Example #1
int ex_put_set_param(int exoid, ex_entity_type set_type, ex_entity_id set_id,
                     int64_t num_entries_in_set, int64_t num_dist_fact_in_set)
  struct ex_set set[1];
  set[0].type                     = set_type;
  set[0].id                       = set_id;
  set[0].num_entry                = num_entries_in_set;
  set[0].num_distribution_factor  = num_dist_fact_in_set;
  set[0].entry_list               = NULL;
  set[0].extra_list               = NULL;
  set[0].distribution_factor_list = NULL;

  return ex_put_sets(exoid, 1, set);
Example #2
int cCreateEdgeFace( int argc, char* argv[] )
  int exoid;
  int appWordSize = 8;
  int diskWordSize = 8;
  /*  int concatBlocks = ex_have_arg( argc, argv, "-pcab" ); */
  int concatSets   = ex_have_arg( argc, argv, "-pcset" );
  int concatResult = ex_have_arg( argc, argv, "-pvpax" );
  double t;

  ex_init_params modelParams = {
    "CreateEdgeFace Test", /* title */
    3,  /* num_dim */
    12, /* num_nodes */
    20, /* num_edge */
    1,  /* num_edge_blk */
    11, /* num_face */
    3,  /* num_face_blk */
    3,  /* num_elem */
    2,  /* num_elem_blk */
    1,  /* num_node_sets */
    1,  /* num_edge_sets */
    1,  /* num_face_sets */
    1,  /* num_side_sets */
    2,  /* num_elem_sets */
    1,  /* num_node_map */
    1,  /* num_edge_map */
    1,  /* num_face_map */
    1,  /* num_elem_map */

  ex_block edgeBlocks[1];
  ex_block faceBlocks[3];
  ex_block elemBlocks[2];

  ex_var_params varParams;

  ex_opts (EX_VERBOSE | EX_ABORT );

  edgeBlocks[0].type = EX_EDGE_BLOCK;
  edgeBlocks[0].id = 100;
  edgeBlocks[0].num_entry = 20;
  edgeBlocks[0].num_nodes_per_entry = 2;
  edgeBlocks[0].num_attribute = 1;
  strcpy(edgeBlocks[0].topology, "EDGE2");
  faceBlocks[0].type = EX_FACE_BLOCK;
  faceBlocks[0].id = 500;
  faceBlocks[0].num_entry = 2;
  faceBlocks[0].num_nodes_per_entry = 4;
  faceBlocks[0].num_attribute = 1;
  strcpy(faceBlocks[0].topology, "QUAD4");
  faceBlocks[1].type = EX_FACE_BLOCK;
  faceBlocks[1].id = 600;
  faceBlocks[1].num_entry = 1;
  faceBlocks[1].num_nodes_per_entry = 4;
  faceBlocks[1].num_attribute = 1;
  strcpy(faceBlocks[1].topology, "QUAD4");
  faceBlocks[2].type = EX_FACE_BLOCK;
  faceBlocks[2].id = 700;
  faceBlocks[2].num_entry = 8;
  faceBlocks[2].num_nodes_per_entry = 4;
  faceBlocks[2].num_attribute = 1;
  strcpy(faceBlocks[2].topology, "QUAD4");
  elemBlocks[0].type = EX_ELEM_BLOCK;
  elemBlocks[0].id = 200;
  elemBlocks[0].num_entry = 2;
  elemBlocks[0].num_nodes_per_entry = 8;
  elemBlocks[0].num_edges_per_entry = 12;
  elemBlocks[0].num_faces_per_entry = 6;
  elemBlocks[0].num_attribute = 2;
  strcpy(elemBlocks[0].topology, "HEX8");
  elemBlocks[1].type = EX_ELEM_BLOCK;
  elemBlocks[1].id = 201;
  elemBlocks[1].num_entry = 1;
  elemBlocks[1].num_nodes_per_entry = 4;
  elemBlocks[1].num_edges_per_entry = 0;
  elemBlocks[1].num_faces_per_entry = 0;
  elemBlocks[1].num_attribute = 0;
  strcpy(elemBlocks[1].topology, "TET4");
  varParams.edge_var_tab  = (int*)malloc(2 * sizeof(int));
  varParams.face_var_tab  = (int*)malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
  varParams.elem_var_tab  = (int*)malloc(2 * sizeof(int));
  varParams.nset_var_tab  = (int*)0;
  varParams.eset_var_tab  = (int*)0;
  varParams.fset_var_tab  = (int*)malloc(1 * sizeof(int));
  varParams.sset_var_tab  = (int*)0;
  varParams.elset_var_tab = (int*)0;

  varParams.num_glob        = 2;
  varParams.num_node        = 1;
  varParams.num_edge        = 2;
  varParams.edge_var_tab[0] = 1;
  varParams.edge_var_tab[1] = 1;
  varParams.num_face        = 1;
  varParams.face_var_tab[0] = 1;
  varParams.face_var_tab[1] = 1;
  varParams.face_var_tab[2] = 1;
  varParams.num_elem        = 1;
  varParams.elem_var_tab[0] = 1;
  varParams.elem_var_tab[1] = 0;
  varParams.num_nset        = 0;
  varParams.num_eset        = 0;;
  varParams.num_fset        = 1;
  varParams.fset_var_tab[0] = 1;
  varParams.num_sset        = 0;
  varParams.num_elset       = 0;

  exoid = ex_create( EX_TEST_FILENAME, EX_CLOBBER, &appWordSize, &diskWordSize );
  if ( exoid <= 0 )
      fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open \"%s\" for writing.\n", EX_TEST_FILENAME );
      return 1;

  EXCHECK( ex_put_init_ext( exoid, &modelParams ),
	   "Unable to initialize database.\n" );

    int blk;
    for ( blk = 0; blk < modelParams.num_edge_blk; ++blk ) {
      EXCHECK( ex_put_block_param( exoid, edgeBlocks[blk]), "Unable to write edge block" );
    for ( blk = 0; blk < modelParams.num_face_blk; ++blk ) {
      EXCHECK( ex_put_block_param( exoid, faceBlocks[blk]), "Unable to write face block" );
    for ( blk = 0; blk < modelParams.num_elem_blk; ++blk ) {
      EXCHECK( ex_put_block_param( exoid, elemBlocks[blk]), "Unable to write elem block" );

  EXCHECK( ex_put_coord( exoid, (void*)coordsX, (void*)coordsY, (void*)coordsZ ),
	   "Unable to write coordinates.\n" );

  EXCHECK( ex_put_coord_names( exoid, (char**)coordsNames ),
	   "Unable to write coordinate names.\n" );

  /*                  =============== Connectivity  ================== */
  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_conn( exoid, EX_EDGE_BLOCK, edgeBlocks[0].id, ebconn1, 0, 0 ),
	   "Unable to write edge block connectivity.\n" );

  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_conn( exoid, EX_FACE_BLOCK, faceBlocks[0].id, fbconn1, 0, 0 ),
	   "Unable to write face block 1 connectivity.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_conn( exoid, EX_FACE_BLOCK, faceBlocks[1].id, fbconn2, 0, 0 ),
	   "Unable to write face block 2 connectivity.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_conn( exoid, EX_FACE_BLOCK, faceBlocks[2].id, fbconn3, 0, 0 ),
	   "Unable to write face block 3 connectivity.\n" );

  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_conn( exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, elemBlocks[0].id, conn1, econn1, fconn1 ),
	   "Unable to write elem block 1 connectivity.\n" );

  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_conn( exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, elemBlocks[1].id, conn2, 0, 0 ),
	   "Unable to write elem block 2 connectivity.\n" );

  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_EDGE_BLOCK, (char**)edblk_names ), "Unable to write edge block names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_FACE_BLOCK, (char**)fablk_names ), "Unable to write face block names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, (char**) eblk_names ), "Unable to write element block names.\n" );

  /*                  =============== Number Maps   ================== */
  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_num_map( exoid, EX_NODE_MAP, 300, nmap1 ),  "Unable to write node map.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_num_map( exoid, EX_EDGE_MAP, 800, edmap1 ), "Unable to write edge map.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_num_map( exoid, EX_FACE_MAP, 900, famap1 ), "Unable to write face map.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_num_map( exoid, EX_ELEM_MAP, 400, emap1 ),  "Unable to write element map.\n" );

  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_NODE_MAP, (char**) nmap_names ), "Unable to write node map names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_EDGE_MAP, (char**)edmap_names ), "Unable to write edge map names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_FACE_MAP, (char**)famap_names ), "Unable to write face map names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_ELEM_MAP, (char**) emap_names ), "Unable to write element map names.\n" );

  /*                 =============== Attribute names ================ */
  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_attr_names( exoid, EX_EDGE_BLOCK, edgeBlocks[0].id, (char**)edge_attr_names1 ),
	   "Unable to write edge block 1 attribute names.\n" );

  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_attr_names( exoid, EX_FACE_BLOCK, faceBlocks[0].id, (char**)face_attr_names1 ),
	   "Unable to write face block 1 attribute names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_attr_names( exoid, EX_FACE_BLOCK, faceBlocks[1].id, (char**)face_attr_names2 ),
	   "Unable to write face block 1 attribute names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_attr_names( exoid, EX_FACE_BLOCK, faceBlocks[2].id, (char**)face_attr_names3 ),
	   "Unable to write face block 1 attribute names.\n" );

  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_attr_names( exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, elemBlocks[0].id, (char**)elem_attr_names1 ),
	   "Unable to write elem block 1 attribute names.\n" );

  /*                  =============== Attribute values =============== */
  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_attr( exoid, EX_EDGE_BLOCK, edgeBlocks[0].id, edge_attr_values1 ),
	   "Unable to write edge block 1 attribute values.\n" );

  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_attr( exoid, EX_FACE_BLOCK, faceBlocks[0].id, face_attr_values1 ),
	   "Unable to write face block 1 attribute values.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_attr( exoid, EX_FACE_BLOCK, faceBlocks[1].id, face_attr_values2 ),
	   "Unable to write face block 1 attribute values.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_attr( exoid, EX_FACE_BLOCK, faceBlocks[2].id, face_attr_values3 ),
	   "Unable to write face block 1 attribute values.\n" );

  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_attr( exoid, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, elemBlocks[0].id, elem_attr_values1 ),
	   "Unable to write elem block 1 attribute values.\n" );

  /*                  =============== Set parameters ================= */
  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_NODE_SET,  (char**)nset_names ), "Unable to write node set names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_EDGE_SET,  (char**)eset_names ), "Unable to write edge set names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_FACE_SET,  (char**)fset_names ), "Unable to write face set names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_SIDE_SET,  (char**)sset_names ), "Unable to write side set names.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_names( exoid, EX_ELEM_SET, (char**)elset_names ), "Unable to write element set names.\n" );

    ex_set allSets[1+1+1+1+2];

    ex_set *nodeSets = &allSets[0];
    ex_set *edgeSets = &allSets[1];
    ex_set *faceSets = &allSets[2];
    ex_set *sideSets = &allSets[3];
    ex_set *elemSets = &allSets[4];
    nodeSets[0].type = EX_NODE_SET;
    nodeSets[0].id  = 1000;
    nodeSets[0].num_entry = 3;
    nodeSets[0].num_distribution_factor = 0;
    nodeSets[0].entry_list = nset_nodes;
    nodeSets[0].extra_list = NULL;
    nodeSets[0].distribution_factor_list  = NULL;
    edgeSets[0].type = EX_EDGE_SET;
    edgeSets[0].id  = 1200;
    edgeSets[0].num_entry = 6;
    edgeSets[0].num_distribution_factor = 6;
    edgeSets[0].entry_list = eset_edges;
    edgeSets[0].extra_list = eset_orient;
    edgeSets[0].distribution_factor_list  = eset_df;
    faceSets[0].type = EX_FACE_SET;
    faceSets[0].id  = 1400;
    faceSets[0].num_entry = 2;
    faceSets[0].num_distribution_factor = 0;
    faceSets[0].entry_list = fset_faces;
    faceSets[0].extra_list = fset_orient;
    faceSets[0].distribution_factor_list  = NULL;
    sideSets[0].type = EX_SIDE_SET;
    sideSets[0].id  = 1400;
    sideSets[0].num_entry = 5;
    sideSets[0].num_distribution_factor = 0;
    sideSets[0].entry_list = sset_elems;
    sideSets[0].extra_list = sset_sides;
    sideSets[0].distribution_factor_list  = NULL;
    elemSets[0].type = EX_ELEM_SET;
    elemSets[0].id  = 1800;
    elemSets[0].num_entry = 1;
    elemSets[0].num_distribution_factor = 0;
    elemSets[0].entry_list = &elset_elems[0];
    elemSets[0].extra_list = NULL;
    elemSets[0].distribution_factor_list  = NULL;
    elemSets[1].type = EX_ELEM_SET;
    elemSets[1].id  = 1900;
    elemSets[1].num_entry = 1;
    elemSets[1].num_distribution_factor = 0;
    elemSets[1].entry_list = &elset_elems[1];
    elemSets[1].extra_list = NULL;
    elemSets[1].distribution_factor_list  = NULL;
    if ( concatSets ) {
      EXCHECK( ex_put_sets(exoid, 1+2+1+1+1, allSets), "Unable to output concatenated sets.\n" );
    } else {
      EXCHECK( ex_put_sets( exoid, 1, nodeSets), "Unable to write node sets.\n" );
      EXCHECK( ex_put_sets( exoid, 1, edgeSets), "Unable to write edge sets.\n" );
      EXCHECK( ex_put_sets( exoid, 1, faceSets), "Unable to write face sets.\n" );
      EXCHECK( ex_put_sets( exoid, 1, sideSets), "Unable to write side sets.\n" );
      EXCHECK( ex_put_sets( exoid, 2, elemSets), "Unable to write element sets.\n" );

  /*                  =============== Result variable params ========= */
  /* *** NEW API *** */
  if ( concatResult ) {
    EXCHECK( ex_put_all_var_param_ext( exoid, &varParams ),
	     "Unable to write result variable parameter information.\n" );
  } else {
    EXCHECK( ex_put_var_param( exoid, "G", 2 ),
	     "Unable to write global result variable parameters.\n" );
    EXCHECK( ex_put_var_param( exoid, "N", 1 ),
	     "Unable to write nodal result variable parameters.\n" );
    EXCHECK( ex_put_var_param( exoid, "E", 1 ),
	     "Unable to write element result variable parameters.\n" );
    EXCHECK( ex_put_var_param( exoid, "L", 2 ),
	     "Unable to write edge result variable parameters.\n" );
    EXCHECK( ex_put_var_param( exoid, "F", 1 ),
	     "Unable to write face result variable parameters.\n" );
    EXCHECK( ex_put_var_param( exoid, "A", 1 ),
	     "Unable to write faceset result variable parameters.\n" );

  /*                  =============== Result variable names ========== */
  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var_name( exoid, "G", 1, "CALIBER" ), "Unable to write variable name.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var_name( exoid, "g", 2, "GUNPOWDER" ), "Unable to write variable name.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var_name( exoid, "N", 1, "RHO" ), "Unable to write variable name.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var_name( exoid, "l", 1, "GAMMA1" ), "Unable to write variable name.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var_name( exoid, "L", 2, "GAMMA2" ), "Unable to write variable name.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var_name( exoid, "f", 1, "PHI" ), "Unable to write variable name.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var_name( exoid, "E", 1, "EPSTRN" ), "Unable to write variable name.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var_name( exoid, "A", 1, "PHI0" ), "Unable to write variable name.\n" );

  /*                  =============== Result variable values ========= */
  t = 1.;
  /* *** NEW API *** */
  EXCHECK( ex_put_time( exoid, 1, &t ), "Unable to write time value.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 1, EX_GLOBAL, 1, 0/*N/A*/, 2,      vals_glo_var[0] ), "Unable to write global var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 1, EX_EDGE_BLOCK, 1, 100, 20, vals_edge_var1eb1[0] ), "Unable to write edge block 1 var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 1, EX_EDGE_BLOCK, 2, 100, 20, vals_edge_var2eb1[0] ), "Unable to write edge block 1 var 2.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 1, EX_FACE_BLOCK, 1, 500,  2, vals_face_var1fb1[0] ), "Unable to write face block 1 var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 1, EX_FACE_BLOCK, 1, 700,  8, vals_face_var1fb3[0] ), "Unable to write face block 3 var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 1, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, 1, 200,  2, vals_elem_var1eb1[0] ), "Unable to write elem block 1 var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 1, EX_FACE_SET,  1, 1400,  2, vals_fset_var1fs1[0] ), "Unable to write face set 1 var 1.\n" );

  t = 2.;
  EXCHECK( ex_put_time( exoid, 2, &t ), "Unable to write time value.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 2, EX_GLOBAL, 1, 0/*N/A*/, 2,      vals_glo_var[1] ), "Unable to write global var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 2, EX_EDGE_BLOCK, 1, 100, 20, vals_edge_var1eb1[1] ), "Unable to write edge block 1 var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 2, EX_EDGE_BLOCK, 2, 100, 20, vals_edge_var2eb1[1] ), "Unable to write edge block 1 var 2.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 2, EX_FACE_BLOCK, 1, 500,  2, vals_face_var1fb1[1] ), "Unable to write face block 1 var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 2, EX_FACE_BLOCK, 1, 700,  8, vals_face_var1fb3[1] ), "Unable to write face block 3 var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 2, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, 1, 200,  2, vals_elem_var1eb1[1] ), "Unable to write elem block 1 var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_var( exoid, 2, EX_FACE_SET,  1, 1400,  2, vals_fset_var1fs1[1] ), "Unable to write face set 1 var 1.\n" );

  EXCHECK( ex_put_nodal_var( exoid, 1, 1, 12, vals_nod_var[0] ), "Unable to write nodal var 1.\n" );
  EXCHECK( ex_put_nodal_var( exoid, 2, 1, 12, vals_nod_var[1] ), "Unable to write nodal var 1.\n" );

  EXCHECK( ex_close( exoid ),
	   "Unable to close database.\n" );

  return 0;