    Accumulate a list of TopoDS_Edge objects along with their lengths.  We will use
    this repeatedly while we're rendering this text string.  We don't want to re-aquire
    this information for every point of every character.  Cache it here.  This method
    should be called once before each rendering session for the text string.
void COrientationModifier::InitializeFromSketch()
    m_total_edge_length = 0.0;

    if (GetNumChildren() > 0)
        std::list<TopoDS_Shape> wires;
        if (::ConvertSketchToFaceOrWire( GetFirstChild(), wires, false))
            // Aggregate a list of TopoDS_Edge objects and each of their lengths.  We can
            // use this list to skip through edges that we're not interested in.  i.e. the
            // text won't sit on top of them.

            for (std::list<TopoDS_Shape>::iterator itWire = wires.begin(); itWire != wires.end(); itWire++)
                TopoDS_Wire wire(TopoDS::Wire(*itWire));

                for(BRepTools_WireExplorer expEdge(TopoDS::Wire(wire)); expEdge.More(); expEdge.Next())
                    TopoDS_Edge edge(TopoDS_Edge(expEdge.Current()));

                    BRepAdaptor_Curve curve(edge);
                    double edge_length = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(curve);
                    m_edges.push_back( std::make_pair(edge,edge_length) );
                    m_total_edge_length += edge_length;
                } // End for
            } // End for
        } // End if - then
    } // End if - then
Example #2
/* static */ std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> SimplifySketchTool::SortEdges( const TopoDS_Wire & wire )
    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> edges;

	for(BRepTools_WireExplorer expEdge(TopoDS::Wire(wire)); expEdge.More(); expEdge.Next())
	    edges.push_back( TopoDS_Edge(expEdge.Current()) );
	} // End for

	for (std::vector<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator l_itEdge = edges.begin(); l_itEdge != edges.end(); l_itEdge++)
        if (l_itEdge == edges.begin())
            // It's the first edge.  Find the edge whose endpoint is closest to gp_Pnt(0,0,0) so that
            // the resutls of this sorting are consistent.  When we just use the first edge in the
            // wire, we end up with different results every time.  We want consistency so that, if we
            // use this Contour operation as a location for drilling a relief hole (one day), we want
            // to be sure the machining will begin from a consistently known location.

            std::vector<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator l_itStartingEdge = edges.begin();
            gp_Pnt closest_point = GetStart(*l_itStartingEdge);
            if (GetEnd(*l_itStartingEdge).Distance(gp_Pnt(0,0,0)) < closest_point.Distance(gp_Pnt(0,0,0)))
                closest_point = GetEnd(*l_itStartingEdge);
            for (std::vector<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator l_itCheck = edges.begin(); l_itCheck != edges.end(); l_itCheck++)
                if (GetStart(*l_itCheck).Distance(gp_Pnt(0,0,0)) < closest_point.Distance(gp_Pnt(0,0,0)))
                    closest_point = GetStart(*l_itCheck);
                    l_itStartingEdge = l_itCheck;

                if (GetEnd(*l_itCheck).Distance(gp_Pnt(0,0,0)) < closest_point.Distance(gp_Pnt(0,0,0)))
                    closest_point = GetEnd(*l_itCheck);
                    l_itStartingEdge = l_itCheck;

            EdgeComparison compare( *l_itStartingEdge );
            std::sort( edges.begin(), edges.end(), compare );
        } // End if - then
            // We've already begun.  Just sort based on the previous point's location.
            std::vector<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator l_itNextEdge = l_itEdge;

            if (l_itNextEdge != edges.end())
                EdgeComparison compare( *l_itEdge );
                std::sort( l_itNextEdge, edges.end(), compare );
            } // End if - then
        } // End if - else
    } // End for


} // End SortEdges() method
Example #3
void CreateFacesAndEdges(TopoDS_Shape shape, CFaceList* faces, CEdgeList* edges, CVertexList* vertices)
	// create index maps
	TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape faceMap;
	TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape edgeMap;
	TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape vertexMap;
	for (TopExp_Explorer explorer(shape, TopAbs_FACE); explorer.More(); explorer.Next())
	for (TopExp_Explorer explorer(shape, TopAbs_EDGE); explorer.More(); explorer.Next())
	for (TopExp_Explorer explorer(shape, TopAbs_VERTEX); explorer.More(); explorer.Next())

	std::vector<CFace*> face_array;
	face_array.resize(faceMap.Extent() + 1);
	std::vector<CEdge*> edge_array;
	edge_array.resize(edgeMap.Extent() + 1);
	std::vector<CVertex*> vertex_array;
	vertex_array.resize(vertexMap.Extent() + 1);

	// create the edge objects
	for(int i = 1;i<=edgeMap.Extent();i++)
		const TopoDS_Shape &s = edgeMap(i);
		CEdge* new_object = new CEdge(TopoDS::Edge(s));
		edge_array[i] = new_object;

	// create the vertex objects
	for(int i = 1;i<=vertexMap.Extent();i++)
		const TopoDS_Shape &s = vertexMap(i);
		CVertex* new_object = new CVertex(TopoDS::Vertex(s));
		vertex_array[i] = new_object;

	// add the edges in their face loop order
	std::set<CEdge*> edges_added;
	std::set<CVertex*> vertices_added;

	// create the face objects
	for(int i = 1;i<=faceMap.Extent();i++)
		const TopoDS_Shape &s = faceMap(i);
		CFace* new_face_object = new CFace(TopoDS::Face(s));
		faces->Add(new_face_object, NULL);
		face_array[i] = new_face_object;

		// create the loop objects
		TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape loopMap;
		for (TopExp_Explorer explorer(s, TopAbs_WIRE); explorer.More(); explorer.Next())
		TopoDS_Wire outerWire=BRepTools::OuterWire(new_face_object->Face());
		int outer_index = loopMap.FindIndex(outerWire);
		for(int i = 1;i<=loopMap.Extent();i++)
			const TopoDS_Shape &s = loopMap(i);
			CLoop* new_loop_object = new CLoop(TopoDS::Wire(s));
			if(outer_index == i)new_loop_object->m_is_outer = true;
			new_loop_object->m_pface = new_face_object;

			// find the loop's edges
			for(BRepTools_WireExplorer explorer(TopoDS::Wire(s)); explorer.More(); explorer.Next())
				CEdge* e = edge_array[edgeMap.FindIndex(explorer.Current())];

				// add the edge
				if(edges_added.find(e) == edges_added.end())
					edges->Add(e, NULL);

				// add the vertex
				CVertex* v = vertex_array[vertexMap.FindIndex(explorer.CurrentVertex())];
				if(vertices_added.find(v) == vertices_added.end())
					vertices->Add(v, NULL);

	// find the vertices' edges
	for(unsigned int i = 1; i<vertex_array.size(); i++)
		CVertex* v = vertex_array[i];
		TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape vertexEdgeMap;
		for (TopExp_Explorer expEdge(v->Vertex(), TopAbs_EDGE); expEdge.More(); expEdge.Next())
		for(int i = 1; i<=vertexEdgeMap.Extent(); i++)
			const TopoDS_Shape &s = vertexEdgeMap(i);
			CEdge* e = edge_array[edgeMap.FindIndex(s)];

	// find the faces' edges
	for(unsigned int i = 1; i<face_array.size(); i++)
		CFace* face = face_array[i];
		TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape faceEdgeMap;
		for (TopExp_Explorer expEdge(face->Face(), TopAbs_EDGE); expEdge.More(); expEdge.Next())
		for(int i = 1; i<=faceEdgeMap.Extent(); i++)
			const TopoDS_Shape &s = faceEdgeMap(i);
			CEdge* e = edge_array[edgeMap.FindIndex(s)];
			bool sense = (s.IsEqual(e->Edge()) == Standard_True);