void analyse_one_frame(struct CODEC2 *c2, MODEL *model, short speech[]) { COMP Sw[FFT_ENC]; COMP Sw_[FFT_ENC]; COMP Ew[FFT_ENC]; float pitch, snr; int i; /* Read input speech */ for(i=0; i<M-N; i++) c2->Sn[i] = c2->Sn[i+N]; for(i=0; i<N; i++) c2->Sn[i+M-N] = speech[i]; dft_speech(c2->fft_fwd_cfg, Sw, c2->Sn, c2->w); /* Estimate pitch */ nlp(c2->nlp,c2->Sn,N,M,P_MIN,P_MAX,&pitch,Sw, c2->W, &c2->prev_Wo_enc); model->Wo = TWO_PI/pitch; model->L = PI/model->Wo; /* estimate model parameters */ two_stage_pitch_refinement(model, Sw); estimate_amplitudes(model, Sw, c2->W); snr = est_voicing_mbe(model, Sw, c2->W, Sw_, Ew, c2->prev_Wo_enc); //fprintf(stderr,"snr %3.2f v: %d Wo: %f prev_Wo: %f\n", // snr, model->voiced, model->Wo, c2->prev_Wo_enc); c2->prev_Wo_enc = model->Wo; }
void analyse_one_frame(CODEC2 *c2, MODEL *model, short speech[]) { COMP Sw[FFT_ENC]; COMP Sw_[FFT_ENC]; COMP Ew[FFT_ENC]; float pitch; int i; /* Read input speech */ for(i=0; i<M-N; i++) c2->Sn[i] = c2->Sn[i+N]; for(i=0; i<N; i++) c2->Sn[i+M-N] = speech[i]; dft_speech(Sw, c2->Sn, c2->w); /* Estimate pitch */ nlp(c2->nlp,c2->Sn,N,M,P_MIN,P_MAX,&pitch,Sw,&c2->prev_Wo); model->Wo = TWO_PI/pitch; model->L = PI/model->Wo; /* estimate model parameters */ two_stage_pitch_refinement(model, Sw); estimate_amplitudes(model, Sw, c2->W); est_voicing_mbe(model, Sw, c2->W, Sw_, Ew, c2->prev_Wo); c2->prev_Wo = model->Wo; }
void analyse_one_frame(struct CODEC2 *c2, MODEL *model, short speech[]) { COMP Sw[FFT_ENC]; COMP Sw_[FFT_ENC]; COMP Ew[FFT_ENC]; float pitch; int i; PROFILE_VAR(dft_start, nlp_start, model_start, two_stage, estamps); /* Read input speech */ for(i=0; i<M-N; i++) c2->Sn[i] = c2->Sn[i+N]; for(i=0; i<N; i++) c2->Sn[i+M-N] = speech[i]; PROFILE_SAMPLE(dft_start); dft_speech(c2->fft_fwd_cfg, Sw, c2->Sn, c2->w); PROFILE_SAMPLE_AND_LOG(nlp_start, dft_start, " dft_speech"); /* Estimate pitch */ nlp(c2->nlp,c2->Sn,N,P_MIN,P_MAX,&pitch,Sw, c2->W, &c2->prev_Wo_enc); PROFILE_SAMPLE_AND_LOG(model_start, nlp_start, " nlp"); model->Wo = TWO_PI/pitch; model->L = PI/model->Wo; /* estimate model parameters */ two_stage_pitch_refinement(model, Sw); PROFILE_SAMPLE_AND_LOG(two_stage, model_start, " two_stage"); estimate_amplitudes(model, Sw, c2->W, 0); PROFILE_SAMPLE_AND_LOG(estamps, two_stage, " est_amps"); est_voicing_mbe(model, Sw, c2->W, Sw_, Ew); c2->prev_Wo_enc = model->Wo; PROFILE_SAMPLE_AND_LOG2(estamps, " est_voicing"); #ifdef DUMP dump_model(model); #endif }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fout = NULL; /* output speech file */ FILE *fin; /* input speech file */ short buf[N]; /* input/output buffer */ float buf_float[N]; float Sn[M]; /* float input speech samples */ float Sn_pre[N]; /* pre-emphasised input speech samples */ COMP Sw[FFT_ENC]; /* DFT of Sn[] */ kiss_fft_cfg fft_fwd_cfg; kiss_fft_cfg fft_inv_cfg; float w[M]; /* time domain hamming window */ COMP W[FFT_ENC]; /* DFT of w[] */ MODEL model; float Pn[2*N]; /* trapezoidal synthesis window */ float Sn_[2*N]; /* synthesised speech */ int i,m; /* loop variable */ int frames; float prev_Wo, prev__Wo, prev_uq_Wo; float pitch; char out_file[MAX_STR]; char ampexp_arg[MAX_STR]; char phaseexp_arg[MAX_STR]; float snr; float sum_snr; int orderi; int lpc_model = 0, order = LPC_ORD; int lsp = 0, lspd = 0, lspvq = 0; int lspres = 0; int lspjvm = 0, lspjnd = 0, lspmel = 0; #ifdef __EXPERIMENTAL__ int lspanssi = 0, #endif int prede = 0; float pre_mem = 0.0, de_mem = 0.0; float ak[order]; COMP Sw_[FFT_ENC]; COMP Ew[FFT_ENC]; int phase0 = 0; float ex_phase[MAX_AMP+1]; int postfilt; int hand_voicing = 0, phaseexp = 0, ampexp = 0, hi = 0, simlpcpf = 0; int lpcpf = 0; FILE *fvoicing = 0; MODEL prev_model; int dec; int decimate = 1; float lsps[order]; float e, prev_e; int lsp_indexes[order]; float lsps_[order]; float Woe_[2]; float lsps_dec[4][LPC_ORD], e_dec[4], weight, weight_inc, ak_dec[4][LPC_ORD]; MODEL model_dec[4], prev_model_dec; float prev_lsps_dec[order], prev_e_dec; void *nlp_states; float hpf_states[2]; int scalar_quant_Wo_e = 0; int vector_quant_Wo_e = 0; int dump_pitch_e = 0; FILE *fjvm = NULL; #ifdef DUMP int dump; #endif struct PEXP *pexp = NULL; struct AEXP *aexp = NULL; float gain = 1.0; int bpf_en = 0; float bpf_buf[BPF_N+N]; char* opt_string = "ho:"; struct option long_options[] = { { "lpc", required_argument, &lpc_model, 1 }, { "lspjnd", no_argument, &lspjnd, 1 }, { "lspmel", no_argument, &lspmel, 1 }, { "lsp", no_argument, &lsp, 1 }, { "lspd", no_argument, &lspd, 1 }, { "lspvq", no_argument, &lspvq, 1 }, { "lspres", no_argument, &lspres, 1 }, { "lspjvm", no_argument, &lspjvm, 1 }, #ifdef __EXPERIMENTAL__ { "lspanssi", no_argument, &lspanssi, 1 }, #endif { "phase0", no_argument, &phase0, 1 }, { "phaseexp", required_argument, &phaseexp, 1 }, { "ampexp", required_argument, &exp, 1 }, { "postfilter", no_argument, &postfilt, 1 }, { "hand_voicing", required_argument, &hand_voicing, 1 }, { "dec", required_argument, &dec, 1 }, { "hi", no_argument, &hi, 1 }, { "simlpcpf", no_argument, &simlpcpf, 1 }, { "lpcpf", no_argument, &lpcpf, 1 }, { "prede", no_argument, &prede, 1 }, { "dump_pitch_e", required_argument, &dump_pitch_e, 1 }, { "sq_pitch_e", no_argument, &scalar_quant_Wo_e, 1 }, { "vq_pitch_e", no_argument, &vector_quant_Wo_e, 1 }, { "rate", required_argument, NULL, 0 }, { "gain", required_argument, NULL, 0 }, { "bpf", no_argument, &bpf_en, 1 }, #ifdef DUMP { "dump", required_argument, &dump, 1 }, #endif { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0 } }; int num_opts=sizeof(long_options)/sizeof(struct option); COMP Aw[FFT_ENC]; for(i=0; i<M; i++) { Sn[i] = 1.0; Sn_pre[i] = 1.0; } for(i=0; i<2*N; i++) Sn_[i] = 0; prev_uq_Wo = prev_Wo = prev__Wo = TWO_PI/P_MAX; prev_model.Wo = TWO_PI/P_MIN; prev_model.L = floor(PI/prev_model.Wo); for(i=1; i<=prev_model.L; i++) { prev_model.A[i] = 0.0; prev_model.phi[i] = 0.0; } for(i=1; i<=MAX_AMP; i++) { //ex_phase[i] = (PI/3)*(float)rand()/RAND_MAX; ex_phase[i] = 0.0; } e = prev_e = 1; hpf_states[0] = hpf_states[1] = 0.0; nlp_states = nlp_create(M); if (argc < 2) { print_help(long_options, num_opts, argv); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*\ Interpret Command Line Arguments \*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ while(1) { int option_index = 0; int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, opt_string, long_options, &option_index); if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 0: if(strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "lpc") == 0) { orderi = atoi(optarg); if((orderi < 4) || (orderi > order)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in LPC order (4 to %d): %s\n", order, optarg); exit(1); } order = orderi; #ifdef DUMP } else if(strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "dump") == 0) { if (dump) dump_on(optarg); #endif } else if(strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "lsp") == 0 || strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "lspd") == 0 || strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "lspvq") == 0) { assert(order == LPC_ORD); } else if(strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "dec") == 0) { decimate = atoi(optarg); if ((decimate != 2) && (decimate != 4)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in --dec, must be 2 or 4\n"); exit(1); } if (!phase0) { printf("needs --phase0 to resample phase when using --dec\n"); exit(1); } if (!lpc_model) { printf("needs --lpc [order] to resample amplitudes when using --dec\n"); exit(1); } } else if(strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "hand_voicing") == 0) { if ((fvoicing = fopen(optarg,"rt")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening voicing file: %s: %s.\n", optarg, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } else if(strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "dump_pitch_e") == 0) { if ((fjvm = fopen(optarg,"wt")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening pitch & energy dump file: %s: %s.\n", optarg, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } else if(strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "phaseexp") == 0) { strcpy(phaseexp_arg, optarg); } else if(strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "ampexp") == 0) { strcpy(ampexp_arg, optarg); } else if(strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "gain") == 0) { gain = atof(optarg); } else if(strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "rate") == 0) { if(strcmp(optarg,"3200") == 0) { lpc_model = 1; scalar_quant_Wo_e = 1; lspd = 1; phase0 = 1; postfilt = 1; decimate = 1; lpcpf = 1; } else if(strcmp(optarg,"2400") == 0) { lpc_model = 1; vector_quant_Wo_e = 1; lsp = 1; phase0 = 1; postfilt = 1; decimate = 2; lpcpf = 1; } else if(strcmp(optarg,"1400") == 0) { lpc_model = 1; vector_quant_Wo_e = 1; lsp = 1; phase0 = 1; postfilt = 1; decimate = 4; lpcpf = 1; } else if(strcmp(optarg,"1300") == 0) { lpc_model = 1; scalar_quant_Wo_e = 1; lsp = 1; phase0 = 1; postfilt = 1; decimate = 4; lpcpf = 1; } else if(strcmp(optarg,"1200") == 0) { lpc_model = 1; scalar_quant_Wo_e = 1; lspjvm = 1; phase0 = 1; postfilt = 1; decimate = 4; lpcpf = 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: invalid output rate (3200|2400|1400|1200) %s\n", optarg); exit(1); } } break; case 'h': print_help(long_options, num_opts, argv); break; case 'o': if (strcmp(optarg, "-") == 0) fout = stdout; else if ((fout = fopen(optarg,"wb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output speech file: %s: %s.\n", optarg, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } strcpy(out_file,optarg); break; default: /* This will never be reached */ break; } } /* Input file */ if (strcmp(argv[optind], "-") == 0) fin = stdin; else if ((fin = fopen(argv[optind],"rb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening input speech file: %s: %s.\n", argv[optind], strerror(errno)); exit(1); } ex_phase[0] = 0; Woe_[0] = Woe_[1] = 1.0; /* printf("lspd: %d lspdt: %d lspdt_mode: %d phase0: %d postfilt: %d " "decimate: %d dt: %d\n",lspd,lspdt,lspdt_mode,phase0,postfilt, decimate,dt); */ /* Initialise ------------------------------------------------------------*/ fft_fwd_cfg = kiss_fft_alloc(FFT_ENC, 0, NULL, NULL); /* fwd FFT,used in several places */ fft_inv_cfg = kiss_fft_alloc(FFT_DEC, 1, NULL, NULL); /* inverse FFT, used just for synth */ make_analysis_window(fft_fwd_cfg, w, W); make_synthesis_window(Pn); quantise_init(); if (phaseexp) pexp = phase_experiment_create(); if (ampexp) aexp = amp_experiment_create(); if (bpf_en) { for(i=0; i<BPF_N; i++) bpf_buf[i] = 0.0; } for(i=0; i<LPC_ORD; i++) { prev_lsps_dec[i] = i*PI/(LPC_ORD+1); } prev_e_dec = 1; for(m=1; m<=MAX_AMP; m++) prev_model_dec.A[m] = 0.0; prev_model_dec.Wo = TWO_PI/P_MAX; prev_model_dec.L = PI/prev_model_dec.Wo; prev_model_dec.voiced = 0; /*----------------------------------------------------------------* \ Main Loop \*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ frames = 0; sum_snr = 0; while(fread(buf,sizeof(short),N,fin)) { frames++; for(i=0; i<N; i++) buf_float[i] = buf[i]; /* optionally filter input speech */ if (prede) { pre_emp(Sn_pre, buf_float, &pre_mem, N); for(i=0; i<N; i++) buf_float[i] = Sn_pre[i]; } if (bpf_en) { for(i=0; i<BPF_N; i++) bpf_buf[i] = bpf_buf[N+i]; for(i=0; i<N; i++) bpf_buf[BPF_N+i] = buf_float[i]; inverse_filter(&bpf_buf[BPF_N], bpf, N, buf_float, BPF_N); } /* shift buffer of input samples, and insert new samples */ for(i=0; i<M-N; i++) { Sn[i] = Sn[i+N]; } for(i=0; i<N; i++) Sn[i+M-N] = buf_float[i]; /*------------------------------------------------------------*\ Estimate Sinusoidal Model Parameters \*------------------------------------------------------------*/ nlp(nlp_states,Sn,N,P_MIN,P_MAX,&pitch,Sw,W,&prev_uq_Wo); model.Wo = TWO_PI/pitch; dft_speech(fft_fwd_cfg, Sw, Sn, w); two_stage_pitch_refinement(&model, Sw); estimate_amplitudes(&model, Sw, W, 1); #ifdef DUMP dump_Sn(Sn); dump_Sw(Sw); dump_model(&model); #endif if (ampexp) amp_experiment(aexp, &model, ampexp_arg); if (phaseexp) { #ifdef DUMP dump_phase(&model.phi[0], model.L); #endif phase_experiment(pexp, &model, phaseexp_arg); #ifdef DUMP dump_phase_(&model.phi[0], model.L); #endif } if (hi) { int m; for(m=1; m<model.L/2; m++) model.A[m] = 0.0; for(m=3*model.L/4; m<=model.L; m++) model.A[m] = 0.0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------*\ Zero-phase modelling \*------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (phase0) { float Wn[M]; /* windowed speech samples */ float Rk[order+1]; /* autocorrelation coeffs */ COMP a[FFT_ENC]; #ifdef DUMP dump_phase(&model.phi[0], model.L); #endif /* find aks here, these are overwritten if LPC modelling is enabled */ for(i=0; i<M; i++) Wn[i] = Sn[i]*w[i]; autocorrelate(Wn,Rk,M,order); levinson_durbin(Rk,ak,order); /* determine voicing */ snr = est_voicing_mbe(&model, Sw, W, Sw_, Ew); if (dump_pitch_e) fprintf(fjvm, "%f %f %d ", model.Wo, snr, model.voiced); //printf("snr %3.2f v: %d Wo: %f prev_Wo: %f\n", snr, model.voiced, // model.Wo, prev_uq_Wo); #ifdef DUMP dump_Sw_(Sw_); dump_Ew(Ew); dump_snr(snr); #endif /* just to make sure we are not cheating - kill all phases */ for(i=0; i<=MAX_AMP; i++) model.phi[i] = 0; /* Determine DFT of A(exp(jw)), which is needed for phase0 model when LPC is not used, e.g. indecimate=1 (10ms) frames with no LPC */ for(i=0; i<FFT_ENC; i++) { a[i].real = 0.0; a[i].imag = 0.0; } for(i=0; i<=order; i++) a[i].real = ak[i]; kiss_fft(fft_fwd_cfg, (kiss_fft_cpx *)a, (kiss_fft_cpx *)Aw); if (hand_voicing) { fscanf(fvoicing,"%d\n",&model.voiced); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------*\ LPC model amplitudes and LSP quantisation \*------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (lpc_model) { e = speech_to_uq_lsps(lsps, ak, Sn, w, order); for(i=0; i<LPC_ORD; i++) lsps_[i] = lsps[i]; #ifdef DUMP dump_ak(ak, order); dump_E(e); #endif /* tracking down -ve energy values with BW expansion */ /* if (e < 0.0) { int i; FILE*f=fopen("x.txt","wt"); for(i=0; i<M; i++) fprintf(f,"%f\n", Sn[i]); fclose(f); printf("e = %f frames = %d\n", e, frames); for(i=0; i<order; i++) printf("%f ", ak[i]); exit(0); } */ if (dump_pitch_e) fprintf(fjvm, "%f\n", e); #ifdef DUMP dump_lsp(lsps); #endif /* various LSP quantisation schemes */ if (lsp) { encode_lsps_scalar(lsp_indexes, lsps, LPC_ORD); decode_lsps_scalar(lsps_, lsp_indexes, LPC_ORD); bw_expand_lsps(lsps_, LPC_ORD, 50.0, 100.0); lsp_to_lpc(lsps_, ak, LPC_ORD); } if (lspd) { encode_lspds_scalar(lsp_indexes, lsps, LPC_ORD); decode_lspds_scalar(lsps_, lsp_indexes, LPC_ORD); lsp_to_lpc(lsps_, ak, LPC_ORD); } #ifdef __EXPERIMENTAL__ if (lspvq) { lspvq_quantise(lsps, lsps_, LPC_ORD); bw_expand_lsps(lsps_, LPC_ORD, 50.0, 100.0); lsp_to_lpc(lsps_, ak, LPC_ORD); } #endif if (lspjvm) { /* Jean-Marc's multi-stage, split VQ */ lspjvm_quantise(lsps, lsps_, LPC_ORD); { float lsps_bw[LPC_ORD]; memcpy(lsps_bw, lsps_, sizeof(float)*LPC_ORD); bw_expand_lsps(lsps_bw, LPC_ORD, 50.0, 100.0); lsp_to_lpc(lsps_bw, ak, LPC_ORD); } } #ifdef __EXPERIMENTAL__ if (lspanssi) { /* multi-stage VQ from Anssi Ramo OH3GDD */ lspanssi_quantise(lsps, lsps_, LPC_ORD, 5); bw_expand_lsps(lsps_, LPC_ORD, 50.0, 100.0); lsp_to_lpc(lsps_, ak, LPC_ORD); } #endif /* experimenting with non-linear LSP spacing to see if it's just noticable */ if (lspjnd) { for(i=0; i<LPC_ORD; i++) lsps_[i] = lsps[i]; locate_lsps_jnd_steps(lsps_, LPC_ORD); lsp_to_lpc(lsps_, ak, LPC_ORD); } /* Another experiment with non-linear LSP spacing, this time using a scaled version of mel frequency axis warping. The scaling is such that the integer output can be directly sent over the channel. */ if (lspmel) { float f, f_; float mel[LPC_ORD]; int mel_indexes[LPC_ORD]; for(i=0; i<order; i++) { f = (4000.0/PI)*lsps[i]; mel[i] = floor(2595.0*log10(1.0 + f/700.0) + 0.5); } for(i=1; i<order; i++) { if (mel[i] == mel[i-1]) mel[i]++; } encode_mels_scalar(mel_indexes, mel, 6); decode_mels_scalar(mel, mel_indexes, 6); #ifdef DUMP dump_mel(mel, order); #endif for(i=0; i<LPC_ORD; i++) { f_ = 700.0*( pow(10.0, (float)mel[i]/2595.0) - 1.0); lsps_[i] = f_*(PI/4000.0); } lsp_to_lpc(lsps_, ak, order); } if (scalar_quant_Wo_e) { e = decode_energy(encode_energy(e, E_BITS), E_BITS); model.Wo = decode_Wo(encode_Wo(model.Wo, WO_BITS), WO_BITS); model.L = PI/model.Wo; /* if we quantise Wo re-compute L */ } if (vector_quant_Wo_e) { /* JVM's experimental joint Wo & LPC energy quantiser */ quantise_WoE(&model, &e, Woe_); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------*\ Synthesise and optional decimation to 20 or 40ms frame rate \*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* if decimate == 2, we interpolate frame n from frame n-1 and n+1 if decimate == 4, we interpolate frames n, n+1, n+2, from frames n-1 and n+3 This is meant to give identical results to the implementations of various modes in codec2.c */ /* delay line to keep frame by frame voicing decisions */ for(i=0; i<decimate-1; i++) model_dec[i] = model_dec[i+1]; model_dec[decimate-1] = model; if ((frames % decimate) == 0) { for(i=0; i<order; i++) lsps_dec[decimate-1][i] = lsps_[i]; e_dec[decimate-1] = e; model_dec[decimate-1] = model; /* interpolate the model parameters */ weight_inc = 1.0/decimate; for(i=0, weight=weight_inc; i<decimate-1; i++, weight += weight_inc) { //model_dec[i].voiced = model_dec[decimate-1].voiced; interpolate_lsp_ver2(&lsps_dec[i][0], prev_lsps_dec, &lsps_dec[decimate-1][0], weight, order); interp_Wo2(&model_dec[i], &prev_model_dec, &model_dec[decimate-1], weight); e_dec[i] = interp_energy2(prev_e_dec, e_dec[decimate-1],weight); } /* then recover spectral amplitudes and synthesise */ for(i=0; i<decimate; i++) { if (lpc_model) { lsp_to_lpc(&lsps_dec[i][0], &ak_dec[i][0], order); aks_to_M2(fft_fwd_cfg, &ak_dec[i][0], order, &model_dec[i], e_dec[i], &snr, 0, simlpcpf, lpcpf, 1, LPCPF_BETA, LPCPF_GAMMA, Aw); apply_lpc_correction(&model_dec[i]); #ifdef DUMP dump_lsp_(&lsps_dec[i][0]); dump_ak_(&ak_dec[i][0], order); sum_snr += snr; dump_quantised_model(&model_dec[i]); #endif } if (phase0) phase_synth_zero_order(fft_fwd_cfg, &model_dec[i], ex_phase, Aw); synth_one_frame(fft_inv_cfg, buf, &model_dec[i], Sn_, Pn, prede, &de_mem, gain); if (fout != NULL) fwrite(buf,sizeof(short),N,fout); } /* for(i=0; i<decimate; i++) { printf("%d Wo: %f L: %d v: %d\n", frames, model_dec[i].Wo, model_dec[i].L, model_dec[i].voiced); } if (frames == 4*50) exit(0); */ /* update memories for next frame ----------------------------*/ prev_model_dec = model_dec[decimate-1]; prev_e_dec = e_dec[decimate-1]; for(i=0; i<LPC_ORD; i++) prev_lsps_dec[i] = lsps_dec[decimate-1][i]; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------*\ End Main Loop \*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ fclose(fin); if (fout != NULL) fclose(fout); if (lpc_model) printf("SNR av = %5.2f dB\n", sum_snr/frames); if (phaseexp) phase_experiment_destroy(pexp); if (ampexp) amp_experiment_destroy(aexp); #ifdef DUMP if (dump) dump_off(); #endif if (hand_voicing) fclose(fvoicing); nlp_destroy(nlp_states); return 0; }