static int extract_authentication_data(struct curl_slist *headers, struct auth_data * data) { int found_data = 0; char *authorization_header = NULL; int keysize = strlen("Authorization:"); if ((authorization_header = get_header(headers, "Authorization:", keysize))) { regex_t regex; regmatch_t matches[3]; if (regcomp(®ex, "AuthHMAC ([^:]+):([A-Za-z0-9+/=]+)$", REG_EXTENDED)) { fatal("Error compiling regex"); return -1; } if (0 == regexec(®ex, authorization_header, 3, matches, 0)) { char * access_id = extract_match(&matches[1], authorization_header); char * signature = extract_match(&matches[2], authorization_header); if (access_id && signature) { data->access_id = access_id; data->signature = signature; found_data = 1; } } regfree(®ex); } return found_data; }
static word fetch_file(void) { // Returns 0=Success with relevant file open on fp_result // Or !0 = failure and file is closed. // DANGER: In failure case, fp_result is INVALID and may not be null. char zs[256], filepathz[256], filepath[256], url[256]; time_t now, when; struct tm * broken; static char * weekdays[] = { "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat" }; stats[Fetches]++; now = time(NULL); if(!opt_filename) { static CURL * curlh; struct curl_slist * slist; if(!(curlh = curl_easy_init())) { _log(CRITICAL, "fetch_file(): Failed to obtain libcurl easy handle."); return 1; } curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, cif_write_data); slist = NULL; slist = curl_slist_append(slist, "Cache-Control: no-cache"); if(!slist) { _log(MAJOR,"fetch_file(): Failed to create slist."); return 1; } // Build URL when = now - 24*60*60; broken = localtime(&when); // Note broken contains "yesterday" if(opt_url) { strcpy(url, opt_url); } else { if(fetch_all) { sprintf(url, ""); } else { sprintf(url, "", weekdays[broken->tm_wday]); } } sprintf(zs, "Fetching \"%s\".", url); _log(GENERAL, zs); if(opt_url || debug) { sprintf(filepathz, "/tmp/tscdb-cif-fetch-%ld.gz", now); sprintf(filepath, "/tmp/tscdb-cif-fetch-%ld", now); } else if(fetch_all) { sprintf(filepathz, "/tmp/tscdb-cif-all-%02d-%02d-%02d-%s.gz", broken->tm_year%100, broken->tm_mon + 1, broken->tm_mday, weekdays[broken->tm_wday]); sprintf(filepath, "/tmp/tscdb-cif-all-%02d-%02d-%02d-%s", broken->tm_year%100, broken->tm_mon + 1, broken->tm_mday, weekdays[broken->tm_wday]); } else { sprintf(filepathz, "/tmp/tscdb-cif-%02d-%02d-%02d-%s.gz", broken->tm_year%100, broken->tm_mon + 1, broken->tm_mday, weekdays[broken->tm_wday]); sprintf(filepath, "/tmp/tscdb-cif-%02d-%02d-%02d-%s", broken->tm_year%100, broken->tm_mon + 1, broken->tm_mday, weekdays[broken->tm_wday]); } if(!(fp_result = fopen(filepathz, "w"))) { sprintf(zs, "Failed to open \"%s\" for writing.", filepathz); _log(MAJOR, zs); return 1; } curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, slist); // Set timeouts curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L); curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_FTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, 128L); curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 128L); curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 128L); // Debugging prints. // curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L); // URL and login curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_URL, url); sprintf(zs, "%s:%s", conf[conf_nr_user], conf[conf_nr_password]); curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_USERPWD, zs); curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L); // On receiving a 3xx response, follow the redirect. total_bytes = 0; CURLcode result; if((result = curl_easy_perform(curlh))) { _log(MAJOR, "fetch_file(): curl_easy_perform() returned error %d: %s.", result, curl_easy_strerror(result)); if(opt_insecure && (result == 51 || result == 60)) { _log(MAJOR, "Retrying download in insecure mode."); // SSH failure, retry without curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L); curl_easy_setopt(curlh, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L); used_insecure = true; if((result = curl_easy_perform(curlh))) { _log(MAJOR, "fetch_file(): In insecure mode curl_easy_perform() returned error %d: %s.", result, curl_easy_strerror(result)); if(fp_result) fclose(fp_result); fp_result = NULL; return 1; } } else { if(fp_result) fclose(fp_result); fp_result = NULL; return 1; } } char * actual_url; if(!curl_easy_getinfo(curlh, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &actual_url) && actual_url) { _log(GENERAL, "Download was redirected to \"%s\".", actual_url); } if(fp_result) fclose(fp_result); fp_result = NULL; if(curlh) curl_easy_cleanup(curlh); curlh = NULL; if(slist) curl_slist_free_all(slist); slist = NULL; sprintf(zs, "Received %s bytes of compressed CIF updates.", commas(total_bytes)); _log(GENERAL, zs); if(total_bytes == 0) return 1; _log(GENERAL, "Decompressing data..."); sprintf(zs, "/bin/gunzip -f %s", filepathz); char * rc; if((rc = system_call(zs))) { _log(MAJOR, "Failed to uncompress file: %s", rc); if((fp_result = fopen(filepathz, "r"))) { char error_message[2048]; size_t length; if((length = fread(error_message, 1, 2047, fp_result)) && error_message[0] == '<') { error_message[length] = '\0'; _log(MAJOR, "Received message:\n%s", error_message); } fclose(fp_result); } return 1; } _log(GENERAL, "Decompressed."); } else { strcpy(filepath, opt_filename); } if(!(fp_result = fopen(filepath, "r"))) { _log(MAJOR, "Failed to open \"%s\" for reading.", filepath); return 1; } // Check if it's really an update { sprintf(zs, "grep -q \\\"Delete\\\" %s", filepath); word not_update = system(zs); if(not_update && (total_bytes < 32000000L)) not_update = false; _log(test_mode?GENERAL:DEBUG, "File is an update assessment: %s.", not_update?"File is not an update":"File is an update"); if(fetch_all && !not_update) { _log(MAJOR, "Requested full timetable looks like an update."); fclose(fp_result); return 1; } if(!fetch_all && not_update) { _log(MAJOR, "Requested update looks like a full timetable."); fclose(fp_result); return 1; } } // Read enough of the file to find the datestamp char front[256]; regmatch_t matches[3]; if(!fread(front, 1, sizeof(front), fp_result)) { fclose(fp_result); return 1; } else { front[255] = '\0'; if(regexec(&match[0], front, 2, matches, 0)) { // Failed _log(MAJOR, "Failed to derive CIF file timestamp."); fclose(fp_result); return 1; } else { char zstamp[256]; extract_match(front, matches, 1, zstamp, sizeof(zstamp)); time_t stamp = atoi(zstamp); _log(test_mode?GENERAL:DEBUG, "Recovered timestamp: %s", time_text(stamp, 0)); _log(test_mode?GENERAL:DEBUG, "Stored in file \"%s\"", filepath); if(regexec(&match[1], front, 2, matches, 0)) { _log(MINOR, "Failed to derive CIF file sequence number."); } else { extract_match(front, matches, 1, zstamp, sizeof(zstamp)); stats[Sequence] = atol(zstamp); _log(test_mode?GENERAL:DEBUG, "Sequence number: %s", commas_q(stats[Sequence])); } if(!test_mode && !opt_url && !opt_filename && (now < stamp || now - stamp > 36*60*60)) { _log(MAJOR, "Timestamp %s is incorrect. Received sequence number %d.", time_text(stamp, true), stats[Sequence]); fclose(fp_result); stats[Sequence] = 0; return 1; } } } fseeko(fp_result, 0, SEEK_SET); return 0; }