SEXP exhaustiveSearch(SEXP graph_sexp, SEXP interestVertices_sexp, SEXP countDisconnected_sexp, R_GRAPH_TYPE graphType) { BEGIN_RCPP std::vector<int> interestVertices = Rcpp::as<std::vector<int> >(interestVertices_sexp); context::inputGraph graph; convertGraph(graph_sexp, graph, graphType); std::size_t nVertices = boost::num_vertices(graph); //Change to base-zero indices for(std::vector<int>::iterator i = interestVertices.begin(); i != interestVertices.end(); i++) { (*i)--; if(*i < 0) throw std::runtime_error("Interest vertices must be non-negative"); if(*i >= (int)nVertices) throw std::runtime_error("Input vertex was too large"); } exhaustiveSearchArgs args(graph); args.interestVertices = interestVertices; args.countDisconnected = Rcpp::as<bool>(countDisconnected_sexp); exhaustiveSearch(args); Rcpp::CharacterVector result(args.result.size()); for(std::vector<exhaustiveSearchArgs::counterType>::iterator i = args.result.begin(); i != args.result.end(); i++) { std::stringstream ss; ss << *i; result[std::distance(args.result.begin(), i)] = ss.str(); } return result; END_RCPP }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *gtm_fname=0; char *tlb_str=0; char *tlb_fname=0; int global_min=0x7FFFFFFF; int exact=0; int time_limit=0; int switch_cost=1, absence_cost=1, diff_cost=1; int subt1=-1, subt2=-1; for (int i=1;i<argc;i++) { if (argv[i][0]!='-') { if (gtm_fname==0) { gtm_fname=argv[i]; } else { printf("ERROR: Only one input file is allowed\n."); exit(1); } } else { if (strcmp("-cost", argv[i])==0) { const int no_costs=3; i++; if (argv[i][0]==0) { printf("Cost tuple cannot be empty\n"); exit(1); } for (int j=0;j<strlen(argv[i]);j++) { if (!isdigit(argv[i][j])) { printf("Invalid cost tuple %s\n", argv[i]); exit(1); } } if (strlen(argv[i])%no_costs!=0) { printf("Cost tuple %s length is not a multiple of %d.\n", argv[i], no_costs); exit(1); } int d=strlen(argv[i])/no_costs; switch_cost=0; diff_cost=0; absence_cost=0; int j=0; for (int k=0;k<d;k++) switch_cost=switch_cost*10+argv[i][j++]-'0'; for (int k=0;k<d;k++) absence_cost=absence_cost*10+argv[i][j++]-'0'; for (int k=0;k<d;k++) diff_cost=diff_cost*10+argv[i][j++]-'0'; } else if (strcmp("-switch", argv[i])==0) { switch_cost=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp("-diff", argv[i])==0) { diff_cost=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp("-absence", argv[i])==0) { absence_cost=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp("-wsize", argv[i])==0) { wsize=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp("-timelimit", argv[i])==0) { time_limit_str = argv[++i]; char *p = time_limit_str + strlen(time_limit_str)-1; if (*p == 'd') { time_limit = 24*3600; } else if (*p == 'h') { time_limit = 3600; } else if (*p == 'm') { time_limit = 60; } else if (*p == 's' || ('0'<=*p && *p<='9')) { time_limit = 1; } else { printf("Unknown option time limit %s\n", time_limit_str); exit(0); } //*p = 0; time_limit *= atoi(time_limit_str); } else if (strcmp("-min", argv[i])==0) { global_min=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp("-maxcolor", argv[i])==0) { exact=0; max_color=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp("-xmaxcolor", argv[i])==0) { exact=1; max_color=atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp("-tlbfile", argv[i])==0) { tlb_fname=argv[++i]; } else if (strcmp("-tlb", argv[i])==0) { tlb_str=argv[++i]; } else if (strcmp("-subtime", argv[i])==0) { subt1=atoi(argv[++i]); subt2=atoi(argv[++i]); assert(subt1<subt2); } else { printf("Unknown option %s\n", argv[i]); print_usage(argv[0]); } } } if (gtm_fname==0) { print_usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } if (access(gtm_fname, F_OK)!=0) { printf("Input file %s does not exist\n", gtm_fname); exit(1); } // load gtm file gtm_data gtm; if (load_gtmfile(gtm_fname, >m)) { printf("Error loading gtm file: %s\n", gtm_fname); exit(1); } const int group_count = gtm.group_count; const int ind_count = gtm.ind_count; const int time_count = gtm.time_count; const int max_time_size = gtm.max_time_size; const int exist_ind_count = gtm.exist_ind_count; int *time_first_group = gtm.time_first_group; const int *group_time = gtm.group_time; const int *group_size = gtm.group_size; linked_group **group_array = gtm.group_array; if (subt1==subt2 && subt1==-1) { // default subt1 = 0; subt2 = time_count; } if (max_color<=0) { for (int t=0;t<=time_count;t++) { if (time_first_group[t+1]-time_first_group[t]>max_color) { max_color = time_first_group[t+1]-time_first_group[t]; } } } if (max_time_size>max_color) { printf("Not enough colors. Need at least %d colors.\n", max_time_size); exit(1); } if (exact && group_count<max_color) { printf("Too many colors while exact is on: %d groups, %d group colors", group_count, max_color); exit(1); } /* debug linked_group *p; for (p=*group_array;p!=0;p=p->next) { printf("group %d time %d:", p->group, p->timestep); for (int i=0;i<p->member_count;i++) { printf(" %d", p->member[i]); } printf("\n"); } */ if (print_info>=2) { printf("%d group(s) %d timestep(s)\n", group_count, time_count); printf("%d observed individual(s) from %d allocated IDs\n", exist_ind_count, ind_count); printf("max color %d exact %s\n", max_color, exact?"on":"off"); printf("max time size %d\n", max_time_size); printf("cost %d %d %d\n", switch_cost, absence_cost, diff_cost); printf("initial min %d\n", global_min); if (time_limit<=0) { printf("no time limit\n"); } else { printf("time limit %s (%d sec)\n", time_limit_str, time_limit); } } int min_group_color[group_count]; int *time_lowerbound=0; // read/compute lower bounds if (tlb_str || tlb_fname) { time_lowerbound = CAlloc(time_count+1, sizeof(int)); int index=0; if (tlb_fname) { if (print_info>=2) printf("tlbfile %s:", tlb_fname); FILE *fp = fopen(tlb_fname, "r"); if (fp>0) { while (index<=time_count) { if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &time_lowerbound[index])!=1) break; index++; } fclose(fp); if (index==0) { fp=NULL; } else if (index!=time_count) { printf("ERROR: %d numbers are expected in tlb file %s but only %d found\n", time_count, tlb_fname, index); exit(1); } } if (fp<=0) { // possibly file doesn't exists fprintf(stderr, "tlbfile %s doesn't exist.\n", tlb_fname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { if (print_info>=2) printf("tlb:"); while (index<=time_count) { if (sscanf(tlb_str, "%d", &time_lowerbound[index])!=1) break; index++; // advance tlb_str while(*tlb_str!=0 && ('0' > *tlb_str || *tlb_str > '9')) tlb_str++; while(*tlb_str!=0 && '0' <= *tlb_str && *tlb_str <= '9') tlb_str++; } } while (index<=time_count) { time_lowerbound[index++]==0; } if (print_info>=2) { // print tlb for (int t=0;t<=time_count;t++) { printf(" %d", time_lowerbound[t]); } printf("\n"); } } else { if (wsize>0) { if (print_info>=2) printf("tail lowerbounding enabled: window size %d\n", wsize); time_lowerbound = CAlloc(time_count+1, sizeof(int)); int lbs[time_count+1]; memset(lbs, 0, sizeof(int)*(time_count+1)); if (print_info>=2) printf("compute tail lowerbounds\n"); for (int t1=subt2;(t1-=wsize)>=subt1;) { int g0=time_first_group[t1], gn=time_first_group[t1+wsize]; if (print_info>=2) printf("g%d t%d -- g%d t%d ", g0+1, t1+1, gn, t1+wsize); fflush(stdout); int lb=0x7FFFFFFF; int rc = exhaustiveSearch(switch_cost, absence_cost, diff_cost, g0, group_array, gn, time_lowerbound, time_count, t1, t1+wsize, group_size, group_time, ind_count, &lb, min_group_color, 0, max_color<gn?max_color:gn, time_limit, 0, 1); if (print_info>=2) printf("lb %d\n", lb); for (int t=0;t<time_count;t++) { if (t1-t<0) break; lbs[t1-t] += lb; } } memcpy(time_lowerbound, lbs, sizeof(int)*(time_count+1)); if (print_info>=2) { printf("time lowerbound:"); for (int t=subt1;t<=subt2;t++) { printf(" %d", time_lowerbound[t]); } printf("\n"); } //return 0; } else { if (print_info>=2) printf("tail lowerbounding disabled\n"); } } // run exhaustive search if (print_info>=2) printf("start main loop\n"); fflush(stdout); int g1=time_first_group[subt1], g2=time_first_group[subt2]; global_min = exhaustiveSearch(switch_cost, absence_cost, diff_cost, g1, group_array, g2, time_lowerbound, time_count, subt1, subt2, group_size, group_time, ind_count, &global_min, min_group_color, exact, max_color, time_limit, print_info, 1); clear_linked_group(*group_array); Free(group_array); if (time_lowerbound) Free(time_lowerbound); return 0; }
SEXP exhaustiveSearch_graphAM(SEXP graph_sexp, SEXP interestVertices_sexp, SEXP countDisconnected_sexp) { return exhaustiveSearch(graph_sexp, interestVertices_sexp, countDisconnected_sexp, GRAPHAM); }
void SplitTree::printTechnique( const SplitTechniqueDesc& inTechniqueDesc, std::ostream& inStream ) { // TIM: sanity check: for( size_t i = 0; i < _dagOrderNodeList.size(); i++ ) assert( _dagOrderNodeList[i]->getDagOrderIndex() == i ); // "dump.txt" ); // preRdsMagic(); timeSplitCounter = 0; timePrintingCounter = 0; timeCompilingCounter = 0; unsigned long splitStart = getTime(); {for( NodeList::iterator i = _outputList.begin(); i != _outputList.end(); ++i ) { (*i)->_isFinalOutput = true; }} #ifdef SPLIT_SEARCH_EXHAUSTIVE exhaustiveSearch(); #else rdsSearch(); #endif unsigned long splitStop = getTime(); timeSplitCounter += splitStop - splitStart; // TIM: we need to split somewhere for( size_t i = 0; i < _outputList.size(); i++ ) { assert( _outputList[i]->_splitHere ); } // assign "registers" to all split nodes {for( NodeList::iterator i = _dagOrderNodeList.begin(); i != _dagOrderNodeList.end(); ++i ) { (*i)->setTemporaryID( 0 ); }} int outputID = 0; {for( NodeList::iterator i = _outputList.begin(); i != _outputList.end(); ++i ) { (*i)->setTemporaryID( _outputArgumentIndices[outputID++] ); }} int temporaryID = 1; {for( NodeList::iterator i = _dagOrderNodeList.begin(); i != _dagOrderNodeList.end(); ++i ) { if( (*i)->isMarkedAsSplit() && ((*i)->getTemporaryID() == 0) ) (*i)->setTemporaryID( -(temporaryID++) ); }} int temporaryCount = temporaryID-1; // now we go through the passes and print them? inStream << "\t.technique( gpu_technique_desc()" << std::endl; if( temporaryCount ) { inStream << "\t\t.temporaries(" << temporaryCount << ")" << std::endl; } unmark( SplitNode::kMarkBit_Printed ); std::cout << "time split " << timeSplitCounter << std::endl; std::cout << "time compile " << timeCompilingCounter << std::endl; std::cout << "time print " << timePrintingCounter << std::endl; std::ofstream cdump("configuration.dump"); dumpPassConfiguration(cdump ); for( PassSet::iterator p = _passes.begin(); p != _passes.end(); ++p ) rdsPrintPass( *p, inStream ); inStream << "\t)"; // dumpFile.close(); }