Example #1
void goodbye_screen (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, const time_t proc_start, const time_t proc_stop)
  const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->quiet       == true) return;
  if (user_options->keyspace    == true) return;
  if (user_options->stdout_flag == true) return;
  if (user_options->show        == true) return;
  if (user_options->left        == true) return;

  char start_buf[32]; memset (start_buf, 0, sizeof (start_buf));
  char stop_buf[32];  memset (start_buf, 0, sizeof (stop_buf));

  event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Started: %s", ctime_r (&proc_start, start_buf));
  event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Stopped: %s", ctime_r (&proc_stop,  stop_buf));
Example #2
static void main_hashlist_sort_salt_post (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->quiet == true) return;

  event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Sorted salts...");
Example #3
static void main_hashlist_unique_hash_post (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->quiet == true) return;

  event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Removed duplicate hashes...");
Example #4
static void main_bitmap_init_post (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->quiet == true) return;

  event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Generated bitmap tables...");
Example #5
static void main_weak_hash_post (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->quiet == true) return;

  event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Checked for weak hashes...");
Example #6
static void main_opencl_session_post (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->quiet == true) return;

  event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Initialized device kernels and memory...");
Example #7
static void main_potfile_remove_parse_post (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->quiet == true) return;

  event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Compared hashes with potfile entries...");
Example #8
static void main_hashlist_count_lines_post (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->quiet == true) return;

  char *hashfile = (char *) buf;

  event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Counted lines in %s...", hashfile);
Example #9
static void main_hashlist_parse_hash (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->quiet == true) return;

  hashlist_parse_t *hashlist_parse = (hashlist_parse_t *) buf;

  const u32 hashes_cnt   = hashlist_parse->hashes_cnt;
  const u32 hashes_avail = hashlist_parse->hashes_avail;

  if (hashes_cnt < hashes_avail)
    event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Parsing Hashes: %u/%u (%0.2f%%)...", hashes_cnt, hashes_avail, ((double) hashes_cnt / hashes_avail) * 100.0);
    event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Parsed Hashes: %u/%u (%0.2f%%)", hashes_cnt, hashes_avail, 100.0);
Example #10
static void main_wordlist_cache_generate (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  const user_options_t *user_options = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  if (user_options->quiet == true) return;

  cache_generate_t *cache_generate = (cache_generate_t *) buf;

  if (cache_generate->percent < 100)
    event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "Generating dictionary stats for %s: %" PRIu64 " bytes (%.2f%%), %" PRIu64 " words, %" PRIu64 " keyspace", cache_generate->dictfile, cache_generate->comp, cache_generate->percent, cache_generate->cnt2, cache_generate->cnt);
    event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Generated dictionary stats for %s: %" PRIu64 " bytes, %" PRIu64 " words, %" PRIu64 " keyspace", cache_generate->dictfile, cache_generate->comp, cache_generate->cnt2, cache_generate->cnt);
    event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "");
Example #11
static void main_cracker_starting (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  const user_options_t       *user_options       = hashcat_ctx->user_options;
  const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra;

  if (user_options->quiet == true) return;

  // Tell the user we're about to start

  if ((user_options_extra->wordlist_mode == WL_MODE_FILE) || (user_options_extra->wordlist_mode == WL_MODE_MASK))
    if ((user_options->quiet == false) && (user_options->benchmark == false) && (user_options->speed_only == false))
      event_log_info_nn (hashcat_ctx, "");

      send_prompt ();
  else if (user_options_extra->wordlist_mode == WL_MODE_STDIN)
    event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "Starting attack in stdin mode...");
    event_log_info (hashcat_ctx, "");