Example #1
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void install_sighandlers(void)
  sigset_t mask;
  int p[2];

  /* Create signal pipe */
  if (pipe(p) < 0)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: process %d (pid %d): can't create"
		 " signal pipe: pipe", my_index, my_pid);
  if ((sig_pipe[0] = st_netfd_open(p[0])) == NULL ||
      (sig_pipe[1] = st_netfd_open(p[1])) == NULL)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: process %d (pid %d): can't create"
		 " signal pipe: st_netfd_open", my_index, my_pid);

  /* Install signal handlers */
  Signal(SIGTERM, child_sighandler);  /* terminate */
  Signal(SIGHUP,  child_sighandler);  /* restart   */
  Signal(SIGUSR1, child_sighandler);  /* dump info */

  /* Unblock signals */
  sigaddset(&mask, SIGTERM);
  sigaddset(&mask, SIGHUP);
  sigaddset(&mask, SIGUSR1);
  sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, NULL);
Example #2
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void open_log_files(void)
  int fd;
  char str[32];

  if (interactive_mode)

  /* Open access log */
  if (log_access)

  /* Open and write pid to pid file */
  if ((fd = open(PID_FILE, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0644)) < 0)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't open pid file: open");
  sprintf(str, "%d\n", (int)getpid());
  if (write(fd, str, strlen(str)) != strlen(str))
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't write to pid file: write");

  /* Open error log file */
  if ((fd = open(ERRORS_FILE, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0644)) < 0)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't open error log file: open");
  errfd = fd;

  err_report(errfd, "INFO: starting the server...");
Example #3
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void *process_signals(void *arg)
  int signo;

  for ( ; ; ) {
    /* Read the next signal from the signal pipe */
    if (st_read(sig_pipe[0], &signo, sizeof(int),
     ST_UTIME_NO_TIMEOUT) != sizeof(int))
      err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: process %d (pid %d): signal processor:"
		   " st_read", my_index, my_pid);

    switch (signo) {
    case SIGHUP:
      err_report(errfd, "INFO: process %d (pid %d): caught SIGHUP,"
		 " reloading configuration", my_index, my_pid);
      if (interactive_mode) {
      /* Reopen log files - needed for log rotation */
      if (log_access) {
      if ((errfd = open(ERRORS_FILE, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0644)) < 0)
	err_sys_quit(STDERR_FILENO, "ERROR: process %d (pid %d): signal"
		     " processor: open", my_index, my_pid);
      /* Reload configuration */
    case SIGTERM:
       * Terminate ungracefully since it is generally not known how long
       * it will take to gracefully complete all client sessions.
      err_report(errfd, "INFO: process %d (pid %d): caught SIGTERM,"
		 " terminating", my_index, my_pid);
      if (log_access)
    case SIGUSR1:
      err_report(errfd, "INFO: process %d (pid %d): caught SIGUSR1",
		 my_index, my_pid);
      /* Print server info to stderr */
      err_report(errfd, "INFO: process %d (pid %d): caught signal %d",
		 my_index, my_pid, signo);

  return NULL;
Example #4
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
 * General server example: accept a client connection and do something.
 * This program just outputs a short HTML page, but can be easily adapted
 * to do other things.
 * This server creates a constant number of processes ("virtual processors"
 * or VPs) and replaces them when they die. Each virtual processor manages
 * its own independent set of state threads (STs), the number of which varies
 * with load against the server. Each state thread listens to exactly one
 * listening socket. The initial process becomes the watchdog, waiting for
 * children (VPs) to die or for a signal requesting termination or restart.
 * Upon receiving a restart signal (SIGHUP), all VPs close and then reopen
 * log files and reload configuration. All currently active connections remain
 * active. It is assumed that new configuration affects only request
 * processing and not the general server parameters such as number of VPs,
 * thread limits, bind addresses, etc. Those are specified as command line
 * arguments, so the server has to be stopped and then started again in order
 * to change them.
 * Each state thread loops processing connections from a single listening
 * socket. Only one ST runs on a VP at a time, and VPs do not share memory,
 * so no mutual exclusion locking is necessary on any data, and the entire
 * server is free to use all the static variables and non-reentrant library
 * functions it wants, greatly simplifying programming and debugging and
 * increasing performance (for example, it is safe to ++ and -- all global
 * counters or call inet_ntoa(3) without any mutexes). The current thread on
 * each VP maintains equilibrium on that VP, starting a new thread or
 * terminating itself if the number of spare threads exceeds the lower or
 * upper limit.
 * All I/O operations on sockets must use the State Thread library's I/O
 * functions because only those functions prevent blocking of the entire VP
 * process and perform state thread scheduling.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  /* Parse command-line options */
  parse_arguments(argc, argv);

  /* Allocate array of server pids */
  if ((vp_pids = calloc(vp_count, sizeof(pid_t))) == NULL)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: calloc failed");

  /* Start the daemon */
  if (!interactive_mode)

  /* Initialize the ST library */
  if (st_init() < 0)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: initialization failed: st_init");

  /* Set thread throttling parameters */

  /* Create listening sockets */

  /* Change the user */
  if (username)

  /* Open log files */

  /* Start server processes (VPs) */

  /* Turn time caching on */

  /* Install signal handlers */

  /* Load configuration from config files */

  /* Start all threads */

  /* Become a signal processing thread */

  return 1;
Example #5
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void change_user(void)
  struct passwd *pw;

  if ((pw = getpwnam(username)) == NULL)
    err_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't find user '%s': getpwnam failed", username);

  if (setgid(pw->pw_gid) < 0)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't change group id: setgid");
  if (setuid(pw->pw_uid) < 0)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't change user id: setuid");

  err_report(errfd, "INFO: changed process user id to '%s'", username);
Example #6
 * 启动工作进程
void start_processes(const int procnum)
  int i, status;
  pid_t pid;
  sigset_t mask, omask;

  my_pid = getpid();
  vp_count = procnum + 1;

  for (i = 1; i <= procnum; i++) {
    if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
      err_sys_quit(1, "fork");

    } else if (pid == 0) {
      // child
      my_index = i;
      my_pid = getpid();

    } else {
      // parent, or master
      my_index = 0;
Example #7
static void parse_arguments( int argc, char *argv[] )
    extern char *optarg;
    int opt;
    char* c = NULL;

    while (( opt = getopt( argc, argv, "b:p:l:h" ) ) != EOF )
        switch ( opt )
            case 'b':
                if (( c = strdup( optarg ) ) == NULL )
                    err_sys_quit( s_errfd, "ERROR: strdup" );
                s_serverIP = c;
            case 'p':
                s_nListenPort = atoi( optarg );
                if ( s_nListenPort < 1024 )
                    err_quit( s_errfd, "ERROR: invalid listening port: %s", optarg );
            case 'l':
                s_logdir = optarg;
            case 'h':
            case '?':
                usage( argv[0] );

    if ( s_logdir == NULL )
        err_report( s_errfd, "ERROR: logging directory is required\n" );
        usage( argv[0] );
Example #8
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void start_threads(void)
  long i, n;

  /* Create access log flushing thread */
  if (log_access && st_thread_create(flush_acclog_buffer, NULL, 0, 0) == NULL)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: process %d (pid %d): can't create"
		 " log flushing thread", my_index, my_pid);

  /* Create connections handling threads */
  for (i = 0; i < sk_count; i++) {
    err_report(errfd, "INFO: process %d (pid %d): starting %d threads"
	       " on %s:%u", my_index, my_pid, max_wait_threads,
	       srv_socket[i].addr, srv_socket[i].port);
    WAIT_THREADS(i) = 0;
    BUSY_THREADS(i) = 0;
    RQST_COUNT(i) = 0;
    for (n = 0; n < max_wait_threads; n++) {
      if (st_thread_create(handle_connections, (void *)i, 0, 0) != NULL)
	err_sys_report(errfd, "ERROR: process %d (pid %d): can't create"
		       " thread", my_index, my_pid);
    if (WAIT_THREADS(i) == 0)
Example #9
 * Open error log file.
open_log_file( const std::string& sLogDir )
    int fd = -1;

    if (( fd = open( sLogDir.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0644 ) ) < 0 )
        err_sys_quit( s_errfd, "ERROR: can't open error log file: [%s]", sLogDir.c_str() );

    return fd;
Example #10
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void child_sighandler(int signo)
  int err, fd;

  err = errno;
  fd = st_netfd_fileno(sig_pipe[1]);

  /* write() is async-safe */
  if (write(fd, &signo, sizeof(int)) != sizeof(int))
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: process %d (pid %d): child's signal"
		 " handler: write", my_index, my_pid);
  errno = err;
Example #11
static void open_log_files( void )
    int         fd = -1;
    char        str[32];
    std::string sFilename;

    /* Open and write pid to pid file */
    sFilename = std::string(s_logdir) + PID_FILE;
    if (( fd = open( sFilename.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0644 ) ) < 0 )
        err_sys_quit( s_errfd, "ERROR: can't open pid file: [%s]", sFilename.c_str() );
    sprintf( str, "%d\n", ( int )getpid() );
    if ( write( fd, str, strlen( str ) ) != (int) strlen( str ) )
        err_sys_quit( s_errfd, "ERROR: can't write to pid file: write" );
    close( fd );

    /* Open error log file */
    sFilename = std::string(s_logdir) + ERRORS_FILE;
    s_errfd = ::open_log_file( sFilename );

    /* Open server log file */
    s_serverfd = ::open_log_file( SERVER_FILE );
Example #12
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void start_daemon(void)
  pid_t pid;

  /* Start forking */
  if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: fork");
  if (pid > 0)
    exit(0);                  /* parent */

  /* First child process */
  setsid();                   /* become session leader */

  if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: fork");
  if (pid > 0)                /* first child */


  if (chdir(logdir) < 0)
    err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't change directory to %s: chdir", logdir);
Example #13
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void create_listeners(void)
  int i, n, sock;
  char *c;
  struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
  struct hostent *hp;
  unsigned short port;

  for (i = 0; i < sk_count; i++) {
    port = 0;
    if ((c = strchr(srv_socket[i].addr, ':')) != NULL) {
      *c++ = '\0';
      port = (unsigned short) atoi(c);
    if (srv_socket[i].addr[0] == '\0')
      srv_socket[i].addr = "";
    if (port == 0)
      port = SERV_PORT_DEFAULT;

    /* Create server socket */
    if ((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
      err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't create socket: socket");
    n = 1;
    if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&n, sizeof(n)) < 0)
      err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't set SO_REUSEADDR: setsockopt");
    memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr));
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(srv_socket[i].addr);
    if (serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) {
      /* not dotted-decimal */
      if ((hp = gethostbyname(srv_socket[i].addr)) == NULL)
	err_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't resolve address: %s",
      memcpy(&serv_addr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
    srv_socket[i].port = port;

    /* Do bind and listen */
    if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
      err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: can't bind to address %s, port %hu",
		   srv_socket[i].addr, port);
    if (listen(sock, listenq_size) < 0)
      err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: listen");

    /* Create file descriptor object from OS socket */
    if ((srv_socket[i].nfd = st_netfd_open_socket(sock)) == NULL)
      err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: st_netfd_open_socket");
     * On some platforms (e.g. IRIX, Linux) accept() serialization is never
     * needed for any OS version.  In that case st_netfd_serialize_accept()
     * is just a no-op. Also see the comment above.
    if (serialize_accept && st_netfd_serialize_accept(srv_socket[i].nfd) < 0)
      err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: st_netfd_serialize_accept");
Example #14
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void wdog_sighandler(int signo)
  int i, err;

  /* Save errno */
  err = errno;
  /* Forward the signal to all children */
  for (i = 0; i < vp_count; i++) {
    if (vp_pids[i] > 0)
      kill(vp_pids[i], signo);
   * It is safe to do pretty much everything here because process is
   * sleeping in wait() which is async-safe.
  switch (signo) {
  case SIGHUP:
    err_report(errfd, "INFO: watchdog: caught SIGHUP");
    /* Reopen log files - needed for log rotation */
    if (log_access) {
    if ((errfd = open(ERRORS_FILE, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0644)) < 0)
      err_sys_quit(STDERR_FILENO, "ERROR: watchdog: open");
  case SIGTERM:
    /* Non-graceful termination */
    err_report(errfd, "INFO: watchdog: caught SIGTERM, terminating");
  case SIGUSR1:
    err_report(errfd, "INFO: watchdog: caught SIGUSR1");
    err_report(errfd, "INFO: watchdog: caught signal %d", signo);
  /* Restore errno */
  errno = err;
Example #15
 * 创建用于 rpc 通讯的 TCP/IP 内容
void create_rpc_listeners(void) {
  int fd;
  struct addrinfo hints, *ai, *p;

  int reuseaddr = 1; // for SO_REUSEADDR
  int rv;

  memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
  hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
  hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
  hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;

  int rpc_port = RPC_PORT + my_index;
  char port[16];

  sprintf(port, "%d", rpc_port);

  fprintf(stdout, "[%d] want to getaddrinfo to:\n", my_index, rpc_port);

  if ((rv = getaddrinfo("", port, &hints, &ai)) != 0) {
    err_sys_quit(1, "[%d] getaddrinfo: %s\n", my_index, gai_strerror(rv));

  for (p = ai; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) {
    fd = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol);
    if (fd < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "[%d] socket: %s\n", my_index, strerror(errno));

    setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseaddr, sizeof(int));

    if (bind(fd, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "[%d] bind: %s\n", my_index, strerror(errno));

    fprintf(stdout, "[%d] success to bind.\n", my_index);

  if (p == NULL) {
    err_sys_quit(1, "[%d] failed to bind at\n", my_index);

  freeaddrinfo(ai); // all done with this
  // 防止野指针
  ai = NULL;
  p = NULL;

  if (listen(fd, 10) == -1) {
    err_sys_quit(1, "[%d] failed to listen in %d\n", my_index, rpc_port);

  // 初始化 st 线程
  if (st_set_eventsys(ST_EVENTSYS_ALT) == -1)
    fprintf(stderr, "[%d] Can't set event system to alt: %s\n", my_index, strerror(errno));
  if (st_init() < 0) {
    err_sys_quit(1, "[%d] failed to init st\n", my_index);

  fprintf(stdout, "[%d] the event system is: %s\n", my_index, st_get_eventsys_name());

  // 转换 fd
  if ((rpc_fd = st_netfd_open(fd)) == NULL)
    err_sys_quit(1, "[%d] failed to convert fd into st_fd: %s\n", my_index, strerror(errno));

  fprintf(stdout, "[%d] vp_count is %d.\n", my_index, vp_count);
  fd_list = (st_netfd_t*)calloc(vp_count, sizeof(st_netfd_t));
  fd_list[my_index] = rpc_fd;
Example #16
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void parse_arguments(int argc, char *argv[])
  extern char *optarg;
  int opt;
  char *c;

  while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "b:p:l:t:u:q:aiSh")) != EOF) {
    switch (opt) {
    case 'b':
      if (sk_count >= MAX_BIND_ADDRS)
	err_quit(errfd, "ERROR: max number of bind addresses (%d) exceeded",
      if ((c = strdup(optarg)) == NULL)
	err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: strdup");
      srv_socket[sk_count++].addr = c;
    case 'p':
      vp_count = atoi(optarg);
      if (vp_count < 1)
	err_quit(errfd, "ERROR: invalid number of processes: %s", optarg);
    case 'l':
      logdir = optarg;
    case 't':
      max_wait_threads = (int) strtol(optarg, &c, 10);
      if (*c++ == ':')
	max_threads = atoi(c);
      if (max_wait_threads < 0 || max_threads < 0)
	err_quit(errfd, "ERROR: invalid number of threads: %s", optarg);
    case 'u':
      username = optarg;
    case 'q':
      listenq_size = atoi(optarg);
      if (listenq_size < 1)
	err_quit(errfd, "ERROR: invalid listen queue size: %s", optarg);
    case 'a':
      log_access = 1;
    case 'i':
      interactive_mode = 1;
    case 'S':
       * Serialization decision is tricky on some platforms. For example,
       * Solaris 2.6 and above has kernel sockets implementation, so supposedly
       * there is no need for serialization. The ST library may be compiled
       * on one OS version, but used on another, so the need for serialization
       * should be determined at run time by the application. Since it's just
       * an example, the serialization decision is left up to user.
       * Only on platforms where the serialization is never needed on any OS
       * version st_netfd_serialize_accept() is a no-op.
      serialize_accept = 1;
    case 'h':
    case '?':

  if (logdir == NULL && !interactive_mode) {
    err_report(errfd, "ERROR: logging directory is required\n");

  if (getuid() == 0 && username == NULL)
    err_report(errfd, "WARNING: running as super-user!");

  if (vp_count == 0 && (vp_count = cpu_count()) < 1)
    vp_count = 1;

  if (sk_count == 0) {
    sk_count = 1;
    srv_socket[0].addr = "";
Example #17
File: test.c Project: zgbkny/ctoolx
static void start_processes(void)
  int i, status;
  pid_t pid;
  sigset_t mask, omask;

  if (interactive_mode) {
    my_index = 0;
    my_pid = getpid();

  for (i = 0; i < vp_count; i++) {
    if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
      err_sys_report(errfd, "ERROR: can't create process: fork");
      if (i == 0)
      err_report(errfd, "WARN: started only %d processes out of %d", i,
      vp_count = i;
    if (pid == 0) {
      my_index = i;
      my_pid = getpid();
      /* Child returns to continue in main() */
    vp_pids[i] = pid;

   * Parent process becomes a "watchdog" and never returns to main().

  /* Install signal handlers */
  Signal(SIGTERM, wdog_sighandler);  /* terminate */
  Signal(SIGHUP,  wdog_sighandler);  /* restart   */
  Signal(SIGUSR1, wdog_sighandler);  /* dump info */

  /* Now go to sleep waiting for a child termination or a signal */
  for ( ; ; ) {
    if ((pid = wait(&status)) < 0) {
      if (errno == EINTR)
      err_sys_quit(errfd, "ERROR: watchdog: wait");
    /* Find index of the exited child */
    for (i = 0; i < vp_count; i++) {
      if (vp_pids[i] == pid)

    /* Block signals while printing and forking */
    sigaddset(&mask, SIGTERM);
    sigaddset(&mask, SIGHUP);
    sigaddset(&mask, SIGUSR1);
    sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &omask);

    if (WIFEXITED(status))
      err_report(errfd, "WARN: watchdog: process %d (pid %d) exited"
		 " with status %d", i, pid, WEXITSTATUS(status));
    else if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
      err_report(errfd, "WARN: watchdog: process %d (pid %d) terminated"
		 " by signal %d", i, pid, WTERMSIG(status));
    else if (WIFSTOPPED(status))
      err_report(errfd, "WARN: watchdog: process %d (pid %d) stopped"
		 " by signal %d", i, pid, WSTOPSIG(status));
      err_report(errfd, "WARN: watchdog: process %d (pid %d) terminated:"
		 " unknown termination reason", i, pid);

    /* Fork another VP */
    if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
      err_sys_report(errfd, "ERROR: watchdog: can't create process: fork");
    } else if (pid == 0) {
      my_index = i;
      my_pid = getpid();
      /* Child returns to continue in main() */
    vp_pids[i] = pid;

    /* Restore the signal mask */
    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &omask, NULL);