientMediaSubsession.bandwidth();
  if (estBitrate == 0) estBitrate = 50; // kbps, estimate
  return fClientMediaSubsession.readSource();
Example #15
char* SIPClient::invite1(Authenticator* authenticator) {
  do {
    // Send the INVITE command:

    // First, construct an authenticator string:
    fWorkingAuthenticator = authenticator;
    char* authenticatorStr
      = createAuthenticatorString(fWorkingAuthenticator, "INVITE", fURL);

    // Then, construct the SDP description to be sent in the INVITE:
    char* rtpmapLine;
    unsigned rtpmapLineSize;
    if (fMIMESubtypeSize > 0) {
      char const* const rtpmapFmt =
	"a=rtpmap:%u %s/8000\r\n";
      unsigned rtpmapFmtSize = strlen(rtpmapFmt)
	+ 3 /* max char len */ + fMIMESubtypeSize;
      rtpmapLine = new char[rtpmapFmtSize];
      sprintf(rtpmapLine, rtpmapFmt,
	      fDesiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat, fMIMESubtype);
      rtpmapLineSize = strlen(rtpmapLine);
    } else {
      // Static payload type => no "a=rtpmap:" line
      rtpmapLine = strDup("");
      rtpmapLineSize = 0;
    char const* const inviteSDPFmt =
      "o=- %u %u IN IP4 %s\r\n"
      "s=%s session\r\n"
      "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n"
      "t=0 0\r\n"
      "m=audio %u RTP/AVP %u\r\n"
    unsigned inviteSDPFmtSize = strlen(inviteSDPFmt)
      + 20 /* max int len */ + 20 + fOurAddressStrSize
      + fApplicationNameSize
      + fOurAddressStrSize
      + 5 /* max short len */ + 3 /* max char len */
      + rtpmapLineSize;
    delete[] fInviteSDPDescription;
    fInviteSDPDescription = new char[inviteSDPFmtSize];
    sprintf(fInviteSDPDescription, inviteSDPFmt,
	    fCallId, fCSeq, fOurAddressStr,
	    fClientStartPortNum, fDesiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat,
    unsigned inviteSDPSize = strlen(fInviteSDPDescription);
    delete[] rtpmapLine;

    char const* const cmdFmt =
      "INVITE %s SIP/2.0\r\n"
      "From: %s <sip:%s@%s>;tag=%u\r\n"
      "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP %s:%u\r\n"
      "To: %s\r\n"
      "Contact: sip:%s@%s:%u\r\n"
      "Call-ID: %u@%s\r\n"
      "CSeq: %d INVITE\r\n"
      "Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n"
      "%s" /* Proxy-Authorization: line (if any) */
      "%s" /* User-Agent: line */
      "Content-length: %d\r\n\r\n"
    unsigned inviteCmdSize = strlen(cmdFmt)
      + fURLSize
      + 2*fUserNameSize + fOurAddressStrSize + 20 /* max int len */
      + fOurAddressStrSize + 5 /* max port len */
      + fURLSize
      + fUserNameSize + fOurAddressStrSize + 5
      + 20 + fOurAddressStrSize
      + 20
      + strlen(authenticatorStr)
      + fUserAgentHeaderStrSize
      + 20
      + inviteSDPSize;
    delete[] fInviteCmd; fInviteCmd = new char[inviteCmdSize];
    sprintf(fInviteCmd, cmdFmt,
	    fUserName, fUserName, fOurAddressStr, fFromTag,
	    fOurAddressStr, fOurPortNum,
	    fUserName, fOurAddressStr, fOurPortNum,
	    fCallId, fOurAddressStr,
    fInviteCmdSize = strlen(fInviteCmd);
    delete[] authenticatorStr;

    // Before sending the "INVITE", arrange to handle any response packets,
    // and set up timers:
    fInviteClientState = Calling;
    fEventLoopStopFlag = 0;
    TaskScheduler& sched = envir().taskScheduler(); // abbrev.
				       &inviteResponseHandler, this);
    fTimerALen = 1*fT1; // initially
    fTimerACount = 0; // initially
    fTimerA = sched.scheduleDelayedTask(fTimerALen, timerAHandler, this);
    fTimerB = sched.scheduleDelayedTask(64*fT1, timerBHandler, this);
    fTimerD = NULL; // for now

    if (!sendINVITE()) break;

    // Enter the event loop, to handle response packets, and timeouts:

    // We're finished with this "INVITE".
    // Turn off response handling and timers:

    // NOTE: We return the SDP description that we used in the "INVITE",
    // not the one that we got from the server.
    // ##### Later: match the codecs in the response (offer, answer) #####
    if (fInviteSDPDescription != NULL) {
      return strDup(fInviteSDPDescription);
  } while (0);

  fInviteStatusCode = 2;
  return NULL;
RTPSink* ProxyServerMediaSubsession
::createNewRTPSink(Groupsock* rtpGroupsock, unsigned char rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, FramedSource* inputSource) {
  if (verbosityLevel() > 0) {
    envir() << *this << "::createNewRTPSink()\n";

  // Create (and return) the appropriate "RTPSink" object for our codec:
  // (Note: The configuration string might not be correct if a transcoder is used. FIX!) #####
  RTPSink* newSink;
  if (strcmp(fCodecName, "AC3") == 0 || strcmp(fCodecName, "EAC3") == 0) {
    newSink = AC3AudioRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
#if 0 // This code does not work; do *not* enable it:
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "AMR") == 0 || strcmp(fCodecName, "AMR-WB") == 0) {
    Boolean isWideband = strcmp(fCodecName, "AMR-WB") == 0;
    newSink = AMRAudioRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
					 isWideband, fClientMediaSubsession.numChannels());
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "DV") == 0) {
    newSink = DVVideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic);
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "GSM") == 0) {
    newSink = GSMAudioRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock);
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "H263-1998") == 0 || strcmp(fCodecName, "H263-2000") == 0) {
    newSink = H263plusVideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "H264") == 0) {
    newSink = H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "H265") == 0) {
    newSink = H265VideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "JPEG") == 0) {
    newSink = SimpleRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, 26, 90000, "video", "JPEG",
				       1/*numChannels*/, False/*allowMultipleFramesPerPacket*/, False/*doNormalMBitRule*/);
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MP4A-LATM") == 0) {
    newSink = MPEG4LATMAudioRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MP4V-ES") == 0) {
    newSink = MPEG4ESVideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MPA") == 0) {
    newSink = MPEG1or2AudioRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock);
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MPA-ROBUST") == 0) {
    newSink = MP3ADURTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic);
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MPEG4-GENERIC") == 0) {
    newSink = MPEG4GenericRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock,
					     rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, fClientMediaSubsession.rtpTimestampFrequency(),
					     fClientMediaSubsession.fmtp_config(), fClientMediaSubsession.numChannels());
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MPV") == 0) {
    newSink = MPEG1or2VideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock);
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "OPUS") == 0) {
    newSink = SimpleRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
				       48000, "audio", "OPUS", 2, False/*only 1 Opus 'packet' in each RTP packet*/);
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "T140") == 0) {
    newSink = T140TextRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic);
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "THEORA") == 0) {
    newSink = TheoraVideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "VORBIS") == 0) {
    newSink = VorbisAudioRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
					    fClientMediaSubsession.rtpTimestampFrequency(), fClientMediaSubsession.numChannels(),
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "VP8") == 0) {
    newSink = VP8VideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic);
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "VP9") == 0) {
    newSink = VP9VideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic);
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "AMR") == 0 || strcmp(fCodecName, "AMR-WB") == 0) {
    // Proxying of these codecs is currently *not* supported, because the data received by the "RTPSource" object is not in a
    // form that can be fed directly into a corresponding "RTPSink" object.
    if (verbosityLevel() > 0) {
      envir() << "\treturns NULL (because we currently don't support the proxying of \""
	      << fClientMediaSubsession.mediumName() << "/" << fCodecName << "\" streams)\n";
    return NULL;
  } else if (strcmp(fCodecName, "QCELP") == 0 ||
	     strcmp(fCodecName, "H261") == 0 ||
	     strcmp(fCodecName, "H263-1998") == 0 || strcmp(fCodecName, "H263-2000") == 0 ||
	     strcmp(fCodecName, "X-QT") == 0 || strcmp(fCodecName, "X-QUICKTIME") == 0) {
    // This codec requires a specialized RTP payload format; however, we don't yet have an appropriate "RTPSink" subclass for it:
    if (verbosityLevel() > 0) {
      envir() << "\treturns NULL (because we don't have a \"RTPSink\" subclass for this RTP payload format)\n";
    return NULL;
  } else {
    // This codec is assumed to have a simple RTP payload format that can be implemented just with a "SimpleRTPSink":
    Boolean allowMultipleFramesPerPacket = True; // by default
    Boolean doNormalMBitRule = True; // by default
    // Some codecs change the above default parameters:
    if (strcmp(fCodecName, "MP2T") == 0) {
      doNormalMBitRule = False; // no RTP 'M' bit
    newSink = SimpleRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock,
				       rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, fClientMediaSubsession.rtpTimestampFrequency(),
				       fClientMediaSubsession.mediumName(), fCodecName,
				       fClientMediaSubsession.numChannels(), allowMultipleFramesPerPacket, doNormalMBitRule);

  // Because our relayed frames' presentation times are inaccurate until the input frames have been RTCP-synchronized,
  // we temporarily disable RTCP "SR" reports for this "RTPSink" object:
  newSink->enableRTCPReports() = False;

  // Also tell our "PresentationTimeSubsessionNormalizer" object about the "RTPSink", so it can enable RTCP "SR" reports later:
  PresentationTimeSubsessionNormalizer* ssNormalizer;
  if (strcmp(fCodecName, "H264") == 0 ||
      strcmp(fCodecName, "H265") == 0 ||
      strcmp(fCodecName, "MP4V-ES") == 0 ||
      strcmp(fCodecName, "MPV") == 0 ||
      strcmp(fCodecName, "DV") == 0) {
    // There was a separate 'framer' object in front of the "PresentationTimeSubsessionNormalizer", so go back one object to get it:
    ssNormalizer = (PresentationTimeSubsessionNormalizer*)(((FramedFilter*)inputSource)->inputSource());
  } else {
    ssNormalizer = (PresentationTimeSubsessionNormalizer*)inputSource;

  return newSink;
Example #17
void SIPClient::doInviteStateMachine(unsigned responseCode) {
  // Implement the state transition diagram (RFC 3261, Figure 5)
  TaskScheduler& sched = envir().taskScheduler(); // abbrev.
  switch (fInviteClientState) {
    case Calling: {
      if (responseCode == timerAFires) {
	// Restart timer A (with double the timeout interval):
	fTimerALen *= 2;
	  = sched.scheduleDelayedTask(fTimerALen, timerAHandler, this);

	fInviteClientState = Calling;
	if (!sendINVITE()) doInviteStateTerminated(0);
      } else {
	// Turn off timers A & B before moving to a new state:

	if (responseCode == timerBFires) {
	  envir().setResultMsg("No response from server");
	} else if (responseCode >= 100 && responseCode <= 199) {
	  fInviteClientState = Proceeding;
	} else if (responseCode >= 200 && responseCode <= 299) {
	} else if (responseCode >= 400 && responseCode <= 499) {
	      // this isn't what the spec says, but it seems right...
	} else if (responseCode >= 300 && responseCode <= 699) {
	  fInviteClientState = Completed;
	    = sched.scheduleDelayedTask(32000000, timerDHandler, this);
	  if (!sendACK()) doInviteStateTerminated(0);

    case Proceeding: {
      if (responseCode >= 100 && responseCode <= 199) {
	fInviteClientState = Proceeding;
      } else if (responseCode >= 200 && responseCode <= 299) {
      } else if (responseCode >= 400 && responseCode <= 499) {
	    // this isn't what the spec says, but it seems right...
      } else if (responseCode >= 300 && responseCode <= 699) {
	fInviteClientState = Completed;
	fTimerD = sched.scheduleDelayedTask(32000000, timerDHandler, this);
	if (!sendACK()) doInviteStateTerminated(0);

    case Completed: {
      if (responseCode == timerDFires) {
	envir().setResultMsg("Transaction terminated");
      } else if (responseCode >= 300 && responseCode <= 699) {
	fInviteClientState = Completed;
	if (!sendACK()) doInviteStateTerminated(0);

    case Terminated: {
FramedSource* H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession
::createNewStreamSource(unsigned /*clientSessionId*/, unsigned& estBitrate)
    estBitrate = 500; // 500 kbps, estimate
    int streamId = -1;
    if (strncmp(fFileName, "live_stream1", 12) == 0)
        streamId = 0;
    else if (strncmp(fFileName, "live_stream2", 12) == 0)
        streamId = 1;
    else if (strncmp(fFileName, "live_stream3", 12) == 0)
        streamId = 2;
    else if (strncmp(fFileName, "live_stream4", 12) == 0)
        streamId = 3;
#if defined( USE_V3_3_CODE )
        // Create the video source:
        ByteStreamFileSource* fileSource
        = ByteStreamFileSource::createNew(envir(), fFileName);
        if (fileSource == NULL) return NULL;
        fFileSize = fileSource->fileSize();

        // Create a framer for the Video Elementary Stream:
        if (fEncType == IAV_ENCODE_H264)
            return MyH264VideoStreamFramer::createNew(envir(), fileSource);
        else if (fEncType == IAV_ENCODE_MJPEG)
            return NULL; //not realized
            return NULL;
        // Create the video source:
        ByteStreamFileSource* fileSource
        = ByteStreamFileSource::createNew(envir(), fFileName);
        if (fileSource == NULL) return NULL;
        fFileSize = fileSource->fileSize();

        return MyH264VideoStreamFramer::createNew(envir(), fileSource);

#if defined( USE_V3_3_CODE )
    if (fEncType == IAV_ENCODE_H264)
        return MyH264VideoStreamFramer::createNew(envir(), streamId);
    else if (fEncType == IAV_ENCODE_MJPEG)
        int jpegQuality = getJpegQ(streamId);
        if ( jpegQuality < 0)
            return NULL;
        return MyJPEGVideoSource::createNew(envir(), streamId, jpegQuality);
        return NULL;
    return MyH264VideoStreamFramer::createNew( envir(), streamId, fIPCMediaDataDispatchServerPort, fIPCMediaDataDispatchClientPort );
Example #19
SIPClient::SIPClient(UsageEnvironment& env,
		     unsigned char desiredAudioRTPPayloadFormat,
		     char const* mimeSubtype,
		     int verbosityLevel, char const* applicationName)
  : Medium(env),
    fT1(500000 /* 500 ms */),
    fCSeq(0), fURL(NULL), fURLSize(0),
    fToTagStr(NULL), fToTagStrSize(0),
    fUserName(NULL), fUserNameSize(0),
    fInviteSDPDescription(NULL), fInviteCmd(NULL), fInviteCmdSize(0){
  if (mimeSubtype == NULL) mimeSubtype = "";
  fMIMESubtype = strDup(mimeSubtype);
  fMIMESubtypeSize = strlen(fMIMESubtype);

  if (applicationName == NULL) applicationName = "";
  fApplicationName = strDup(applicationName);
  fApplicationNameSize = strlen(fApplicationName);

  struct in_addr ourAddress;
  ourAddress.s_addr = ourIPAddress(env); // hack
  fOurAddressStr = strDup(our_inet_ntoa(ourAddress));
  fOurAddressStrSize = strlen(fOurAddressStr);

  fOurSocket = new Groupsock(env, ourAddress, 0, 255);
  if (fOurSocket == NULL) {
    env << "ERROR: Failed to create socket for addr "
	<< our_inet_ntoa(ourAddress) << ": "
	<< env.getResultMsg() << "\n";

  // Now, find out our source port number.  Hack: Do this by first trying to
  // send a 0-length packet, so that the "getSourcePort()" call will work.
  fOurSocket->output(envir(), 255, (unsigned char*)"", 0);
  Port srcPort(0);
  getSourcePort(env, fOurSocket->socketNum(), srcPort);
  if (srcPort.num() != 0) {
    fOurPortNum = ntohs(srcPort.num());
  } else {
    // No luck.  Try again using a default port number:
    fOurPortNum = 5060;
    delete fOurSocket;
    fOurSocket = new Groupsock(env, ourAddress, fOurPortNum, 255);
    if (fOurSocket == NULL) {
      env << "ERROR: Failed to create socket for addr "
	  << our_inet_ntoa(ourAddress) << ", port "
	  << fOurPortNum << ": "
	  << env.getResultMsg() << "\n";

  // Set various headers to be used in each request:
  char const* formatStr;
  unsigned headerSize;

  // Set the "User-Agent:" header:
  char const* const libName = "LIVE555 Streaming Media v";
  char const* const libVersionStr = LIVEMEDIA_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING;
  char const* libPrefix; char const* libSuffix;
  if (applicationName == NULL || applicationName[0] == '\0') {
    applicationName = libPrefix = libSuffix = "";
  } else {
    libPrefix = " (";
    libSuffix = ")";
  formatStr = "User-Agent: %s%s%s%s%s\r\n";
    = strlen(formatStr) + fApplicationNameSize + strlen(libPrefix)
    + strlen(libName) + strlen(libVersionStr) + strlen(libSuffix);
  fUserAgentHeaderStr = new char[headerSize];
  sprintf(fUserAgentHeaderStr, formatStr,
	  applicationName, libPrefix, libName, libVersionStr, libSuffix);
  fUserAgentHeaderStrSize = strlen(fUserAgentHeaderStr);

RTPSink* H263plusVideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNewRTPSink(Groupsock* rtpGroupsock,
								  unsigned char rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,
								  FramedSource* /*inputSource*/) {
  return H263plusVideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock, rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic);
Example #21
unsigned SIPClient::getResponseCode() {
  unsigned responseCode = 0;
  do {
    // Get the response from the server:
    unsigned const readBufSize = 10000;
    char readBuffer[readBufSize+1]; char* readBuf = readBuffer;

    char* firstLine = NULL;
    char* nextLineStart = NULL;
    unsigned bytesRead = getResponse(readBuf, readBufSize);
    if (bytesRead == 0) break;
    if (fVerbosityLevel >= 1) {
      envir() << "Received INVITE response: " << readBuf << "\n";

    // Inspect the first line to get the response code:
    firstLine = readBuf;
    nextLineStart = getLine(firstLine);
    if (!parseResponseCode(firstLine, responseCode)) break;

    if (responseCode != 200) {
      if (responseCode >= 400 && responseCode <= 499
	  && fWorkingAuthenticator != NULL) {
	// We have an authentication failure, so fill in
	// "*fWorkingAuthenticator" using the contents of a following
	// "Proxy-Authenticate:" line.  (Once we compute a 'response' for
	// "fWorkingAuthenticator", it can be used in a subsequent request
	// - that will hopefully succeed.)
	char* lineStart;
	while (1) {
	  lineStart = nextLineStart;
	  if (lineStart == NULL) break;

	  nextLineStart = getLine(lineStart);
	  if (lineStart[0] == '\0') break; // this is a blank line

	  char* realm = strDupSize(lineStart);
	  char* nonce = strDupSize(lineStart);
	  // ##### Check for the format of "Proxy-Authenticate:" lines from
	  // ##### known server types.
	  // ##### This is a crock! We should make the parsing more general
          Boolean foundAuthenticateHeader = False;
	  if (
	      // Asterisk #####
	      sscanf(lineStart, "Proxy-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"%[^\"]\", nonce=\"%[^\"]\"",
		     realm, nonce) == 2 ||
	      // Cisco ATA #####
	      sscanf(lineStart, "Proxy-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5,domain=\"%*[^\"]\",nonce=\"%[^\"]\", realm=\"%[^\"]\"",
		     nonce, realm) == 2) {
            fWorkingAuthenticator->setRealmAndNonce(realm, nonce);
            foundAuthenticateHeader = True;
          delete[] realm; delete[] nonce;
          if (foundAuthenticateHeader) break;
      envir().setResultMsg("cannot handle INVITE response: ", firstLine);

    // Skip every subsequent header line, until we see a blank line.
    // While doing so, check for "To:" and "Content-Length:" lines.
    // The remaining data is assumed to be the SDP descriptor that we want.
    // We should really do some more checking on the headers here - e.g., to
    // check for "Content-type: application/sdp", "CSeq", etc. #####
    int contentLength = -1;
    char* lineStart;
    while (1) {
      lineStart = nextLineStart;
      if (lineStart == NULL) break;

      nextLineStart = getLine(lineStart);
      if (lineStart[0] == '\0') break; // this is a blank line

      char* toTagStr = strDupSize(lineStart);
      if (sscanf(lineStart, "To:%*[^;]; tag=%s", toTagStr) == 1) {
	delete[] (char*)fToTagStr; fToTagStr = strDup(toTagStr);
	fToTagStrSize = strlen(fToTagStr);
      delete[] toTagStr;

      if (sscanf(lineStart, "Content-Length: %d", &contentLength) == 1
          || sscanf(lineStart, "Content-length: %d", &contentLength) == 1) {
        if (contentLength < 0) {
          envir().setResultMsg("Bad \"Content-length:\" header: \"",
                               lineStart, "\"");

    // We're now at the end of the response header lines
    if (lineStart == NULL) {
      envir().setResultMsg("no content following header lines: ", readBuf);

    // Use the remaining data as the SDP descr, but first, check
    // the "Content-length:" header (if any) that we saw.  We may need to
    // read more data, or we may have extraneous data in the buffer.
    char* bodyStart = nextLineStart;
    if (bodyStart != NULL && contentLength >= 0) {
      // We saw a "Content-length:" header
      unsigned numBodyBytes = &readBuf[bytesRead] - bodyStart;
      if (contentLength > (int)numBodyBytes) {
        // We need to read more data.  First, make sure we have enough
        // space for it:
        unsigned numExtraBytesNeeded = contentLength - numBodyBytes;
#ifdef USING_TCP
        unsigned remainingBufferSize
          = readBufSize - (bytesRead + (readBuf - readBuffer));
        if (numExtraBytesNeeded > remainingBufferSize) {
          char tmpBuf[200];
          sprintf(tmpBuf, "Read buffer size (%d) is too small for \"Content-length:\" %d (need a buffer size of >= %d bytes\n",
                  readBufSize, contentLength,
                  readBufSize + numExtraBytesNeeded - remainingBufferSize);

        // Keep reading more data until we have enough:
        if (fVerbosityLevel >= 1) {
          envir() << "Need to read " << numExtraBytesNeeded
		  << " extra bytes\n";
        while (numExtraBytesNeeded > 0) {
          char* ptr = &readBuf[bytesRead];
	  unsigned bytesRead2;
	  struct sockaddr_in fromAddr;
	  Boolean readSuccess
	    = fOurSocket->handleRead((unsigned char*)ptr,
				     bytesRead2, fromAddr);
          if (!readSuccess) break;
          ptr[bytesRead2] = '\0';
          if (fVerbosityLevel >= 1) {
            envir() << "Read " << bytesRead2
		    << " extra bytes: " << ptr << "\n";

          bytesRead += bytesRead2;
          numExtraBytesNeeded -= bytesRead2;
        if (numExtraBytesNeeded > 0) break; // one of the reads failed

      bodyStart[contentLength] = '\0'; // trims any extra data
  } while (0);

  return responseCode;
Example #22
void DummySink::afterGettingFrame(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
				  struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned /*durationInMicroseconds*/) {
  // We've just received a frame of data.  (Optionally) print out information about it:
	if(numTruncatedBytes > 0)
  	printf("============== warnning, live555 truncate %d bytes =================\n", numTruncatedBytes);
  if (fStreamId != NULL) envir() << "Stream \"" << fStreamId << "\"; ";
  envir() << fSubsession.mediumName() << "/" << fSubsession.codecName() << ":\tReceived " << frameSize << " bytes";
  if (numTruncatedBytes > 0) envir() << " (with " << numTruncatedBytes << " bytes truncated)";
  char uSecsStr[6+1]; // used to output the 'microseconds' part of the presentation time
  sprintf(uSecsStr, "%06u", (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_usec);
  envir() << ".\tPresentation time: " << (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_sec << "." << uSecsStr;
  if (fSubsession.rtpSource() != NULL && !fSubsession.rtpSource()->hasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP()) {
    envir() << "!"; // mark the debugging output to indicate that this presentation time is not RTCP-synchronized
  envir() << "\n";

  // 分辨率已经发生变化,不再上报数据
	if (_drop)
		printf("############################### drop frame\n");

    RtspFrameInfo	info;
	info.videoFPS = fSubsession.videoFPS();
	info.videoWidth = fSubsession.videoWidth();
	info.videoHeight = fSubsession.videoHeight();
	info.frequency = fSubsession.rtpTimestampFrequency();
	info.channels = fSubsession.numChannels();
	info.profile_level_id = fSubsession.fmtp_profile_level_id();
	strncpy((char*)&(info.mediaName), fSubsession.mediumName(), sizeof(info.mediaName));
	strncpy((char*)&(info.codecName), fSubsession.codecName(), sizeof(info.codecName));
	info.timestamp	= presentationTime;
  	if(fSubsession.rtpSource() != NULL && !fSubsession.rtpSource()->hasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP()) 
		info.syncUseRTCP	= false;
		info.syncUseRTCP	= true;
	if(strcmp(fSubsession.mediumName(), "audio") == 0)
		if (strcmp(fSubsession.codecName(), "MPEG4-GENERIC") == 0)
			info.isHeader	= 0;
 			_cb(_channel, frameSize, (char*)fReceiveBuffer, info);
		else if (strcmp(fSubsession.codecName(), "L16") == 0)
			int i = fSubsession.numChannels();
			info.isHeader	= 0;
 			_cb(_channel, frameSize, (char*)fReceiveBuffer, info);
	else if(strcmp(fSubsession.mediumName(), "video") == 0)
		if(strcmp(fSubsession.codecName(), "H264") == 0)
			unsigned char start_code[4] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};

				_sentHeader	= true;
				unsigned numSpropRecords;
				if(fSubsession.fmtp_spropparametersets() && 0 < strlen(fSubsession.fmtp_spropparametersets()))
					SPropRecord* sPropRecords = parseSPropParameterSets(fSubsession.fmtp_spropparametersets(), numSpropRecords);
					printf("====================== proparamset: [%d]%s =================\n", numSpropRecords, fSubsession.fmtp_spropparametersets());
					if(numSpropRecords > 0)
						int 	headerLen		= 0;
						int 	validRecordNum	= 0;
						for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numSpropRecords; i++)
							printf("spropparameter first byte = %x\n", sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes[0]);
							if(((sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes[0] & 0x1f) == 7) || ((sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes[0] & 0x1f) == 8))
								headerLen += sPropRecords[i].sPropLength;
								validRecordNum	+= 1;

						headerLen		+= sizeof(start_code) * validRecordNum;
						char*	headerData	= new char[headerLen];
						int		offset		= 0;
						for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numSpropRecords; i++)
							if(((sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes[0] & 0x1f) == 7) || ((sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes[0] & 0x1f) == 8))
								memcpy(headerData + offset, start_code, 4);
								offset				+= 4;
								memcpy(headerData + offset, sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes, sPropRecords[i].sPropLength);
								offset				+= sPropRecords[i].sPropLength;

						uint16_t w = 0;
						uint16_t h = 0;
						if (H264Parse::GetResolution((uint8_t*)headerData, headerLen, &w, &h))
							_w = w;
							_h = h;

						info.isHeader	= 1;
						_cb(_channel, headerLen, headerData, info);

						delete [] headerData;
				if ((fReceiveBuffer[0] & 0x1f) == 7)
					uint16_t w = 0;
					uint16_t h = 0;
					if (H264Parse::GetResolution((uint8_t*)fReceiveBuffer, frameSize, &w, &h))
						if (_w == 0 || _h == 0)
							_w = w;
							_h = h;
						else if ((_w != w) || (_h != h))
							printf("=====33333333========= %dx%d,   %dx%d\n", _w, _h, w, h);
							_drop = true;

			if (!_drop)
				info.isHeader	= 0;

				char* newData	= new char[sizeof(start_code) + frameSize];
				memcpy(newData, start_code, sizeof(start_code));
				memcpy(newData + sizeof(start_code), (char*)fReceiveBuffer, frameSize);
 				_cb(_channel, frameSize + sizeof(start_code), newData, info);
				delete [] newData;
		else if(strcmp(fSubsession.codecName(), "MP4V-ES") == 0)
			unsigned configLen;
			unsigned char* configData = parseGeneralConfigStr(fSubsession.fmtp_config(), configLen);
			info.isHeader	= 1;
			_cb(_channel, configLen, (char*)configData, info);
			info.isHeader	= 0;
 			_cb(_channel, frameSize, (char*)fReceiveBuffer, info);
			info.isHeader	= 0;
 			_cb(_channel, frameSize, (char*)fReceiveBuffer, info);
  // Then continue, to request the next frame of data:
Example #23
void DefaultSource::doStopGettingFrames()