RCODE FLMAPI f_rwlockAcquire(
	F_RWLOCK				hReadWriteLock,
	F_SEM					hSem,
	FLMBOOL				bWriter)
	RCODE					rc = NE_FLM_OK;
	F_RWLOCK_IMP *		pReadWriteLock = (F_RWLOCK_IMP *)hReadWriteLock;
	FLMBOOL				bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	f_mutexLock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;
	if( bWriter)
		if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt != 0)
			rc = f_notifyWait( pReadWriteLock->hMutex, hSem, (void *)((FLMINT)bWriter),
		if( RC_OK( rc))
			f_assert( !pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt);
			pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt = -1;
			pReadWriteLock->uiWriteThread = f_threadId();
		if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt < 0 || pReadWriteLock->pNotifyList)
			rc = f_notifyWait( pReadWriteLock->hMutex, hSem, (void *)((FLMINT)bWriter), 
		if( RC_OK( rc))
	f_assert( RC_BAD( rc) || pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt);
	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	return( rc);
RCODE FLMAPI f_rwlockPromote(
	F_RWLOCK				hReadWriteLock,
	F_SEM					hSem)
	RCODE					rc = NE_FLM_OK;
	F_RWLOCK_IMP *		pReadWriteLock = (F_RWLOCK_IMP *)hReadWriteLock;
	FLMBOOL				bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	f_mutexLock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;
	if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt <= 0)
		goto Exit;
	if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt != 0)
		rc = f_notifyWait( pReadWriteLock->hMutex, hSem, (void *)TRUE, 
	if( RC_OK( rc))
		f_assert( !pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt);
		pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt = -1;
		pReadWriteLock->uiWriteThread = f_threadId();


	f_assert( RC_BAD( rc) || pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt);
	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	return( rc);
RCODE FLMAPI f_rwlockRelease(
	F_RWLOCK				hReadWriteLock)
	RCODE					rc = NE_FLM_OK;
	F_RWLOCK_IMP *		pReadWriteLock = (F_RWLOCK_IMP *)hReadWriteLock;
	FLMBOOL				bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	f_mutexLock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;
	if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt > 0)
	else if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt == -1)
		f_assert( pReadWriteLock->uiWriteThread == f_threadId());
		pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt = 0;
		goto Exit;
	if( !pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt && pReadWriteLock->pNotifyList)
		f_rwlockNotify( pReadWriteLock);
	f_assert( RC_BAD( rc) || pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt >= 0);
	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);

	return( rc);
RCODE FLMAPI f_rwlockTryAcquire(
	F_RWLOCK				hReadWriteLock,
	FLMBOOL				bWriter)
	RCODE					rc = NE_FLM_OK;
	F_RWLOCK_IMP *		pReadWriteLock = (F_RWLOCK_IMP *)hReadWriteLock;
	f_mutexLock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	if( bWriter)
		if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt != 0)
			pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt = -1;
			pReadWriteLock->uiWriteThread = f_threadId();
		if( pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt < 0 || pReadWriteLock->pNotifyList)
	f_assert( RC_BAD( rc) || pReadWriteLock->iRefCnt);
	f_mutexUnlock( pReadWriteLock->hMutex);
	return( rc);
Example #5
Desc : Outputs an update event callback.
void flmUpdEventCallback(
	FDB *			pDb,
	FEventType	eEventType,
	HFDB			hDb,
	RCODE			rc,
	FLMUINT		uiDrn,
	FLMUINT		uiContainer,
	FlmRecord *	pNewRecord,
	FlmRecord *	pOldRecord)

	UpdEvent.uiThreadId = f_threadId();
	UpdEvent.hDb = hDb;
	UpdEvent.uiTransID = (FLMUINT)( (pDb->uiTransType)
													? pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID
													: 0);
	UpdEvent.rc = rc;
	UpdEvent.uiDrn = uiDrn;
	UpdEvent.uiContainer = uiContainer;
	UpdEvent.pNewRecord = pNewRecord;
	UpdEvent.pOldRecord = pOldRecord;
	flmDoEventCallback( F_EVENT_UPDATES, eEventType, &UpdEvent, NULL);
Desc:	Index a set of documents or until time runs out.
RCODE F_Db::indexSetOfRows(
	FLMUINT					uiIndexNum,
	FLMUINT64				ui64StartRowId,
	FLMUINT64				ui64EndRowId,
	IF_IxStatus *			pIxStatus,
	IF_IxClient *			pIxClient,
	SFLM_INDEX_STATUS *	pIndexStatus,
	FLMBOOL *				pbHitEnd,
	IF_Thread *				pThread)
	RCODE				rc = NE_SFLM_OK;
	FLMUINT64		ui64RowId;
	FLMUINT64		ui64LastRowId = 0;
	F_INDEX *		pIndex = NULL;
	F_TABLE *		pTable;
	IF_LockObject *
						pDatabaseLockObj = m_pDatabase->m_pDatabaseLockObj;
	FLMUINT			uiCurrTime;
	FLMUINT			uiLastStatusTime = 0;
	FLMUINT			uiStartTime;
	FLMUINT			uiStatusIntervalTU;
	FLMUINT64		ui64RowsProcessed = 0;
	FLMBOOL			bRelinquish = FALSE;
	FLMUINT			uiKeyLen;
	void *			pvTmpPoolMark = m_tempPool.poolMark();
	F_Btree *		pbtree = NULL;
	FLMBOOL			bNeg;
	FLMUINT			uiBytesProcessed;
	F_Row *			pRow = NULL;

	uiStatusIntervalTU = FLM_SECS_TO_TIMER_UNITS( 10);
	uiStartTime = FLM_GET_TIMER();

	if (RC_BAD( rc = krefCntrlCheck()))
		goto Exit;

	pIndex = m_pDict->getIndex( uiIndexNum);
	flmAssert( pIndex);
	flmAssert( !(pIndex->uiFlags & IXD_SUSPENDED));

	// Get a btree

	if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_SFlmSysData.pBtPool->btpReserveBtree( &pbtree)))
		goto Exit;

	pTable = m_pDict->getTable( pIndex->uiTableNum);
	flmAssert( pTable);

	if (RC_BAD( rc = pbtree->btOpen( this, &pTable->lfInfo,
								FALSE, TRUE)))
		goto Exit;

	uiKeyLen = sizeof( ucKey);
	if (RC_BAD( rc = flmNumber64ToStorage( ui64StartRowId, &uiKeyLen,
									ucKey, FALSE, TRUE)))
		goto Exit;
	if( RC_BAD( rc = pbtree->btLocateEntry(
								ucKey, sizeof( ucKey), &uiKeyLen, FLM_INCL)))
		if (rc == NE_SFLM_EOF_HIT || rc == NE_SFLM_NOT_FOUND)
			rc = NE_SFLM_OK;
			bHitEnd = TRUE;
			goto Commit_Keys;

		goto Exit;
	for (;;)
		// See what row we're on
		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCollation2Number( uiKeyLen, ucKey,
									&ui64RowId, &bNeg, &uiBytesProcessed)))
			goto Exit;

		if (ui64RowId > ui64EndRowId)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = gv_SFlmSysData.pRowCacheMgr->retrieveRow( this,
									pIndex->uiTableNum, ui64RowId, &pRow)))
			goto Exit;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = buildKeys( pIndex, pTable, pRow, TRUE, NULL)))
			goto Exit;

		// See if there is an indexing callback

		if (pIxClient)
			if (RC_BAD( rc = pIxClient->doIndexing( this, uiIndexNum,
								pIndex->uiTableNum, pRow)))
				goto Exit;

		ui64LastRowId = ui64RowId;

		if (pIndexStatus)
			pIndexStatus->ui64LastRowIndexed = ui64LastRowId;

		// Get the current time

		uiCurrTime = FLM_GET_TIMER();

		// Break out if someone is waiting for an update transaction.

		if (pThread)
			if (pThread->getShutdownFlag())
				bRelinquish = TRUE;

			if (pDatabaseLockObj->getWaiterCount())
				// See if our minimum run time has elapsed

				if (FLM_ELAPSED_TIME( uiCurrTime, uiStartTime) >= uiMinTU)
					if (ui64RowsProcessed < 50)
						// If there are higher priority waiters in the lock queue,
						// we want to relinquish.

						if (pDatabaseLockObj->haveHigherPriorityWaiter(
							bRelinquish = TRUE;
						bRelinquish = TRUE;

				// Even if no one has requested a lock for a long time, we
				// still want to periodically commit our transaction so
				// we won't lose more than uiMaxCPInterval timer units worth
				// of work if we crash.  We will run until we exceed the checkpoint
				// interval and we see that someone (the checkpoint thread) is
				// waiting for the write lock.

				if (FLM_ELAPSED_TIME( uiCurrTime, uiStartTime) >
					gv_SFlmSysData.uiMaxCPInterval &&
					bRelinquish = TRUE;

		if (FLM_ELAPSED_TIME( uiCurrTime, uiLastStatusTime) >=
			uiLastStatusTime = uiCurrTime;
			if( pIxStatus)
				if( RC_BAD( rc = pIxStatus->reportIndex( ui64LastRowId)))
					goto Exit;

			// Send indexing completed event notification

			if( gv_SFlmSysData.EventHdrs[ SFLM_EVENT_UPDATES].pEventCBList)
				flmDoEventCallback( SFLM_EVENT_UPDATES,
						SFLM_EVENT_INDEXING_PROGRESS, this, f_threadId(),
						0, uiIndexNum, ui64LastRowId,

			// Log a progress message

			flmLogIndexingProgress( uiIndexNum, ui64LastRowId);

		// Need to go to the next row.

		if( RC_BAD( rc = pbtree->btNextEntry(
									ucKey, sizeof( ucKey), &uiKeyLen)))
			if (rc == NE_SFLM_EOF_HIT)
				rc = NE_SFLM_OK;
				bHitEnd = TRUE;
			goto Exit;


	if (RC_BAD( rc = keysCommit( TRUE)))
		goto Exit;

	// If at the end, change index state.

	if (bHitEnd)
		if (RC_BAD( rc = setIxStateInfo( uiIndexNum, 0, 0)))
			goto Exit;

		// setIxStateInfo may have changed to a new dictionary, so pIxd is no
		// good after this point

		pIndex = NULL;
	else if (ui64RowsProcessed)
		if (RC_BAD( rc = setIxStateInfo( uiIndexNum, ui64LastRowId,
			goto Exit;

		// setIxStateInfo may have changed to a new dictionary, so pIndex is no
		// good after this point

		pIndex = NULL;
	// Log the rows that were indexed, if any
	if (ui64LastRowId)
		if (RC_BAD( rc = m_pDatabase->m_pRfl->logIndexSet( this, uiIndexNum,
									ui64StartRowId, ui64LastRowId)))
			goto Exit;


	// We want to make one last call if we are in the foreground or if
	// we actually did some indexing.

	if (gv_SFlmSysData.EventHdrs[ SFLM_EVENT_UPDATES].pEventCBList)
		flmDoEventCallback( SFLM_EVENT_UPDATES,
				SFLM_EVENT_INDEXING_PROGRESS, this, f_threadId(),
				0, uiIndexNum,
				(FLMUINT64)(bHitEnd ? (FLMUINT64)0 : ui64LastRowId),

	flmLogIndexingProgress( uiIndexNum,
		(FLMUINT64)(bHitEnd ? (FLMUINT64)0 : ui64LastRowId));

	if (pIxStatus)
		(void) pIxStatus->reportIndex( ui64LastRowId);

	if (pbHitEnd)
		*pbHitEnd = bHitEnd;

	m_tempPool.poolReset( pvTmpPoolMark);

	if (pbtree)
		gv_SFlmSysData.pBtPool->btpReturnBtree( &pbtree);

	if (pRow)

	return( rc);
Desc: This routine links a request into a notification list and
		then waits to be notified that the event has occurred.  The mutex
		is assumed to protect the notify list.
RCODE FLMAPI f_notifyWait(
	F_MUTEX						hMutex,
	F_SEM							hSem,
	void *						pvData,
	F_NOTIFY_LIST_ITEM **	ppNotifyList)
	RCODE							rc = NE_FLM_OK;
	RCODE							tmpRc;
	F_NOTIFY_LIST_ITEM		stackNotify;
	F_NOTIFY_LIST_ITEM *		pNotify = &stackNotify;
	f_assertMutexLocked( hMutex);
	f_assert( pNotify != *ppNotifyList);

	f_memset( &stackNotify, 0, sizeof( F_NOTIFY_LIST_ITEM));
	pNotify->uiThreadId = f_threadId();
	pNotify->hSem = F_SEM_NULL;
	if( hSem == F_SEM_NULL)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = f_semCreate( &pNotify->hSem)))
			goto Exit;
		pNotify->hSem = hSem;
	pNotify->pRc = &rc;
	pNotify->pvData = pvData;
	pNotify->pNext = *ppNotifyList;
	*ppNotifyList = pNotify;

	// Unlock the mutex and wait on the semaphore

	f_mutexUnlock( hMutex);

	if( RC_BAD( tmpRc = f_semWait( pNotify->hSem, F_WAITFOREVER)))
		rc = tmpRc;

	// Free the semaphore
	if( hSem != pNotify->hSem)
		f_semDestroy( &pNotify->hSem);

	// Relock the mutex

	f_mutexLock( hMutex);


	return( rc);
Example #8
Desc:	This routine starts a transaction for the specified database.  The
		transaction may be part of an overall larger transaction.
RCODE flmBeginDbTrans(
	FDB *			pDb,
	FLMUINT		uiTransType,
	FLMUINT		uiMaxLockWait,
	FLMUINT		uiFlags,
	FLMBYTE *	pucLogHdr)
	RCODE			rc = FERR_OK;
	FFILE *		pFile = pDb->pFile;
	FLMBOOL		bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	FLMBYTE *	pucLastCommittedLogHdr;
	DB_STATS *	pDbStats = pDb->pDbStats;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = flmCheckDatabaseState( pDb)))
		goto Exit;

	// Initialize a few things - as few as is necessary to avoid
	// unnecessary overhead.

	pDb->eAbortFuncId = FLM_UNKNOWN_FUNC;
	pDb->AbortRc = FERR_OK;
	pucLastCommittedLogHdr = &pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr [0];
	pDb->KrefCntrl.bKrefSetup = FALSE;
	pDb->uiTransType = uiTransType;
	pDb->uiThreadId = (FLMUINT)f_threadId();

	// Link the FDB to the file's most current FDICT structure,
	// if there is one.
	// Also, if it is a read transaction, link the FDB
	// into the list of read transactions off of
	// the FFILE structure.

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;
	if (pFile->pDictList)

		// Link the FDB to the FDICT.

		flmLinkFdbToDict( pDb, pFile->pDictList);

	// If it is a read transaction, link into the list of
	// read transactions off of the FFILE structure.  Until we
	// get the log header transaction ID below, we set uiCurrTransID
	// to zero and link this transaction in at the beginning of the
	// list.

	if (uiTransType == FLM_READ_TRANS)
		flmGetLogHdrInfo( pucLastCommittedLogHdr, &pDb->LogHdr);

		// Link in at the end of the transaction list.

		pDb->pNextReadTrans = NULL;
		if ((pDb->pPrevReadTrans = pFile->pLastReadTrans) != NULL)

			// Make sure transaction IDs are always in ascending order.  They
			// should be at this point.

			flmAssert( pFile->pLastReadTrans->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID <=
			pFile->pLastReadTrans->pNextReadTrans = pDb;
			pFile->pFirstReadTrans = pDb;
		pFile->pLastReadTrans = pDb;
		pDb->uiInactiveTime = 0;

		if( uiFlags & FLM_DONT_KILL_TRANS)
			pDb->uiFlags |= FDB_DONT_KILL_TRANS;
			pDb->uiFlags &= ~FDB_DONT_KILL_TRANS;
		if (pucLogHdr)
			f_memcpy( pucLogHdr, &pDb->pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr[0],

	f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = FALSE;

		pDb->uiFlags |= FDB_DONT_POISON_CACHE;
		pDb->uiFlags &= ~FDB_DONT_POISON_CACHE;

	// Put an exclusive lock on the database if we are not in a read
	// transaction.  Read transactions require no lock.

	if (uiTransType != FLM_READ_TRANS)
		flmAssert( pDb->pIxStats == NULL);

		// Set the bHadUpdOper to TRUE for all transactions to begin with.
		// Many calls to flmBeginDbTrans are internal, and we WANT the
		// normal behavior at the end of the transaction when it is
		// committed or aborted.  The only time this flag will be set
		// to FALSE is when the application starts the transaction as
		// opposed to an internal starting of the transaction.

		pDb->bHadUpdOper = TRUE;

		// Initialize the count of blocks changed to be 0

		pDb->uiBlkChangeCnt = 0;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = dbLock( pDb, uiMaxLockWait)))
			goto Exit;

		// If there was a problem with the RFL volume, we must wait
		// for a checkpoint to be completed before continuing.
		// The checkpoint thread looks at this same flag and forces
		// a checkpoint.  If it completes one successfully, it will
		// reset this flag.
		// Also, if the last forced checkpoint had a problem
		// (pFile->CheckpointRc != FERR_OK), we don't want to
		// start up a new update transaction until it is resolved.

		if (!pFile->pRfl->seeIfRflVolumeOk() ||
			 RC_BAD( pFile->CheckpointRc))
			goto Exit;

		// Set the first log block address to zero.

		pFile->uiFirstLogBlkAddress = 0;

		// Header must be read before opening roll forward log file to make
		// sure we have the most current log file and log options.

		f_memcpy( pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr, pucLastCommittedLogHdr,
		flmGetLogHdrInfo( pucLastCommittedLogHdr, &pDb->LogHdr);

		// Need to increment the current checkpoint for update transactions
		// so that it will be correct when we go to mark cache blocks.

		if (pDb->uiFlags & FDB_REPLAYING_RFL)
			// During recovery we need to set the transaction ID to the
			// transaction ID that was logged.

			pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID = pFile->pRfl->getCurrTransID();
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

		// Link FDB to the most current local dictionary, if there
		// is one.

		if (pFile->pDictList != pDb->pDict && pFile->pDictList)
			flmLinkFdbToDict( pDb, pFile->pDictList);
		pFile->uiUpdateTransID = pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID;
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

		// Set the transaction EOF to the current file EOF

		pDb->uiTransEOF = pDb->LogHdr.uiLogicalEOF;

		// Put the transaction ID into the uncommitted log header.

		UD2FBA( (FLMUINT32)pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
					&pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr [LOG_CURR_TRANS_ID]);

		if (pucLogHdr)
			f_memcpy( pucLogHdr, &pDb->pFile->ucUncommittedLogHdr [0],

	if (pDbStats)
		f_timeGetTimeStamp( &pDb->TransStartTime);

	// If we do not have a dictionary, read it in from disk.
	// NOTE: This should only happen when we are first opening
	// the database.

	if (!pDb->pDict)
		flmAssert( pDb->pFile->uiFlags & DBF_BEING_OPENED);
		if (RC_BAD( rc = fdictRebuild( pDb)))
			if (pDb->pDict)
				flmFreeDict( pDb->pDict);
				pDb->pDict = NULL;
			goto Exit;
		f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		// At this point, we will not yet have opened the database for
		// general use, so there is no way that any other thread can have
		// created a dictionary yet.
		flmAssert( pDb->pFile->pDictList == NULL);
		// Link the new local dictionary to its file structure.
		flmLinkDictToFile( pDb->pFile, pDb->pDict);
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);


	if( bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);

	if (uiTransType != FLM_READ_TRANS)
		if (RC_OK( rc))
			rc = pFile->pRfl->logBeginTransaction( pDb);
#ifdef FLM_DBG_LOG
		flmDbgLogUpdate( pFile->uiFFileId, pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID,
				0, 0, rc, "TBeg");

	if( uiTransType == FLM_UPDATE_TRANS &&
		flmTransEventCallback( F_EVENT_BEGIN_TRANS, (HFDB)pDb, rc,
					(FLMUINT)(RC_OK( rc)
								 ? pDb->LogHdr.uiCurrTransID
								 : (FLMUINT)0));

	if (RC_BAD( rc))
		// If there was an error, unlink the database from the transaction
		// structure as well as from the FDICT structure.

		flmUnlinkDbFromTrans( pDb, FALSE);

		if (pDb->pStats)
			(void)flmStatUpdate( &gv_FlmSysData.Stats, &pDb->Stats);

	return( rc);
Example #9
Desc:	Copy a database's files, including roll-forward log files.
	FLMUINT				uiDbVersion,
	const char *		pszSrcDbName,
	const char *		pszSrcDataDir,
	const char *		pszSrcRflDir,
	const char *		pszDestDbName,
	const char *		pszDestDataDir,
	const char *		pszDestRflDir,
	STATUS_HOOK			fnStatusCallback,
	void *				UserData)
	RCODE						rc = FERR_OK;
	DB_COPY_INFO			DbCopyInfo;
	F_SuperFileHdl *		pSrcSFileHdl = NULL;
	F_SuperFileHdl *		pDestSFileHdl = NULL;
	F_SuperFileClient *	pSrcSFileClient = NULL;
	F_SuperFileClient *	pDestSFileClient = NULL;
	FLMUINT					uiFileNumber;
	FLMUINT					uiHighFileNumber;
	FLMUINT					uiHighLogFileNumber;
	FLMUINT64				ui64FileSize;
	FFILE *					pFile = NULL;
	FLMBOOL					bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	IF_FileHdl *			pLockFileHdl = NULL;
	IF_FileHdl *			pTmpFileHdl = NULL;
	IF_DirHdl *				pDirHdl = NULL;
	FLMBOOL					bFileLocked = FALSE;
	FLMBOOL					bWriteLocked = FALSE;
	IF_LockObject *		pWriteLockObj = NULL;
	IF_LockObject *		pFileLockObj = NULL;
	COPIED_NAME *			pCopiedList = NULL;
	FLMBOOL					bUsedFFile = FALSE;
	FLMBYTE *				pucInMemLogHdr = NULL;
	eLockType				currLockType;
	FLMUINT					uiLockThreadId;
	char *					pszActualSrcRflPath = NULL;
	char *					pszSrcPrefix = NULL;
	char *					pszActualDestRflPath = NULL;
	char *					pszDestPrefix = NULL;
	FLMBOOL					bCreatedDestRflDir = FALSE;
	F_SEM						hWaitSem = F_SEM_NULL;

	f_memset( &DbCopyInfo, 0, sizeof( DbCopyInfo));

	// Should not do anything if the source and destination names
	// are the same.

	if (f_stricmp( pszSrcDbName, pszDestDbName) == 0)
		goto Exit;
	// Allocate a semaphore

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_semCreate( &hWaitSem)))
		goto Exit;
	// Allocate memory for paths we don't want to push onto the stack.

	if (RC_BAD( rc = f_calloc( 
		(F_PATH_MAX_SIZE + F_FILENAME_SIZE) * 2, &pszActualSrcRflPath)))
		goto Exit;

	pszSrcPrefix = &pszActualSrcRflPath[ F_PATH_MAX_SIZE];
	pszActualDestRflPath = &pszSrcPrefix[ F_FILENAME_SIZE];
	pszDestPrefix = &pszActualDestRflPath[ F_PATH_MAX_SIZE];

	// Set up the super file object for the source database.
	// Must at least open the control file.
	if( (pSrcSFileClient = f_new F_SuperFileClient) == NULL)
		rc = RC_SET( FERR_MEM);
		goto Exit;
	if( RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileClient->setup(
		pszSrcDbName, pszSrcDataDir, uiDbVersion)))
		goto Exit;
	if( (pSrcSFileHdl = f_new F_SuperFileHdl) == NULL)
		rc = RC_SET( FERR_MEM);
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->setup( pSrcSFileClient, 
		gv_FlmSysData.pFileHdlCache, gv_FlmSysData.uiFileOpenFlags, 0)))
		goto Exit;

	// Lock the destination database, if not already locked.
	// This is so we can overwrite it without necessarily
	// deleting it.  May unlock and re-lock the global mutex.

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;

	if (RC_BAD( rc = flmFindFile( pszDestDbName, pszDestDataDir, &pFile)))
		goto Exit;

	// If we didn't find an FFILE structure, get an
	// exclusive lock on the file.

	if (!pFile)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		bMutexLocked = FALSE;

		// Attempt to get an exclusive lock on the file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCreateLckFile( pszDestDbName, &pLockFileHdl)))
			goto Exit;
		// The call to flmVerifyFileUse will wait if the file is in
		// the process of being opened by another thread.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmVerifyFileUse( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex, &pFile)))
			goto Exit;

		// Increment the use count on the FFILE so it will not
		// disappear while we are copying the file.

		if (++pFile->uiUseCount == 1)
			flmUnlinkFileFromNUList( pFile);
		bUsedFFile = TRUE;

		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		bMutexLocked = FALSE;
		pucInMemLogHdr = &pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr [0];

		// Lock the destination file object and transaction
		// object, if not already locked.
		pFile->pFileLockObj->getLockInfo( 0, &currLockType, &uiLockThreadId, NULL);
		if (currLockType != FLM_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE || uiLockThreadId != f_threadId())
			pFileLockObj = pFile->pFileLockObj;
			if (RC_BAD( rc = pFileLockObj->lock( hWaitSem,
				goto Exit;
			bFileLocked = TRUE;

		// Lock the write object, if not already locked

		pFile->pWriteLockObj->getLockInfo( 0, &currLockType, &uiLockThreadId, NULL);
		if( currLockType != FLM_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE || 
			 uiLockThreadId != f_threadId())
			pWriteLockObj = pFile->pWriteLockObj;

			// Only contention here is with the checkpoint thread - wait
			// forever until the checkpoint thread gives it up.
			if( RC_BAD( rc = pWriteLockObj->lock( hWaitSem, 
				goto Exit;

			bWriteLocked = TRUE;

	// Set up the super file object for the destination database.
	if( (pDestSFileClient = f_new F_SuperFileClient) == NULL)
		rc = RC_SET( FERR_MEM);
		goto Exit;
	if( RC_BAD( rc = pDestSFileClient->setup( 
		pszDestDbName, pszDestDataDir, uiDbVersion)))
		goto Exit;

	if( (pDestSFileHdl = f_new F_SuperFileHdl) == NULL)
		rc = RC_SET( FERR_MEM);
		goto Exit;
	if( RC_BAD( rc = pDestSFileHdl->setup( pDestSFileClient, 
		gv_FlmSysData.pFileHdlCache, gv_FlmSysData.uiFileOpenFlags,
		goto Exit;

	// See how many files we have and calculate the total size.

	uiHighFileNumber = 0;
	for (;;)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->getFileSize( 
			uiHighFileNumber, &ui64FileSize)) || !ui64FileSize)
			if (rc == FERR_IO_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
				 rc == FERR_IO_INVALID_PATH ||
				// If the control file doesn't exist, we will return
				// path not found.

				if (!uiHighFileNumber)
					goto Exit;
				rc = FERR_OK;
			goto Exit;

		DbCopyInfo.ui64BytesToCopy += ui64FileSize;
		if (uiHighFileNumber == MAX_DATA_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER( uiDbVersion))

	// See how many rollback log files we have, and calculate
	// their total size.

	uiHighLogFileNumber = FIRST_LOG_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER( uiDbVersion);
	for (;;)
		if ((RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->getFileSize( 
			uiHighLogFileNumber, &ui64FileSize))) || !ui64FileSize)
			if (rc == FERR_IO_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
				 rc == FERR_IO_INVALID_PATH ||
				if (uiHighLogFileNumber ==
					uiHighLogFileNumber = 0;
				rc = FERR_OK;
			goto Exit;

		DbCopyInfo.ui64BytesToCopy += ui64FileSize;
		if (uiHighLogFileNumber == MAX_LOG_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER( uiDbVersion))

	// Get the sizes of the roll-forward log files

	if( uiDbVersion < FLM_FILE_FORMAT_VER_4_3)
		// For pre-4.3 versions, only need to copy one RFL file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( uiDbVersion,
			pszSrcDbName, pszSrcRflDir, 1, pszActualSrcRflPath)))
			goto Exit;

		if( RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->openFile( 
				pszActualSrcRflPath, gv_FlmSysData.uiFileOpenFlags,
			if (rc == FERR_IO_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
				rc = FERR_OK;
				goto Exit;
			if (RC_BAD( rc = pTmpFileHdl->size( &ui64FileSize)))
				goto Exit;

			DbCopyInfo.ui64BytesToCopy += ui64FileSize;
			pTmpFileHdl = NULL;
		if( RC_BAD( rc = rflGetDirAndPrefix( uiDbVersion, pszSrcDbName, 
			pszSrcRflDir, pszActualSrcRflPath, pszSrcPrefix)))
			goto Exit;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->openDir(
									pszActualSrcRflPath, (char *)"*", &pDirHdl)))
			goto Exit;

		for (;;)
			if( RC_BAD( rc = pDirHdl->next()))
				if (rc == FERR_IO_NO_MORE_FILES)
					rc = FERR_OK;
					goto Exit;

			// If the current file is an RFL file, increment ui64BytesToCopy

			if( rflGetFileNum( uiDbVersion, pszSrcPrefix,
				pDirHdl->currentItemName(), &uiFileNumber))
				DbCopyInfo.ui64BytesToCopy += pDirHdl->currentItemSize();

		pDirHdl = NULL;

	// Close all file handles in the source and destination


	// Copy the database files.

	for (uiFileNumber = 0; uiFileNumber <= uiHighFileNumber; uiFileNumber++)

		// Get the source file path and destination file path.

		if( RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->getFilePath( 
			uiFileNumber, DbCopyInfo.szSrcFileName)))
			goto Exit;
		if( RC_BAD( rc = pDestSFileHdl->getFilePath( 
			uiFileNumber, DbCopyInfo.szDestFileName)))
			goto Exit;

		// For the control file, don't copy first 2K - it will be set up 
		// to show maintenance in progress.  Then the first 2K will be copied
		// later.

		if (!uiFileNumber)
			DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = TRUE;
			if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
										2048, 0xFFFFFFFF,
										&DbCopyInfo, &pCopiedList, pucInMemLogHdr, TRUE,
										fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
				goto Exit;

			DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = TRUE;
			if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
										0, 0xFFFFFFFF,
										&DbCopyInfo, &pCopiedList, NULL, TRUE,
										fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
				goto Exit;

	// Copy the additional rollback log files, if any.

	for (uiFileNumber = FIRST_LOG_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER( uiDbVersion);
		  uiFileNumber <= uiHighLogFileNumber; uiFileNumber++)

		// Get the source file path and destination file path.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->getFilePath( uiFileNumber,
			goto Exit;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = pDestSFileHdl->getFilePath( uiFileNumber,	
			goto Exit;

		DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = TRUE;
		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
									0, 0xFFFFFFFF,
									&DbCopyInfo, &pCopiedList, NULL, TRUE,
									fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
			goto Exit;

	// Copy the RFL files

	if( uiDbVersion < FLM_FILE_FORMAT_VER_4_3)
		// Get the source file path and the destination file path.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( uiDbVersion, pszSrcDbName,
										pszSrcRflDir, 1,
			goto Exit;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( uiDbVersion, pszDestDbName, 
									pszDestRflDir, 1,
			goto Exit;

		DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = TRUE;
		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
									0, 0xFFFFFFFF,
									&DbCopyInfo, &pCopiedList, NULL, TRUE,
									fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
			goto Exit;
		// Create the destination RFL directory, if needed.  The purpose of this
		// code is two-fold: 1) We want to keep track of the fact that we tried
		// to create the destination RFL directory so we can try to remove it
		// if the copy fails; 2) If the destination RFL directory path specifies
		// a directory with existing files, we want to remove them.

		if( RC_BAD( rc = rflGetDirAndPrefix( uiDbVersion, pszDestDbName, 
			pszDestRflDir, pszActualDestRflPath, pszDestPrefix)))
			goto Exit;

		if( RC_OK( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->doesFileExist( 
			if( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->isDir( pszActualDestRflPath))
				// Remove the existing directory and all files, etc.

					pszActualDestRflPath, TRUE);
				(void)gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->deleteFile( pszActualDestRflPath);

		// Try to create the destination RFL directory.  This might fail if
		// another process was accessing the directory for some reason 
		// (i.e., from a command prompt), when we tried to remove it above.
		// We really don't care if the call to CreateDir is sucessful, because
		// when we try to create the destination files (below), the FLAIM file
		// file system code will try to create any necessary directories.

		(void)gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->createDir( pszActualDestRflPath);
		bCreatedDestRflDir = TRUE;

		// Copy the RFL files.  NOTE:  We need to copy all of the RFL files
		// in the source RFL directory so that they will be available
		// when performing a database restore operation.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->openDir(
									pszActualSrcRflPath, (char *)"*", &pDirHdl)))
			goto Exit;

		for (;;)
			if( RC_BAD( rc = pDirHdl->next()))
				if (rc == FERR_IO_NO_MORE_FILES)
					rc = FERR_OK;
					goto Exit;

			// If the current file is an RFL file, copy it to the destination

			if( rflGetFileNum( uiDbVersion, pszSrcPrefix,
				pDirHdl->currentItemName(), &uiFileNumber))
				// Get the source file path and the destination file path.

				if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( uiDbVersion, pszSrcDbName,
												pszSrcRflDir, uiFileNumber,
					goto Exit;

				if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( uiDbVersion, pszDestDbName, 
											pszDestRflDir, uiFileNumber,
					goto Exit;

				DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = TRUE;
				if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
											0, 0xFFFFFFFF,
											&DbCopyInfo, &pCopiedList, NULL, TRUE,
											fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
					goto Exit;

		pDirHdl = NULL;

	// Do one final copy on the control file to copy just the first 2K

	if (RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->getFilePath( 0, DbCopyInfo.szSrcFileName)))
		goto Exit;

	if (RC_BAD( rc = pDestSFileHdl->getFilePath( 0, DbCopyInfo.szDestFileName)))
		goto Exit;

	DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = FALSE;
	if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
								0, 2048,
								&DbCopyInfo, NULL, pucInMemLogHdr, FALSE,
								fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
		goto Exit;


	if (bUsedFFile)
		if (!bMutexLocked)
			f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
			bMutexLocked = TRUE;

		if (!(--pFile->uiUseCount))
			flmLinkFileToNUList( pFile);

	if (bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		bMutexLocked = FALSE;

	if (bWriteLocked)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = pWriteLockObj->unlock()))
			goto Exit;
		bWriteLocked = FALSE;

	if (bFileLocked)
		RCODE	rc3;

		if (RC_BAD( rc3 = pFileLockObj->unlock()))
			if (RC_OK( rc))
				rc = rc3;
		bFileLocked = FALSE;

	if (pWriteLockObj)
		pWriteLockObj = NULL;

	if (pFileLockObj)
		pFileLockObj = NULL;

	if (pLockFileHdl)
		pLockFileHdl = NULL;

	if( pTmpFileHdl)

	if( pDirHdl)

	// Free all the names of files that were copied.
	// If the copy didn't finish, try to delete any files
	// that were copied.

	while (pCopiedList)
		COPIED_NAME *	pNext = pCopiedList->pNext;

		// If the overall copy failed, delete the copied file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc))
			(void)gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->deleteFile( pCopiedList->szPath);

		f_free( &pCopiedList);
		pCopiedList = pNext;

	if( RC_BAD( rc) && bCreatedDestRflDir)
		(void)gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->removeDir( pszActualDestRflPath);

	if( pszActualSrcRflPath)
		f_free( &pszActualSrcRflPath);
	if( hWaitSem != F_SEM_NULL)
		f_semDestroy( &hWaitSem);
	if( pSrcSFileHdl)
	if( pSrcSFileClient)
	if( pDestSFileHdl)
	if( pDestSFileClient)

	return( rc);