Example #1
MAdvise::MAdvise(void* p, unsigned len, Advice a) {
    _p = _pageAlign(p);

    _len = len + static_cast<unsigned>(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(p) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(_p));

    int advice = 0;
    switch (a) {
        case Sequential:
            advice = MADV_SEQUENTIAL;
        case Random:
            advice = MADV_RANDOM;

    if (madvise(_p, _len, advice)) {
        error() << "madvise failed: " << errnoWithDescription();
Example #2
 // Given a SOCKET, turns off nonblocking mode
 static void disableNonblockingMode(SOCKET socket) {
     unsigned long resultBuffer = 0;
     unsigned long resultBufferBytesWritten = 0;
     unsigned long newNonblockingEnabled = 0;
     const int status = WSAIoctl(socket, 
                                 sizeof(unsigned long), 
     if (status == SOCKET_ERROR) {
         const int mongo_errno = WSAGetLastError();
         error() << "Windows WSAIoctl returned " << errnoWithDescription(mongo_errno) << endl;
Example #3
void* MemoryMappedFile::createPrivateMap() {

    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(mapViewMutex);

    LPVOID thisAddress = getNextMemoryMappedFileLocation(len);

    void* privateMapAddress = NULL;
    int current_retry = 0;

    while (true) {
        privateMapAddress = MapViewOfFileEx(maphandle,      // file mapping handle
                                            FILE_MAP_READ,  // access
                                            0,             // file offset, high and low
                                            0,             // bytes to map, 0 == all
                                            thisAddress);  // address to place file

        if (privateMapAddress == 0) {
            DWORD dosError = GetLastError();


            // If we failed to allocate a memory mapped file, try again in case we picked
            // an address that Windows is also trying to use for some other VM allocations
            if (dosError == ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS && current_retry < 5) {

            severe() << "MapViewOfFileEx for " << filename() << " failed with error "
                     << errnoWithDescription(dosError) << " (file size is " << len << ")"
                     << " in MemoryMappedFile::createPrivateMap" << endl;



    return privateMapAddress;
Example #4
vector<string> getMyAddrs() {
    ifaddrs * addrs;

    int status = getifaddrs(&addrs);
    massert(13469, "getifaddrs failure: " + errnoWithDescription(errno), status == 0);

    vector<string> out;

    // based on example code from linux getifaddrs manpage
    for (ifaddrs * addr = addrs; addr != NULL; addr = addr->ifa_next) {
        if ( addr->ifa_addr == NULL ) continue;
        int family = addr->ifa_addr->sa_family;
        char host[NI_MAXHOST];

        if (family == AF_INET || family == AF_INET6) {
            status = getnameinfo(addr->ifa_addr,
                                 (family == AF_INET ? sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) : sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)),
                                 host, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);
            if ( status != 0 ) {
                freeifaddrs( addrs );
                addrs = NULL;
                msgasserted( 13470, string("getnameinfo() failed: ") + gai_strerror(status) );



    freeifaddrs( addrs );
    addrs = NULL;

    if (logLevel >= 1) {
        log(1) << "getMyAddrs():";
        for (vector<string>::const_iterator it=out.begin(), end=out.end(); it!=end; ++it) {
            log(1) << " [" << *it << ']';
        log(1) << endl;

    return out;
Status StorageEngineLockFile::open() {
    try {
        if (!boost::filesystem::exists(_dbpath)) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::NonExistentPath,
                          str::stream() << "Data directory " << _dbpath << " not found.");
    } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError,
                      str::stream() << "Unable to check existence of data directory " << _dbpath
                                    << ": "
                                    << ex.what());

    HANDLE lockFileHandle = CreateFileW(toNativeString(_filespec.c_str()).c_str(),
                                        GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
                                        0 /* do not allow anyone else access */,
                                        OPEN_ALWAYS /* success if fh can open */,

    if (lockFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        int errorcode = GetLastError();
        if (errorcode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
                              << "Attempted to create a lock file on a read-only directory: "
                              << _dbpath);
        return Status(ErrorCodes::DBPathInUse,
                      str::stream() << "Unable to create/open the lock file: " << _filespec << " ("
                                    << errnoWithDescription(errorcode)
                                    << ")."
                                    << " Ensure the user executing mongod is the owner of the lock "
                                       "file and has the appropriate permissions. Also make sure "
                                       "that another mongod instance is not already running on the "
                                    << _dbpath
                                    << " directory");
    _lockFileHandle->_handle = lockFileHandle;
    return Status::OK();
Example #6
bool Socket::connect(SockAddr& remote) {
    _remote = remote;

    _fd = socket(remote.getType(), SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if ( _fd == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
        LOG(_logLevel) << "ERROR: connect invalid socket " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
        return false;

    if ( _timeout > 0 ) {
        setTimeout( _timeout );

    ConnectBG bg(_fd, remote);
    if ( bg.wait(5000) ) {
        if ( bg.inError() ) {
            return false;
    else {
        // time out the connect
        bg.wait(); // so bg stays in scope until bg thread terminates
        return false;

    if (remote.getType() != AF_UNIX)

    // ignore SIGPIPE signals on osx, to avoid process exit
    const int one = 1;
    setsockopt( _fd , SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &one, sizeof(int));

    _local = getLocalAddrForBoundSocketFd(_fd);

    _fdCreationMicroSec = curTimeMicros64();
    return true;
Example #7
    void* MemoryMappedFile::createPrivateMap() {
        void * x = mmap( /*start*/0 , len , PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE , MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_NORESERVE , fd , 0 );
        if( x == MAP_FAILED ) {
            if ( errno == ENOMEM ) {
                if( sizeof(void*) == 4 ) {
                    error() << "mmap private failed with out of memory. You are using a 32-bit build and probably need to upgrade to 64" << endl;
                else {
                    error() << "mmap private failed with out of memory. (64 bit build)" << endl;
            else { 
                error() << "mmap private failed " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
            return 0;

        return x;
Example #8
    void Socket::recv( char * buf , int len ) {
        unsigned retries = 0;
        while( len > 0 ) {
            int ret = unsafe_recv( buf , len );
            if ( ret > 0 ) {
                if ( len <= 4 && ret != len )
                    log(_logLevel) << "Socket recv() got " << ret << " bytes wanted len=" << len << endl;
                assert( ret <= len );
                len -= ret;
                buf += ret;
            else if ( ret == 0 ) {
                log(3) << "Socket recv() conn closed? " << remoteString() << endl;
                throw SocketException( SocketException::CLOSED , remoteString() );
            else { /* ret < 0  */
                int e = errno;
#if defined(EINTR) && !defined(_WIN32)
                if( e == EINTR ) {
                    if( ++retries == 1 ) {
                        log() << "EINTR retry" << endl;
                if ( ( e == EAGAIN 
#ifdef _WINDOWS
                       || e == WSAETIMEDOUT
                       ) && _timeout > 0 ) {
                    // this is a timeout
                    log(_logLevel) << "Socket recv() timeout  " << remoteString() <<endl;
                    throw SocketException( SocketException::RECV_TIMEOUT, remoteString() );                    

                log(_logLevel) << "Socket recv() " << errnoWithDescription(e) << " " << remoteString() <<endl;
                throw SocketException( SocketException::RECV_ERROR , remoteString() );
Status StorageEngineLockFile::writePid() {
    if (!_lockFileHandle->isValid()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::FileNotOpen,
                      str::stream() << "Unable to write process ID to " << _filespec
                                    << " because file has not been opened.");

    Status status = _truncateFile(_lockFileHandle->_handle);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;

    ProcessId pid = ProcessId::getCurrent();
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << pid << std::endl;
    std::string pidStr = ss.str();
    DWORD bytesWritten = 0;
    if (::WriteFile(_lockFileHandle->_handle,
                    NULL) == FALSE) {
        int errorcode = GetLastError();
        return Status(ErrorCodes::FileStreamFailed,
                      str::stream() << "Unable to write process id " << pid.toString()
                                    << " to file: "
                                    << _filespec
                                    << ' '
                                    << errnoWithDescription(errorcode));
    } else if (bytesWritten == 0) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::FileStreamFailed,
                      str::stream() << "Unable to write process id " << pid.toString()
                                    << " to file: "
                                    << _filespec
                                    << " no data written.");


    return Status::OK();
Example #10
    static void shutdownServer() {

        log() << "shutdown: going to close listening sockets..." << endl;

        log() << "shutdown: going to flush diaglog..." << endl;

        /* must do this before unmapping mem or you may get a seg fault */
        log() << "shutdown: going to close sockets..." << endl;
        boost::thread close_socket_thread( boost::bind(MessagingPort::closeAllSockets, 0) );

            LOCK_REASON(lockReason, "shutting down");
            Lock::GlobalWrite lk(lockReason);
            log() << "shutdown: going to close databases..." << endl;
            log() << "shutdown: going to unload all plugins..." << endl;
            log() << "shutdown: going to shutdown TokuMX..." << endl;

#if !defined(__sunos__)
        if ( lockFile ) {
            log() << "shutdown: removing fs lock..." << endl;
            /* This ought to be an unlink(), but Eliot says the last
               time that was attempted, there was a race condition
               with acquirePathLock().  */
#ifdef _WIN32
            if( _chsize( lockFile , 0 ) )
                log() << "couldn't remove fs lock " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
            if( ftruncate( lockFile , 0 ) )
                log() << "couldn't remove fs lock " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
            flock( lockFile, LOCK_UN );
Example #11
 void* MemoryMappedFile::createReadOnlyMap() {
     verify( maphandle );
     scoped_lock lk(mapViewMutex);
     void* readOnlyMapAddress = MapViewOfFile(
             maphandle,          // file mapping handle
             FILE_MAP_READ,      // access
             0, 0,               // file offset, high and low
             0 );                // bytes to map, 0 == all
     if ( 0 == readOnlyMapAddress ) {
         DWORD dosError = GetLastError();
         log() << "MapViewOfFile for " << filename()
                 << " failed with error " << errnoWithDescription( dosError )
                 << " (file size is " << len << ")"
                 << " in MemoryMappedFile::createReadOnlyMap"
                 << endl;
         fassertFailed( 16165 );
     memconcept::is( readOnlyMapAddress, memconcept::concept::other, filename() );
     views.push_back( readOnlyMapAddress );
     return readOnlyMapAddress;
void StorageEngineLockFile::clearPidAndUnlock() {
    if (!_lockFileHandle->isValid()) {
    log() << "shutdown: removing fs lock...";
    // This ought to be an unlink(), but Eliot says the last
    // time that was attempted, there was a race condition
    // with acquirePathLock().
    if (::ftruncate(_lockFileHandle->_fd, 0)) {
        int errorcode = errno;
        log() << "couldn't remove fs lock " << errnoWithDescription(errorcode);
#if !defined(__sun)
    ::flock(_lockFileHandle->_fd, LOCK_UN);
    struct flock fileLockInfo = {0};
    fileLockInfo.l_type = F_UNLCK;
    fileLockInfo.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
    ::fcntl(_lockFileHandle->_fd, F_SETLK, &fileLockInfo);
#endif  // !defined(__sun)
Example #13
File: log.cpp Project: ALFIO/mongo
        void start( const string& lp , bool append ){
            uassert( 10268 ,  "LoggingManager already started" , ! _enabled );
            _append = append;

            // test path
            FILE * test = fopen( lp.c_str() , _append ? "a" : "w" );
            if ( ! test ){
                if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(lp)){
                    cout << "logpath [" << lp << "] should be a file name not a directory" << endl;
                } else {
                    cout << "can't open [" << lp << "] for log file: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
                dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS );
                assert( 0 );
            fclose( test );
            _path = lp;
            _enabled = 1;
Example #14
File: log.cpp Project: weliu/mongo
    void Logstream::logLockless( const StringData& s ) {

        if ( s.size() == 0 )

        if ( doneSetup == 1717 ) {

#if defined(_WIN32)
            // fwrite() has a behavior problem in Windows when writing to the console
            //  when the console is in the UTF-8 code page: fwrite() sends a single
            //  byte and then the rest of the string.  If the first character is
            //  non-ASCII, the console then displays two UTF-8 replacement characters
            //  instead of the single UTF-8 character we want.  write() doesn't have
            //  this problem.
            int fd = fileno( logfile );
            if ( _isatty( fd ) ) {
                fflush( logfile );
                _write( fd, s.data(), s.size() );
            if ( isSyslog ) {
                syslog( LOG_INFO , "%s" , s.data() );

            if (fwrite(s.data(), s.size(), 1, logfile)) {
            else {
                int x = errno;
                cout << "Failed to write to logfile: " << errnoWithDescription(x) << endl;
        else {
            cout << s.data();
Example #15
    void FileAllocator::ensureLength(int fd , long size) {
#if defined(__linux__)
        int ret = posix_fallocate(fd,0,size);
        if ( ret == 0 )

        log() << "FileAllocator: posix_fallocate failed: " << errnoWithDescription( ret ) << " falling back" << endl;

        off_t filelen = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
        if ( filelen < size ) {
            if (filelen != 0) {
                stringstream ss;
                ss << "failure creating new datafile; lseek failed for fd " << fd << " with errno: " << errnoWithDescription();
                uassert( 10440 ,  ss.str(), filelen == 0 );
            // Check for end of disk.

            uassert( 10441 ,  str::stream() << "Unable to allocate new file of size " << size << ' ' << errnoWithDescription(),
                     size - 1 == lseek(fd, size - 1, SEEK_SET) );
            uassert( 10442 ,  str::stream() << "Unable to allocate new file of size " << size << ' ' << errnoWithDescription(),
                     1 == write(fd, "", 1) );
            lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);

            const long z = 256 * 1024;
            const boost::scoped_array<char> buf_holder (new char[z]);
            char* buf = buf_holder.get();
            memset(buf, 0, z);
            long left = size;
            while ( left > 0 ) {
                long towrite = left;
                if ( towrite > z )
                    towrite = z;

                int written = write( fd , buf , towrite );
                uassert( 10443 , errnoWithPrefix("FileAllocator: file write failed" ), written > 0 );
                left -= written;
Example #16
    void SSLManager::_handleSSLError(int code) {
        switch (code) {
        case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:
        case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:
            // should not happen because we turned on AUTO_RETRY
            // However, it turns out this CAN happen during a connect, if the other side
            // accepts the socket connection but fails to do the SSL handshake in a timely
            // manner.
            error() << "SSL error: " << code << ", possibly timed out during connect" << endl;
            throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");

        case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:
            if (code < 0) {
                error() << "socket error: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
                throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");
            error() << "could not negotiate SSL connection: EOF detected" << endl;
            throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");

        case SSL_ERROR_SSL:
            int ret = ERR_get_error();
            error() << _getSSLErrorMessage(ret) << endl;
            throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");
            error() << "could not negotiate SSL connection: EOF detected" << endl;
            throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");
            error() << "unrecognized SSL error" << endl;
            throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");
Example #17
void* MemoryMappedFile::remapPrivateView(void* oldPrivateAddr) {
#if defined(__sunos__)  // SERVER-8795
    LockMongoFilesExclusive lockMongoFiles;

    // don't unmap, just mmap over the old region
    void* x = mmap(oldPrivateAddr,
                   PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
    if (x == MAP_FAILED) {
        int err = errno;
        error() << "13601 Couldn't remap private view: " << errnoWithDescription(err) << endl;
        log() << "aborting" << endl;
    verify(x == oldPrivateAddr);
    return x;
Example #18
    bool Socket::connect(SockAddr& remote) {
        _remote = remote;

        _fd = socket(remote.getType(), SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if ( _fd == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
            log(_logLevel) << "ERROR: connect invalid socket " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
            return false;

        if ( _timeout > 0 ) {
            setSockTimeouts( _fd, _timeout );

        ConnectBG bg(_fd, remote);
        if ( bg.wait(5000) ) {
            if ( bg.inError() ) {
                return false;
        else {
            // time out the connect
            bg.wait(); // so bg stays in scope until bg thread terminates
            return false;

        if (remote.getType() != AF_UNIX)

        // osx
        const int one = 1;
        setsockopt( _fd , SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &one, sizeof(int));

        return true;
Example #19
LogFile::LogFile(const std::string& name, bool readwrite) : _name(name) {
    int options = O_CREAT | (readwrite ? O_RDWR : O_WRONLY)
#if defined(O_DIRECT)
        | O_DIRECT
#if defined(O_NOATIME)
        | O_NOATIME

    _fd = open(name.c_str(), options, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
    _blkSize = g_minOSPageSizeBytes;

#if defined(O_DIRECT)
    _direct = true;
    if (_fd < 0) {
        _direct = false;
        options &= ~O_DIRECT;
        _fd = open(name.c_str(), options, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
#ifdef __linux__
    ssize_t tmpBlkSize = ioctl(_fd, BLKBSZGET);
    // TODO: We need some sanity checking on tmpBlkSize even if ioctl() did not fail.
    if (tmpBlkSize > 0) {
        _blkSize = (size_t)tmpBlkSize;
    _direct = false;

    if (_fd < 0) {
                  str::stream() << "couldn't open file " << name << " for writing "
                                << errnoWithDescription());

Example #20
MAdvise::MAdvise(void *p, unsigned len, Advice a) {

    _p = (void*)((long)p & ~(g_minOSPageSizeBytes-1));

    _len = len +((unsigned long long)p-(unsigned long long)_p);

    int advice = 0;
    switch ( a ) {
    case Sequential:
        advice = MADV_SEQUENTIAL;
    case Random:
        advice = MADV_RANDOM;

    if ( madvise(_p,_len,advice ) ) {
        error() << "madvise failed: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;

Example #21
/** Set process wide current working directory. */
BSONObj cd(const BSONObj& args, void* data) {
            "cd requires one argument -- cd(directory)",
            args.nFields() == 1);
            "cd requires a string argument -- cd(directory)",
            args.firstElement().type() == String);
#if defined(_WIN32)
    std::wstring dir = toWideString(args.firstElement().String().c_str());
    if (SetCurrentDirectoryW(dir.c_str())) {
        return BSONObj();
    std::string dir = args.firstElement().String();
    if (chdir(dir.c_str()) == 0) {
        return BSONObj();
              mongoutils::str::stream() << "cd command failed: "
              << errnoWithDescription());
    return BSONObj();
Example #22
    void SSLManager::_handleSSLError(int code) {
        switch (code) {
        case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:
        case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:
            // should not happen because we turned on AUTO_RETRY
            error() << "SSL error: " << code << endl;
            fassertFailed( 16676 );

        case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:
            if (code < 0) {
                error() << "socket error: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
                throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");
            error() << "could not negotiate SSL connection: EOF detected" << endl;
            throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");

        case SSL_ERROR_SSL:
            int ret = ERR_get_error();
            error() << _getSSLErrorMessage(ret) << endl;
            throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");
            error() << "could not negotiate SSL connection: EOF detected" << endl;
            throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");
            error() << "unrecognized SSL error" << endl;
            throw SocketException(SocketException::CONNECT_ERROR, "");
double ProcessInfo::getSystemMemoryPressurePercentage() {
    mse.dwLength = sizeof(mse);
    BOOL status = GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&mse);
    if (!status) {
        DWORD gle = GetLastError();
        error() << "GlobalMemoryStatusEx failed with " << errnoWithDescription(gle);
        fassert(28623, status);

    DWORDLONG totalPageFile = mse.ullTotalPageFile;
    if (totalPageFile == 0) {
        return false;

    // If the page file is >= 50%, say we are low on system memory
    // If the page file is >= 75%, we are running very low on system memory
    DWORDLONG highWatermark = totalPageFile / 2;
    DWORDLONG veryHighWatermark = 3 * (totalPageFile / 4);

    DWORDLONG usedPageFile = mse.ullTotalPageFile - mse.ullAvailPageFile;

    // Below the watermark, we are fine
    // Also check we will not do a divide by zero below
    if (usedPageFile < highWatermark || veryHighWatermark <= highWatermark) {
        return 0.0;

    // Above the high watermark, we tell MMapV1 how much to remap
    // < 1.0, we have some pressure, but not much so do not be very aggressive
    // 1.0 = we are at very high watermark, remap everything
    // > 1.0, the user may run out of memory, remap everything
    // i.e., Example (N - 50) / (75 - 50)
    return static_cast<double>(usedPageFile - highWatermark) / (veryHighWatermark - highWatermark);
Example #24
 void* MemoryMappedFile::createPrivateMap() {
     verify( maphandle );
     scoped_lock lk(mapViewMutex);
     LPVOID thisAddress = getNextMemoryMappedFileLocation( len );
     void* privateMapAddress = MapViewOfFileEx(
             maphandle,          // file mapping handle
             FILE_MAP_READ,      // access
             0, 0,               // file offset, high and low
             0,                  // bytes to map, 0 == all
             thisAddress );      // address to place file
     if ( privateMapAddress == 0 ) {
         DWORD dosError = GetLastError();
         log() << "MapViewOfFileEx for " << filename()
                 << " failed with error " << errnoWithDescription( dosError )
                 << " (file size is " << len << ")"
                 << " in MemoryMappedFile::createPrivateMap"
                 << endl;
         fassertFailed( 16167 );
     clearWritableBits( privateMapAddress );
     views.push_back( privateMapAddress );
     memconcept::is( privateMapAddress, memconcept::concept::memorymappedfile, filename() );
     return privateMapAddress;
Example #25
void LogFile::synchronousAppend(const void* _buf, size_t _len) {
    const size_t BlockSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
    verify(_len % g_minOSPageSizeBytes == 0);
    const char* buf = (const char*)_buf;
    size_t left = _len;
    while (left) {
        size_t toWrite = std::min(left, BlockSize);
        DWORD written;
        if (!WriteFile(_fd, buf, toWrite, &written, NULL)) {
            DWORD e = GetLastError();
            if (e == 87)
                msgasserted(13519, "error 87 appending to file - invalid parameter");
                          str::stream() << "error appending to file " << _name << ' ' << _len << ' '
                                        << toWrite << ' ' << errnoWithDescription(e));
        } else {
            dassert(written == toWrite);
        left -= written;
        buf += written;
Example #26
    void disableNagle(int sock) {
        int x = 1;

#ifdef SOL_TCP
        int level = SOL_TCP;
        int level = SOL_SOCKET;

        if ( setsockopt(sock, level, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &x, sizeof(x)) )
            error() << "disableNagle failed: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;

        if ( setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *) &x, sizeof(x)) )
            error() << "SO_KEEPALIVE failed: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;

#  ifdef __linux__
        socklen_t len = sizeof(x);
        if ( getsockopt(sock, level, TCP_KEEPIDLE, (char *) &x, &len) )
            error() << "can't get TCP_KEEPIDLE: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;

        if (x > 300) {
            x = 300;
            if ( setsockopt(sock, level, TCP_KEEPIDLE, (char *) &x, sizeof(x)) ) {
                error() << "can't set TCP_KEEPIDLE: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;

        len = sizeof(x); // just in case it changed
        if ( getsockopt(sock, level, TCP_KEEPINTVL, (char *) &x, &len) )
            error() << "can't get TCP_KEEPINTVL: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;

        if (x > 300) {
            x = 300;
            if ( setsockopt(sock, level, TCP_KEEPINTVL, (char *) &x, sizeof(x)) ) {
                error() << "can't set TCP_KEEPINTVL: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
#  endif

Example #27
    void* MemoryMappedFile::map(const char *filenameIn, unsigned long long &length, int options) {
        /* big hack here: Babble uses db names with colons.  doesn't seem to work on windows.  temporary perhaps. */
        char filename[256];
        strncpy(filename, filenameIn, 255);
        filename[255] = 0;
            size_t len = strlen( filename );
            for ( size_t i=len-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
                if ( filename[i] == '/' ||
                        filename[i] == '\\' )

                if ( filename[i] == ':' )
                    filename[i] = '_';

        updateLength( filename, length );

            DWORD createOptions = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
            if ( options & SEQUENTIAL )
                createOptions |= FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN;
            fd = CreateFile(
                     rw, // desired access
                     FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, // share mode
                     NULL, // security
                     OPEN_ALWAYS, // create disposition
                     createOptions , // flags
                     NULL); // hTempl
            if ( fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
                DWORD e = GetLastError();
                log() << "Create/OpenFile failed " << filename << " errno:" << e << endl;
                return 0;

        mapped += length;

            maphandle = CreateFileMapping(fd, NULL, flProtect,
                                          length >> 32 /*maxsizehigh*/,
                                          (unsigned) length /*maxsizelow*/,
            if ( maphandle == NULL ) {
                DWORD e = GetLastError(); // log() call was killing lasterror before we get to that point in the stream
                log() << "CreateFileMapping failed " << filename << ' ' << errnoWithDescription(e) << endl;
                return 0;

        void *view = 0;
            scoped_lock lk(mapViewMutex);
            DWORD access = (options&READONLY)? FILE_MAP_READ : FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS;
            view = MapViewOfFile(maphandle, access, /*f ofs hi*/0, /*f ofs lo*/ 0, /*dwNumberOfBytesToMap 0 means to eof*/0);
        if ( view == 0 ) {
            DWORD e = GetLastError();
            log() << "MapViewOfFile failed " << filename << " " << errnoWithDescription(e) << endl;
        else {
        len = length;

        return view;
Example #28
    // system warnings
    void show_warnings() {
        // each message adds a leading and a trailing newline

        bool warned = false;
            const char * foo = strchr( versionString , '.' ) + 1;
            int bar = atoi( foo );
            if ( ( 2 * ( bar / 2 ) ) != bar ) {
                log() << startupWarningsLog;
                log() << "** NOTE: This is a development version (" << versionString << ") of MongoDB." << startupWarningsLog;
                log() << "**       Not recommended for production." << startupWarningsLog;
                warned = true;

        if ( sizeof(int*) == 4 ) {
            log() << startupWarningsLog;
            log() << "** NOTE: This is a 32 bit MongoDB binary." << startupWarningsLog;
            log() << "**       32 bit builds are limited to less than 2GB of data (or less with --journal)." << startupWarningsLog;
            if( !cmdLine.dur ) { 
                log() << "**       Note that journaling defaults to off for 32 bit and is currently off." << startupWarningsLog;
            log() << "**       See http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/32bit" << startupWarningsLog;
            warned = true;

        if ( !ProcessInfo::blockCheckSupported() ) {
            log() << startupWarningsLog;
            log() << "** NOTE: your operating system version does not support the method that MongoDB" << startupWarningsLog;
            log() << "**       uses to detect impending page faults." << startupWarningsLog;
            log() << "**       This may result in slower performance for certain use cases" << startupWarningsLog;
            warned = true;
#ifdef __linux__
        if (boost::filesystem::exists("/proc/vz") && !boost::filesystem::exists("/proc/bc")) {
            log() << startupWarningsLog;
            log() << "** WARNING: You are running in OpenVZ. This is known to be broken!!!" << startupWarningsLog;
            warned = true;

        if (boost::filesystem::exists("/sys/devices/system/node/node1")){
            // We are on a box with a NUMA enabled kernel and more than 1 numa node (they start at node0)
            // Now we look at the first line of /proc/self/numa_maps
            // Bad example:
            // $ cat /proc/self/numa_maps
            // 00400000 default file=/bin/cat mapped=6 N4=6
            // Good example:
            // $ numactl --interleave=all cat /proc/self/numa_maps
            // 00400000 interleave:0-7 file=/bin/cat mapped=6 N4=6

            std::ifstream f("/proc/self/numa_maps", std::ifstream::in);
            if (f.is_open()) {
                std::string line; //we only need the first line
                std::getline(f, line);
                if (f.fail()) {
                    warning() << "failed to read from /proc/self/numa_maps: "
                              << errnoWithDescription() << startupWarningsLog;
                    warned = true;
                else {
                    // skip over pointer
                    std::string::size_type where = line.find(' ');
                    if ( (where == std::string::npos) || (++where == line.size()) ) {
                        log() << startupWarningsLog;
                        log() << "** WARNING: cannot parse numa_maps line: '" << line << "'" << startupWarningsLog;
                        warned = true;
                    // if the text following the space doesn't begin with 'interleave', then
                    // issue the warning.
                    else if ( line.find("interleave", where) != where ) {
                        log() << startupWarningsLog;
                        log() << "** WARNING: You are running on a NUMA machine." << startupWarningsLog;
                        log() << "**          We suggest launching mongod like this to avoid performance problems:" << startupWarningsLog;
                        log() << "**              numactl --interleave=all mongod [other options]" << startupWarningsLog;
                        warned = true;

        if (cmdLine.dur){
            fstream f ("/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory", ios_base::in);
            unsigned val;
            f >> val;

            if (val == 2) {
                log() << startupWarningsLog;
                log() << "** WARNING: /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory is " << val << startupWarningsLog;
                log() << "**          Journaling works best with it set to 0 or 1" << startupWarningsLog;
Example #29
 LogFile::LogFile(const std::string& name, bool readwrite) : _name(name) {
     _fd = CreateFile(
     if( _fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
         DWORD e = GetLastError();
         uasserted(13518, str::stream() << "couldn't open file " << name << " for writing " << errnoWithDescription(e));
     SetFilePointer(_fd, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
Example #30
void setSocketKeepAliveParams(int sock,
                              unsigned int maxKeepIdleSecs,
                              unsigned int maxKeepIntvlSecs) {
#ifdef _WIN32
    // Defaults per MSDN when registry key does not exist.
    // Expressed in seconds here to be consistent with posix,
    // though Windows uses milliseconds.
    const DWORD kWindowsKeepAliveTimeSecsDefault = 2 * 60 * 60;
    const DWORD kWindowsKeepAliveIntervalSecsDefault = 1;

    const auto getKey = [](const CString& key, DWORD default_value) {
        auto withval = windows::getDWORDRegistryKey(kKeepAliveGroup, key);
        if (withval.isOK()) {
            auto val = withval.getValue();
            // Return seconds
            return val ? (val.get() / 1000) : default_value;
        error() << "can't get KeepAlive parameter: " << withval.getStatus();
        return default_value;

    const auto keepIdleSecs = getKey(kKeepAliveTime, kWindowsKeepAliveTimeSecsDefault);
    const auto keepIntvlSecs = getKey(kKeepAliveInterval, kWindowsKeepAliveIntervalSecsDefault);

    if ((keepIdleSecs > maxKeepIdleSecs) || (keepIntvlSecs > maxKeepIntvlSecs)) {
        DWORD sent = 0;
        struct tcp_keepalive keepalive;
        keepalive.onoff = TRUE;
        keepalive.keepalivetime = std::min<DWORD>(keepIdleSecs, maxKeepIdleSecs) * 1000;
        keepalive.keepaliveinterval = std::min<DWORD>(keepIntvlSecs, maxKeepIntvlSecs) * 1000;
        if (WSAIoctl(sock,
                     nullptr)) {
            error() << "failed setting keepalive values: " << WSAGetLastError();
#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__)
    const auto updateSockOpt =
        [sock](int level, int optnum, unsigned int maxval, StringData optname) {
            unsigned int optval = 1;
            socklen_t len = sizeof(optval);

            if (getsockopt(sock, level, optnum, (char*)&optval, &len)) {
                error() << "can't get " << optname << ": " << errnoWithDescription();

            if (optval > maxval) {
                optval = maxval;
                if (setsockopt(sock, level, optnum, (char*)&optval, sizeof(optval))) {
                    error() << "can't set " << optname << ": " << errnoWithDescription();

#ifdef __APPLE__
    updateSockOpt(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPALIVE, maxKeepIdleSecs, "TCP_KEEPALIVE");

#ifdef __linux__
#ifdef SOL_TCP
    const int level = SOL_TCP;
    const int level = SOL_SOCKET;
    updateSockOpt(level, TCP_KEEPIDLE, maxKeepIdleSecs, "TCP_KEEPIDLE");
    updateSockOpt(level, TCP_KEEPINTVL, maxKeepIntvlSecs, "TCP_KEEPINTVL");
