Example #1
static VALUE
string_to_r(VALUE self)
    VALUE s = f_gsub(self, underscores_pat, an_underscore);
    VALUE a = string_to_r_internal(s);
    if (!NIL_P(RARRAY_AT(a, 0)))
	return RARRAY_AT(a, 0);
    return rb_rational_new1(INT2FIX(0));
Example #2
 * call-seq:
 *    str.to_c  ->  complex
 * Returns a complex which denotes the string form.  The parser
 * ignores leading whitespaces and trailing garbage.  Any digit
 * sequences can be separated by an underscore.  Returns zero for null
 * or garbage string.
 * For example:
 *    '9'.to_c           #=> (9+0i)
 *    '2.5'.to_c         #=> (2.5+0i)
 *    '2.5/1'.to_c       #=> ((5/2)+0i)
 *    '-3/2'.to_c        #=> ((-3/2)+0i)
 *    '-i'.to_c          #=> (0-1i)
 *    '45i'.to_c         #=> (0+45i)
 *    '3-4i'.to_c        #=> (3-4i)
 *    '-4e2-4e-2i'.to_c  #=> (-400.0-0.04i)
 *    '-0.0-0.0i'.to_c   #=> (-0.0-0.0i)
 *    '1/2+3/4i'.to_c    #=> ((1/2)+(3/4)*i)
 *    'ruby'.to_c        #=> (0+0i)
static VALUE
string_to_c(VALUE self)
    VALUE s, a, backref;

    backref = rb_backref_get();

    s = f_gsub(self, underscores_pat, an_underscore);
    a = string_to_c_internal(s);


    if (!NIL_P(RARRAY_PTR(a)[0]))
	return RARRAY_PTR(a)[0];
    return rb_complex_new1(INT2FIX(0));