int main() { pthread_t threads[2]; int retVal[2]; retVal[0] = pthread_create(&threads[0], NULL, objectDetect, NULL); errorDisp(retVal[0]); retVal[1] = pthread_create(&threads[1], NULL, objectSearch, NULL); errorDisp(retVal[1]); pthread_exit(NULL); return 0; }
static void errorAndQuit(const char* errorStr){ errorConf error; errorInit(&error, ERROR_TEXT, CFG_LANGUAGE_EN); errorText(&error, errorStr); errorDisp(&error); exit(0); }
void TERMWINDOWMEMBER purgeuserlog(void) { Bool done = FALSE; for (l_slot i = (l_slot) (cfg.MAXLOGTAB - 1); i >= 0 && !done; i--) { if (LTab(i).IsInuse()) { label UserName; LTab(i).GetName(UserName, sizeof(UserName)); if (!loggedIn || !CurrentUser->IsSameName(UserName)) { char prompt[256]; sprintf(prompt, getsysmsg(57), cfg.Luser_nym, UserName); const int response = getYesNo(prompt, 3); if (response == 1) { LogEntry1 Log1; Log1.Clear(); if (Log1.Save(LTab(i).GetLogIndex())) { if(!read_tr_messages()) { errorDisp(getmsg(172)); done = TRUE; return; } #ifdef WINCIT trap(T_SYSOP, WindowCaption, gettrmsg(16), UserName); #else trap(T_SYSOP, gettrmsg(16), UserName); #endif dump_tr_messages(); } } else if (response == 2) { done = TRUE; } } } } }
Bool TERMWINDOWMEMBER killuser(const char *name) { label who; l_slot logno; char line[80]; if (!name) { SetDoWhat(SYSKUSER); } if (name) { CopyStringToBuffer(who, name); } else { getNormStr(cfg.Luser_nym, who, LABELSIZE); } if (!*who) { return (FALSE); } logno = FindPersonByPartialName(who); if (logno == CERROR) { if (!name) { mPrintfCR(getmsg(595), who); } return (FALSE); } LTab(logno).GetName(who, sizeof(who)); if (loggedIn && CurrentUser->IsSameName(who)) { if (!name) { mPrintfCR(getsysmsg(83)); } return (FALSE); } sprintf(line, getsysmsg(84), cfg.Luser_nym, who); if (!name && !getYesNo(line, 0)) { return (FALSE); } else { LogEntry1 Log1; if (!name) { CRmPrintfCR(getsysmsg(85), who); } Log1.Clear(); if (Log1.Save(LTab(logno).GetLogIndex())) { if(!(read_tr_messages())) { errorDisp(getmsg(172)); return(FALSE); } #ifdef WINCIT trap(T_SYSOP, WindowCaption, gettrmsg(16), who); #else trap(T_SYSOP, gettrmsg(16), who); #endif dump_tr_messages(); } return (TRUE); } }
static void initfiles(Bool *grpZap, Bool *hallZap, Bool *msgZap, Bool *logZap, Bool *log2Zap, Bool *log3Zap, Bool *log4Zap, Bool *log5Zap, Bool *log6Zap, Bool *roomZap, Bool *roomposZap) { FILE *aFile; changedir(cfg.homepath); if (cfg.msgpath[(strlen(cfg.msgpath) - 1)] == '\\') { cfg.msgpath[(strlen(cfg.msgpath) - 1)] = 0; } autoConvert(grpDat, ((GroupEntry *) NULL)->SizeOfDiskRecord()); autoConvert(logDat, LogDatRecordSize(*(LogDatStructure *) NULL)); autoConvert(hallDat, ((HallEntry1 *) NULL)->SizeOfDiskRecord()); autoConvert(roomDat, RoomC::GetDiskRecordSize()); checkresize(); // check group file if (!citOpen(grpDat, CO_RPB, &aFile)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), grpDat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); doccr(); #endif *grpZap = TRUE; } else { fclose(aFile); } // check hall file if (!citOpen(hallDat, CO_RPB, &aFile)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), hallDat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); doccr(); #endif *hallZap = TRUE; } else { fclose(aFile); } // check room pos file if (!citOpen(roomposDat, CO_RPB, &aFile)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), roomposDat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); doccr(); #endif *roomposZap = TRUE; } else { fclose(aFile); } // open log file if (!citOpen(logDat, CO_RPB, &aFile)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), logDat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif *logZap = TRUE; } else { fclose(aFile); } // open log2 file if (!citOpen(log2Dat, CO_RPB, &aFile)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), log2Dat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif *log2Zap = TRUE; } else { fclose(aFile); } // open log3 file if (!citOpen(log3Dat, CO_RPB, &aFile)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), log3Dat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif *log3Zap = TRUE; } else { fclose(aFile); } // open log4 file if (!citOpen(log4Dat, CO_RPB, &aFile)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), log4Dat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif *log4Zap = TRUE; } else { fclose(aFile); } // open log5 file if (!citOpen(log5Dat, CO_RPB, &aFile)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), log5Dat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif *log5Zap = TRUE; } else { fclose(aFile); } // open log6 file if (!citOpen(log6Dat, CO_RPB, &aFile)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), log6Dat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif *log6Zap = TRUE; } else { fclose(aFile); } #ifndef WINCIT if (logZap || log2Zap || log3Zap || log4Zap || log5Zap || log6Zap) { doccr(); } #endif // open message file if (!MessageDat.OpenMessageFile(cfg.msgpath)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), MessageDat.GetFilename()); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif if (!MessageDat.CreateMessageFile(cfg.msgpath)) { illegal(getmsg(8), MessageDat.GetFilename()); } #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #else printf("problem with msg.dat\n"); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); doccr(); #endif *msgZap = TRUE; } // open room file if (!citOpen(roomDat, CO_RPB, &RoomFile)) { #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(140), roomDat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif if (!citOpen(roomDat, CO_WPB, &RoomFile)) { illegal(getmsg(8), roomDat); } #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(141)); #else printf("problem with room.dat\n"); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); doccr(); #endif *roomZap = TRUE; } }
static void checkresize(void) { int fh; long result; char MsgFilePath[128]; // save old values for later newmessagek = cfg.MsgDatSizeInK; newmaxrooms = cfg.maxrooms; newmaxhalls = cfg.maxhalls; newmaxlogtab = cfg.MAXLOGTAB; newmaxgroups = cfg.maxgroups; // check message file sprintf(MsgFilePath, sbs, cfg.msgpath, msgDat); fh = open(MsgFilePath, O_RDONLY); if (fh != -1) { if ((result = filelength(fh)) == 0) { close(fh); unlink(MsgFilePath); } else if (result != ((long) cfg.MsgDatSizeInK * 1024l)) { resizeMsg = TRUE; #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(139), msgDat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif // set messagek to actual value cfg.MsgDatSizeInK = result / 1024l; close(fh); } else { close(fh); } } // check log file fh = open(logDat, O_RDONLY); if (fh != -1) { if ((result = filelength(fh)) == 0) { close(fh); unlink(logDat); unlink(log2Dat); unlink(log3Dat); unlink(log4Dat); unlink(log5Dat); unlink(log6Dat); } else if (result != ((long) cfg.MAXLOGTAB * (long) LogDatRecordSize(*(LogDatStructure *) NULL)) + (long) sizeof(long)) { resizeLog = TRUE; #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(139), logDat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif // set MAXLOGTAB to actual value cfg.MAXLOGTAB = (l_slot) ((result - sizeof(long)) / (long) LogDatRecordSize(*(LogDatStructure *) NULL)); close(fh); } else { close(fh); } } // check group file fh = open(grpDat, O_RDONLY); if (fh != -1) { if ((result = filelength(fh)) == 0) { close(fh); unlink(grpDat); } else if (result != ((long) cfg.maxgroups * (long) ((GroupEntry *) NULL)->SizeOfDiskRecord()) + (long) sizeof(long)) { resizeGrp = TRUE; #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(139), grpDat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif // set maxgroups to actual value cfg.maxgroups = (g_slot) ((result - sizeof(long)) / (long) sizeof(GroupEntry)); close(fh); } else { close(fh); } } // check room file fh = open(roomDat, O_RDONLY); if (fh != -1) { if ((result = filelength(fh)) == 0) { close(fh); unlink(roomDat); } else if (result != ((long) cfg.maxrooms * (long) RoomC::GetDiskRecordSize()) + (long) sizeof(long)) { resizeRoom = TRUE; #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(139), roomDat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif // set maxrooms to actual value cfg.maxrooms = (r_slot) ((result - sizeof(long)) / (long) RoomC::GetDiskRecordSize()); close(fh); } else { close(fh); } } // check hall file fh = open(hallDat, O_RDONLY); if (fh != -1) { if ((result = filelength(fh)) == 0) { close(fh); unlink(hallDat); unlink(hall2Dat); } else if (result != (long) cfg.maxhalls * (long) ((HallEntry1 *) NULL)->SizeOfDiskRecord() + (long) sizeof(long)) { resizeHall = TRUE; #ifdef WINCIT errorDisp(getcfgmsg(139), hallDat); #endif #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif // set maxhalls to actual value cfg.maxhalls = (h_slot) ((result - sizeof(long)) / (long) ((HallEntry1 *) NULL)->SizeOfDiskRecord()); close(fh); } else { close(fh); } } if (resizeMsg || resizeLog || resizeRoom || resizeGrp || resizeHall) { #ifndef WINCIT doccr(); #endif pause(200); } }
static Bool initCitadel(void) { if (!read_cfg_messages()) { #ifdef WINCIT char Buffer[128]; sprintf(Buffer, getmsg(188), getmsg(671)); MessageBox(NULL, Buffer, NULL, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); #else printf(getmsg(188), getmsg(671)); #endif return (FALSE); } checkfiles(); initExtDrivers(); get_os(); cfg.battr = 0xff; setscreen(); logo(TRUE); // no go for debug version; td32 go crash crash init_internal_sound(); // some mouse initialization technology!!!! initMouseHandler(); hideCounter = 1; if (time(NULL) < 700000000L) { #ifdef WINCIT MessageBox(NULL, getcfgmsg(119), NULL, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); #else doccr(); doccr(); cPrintf(getcfgmsg(119)); doccr(); #endif dump_cfg_messages(); return (FALSE); } static char prompt[92]; static char citadel[92]; char *envprompt; char *citprompt; envprompt = getenv(getcfgmsg(120)); citprompt = getenv(getcfgmsg(121)); if (citprompt) { sprintf(prompt, getcfgmsg(122), citprompt); } else if (envprompt) { sprintf(prompt, getcfgmsg(123), envprompt); } else { strcpy(prompt, getcfgmsg(124)); } putenv(prompt); sprintf(citadel, getcfgmsg(125), programName, version); putenv(citadel); #ifndef WINCIT OC.whichIO = CONSOLE; OC.SetOutFlag(OUTOK); OC.Echo = BOTH; OC.setio(); #endif VerifyHeap(1); // If we aren't reconfiguring, load the tables... if (!reconfig) { // Start by reading ETC.TAB getcwd(etcpath, 64); FILE *fd; if ((fd = fopen(etcTab, FO_RB)) != NULL) { if (filelength(fileno(fd)) != (long) sizeof(config) || fread(&cfg, 1, sizeof(config), fd) != (long) sizeof(config)) { memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg)); reconfig = TRUE; } fclose(fd); unlink(etcTab); // If ETC.TAB could be loaded, load the rest if (!reconfig) { changedir(cfg.homepath); allocateTables(); if (!LogTab.Load() || !MessageDat.LoadTable() || !RoomTab.Load()) { reconfig = TRUE; } Cron.ReadTable(WC_TWpn); } } else { if (!batchmode) { #ifdef WINCIT MessageBox(NULL, "No ETC.TAB.", NULL, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); #else doccr(); discardable *d; if ((d = readData(6)) != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; ((char **) d->next->aux)[i][0] != '#'; i++) { cPrintf(pcts, ((char **) d->next->aux)[i]); doccr(); } doccr(); discardData(d); } else { cOutOfMemory(28); } DeinitializeTimer(); critical(FALSE); #endif exit(1); } reconfig = TRUE; } } if (reconfig) { cfg.attr = 7; #ifndef WINCIT pause(200); cls(SCROLL_SAVE); cCPrintf(getcfgmsg(126)); doccr(); #endif if (!configcit()) { #ifdef WINCIT MessageBox(NULL, getcfgmsg(127), NULL, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); #else doccr(); doccr(); cPrintf(getcfgmsg(127)); doccr(); #endif dump_cfg_messages(); return (FALSE); } #ifndef WINCIT setdefaultTerm(TT_ANSI); CurrentUser->SetWidth(80); #endif Cron.ReadCronCit(WC_TWpn); } else { #ifndef WINCIT if (!CreateScrollBackBuffer()) { cPrintf(getcfgmsg(60)); doccr(); } #endif if (readconfigcit) // forced to read in config.cit { if (!readconfig(NULL, 1)) { #ifdef WINCIT MessageBox(NULL, getcfgmsg(129), NULL, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); #else doccr(); doccr(); cPrintf(getcfgmsg(129)); doccr(); #endif dump_cfg_messages(); return (FALSE); } } } VerifyHeap(1); makeBorders(); readBordersDat(); if (cmd_nobells) { cfg.noBells = 2; } if (cmd_nochat) { cfg.noChat = TRUE; } if (cmd_mdata != CERROR) { cfg.mdata = cmd_mdata; } if (*cfg.f6pass) { if (SameString(cfg.f6pass, getmsg(670))) { ConsoleLock.LockF6(); } else { ConsoleLock.Lock(); } } #ifndef WINCIT if (cfg.ovrEms) { if (_OvrInitEms(0, 0, 0)) { cPrintf(getcfgmsg(130)); doccr(); pause(200); } } if (cfg.ovrExt) { if (_OvrInitExt(0, 0)) { cPrintf(getcfgmsg(131)); doccr(); pause(200); } } CommPort->Init(); setscreen(); #endif logo(TRUE); // no go for debug version; td32 go crash crash #ifndef WINCIT StatusLine.Update(WC_TWp); #endif if (cfg.msgpath[(strlen(cfg.msgpath) - 1)] == '\\') { cfg.msgpath[(strlen(cfg.msgpath) - 1)] = '\0'; } // move to home path changedir(cfg.homepath); char FileName[128]; ReIndexFileInfo(); // keep fileinfo.dat nice and pretty // open message file if (!MessageDat.OpenMessageFile(cfg.msgpath)) { illegal(getmsg(78), MessageDat.GetFilename()); } // Then room file sprintf(FileName, sbs, cfg.homepath, roomDat); openFile(FileName, &RoomFile); citOpen(cfg.trapfile, CO_A, &TrapFile); initMenus(); dump_cfg_messages(); if(!read_tr_messages()) { errorDisp(getmsg(172)); } else { #ifdef WINCIT trap(T_SYSOP, "", gettrmsg(37)); #else trap(T_SYSOP, gettrmsg(37)); #endif dump_tr_messages(); } read_cfg_messages(); // uh-oh! if (!GroupData.Load()) { return (FALSE); } if (!HallData.Load()) { return (FALSE); } getRoomPos(); if (cfg.accounting) { ReadGrpdataCit(WC_TWpn); } ReadExternalCit(WC_TWpn); ReadProtocolCit(WC_TWpn); ReadMdmresltCit(WC_TWpn); ReadCommandsCit(WC_TWpn); #ifndef WINCIT ReadMCICit(FALSE); CurrentRoom->Load(LOBBY); thisRoom = LOBBY; checkdir(); if (!slv_door) { CITWINDOW *w = CitWindowsMsg(NULL, getmsg(19)); Initport(); Initport(); if (w) { destroyCitWindow(w, FALSE); } } else { CommPort->Enable(); } OC.whichIO = MODEM; OC.setio(); #endif // record when we put system up time(&uptimestamp); #ifndef WINCIT setdefaultconfig(FALSE); Talley->Fill(); #endif logo(FALSE); VerifyHeap(1); dump_cfg_messages(); compactMemory(1); return (TRUE); }
void TERMWINDOWMEMBER terminate(Bool discon) { char dtstr[80]; Bool initport = FALSE; if (!altF3Timeout && (cfg.chatmail == 2 && chatReq) || (cfg.chatmail == 3) || (cfg.chatmail == 4)) { if (cfg.chatmail == 2) { dispBlb(B_CHATTED); } Message *Msg = new Message; if (Msg) { msgtosysop(Msg); delete Msg; } else { OutOfMemory(41); } } if (loggedIn && onConsole) { last_console_login_callno = cfg.callno; } chatReq = FALSE; const Bool doStore = HaveConnectionToUser(); if (discon || !doStore) { sysopNew = FALSE; } const long balance = CurrentUser->GetCredits(); OC.SetOutFlag(OUTOK); if ((doStore && (MRO.Verbose == 2)) || CurrentUser->IsAutoVerbose() || CurrentUser->IsVerboseLogOut() || CurrentUser->IsNode()) { if (CurrentUser->IsNode()) { OC.SetOutFlag(IMPERVIOUS); // no carrier } CRmPrintfCR(getmsg(119), ltoac(cfg.callno)); if (loggedIn) { mPrintfCR(getmsg(118), diffstamp(logtimestamp)); } label Entered, L; CopyStringToBuffer(Entered, ltoac(MS.Entered)); mPrintfCR(getmsg(117), Entered, MS.Entered == 1 ? cfg.Lmsg_nym : cfg.Lmsgs_nym, ltoac(MS.Read)); if (cfg.accounting && CurrentUser->IsAccounting()) { long C = (CurrentUserAccount->GetBalanceAtLogin() - balance) / 60; mPrintfCR(getmsg(116), ltoac(C), (C == 1) ? cfg.Lcredit_nym : cfg.Lcredits_nym, L); C = balance / 60; mPrintfCR(getmsg(115), ltoac(C), (C == 1) ? cfg.Lcredit_nym : cfg.Lcredits_nym); } char Buffer[64]; strftime(dtstr, 79, (loggedIn) ? CurrentUser->GetVerboseDateStamp(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)) : cfg.vdatestamp, 0l); } if (doStore && MRO.Verbose) { goodbye(); } OC.SetOutFlag(IMPERVIOUS); label Buffer; if (loggedIn) { if ((MRO.Verbose == 2) || CurrentUser->IsAutoVerbose() || CurrentUser->IsVerboseLogOut() || CurrentUser->IsNode()) { CRmPrintfCR(getmsg(614), CurrentUser->GetName(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)), dtstr); } else { CRmPrintfCR(getmsg(114), CurrentUser->GetName(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer))); } } // Go back to the default hall thisHall = HallData.GetDefault(); if (discon) { #ifdef WINCIT switch(CommPort->GetType()) { case CT_SERIAL: { initport = TRUE; break; } case CT_TELNET: { initport = FALSE; break; } default: { initport = FALSE; break; } } #endif if (CommPort->HaveConnection()) { CITWINDOW *w = ScreenSaver.IsOn() ? NULL : CitWindowsMsg(NULL, getmsg(82)); Hangup(); if (w) { destroyCitWindow(w, FALSE); } } //OC.whichIO = MODEM; // I really don't know //OC.setio(); } if (!slv_door && !CommPort->HaveConnection()) { CITWINDOW *w = ScreenSaver.IsOn() ? NULL : CitWindowsMsg(NULL, getmsg(19)); #ifdef WINCIT if(initport) #endif { Initport(); } if (w) { destroyCitWindow(w, FALSE); } } CurrentUser->SetInRoom(thisRoom, TRUE); if (!doStore) // if carrier dropped { if(!read_tr_messages()) { errorDisp(getmsg(172)); } #ifdef WINCIT trap(T_CARRIER, WindowCaption, gettrmsg(19), WindowCaption); #else trap(T_CARRIER, gettrmsg(19)); #endif dump_tr_messages(); } // update new pointer only if carrier not dropped if (loggedIn && doStore) { CurrentUser->SetRoomNewPointer(thisRoom, MessageDat.NewestMessage()); } if (loggedIn) { CurrentUser->SetCallNumber(cfg.callno); CurrentUser->SetCallTime(logtimestamp); // for the Minibin() function to calculate #new messages CurrentUser->SetLastMessage(MessageDat.NewestMessage()); CurrentUser->SetTotalTime(CurrentUser->GetTotalTime() + (time(NULL) - logtimestamp)); CurrentUser->SetLogins(CurrentUser->GetLogins() + 1); CurrentUser->SetPosted(CurrentUser->GetPosted() + MS.Entered); CurrentUser->SetRead(CurrentUser->GetRead() + MS.Read); CurrentUser->Save(ThisLog, thisRoom); // this stuff puts the current room at the end of jumpback, // so J will take you back here. jumpback jb; jb.hall = thisHall; = thisRoom; jb.newpointer = CurrentUser->GetRoomNewPointer(thisRoom); jb.bypass = Talley->Bypassed(thisRoom); jb.newMsgs = Talley->NewInRoom(thisRoom); CurrentUser->JumpbackPush(jb); #ifdef MULTI char LogoffEvent[256]; label NameBuffer; sprintf(LogoffEvent, doStore ? getmsg(665) : getmsg(29), CurrentUser->GetName(NameBuffer, sizeof(NameBuffer))); TermWindowCollection.SystemEvent(SE_LOGONOFF, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, LogoffEvent); #endif loggedIn = FALSE; if (CurrentUser->IsPrintFile() && OC.Printing) { OC.Printing = OC.WasPrinting; if (!OC.Printing) { fclose(OC.PrintFile); } } // trap it if (CurrentUser->IsNode()) { if (netError) { Bool OldTrapit = cfg.trapit[T_NETWORK]; if (node->GetNetFail() > 0) { cfg.trapit[T_NETWORK] = TRUE; } else if (node->GetNetFail() < 0) { cfg.trapit[T_NETWORK] = FALSE; } #ifdef WINCIT trap(T_NETWORK, WindowCaption, getmsg(606), CurrentUser->GetName(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer))); #else trap(T_NETWORK, getmsg(606), CurrentUser->GetName(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer))); #endif cfg.trapit[T_NETWORK] = OldTrapit; } else { #ifdef WINCIT trap(T_NETWORK, WindowCaption, getmsg(22), CurrentUser->GetName(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer))); #else trap(T_NETWORK, getmsg(22), CurrentUser->GetName(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer))); #endif } } else { doEvent(EVT_LOGOUT); if(!read_tr_messages()) { errorDisp(getmsg(172)); } #ifdef WINCIT trap(T_LOGIN, WindowCaption, gettrmsg(24), CurrentUser->GetName(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer))); #else trap(T_LOGIN, gettrmsg(24), CurrentUser->GetName(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer))); #endif dump_tr_messages(); } const TrapKeywords TrapType = CurrentUser->IsNode() ? T_NETWORK : T_ACCOUNT; if(!read_tr_messages()) { errorDisp(getmsg(172)); } #ifndef WINCIT trap(TrapType, gettrmsg(25), MS.Entered); trap(TrapType, gettrmsg(26), MS.Read); #else trap(TrapType, WindowCaption, gettrmsg(25), MS.Entered); trap(TrapType, WindowCaption, gettrmsg(26), MS.Read); #endif dump_tr_messages(); if (CurrentUser->IsNode()) { if(!read_tr_messages()) { errorDisp(getmsg(172)); } #ifndef WINCIT trap(T_NETWORK, gettrmsg(20), MS.Expired); trap(T_NETWORK, gettrmsg(21), MS.Duplicate); #else trap(T_NETWORK, WindowCaption, gettrmsg(20), MS.Expired); trap(T_NETWORK, WindowCaption, gettrmsg(21), MS.Duplicate); #endif dump_tr_messages(); } else if (cfg.accounting) // There's just no accounting for nodes { if(!read_tr_messages()) { errorDisp(getmsg(172)); } #ifdef WINCIT trap(T_ACCOUNT, WindowCaption, gettrmsg(27), CurrentUserAccount->GetBalanceAtLogin() - balance); #else trap(T_ACCOUNT, gettrmsg(27), CurrentUserAccount->GetBalanceAtLogin() - balance); #endif dump_tr_messages(); } delete MS.AbortedMessage; MS.AbortedMessage = NULL; #ifdef MULTI LoginList.Remove(ThisLog); #endif } setdefaultconfig(FALSE); if (discon) { setdefaultTerm(TT_ANSI); } else { setdefaultTerm(TT_DUMB); } CurrentUser->SetCredits(discon ? 0L : cfg.unlogtimeout * 60L); StatusLine.Update(WC_TWp); Talley->Fill(); CurrentRoom->Load(LOBBY); checkdir(); thisRoom = LOBBY; AideQueueClear(); clearFileQueue(); MS.AutoMKC = AM_NONE; MS.MarkedID = 0L; freeNode(&node); netError = FALSE; // just in case Cron.ResetTimer(); }