int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct sockaddr_in src, dst; struct thread_resource threads[THREAD_NUM]; pthread_t tid; int ports[MAX_PORT_NUM + 1] = {0}; pcap_if_t *dev; char filter[256] = {0}; int i; int len = sizeof(i); if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: sniff target_ip\n"); exit(1); } if (-1 == (dst_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW))) errquit("socket"); if (NULL == (pair = (struct socket_pair *) malloc(sizeof(struct socket_pair)))) errquit("malloc"); pair->src = &src; pair->dst = &dst; printf("running...\n"); configure_remote_addr(argv[1], pair->dst); snprintf(filter, 256, "tcp port %d", LOCAL_PORT); // host and dst port %d", LOCAL_PORT); dev = configure_local_addr(pair->src); pair->src->sin_port = htons(LOCAL_PORT); #ifndef NNDEBUG printf("remote addr: %s\n", inet_ntoa(pair->dst->sin_addr)); printf("local addr: %s\n", inet_ntoa(pair->src->sin_addr)); #endif init_resource(threads, THREAD_NUM, dst_sock, dev, filter, ports); for (i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM; ++i) { if (-1 == pthread_create(&threads[i].tid, NULL, capture, (void*)&threads[i])) errquit("pthread_create"); pthread_detach(threads[i].tid); } sleep(1); if (-1 == pthread_create(&tid, NULL, detect, (void*)pair) ) errquit("pthread_create"); pthread_detach(tid); sleep(8); for (i = 0; i < THREAD_NUM; ++i) cancel_capture(&threads[i]); printf("The following ports send SYN and ACK back:\n"); for (i = 1; i < MAX_PORT_NUM + 1; ++i) if (0 != ports[i]) printf("%d ", i); printf("\nDone!\n"); free(pair); return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ struct sockaddr_in cliaddr; char buf[MAXLINE+1]; int i, j, nbyte, accp_sock, addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); fd_set read_fds; if(argc != 2) { printf("사용법 : %s port\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } listen_sock = tcp_listen(INADDR_ANY, atoi(argv[1]), 5); while(1){ FD_ZERO(&read_fds); FD_SET(listen_sock, &read_fds); for(i=0; i<num_chat; i++) FD_SET(clisock_list[i], &read_fds); maxfdp1 = getmax() + 1; puts("wait for client"); if(select(maxfdp1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL)<0) errquit("select fail"); if(FD_ISSET(listen_sock, &read_fds)){ accp_sock=accept(listen_sock, (struct sockaddr*)&cliaddr, &addrlen); if(accp_sock == -1) errquit("accept fail"); addClient(accp_sock, &cliaddr); send(accp_sock, START_STRING, strlen(START_STRING), 0); printf("%d번째 사용자 추가.\n", num_chat); } for(i=0; i<num_chat; i++){ if(FD_ISSET(clisock_list[i], &read_fds)){ nbyte = recv(clisock_list[i], buf, MAXLINE, 0); if(nbyte <=0){ removeClient(i); continue; } buf[nbyte] = 0; if(strstr(buf, EXIT_STRING) != NULL) { removeClient(i); continue; } for(j=0; j<num_chat; j++) send(clisock_list[j], buf, nbyte, 0); printf("%s\n", buf); } } } return 0; }
static void *_thread_internal2(void *arg){ if(!arg) errquit("_thread_internal2: null arg"); sinfo_t i = (sinfo_t) arg; _init_thread_context(i->tid,i->h); // fprintf(stderr,"\n[%d]si = %p",tcb()->tid,i); // install top exception handler and execute thread if there's no exn if( _set_top_handler() == NULL ) { #ifdef __RUNTIME_MEMORY_DEBUG_LOCKOP fprintf(stderr,"\n[%d] NEW THREAD.", tcb()->tid); #endif (i->thread)((void *) (i+1)); } // finalize thread context // fprintf(stderr,"\n[%d] fini_thread_context\n",i->tid); _fini_thread_context(); // wake up main thread if I'm the last thread if(__sync_fetch_and_add(&all_done,-1) == 1) futex_wake((int *)&all_done,1); //HACK: generate segfault so as to switch //to the backup stack and free the current stack. // Mark the last page W/R. so that it can be deallocated // if (mprotect((void *) (((char *)i) + i->info.end_offset),1024,3)) // errquit("__thread_internal2: mprotect failed."); // fprintf(stderr,"\n[%d]2 __si = %p",tcb()->tid,i); GC_free(i); // fprintf(stderr,"\n[%d]2 __si = %p. DONE",tcb()->tid,i); //goto_context(_thread_cleanup_stack,__second__stack,BACKUP_STK_SZ); //abort(); // should NOT reach this point pthread_exit(0); // should NOT reach this point return NULL; }
void* _throw_fn(void* e, const char *filename, unsigned lineno) { static const int tag = 0; // FIX: use struct _xtunion_struct * ?? struct _handler_cons *my_handler = NULL; // pop handlers until exception handler found struct _ThreadKey *t = tcb(); struct _RuntimeStack *current_frame = t->stack._current_frame; while (current_frame != NULL && current_frame->tag != tag) { if (current_frame->cleanup != NULL) current_frame->cleanup(current_frame); current_frame = current_frame->next; } if( current_frame == NULL ) errquit("_throw_fn: no handler found - top handler not installed ?"); t->stack._current_frame = current_frame->next; my_handler = (struct _handler_cons *) current_frame; t->exn._exn_thrown = e; t->exn._exn_filename = filename; t->exn._exn_lineno = lineno; // reached the top of the stack handlers if ( my_handler->handler == t->exn.top_handler.handler && !t->exn.in_uncaught_fun) { t->exn.in_uncaught_fun = 1; if(t->exn.uncaught_fun != NULL ) (t->exn.uncaught_fun)(); } longjmp(my_handler->handler,1); return NULL; // unreached }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { key_t shmkey, semkey; unsigned short initsemval[1]; if(argc<2) { printf("Usage : %s shmkey semkey\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } shmkey = atoi(argv[1]); semkey = atoi(argv[2]); shmid = shmget(shmkey, 128, IPC_CREAT | 0600); if(shmid < 0 ) errquit("shmget fail"); shm_data = (char *)shmat(shmid, (void *)0, 0); if(shm_data == (char *)-1) errquit("shmat fail"); semid = semget(semkey, 1, IPC_CREAT | 0600); if(semid == -1) errquit("semget fail"); initsemval[0] = 1; semarg.array = initsemval; if(semctl(semid, 0, SETALL, semarg) == -1) errquit("semctl"); fork_and_run(); fork_and_run(); busy(); wait(NULL); wait(NULL); shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID, 0); return 0; }
void _xspawn(caps_t caps, int len , void * (*thread)(void *), void *arg, int arg_len) { pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t id; int s; if ((s = pthread_attr_init(&attr)) != 0) { errno = s; perror("pthread_attr_init"); errquit("internal error: _xspawn aborting\n"); } if ((s = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED)) != 0) { errno = s; perror("pthread_attr_setdetachstate"); errquit("internal error: _xspawn aborting\n"); } sinfo_t si = __init_new_thread_stack(caps,len,thread,arg,arg_len); //force "main" to wait for the new thread //TODO: if pthread_create fails throw //an exception and atomically decrement all_done __sync_fetch_and_add(&all_done,1); // if(pthread_attr_setstack(&attr, // ((char *)si)+si->info.begin_offset, // si->info.end_offset-si->info.begin_offset)) // errquit("pthread_attr_setstack "); if (stack_space > 0) { if ((s = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr,stack_space)) != 0) { errno = s; perror("pthread_attr_setstacksize"); errquit("internal error: _xspawn aborting\n"); } } if ((s = GC_pthread_create(&id,&attr,_thread_internal2,si)) != 0) { errno = s; perror("pthread_create"); errquit("internal error: _xspawn aborting\n"); } if ((s = pthread_attr_destroy(&attr)) != 0) { errno = s; perror("pthread_attr_destroy"); errquit("internal error: _xspawn aborting\n"); } }
/* treecopy assumes that n[0-n] is filled with zeros*/ void __treecopy(caps_t o, struct _XTreeHandle *n, int len, unsigned int tid, struct hashtable **h) { int i; //initialize fresh memory memset(n,0,len*sizeof(struct _XTreeHandle)); // create new tree with the appropriate capabilities for(i=0;i<len;i++) { struct _XTreeHandle *t = th(o,i); n[i].caps.rcnt = o[i].rc; n[i].caps.wr_cnt = o[i].wc; n[i].caps.rd_cnt= o[i].lc; n[i].h = t->h; hashtable_insert(h,n+i); // create mapping //increment ref count of this region __sync_fetch_and_add(&t->h->caps.rcnt,1); t->h->single_thread_key = 0; //not thread local if(o[i].wc) { // transfer writer capabilities if( tcb()->tid == t->h->caps.writer_cv) { t->h->caps.writer_cv = tid; } else errquit("_treecopy: writer_cv"); } //if there exist read capabilities, increment read count if(o[i].lc) __sync_fetch_and_add(&t->h->caps.rd_cnt,1); #ifdef __RUNTIME_MEMORY_DEBUG_LOCKOP print_xtree(n+i,0); #endif struct _XTreeHandle *parent= t->parent_key; int idx; if(parent) for(idx=0;idx<len && th(o,idx) != parent;idx++); else idx = len; if(idx < len) { n[i].parent_key = n + idx; n[i].next_key = n[idx].sub_keys; n[idx].sub_keys = n + i; } else n[i].parent_key = 0; } //remove capabilities transferred from this tree //start off child nodes so that we don't bump into //a deallocated node (if a parent gets deallocated //its subregions are also removed). Notice that the //array "o" is already sorted in the natural //allocation order. for(i=len-1;i>-1;i--) _xregion_cap_th(-o[i].rc,-o[i].wc,-o[i].lc,th(o,i)); }
void fork_and_run() { pid_t pid = fork(); if(pid < 0) errquit("fork() fail"); else if(pid == 0) { busy(); exit(0); } return; }
// set _current_frame to its n+1'th tail (i.e. pop n+1 frames) // Invariant: result is non-null void _npop_frame(unsigned int n) { struct _ThreadKey *t = tcb(); struct _RuntimeStack *current_frame = t->stack._current_frame; unsigned int i; for(i = n; i <= n; i--) { if(current_frame == NULL) errquit("internal error: empty frame stack\n"); dbgmsg("\nPOPING frame : %p code = %p" , current_frame, current_frame->cleanup); if (current_frame->cleanup != NULL) current_frame->cleanup(current_frame); current_frame = current_frame->next; } t->stack._current_frame = current_frame; }
void echo(char *filename) { int c; FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!f) { char buf[300]; sprintf(buf, "cannot open file '%s'", filename); errquit(buf); } printf(">>> %s\n", filename); while ((c = fgetc(f)) != EOF) putchar(c); fclose(f); line_separator(); }
int load_launchscript( lua_State * L, ebb_Options * ebboptions ) { char * bindir = getexec_dirpath(); if(!bindir) { errquit(L, "ERROR: Failed to retreive path to this executable.\n"); } char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN]; // plenty of room size_t bufsize = MAX_PATH_LEN; if (ebboptions->uselegion) { snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "%s/../include/ebb/src/launch_legion.t", bindir); } else { snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "%s/../include/ebb/src/launch_script.t", bindir); } return terra_loadfile(L,buffer); }
static void doerror(lua_State * L) { errquit(L, "%s\n",luaL_checkstring(L,-1)); }
void setupebb(lua_State * L, ebb_Options * ebboptions) { char * bindir = getexec_dirpath(); if(!bindir) { errquit(L, "ERROR: Failed to retreive path to this executable.\n"); } char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN]; // plenty of room size_t bufsize = MAX_PATH_LEN; // Make sure we can find the Terra files snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "package.terrapath = package.terrapath..';%s/../include/?.t;'", bindir); if (terra_dostring(L, buffer)) doerror(L); if (ebboptions->uselegion) { // extend the Terra include path snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "terralib.includepath = terralib.includepath.." "';%s/../legion/runtime;" "%s/../legion/runtime/legion;" "%s/../legion/runtime/mappers;" "%s/../mappers;" "%s/../legion_utils;" "%s/../legion/bindings/terra'", bindir, bindir, bindir, bindir, bindir, bindir); if (terra_dostring(L, buffer)) doerror(L); // extend the Lua include path //snprintf(buffer, bufsize, // "package.path = package.path.." // "';%s/../legion/bindings/terra/?.t'", // bindir); //if (terra_dostring(L, buffer)) // doerror(L); // Link the Legion Shared Library into Terra if (ebboptions->debug) { snprintf(buffer, bufsize,"terralib.linklibrary(" "'%s/../legion/bindings/terra/')", bindir); if (terra_dostring(L, buffer)) doerror(L); snprintf(buffer, bufsize,"terralib.linklibrary(" "'%s/../mappers/')", bindir); if (terra_dostring(L, buffer)) doerror(L); snprintf(buffer, bufsize,"terralib.linklibrary(" "'%s/../legion_utils/')", bindir); if (terra_dostring(L, buffer)) doerror(L); } else { snprintf(buffer, bufsize,"terralib.linklibrary(" "'%s/../legion/bindings/terra/')", bindir); if (terra_dostring(L, buffer)) doerror(L); snprintf(buffer, bufsize,"terralib.linklibrary(" "'%s/../mappers/')", bindir); if (terra_dostring(L, buffer)) doerror(L); snprintf(buffer, bufsize,"terralib.linklibrary(" "'%s/../legion_utils/')", bindir); if (terra_dostring(L, buffer)) doerror(L); } if (ebboptions->legionspy) { lua_pushboolean(L, true); lua_setglobal(L, "EBB_LEGION_USE_SPY"); } if (ebboptions->legionprof) { lua_pushboolean(L, true); lua_setglobal(L, "EBB_LEGION_USE_PROF"); } if (ebboptions->partition) { lua_pushboolean(L, true); lua_setglobal(L, "EBB_PARTITION"); } } if (ebboptions->usegpu) { lua_pushboolean(L, true); lua_setglobal(L, "EBB_USE_GPU_SIGNAL"); } if (strcmp(ebboptions->additional, "")) { lua_pushstring(L, ebboptions->additional); lua_setglobal(L, "EBB_ADDITIONAL_ARGS"); } }
/*********************************************************************** * directive_basis * * Parses the 'basis' section of an input file. **********************************************************************/ void directive_basis() { extern struct elem_info ptable[]; // see ./chem.c struct elem_info *p = &ptable[0]; char basis_name[30]; int basis_type = CARTESIAN; //printf("DIRECTIVE BASIS\n"); nextToken(); if (ttype == '"') strcpy(basis_name, sval); else { strcpy(basis_name, "ao basis"); lexerPushBack(); } nextToken(); if (ttype == TT_WORD && sval != NULL) { if (!strcmp(sval, "spherical")) basis_type = SPHERICAL; else if (!strcmp(sval, "cartesian")) basis_type = CARTESIAN; else lexerPushBack(); } //printf("BASIS = %s LOOP\n", basis_type == SPHERICAL ? "SPHERICAL" : "CARTESIAN"); for (;;) { nextToken(); /* sval == NULL ---> seg fault */ //if (sval == NULL) //printf("NULL SVAL\n"); if (ttype == TT_KW_END) { //printf("END OF BASIS REACHED\n"); break; } else if (ttype != TT_WORD) errquit("in basis input: end keyword or element symbol is required"); else { struct elem_info *elem = searchBySym(sval); int L, i, j, n, nprim, ncontr; double buf[10][10]; if (!elem) errquit("in basis input: unknown element"); //printf("ELEMENT Z = %d\n", elem->Z); match(TT_WORD); if (!strcmp(sval, "s")) L = BFN_S; else if (!strcmp(sval, "sp")) L = BFN_SP; else if (!strcmp(sval, "p")) L = BFN_P; else if (!strcmp(sval, "d")) L = BFN_D; else errquit("in basis input: wrong angular momentum (only S, SP, P, D are allowed)"); if (!elem->bas) { /* bind new basis set to element */ elem->bas = (struct basis_set *) malloc (sizeof(struct basis_set)); elem->bas->size = 0; elem->bas->type = basis_type; strcpy(elem->bas->name, basis_name); } nextToken(); setEOLSignificant(1); i = 0; j = 0; ncontr = 0; while (ttype == TT_NUMBER) { buf[i][j++] = nval; nextToken(); if (ttype == TT_EOL) { // begin new row of doubles nextToken(); i++; ncontr = j - 1; j = 0; } } nprim = i; setEOLSignificant(0); lexerPushBack(); for (i = 0; i < ncontr; i++) { n = elem->bas->size++; if (i == 0 && L == BFN_SP) { elem->bas->cgtfs[n].L = BFN_S; L = BFN_P; } else elem->bas->cgtfs[n].L = L; elem->bas->cgtfs[n].nprim = nprim; for (j = 0; j < nprim; j++) { elem->bas->cgtfs[n].exp[j] = buf[j][0]; elem->bas->cgtfs[n].c[j] = buf[j][i+1]; } } /*n = elem->bas->size; // config new contracted function elem->bas->cgtfs[n].nprim = 0; elem->bas->cgtfs[n].L = L; nprim = 0; // get exp & coeff nextToken(); while (ttype == TT_NUMBER) { double exp = nval; if (exp <= 0) errquit("in basis input: exponent should be positive"); elem->bas->cgtfs[n].exp[nprim] = exp; // get contraction coefficients match(TT_NUMBER); elem->bas->cgtfs[n].c[nprim] = nval; nprim++; elem->bas->cgtfs[n].nprim++; // to the next primitive nextToken(); } elem->bas->size++; lexerPushBack();*/ } } //printf("END OF DIRECTIVE BASIS\n"); for (; *p->sym; p++) { if (!p->bas) continue; estimate_principal_numbers(p->bas); } }
void rhf_loop(Molecule_t *molecule, BasisFunc_t *bfns, int M) { int i, n, Nelecs; double t0; double hfe, olde, deltap; double diiserror; double *H; // core Hamiltonian double *S; // overlap double *X; // transformation to orthonormal basis, stored by rows double *F; // Fock matrix double *P; // density double *P0; // stored density from previous step double *C; // AO coefficients in MO double *E; // orbital energies double *ErrM;// error matrix, e=FDS-SDF int nbytes; // bytes in matrix to allocate int maxiter; // max # scf iterations int direct; // enable direct scf (1/0) int do_diis; // is diis enabled (0/1) int diisbas; // diis subspace dimension int molden_out; // print vectors to molden format or not double Enuc; // nuclei repulsion energy DIISList_t *diislist; // list with stored Fock and error matrices // read parameters from the rtdb rtdb_get("scf:maxiter", &maxiter); rtdb_get("scf:direct", &direct ); rtdb_get("scf:diis", &do_diis); rtdb_get("scf:diisbas", &diisbas); rtdb_get("visual:molden", &molden_out); n = 1; // iteration number 1 t0 = MPI_Wtime(); nbytes = M * M * sizeof(double); diislist = NULL; Enuc = enuc(molecule); Nelecs = nelec(molecule); H = (double *) qalloc(nbytes); S = (double *) qalloc(nbytes); X = (double *) qalloc(nbytes); F = (double *) qalloc(nbytes); P = (double *) qalloc(nbytes); P0= (double *) qalloc(nbytes); C = (double *) qalloc(nbytes); E = (double *) qalloc(M*sizeof(double)); // compute core Hamiltonian and overlap matrices read_1e_integrals(H, S, bfns, M); // basis orthogonalization orthobasis(S, X, M); // guess rhf_guess(F, H, P, S, X, C, E, molecule, bfns, M); olde = rhf_energy(P, F, H, M) + Enuc; printf(" iter. Energy Delta E RMS-Dens DIIS-Err time\n"); printf("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); while (1) { if (n > maxiter) { printf("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" not converged!\n"); errquit("no convergence of SCF equations! Try to increase scf:maxiter\n"); } memcpy(P0, P, nbytes); // store actual P if (direct) { // integral-direct rhf_makefock_direct(F, H, P, bfns, M); } else { // conventional scf (2e int-s from disk) rhf_makefock(F, H, P, M); } // in fact, now we have Fi and Di, used to contruct this Fi ErrM = (double *) qalloc(nbytes); make_error_matrix(ErrM, F, P, S, M); diiserror = maxerr(ErrM, M); // if DIIS is enabled if (do_diis && diisbas != 0) { if (!diislist) diislist = newDIISList(ErrM, F, M); else diis_store(diislist, ErrM, F, M, diisbas); // extrapolate new F: diis_extrapolate(F, diislist, diisbas); } diag_fock(F, X, C, E, M); rhf_makedensity(P, C, Nelecs, M); deltap = rmsdens(P, P0, M); hfe = rhf_energy(P, F, H, M) + Enuc; printf("%4d%17.8f%15.8f%15.8f%15.8f%8.2f\n", n, hfe, hfe-olde, deltap, diiserror, MPI_Wtime()-t0); if (deltap < 1e-6) break; olde = hfe; n++; } printf("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" Total SCF energy =%15.8f\n", hfe); printf(" Nuclear repulsion energy =%15.8f\n", Enuc); printf("\n\n"); /* save results to rtdb */ rtdb_set("scf:etot", "%d", hfe); rtdb_set("scf:enuc", "%d", Enuc); // Освобождение ресурсов, которые были заняты DIIS if (do_diis && diislist) removeDIISList(diislist); // Вывод результатов // Энергии орбиталей printf("\n"); printf(" Molecular Orbitals Summary\n"); printf(" +-----+-----+----------------+----------+\n"); printf(" | No | Occ | Energy | Symmetry |\n"); printf(" +-----+-----+----------------+----------+\n"); for (i = 0; i < M; i++) printf(" | %-3d | %1d | %14.8f | ? |\n", i+1, (i < Nelecs/2) ? 2 : 0, E[i]); printf(" +-----+-----+----------------+----------+\n"); // Вывод векторов в файл в формате Molden if (molden_out) { int i; int *occ = (int *) qalloc(sizeof(int) * M); memset(occ, 0, sizeof(int) * M); for (i = 0; i < Nelecs/2; i++) occ[i] = 2; vectors_molden(molecule, C, E, occ, M); qfree(occ, sizeof(int) * M); } // population analysis mulliken(molecule, bfns, P, S, M); loewdin (molecule, bfns, P, S, M); // properties scf_properties_rhf(molecule, P, M); qfree(H, nbytes); qfree(S, nbytes); qfree(X, nbytes); qfree(F, nbytes); qfree(P, nbytes); qfree(P0,nbytes); qfree(C, nbytes); qfree(E, M*sizeof(double)); }