int LuaStack::executeScriptFile(const char* filename) { std::string code("require \""); code.append(filename); code.append("\""); return executeString(code.c_str()); }
bool Console::keyDown(keypress key, keymod mod) { if (!isDown()) return false; // If we intercept a toggleConsole() command, then execute it. keypress convertedKey = Input::convertKeycode(key); std::string commandString = bindings.getCommandString(convertedKey); if (commandString == "toggleConsole()") { toggle(); return true; } _textInput.keyDown(key, mod); TextInput::text_input_status status = _textInput.getStatus(); if (status == TextInput::text_input_complete) { // Add the completed string to the history. // Front = top = oldest, // Back = bottom = newest std::string finishedText = _textInput.getText(); write(finishedText); if (_history.size() > _historySize) _history.pop_front(); executeString(finishedText); _textInput.clear(); } else if (status == TextInput::text_input_cancelled) _textInput.clear(); return true; }
void startScript(std::string strDebugArg) { // register lua engine auto engine = LuaEngine::getInstance(); if (!strDebugArg.empty()) { // open debugger.lua module cocos2d::log("debug args = %s", strDebugArg.c_str()); luaopen_lua_debugger(engine->getLuaStack()->getLuaState()); engine->executeString(strDebugArg.c_str()); } std::string code("require \""); code.append(ConfigParser::getInstance()->getEntryFile().c_str()); code.append("\""); engine->executeString(code.c_str()); }
void ScriptCore::setItem(ScriptCoreItemI* item) { if (!item) return; ScriptCoreItemI* temp = ItemJSBinding::GetItem(m_uiItemId); if (temp == item) return; delItem(); m_uiItemId = ItemJSBinding::AddItem(item); executeString(gcString("item.SetItem({0});", (int32)m_uiItemId).c_str()); }
void ScriptManager::executeDefaultCode() { static const Common::UString fnNewIndexSource = "function mt_new_index(table, key, value)" " local objClass = getmetatable(table).__objectClass" " if objClass ~= nil then" " local cppInstance = rawget(table, \"CPP_instance\")" " if cppInstance[key] ~= nil then" " cppInstance[key] = value" " end" " return" " end" " rawset(table, key, value)" "end"; executeString(fnNewIndexSource); }
void LuaStack::connectDebugger(int debuggerType, const char *host, int port, const char *debugKey, const char *workDir) { _debuggerType = debuggerType; if (debuggerType == kCCLuaDebuggerLDT) { lua_pushboolean(_state, 1); lua_setglobal(_state, kCCLuaDebuggerGlobalKey); char buffer[512]; memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); sprintf(buffer, "require('ldt_debugger')('%s', %d, '%s', nil, nil, '%s')", host ? host : "", port > 0 ? port : 10000, debugKey ? debugKey : "luaidekey", workDir ? workDir : ""); executeString(buffer); } }
void PythonContext::executeFile(const QString &filename) { QFile f(filename); if(!f.exists()) { emit exception(lit("FileNotFoundError"), tr("No such file or directory: %1").arg(filename), -1, {}); return; } if( | QIODevice::Text)) { QByteArray py = f.readAll(); executeString(filename, QString::fromUtf8(py)); } else { emit exception(lit("IOError"), QFormatStr("%1: %2").arg(f.errorString()).arg(filename), -1, {}); } }
int CCLuaStack::executeScriptFile(const char* filename) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) std::string code("require \""); code.append(filename); code.append("\""); return executeString(code.c_str()); #else ++m_callFromLua; int nRet = luaL_dofile(m_state, filename); --m_callFromLua; CC_ASSERT(m_callFromLua >= 0); // lua_gc(m_state, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0); if (nRet != 0) { CCLOG("[LUA ERROR] %s", lua_tostring(m_state, -1)); lua_pop(m_state, 1); return nRet; } return 0; #endif }
int LuaStack::executeScriptFile(const char* filename) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID) std::string code("require \""); code.append(filename); code.append("\""); return executeString(code.c_str()); #else std::string fullPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(filename); ++_callFromLua; int nRet = luaL_dofile(_state, fullPath.c_str()); --_callFromLua; CC_ASSERT(_callFromLua >= 0); // lua_gc(_state, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0); if (nRet != 0) { CCLOG("[LUA ERROR] %s", lua_tostring(_state, -1)); lua_pop(_state, 1); return nRet; } return 0; #endif }
int LuaStack::reload(const char* moduleFileName) { if (nullptr == moduleFileName || strlen(moduleFileName) == 0) { CCLOG("moudulFileName is null"); return 1; } lua_getglobal(_state, "package"); /* L: package */ lua_getfield(_state, -1, "loaded"); /* L: package loaded */ lua_pushstring(_state, moduleFileName); lua_gettable(_state, -2); /* L:package loaded module */ if (!lua_isnil(_state, -1)) { lua_pushstring(_state, moduleFileName); /* L:package loaded module name */ lua_pushnil(_state); /* L:package loaded module name nil*/ lua_settable(_state, -4); /* L:package loaded module */ } lua_pop(_state, 3); std::string name = moduleFileName; std::string require = "require \'" + name + "\'"; return executeString(require.c_str()); }
void ScriptToolKit::clearScriptStack() { mTickStackSize = 0; executeString( "Pulsar.TickScripts = {}" ); }
bool PythonScript::executeImpl() { return executeString(); }
bool PythonScript::executeImpl() { TemporaryValue holder(m_threadID, getThreadID()); return executeString(); }
void TDLuaMgr::excuteConvertString(std::string pLuaString) { executeString(convertExcuteString(pLuaString)); }
bool TDLuaMgr::executeLua() { std::vector<LUA_ELEM *> tempList; m_mutex.lock(); // 1、从队列中先取出执行的脚本函数 // 先缓存在临时列表中,然后再执行根据临时列表中的操作,这是因为我们不希望 m_LuaElemList 被锁住太久 unsigned int size = m_luaElemList.size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { tempList.push_back(m_luaElemList[i]); } m_luaElemList.clear(); m_mutex.unlock(); if (tempList.size() == 0) { return false; } size = tempList.size(); if (size > 1000) cocos2d::log("Lua queue has too much pending request(%d)\n", size); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { LUA_ELEM* elem = tempList[i]; // 若该字段不为 NULL,表示为 lua string,直接执行 if (elem->pLuaString.size() > 0) { executeString(elem->pLuaString); } else if (elem->Func != -1) { // 执行指定定义类型的函数 switch (elem->Func) { // 收到的消息 case FUNC_MESSAGE: excuteMessage(elem->fd, elem->stream); break; // 收到的数据库返回结果 case FUNC_DB_RESULT: excuteDBResult(elem->cookie, elem->ret, elem->errmsg.c_str(), elem->stream); break; // 收到新连接 case FUNC_NEW_CONNECTION: excuteNewConnect(elem->cookie, elem->fd); break; // 连接断开 case FUNC_CONNECTION_LOST: excuteConnectLost(elem->fd); break; default: break; } } delete elem; } tempList.clear(); return true; }
void ofxPython::executeScript(const string& path) { executeString(ofBufferFromFile(path).getText()); PythonErrorCheck(); }
void PythonContext::executeString(const QString &source) { executeString(lit("<>"), source); }