Example #1
static status
initialiseConstraint(Constraint c, Any from, Any to,
		     Relation relation, Name only)
{ Name lock;

  if ( from == to )
    return errorPce(c, NAME_cannotConstraintSelf);

  assign(c, from, from);
  assign(c, to, to);
  assign(c, relation, relation);

  if ( isDefault(only) )
    lock = NAME_none;
  else if ( equalName(only, NAME_forwards) )
    lock = NAME_backwards;
    lock = NAME_forwards;

  assign(c, locked, lock);
  constraintObject(from, c);
  constraintObject(to, c);

Example #2
executeConstraint(Constraint c, Any obj)
{ if ( isNil(c->from) || isNil(c->to) )

  if ( obj == c->from && (equalName(c->locked, NAME_forwards) ||
			  equalName(c->locked, NAME_front)) )
  if ( obj == c->to   && (equalName(c->locked, NAME_backwards) ||
			  equalName(c->locked, NAME_back)) )

  return send(c->relation,
	      obj == c->from ? NAME_forwards : NAME_backwards,
	      c->from, c->to, EAV);
Example #3
static status
arrowsJoint(Joint jt, Name arrows)
{ Graphical first, second;

  if ( equalName(arrows, NAME_none) )
  { first  = NIL;
    second = NIL;
  } else if ( arrows == NAME_first )
  { first = (notNil(jt->first_arrow) ? jt->first_arrow : initArrowJoint(jt));
    second = NIL;
  } else if ( arrows == NAME_second )
  { first = NIL;
    second = (notNil(jt->second_arrow) ? jt->second_arrow
				       : initArrowJoint(jt));
  } else if ( arrows == NAME_both )
  { first = (notNil(jt->first_arrow) ? jt->first_arrow : initArrowJoint(jt));
    second = (notNil(jt->second_arrow) ? jt->second_arrow
	      			       : initArrowJoint(jt));
  } else

  return setArrowsJoint(jt, first, second);
Example #4
static Fragment
scan_fragment_icons(TextMargin m, SendFunc func, Name how, Any ctx)
{ Editor e = m->editor;
  TextBuffer tb = e->text_buffer;
  TextImage  ti = e->image;
  Fragment fragment = tb->first_fragment;
  int x = X_MARGIN, y = -1000, h;
  int mw = valInt(m->area->w);
  int line = 0, lines = ti->map->length;
  int gw = valInt(m->gap->w);
  int gh = valInt(m->gap->h);
  Style s;
  int skip = ti->map->skip;

  for( h=0; notNil(fragment) && line < lines; line++ )
  { TextLine tl = &ti->map->lines[line + skip];

    DEBUG(NAME_fragment, Cprintf("Scanning line from %ld\n", tl->start));
    while( notNil(fragment) && fragment->start < tl->start )
      fragment = fragment->next;

    if ( y + h + gh < tl->y )		/* open the icon-line */
    { y = tl->y;
      x = X_MARGIN;
      h = 0;
    DEBUG(NAME_fragment, Cprintf("tl->y = %d\n", tl->y));

    for( ; notNil(fragment) && fragment->start < tl->end
	 ; fragment = fragment->next )
    { Image icon;

      if ( notNil(s = fragment_style(m, fragment)) && notNil(icon = s->icon) )
      { int aw = valInt(icon->size->w);

	if ( (x + aw) > mw - X_MARGIN && aw <= mw -X_MARGIN)
        { y += h + gh;			/* does not fit: next line */
          x = X_MARGIN;
          h = 0;
	if ( equalName(how, NAME_forAll) )
	{ if ( (*func)(m, x, y, fragment, ctx) == FAIL )
	} else if ( equalName(how, NAME_forSome) )
	{ (*func)(m, x, y, fragment, ctx);
	} else if ( equalName(how, NAME_find) )
	{ if ( (*func)(m, x, y, fragment, ctx) == SUCCEED )
	    return fragment;
        x += valInt(icon->size->w) + gw;
        if ( valInt(icon->size->h) > h )
          h = valInt(icon->size->h);

  if ( equalName(how, NAME_find) )

  return (Fragment) SUCCEED;