void* OPS_InterpolatedGroundMotion(MultiSupportPattern& thePattern) { int numArgs = OPS_GetNumRemainingInputArgs(); int numMotions = (numArgs-1)/2; GroundMotion* motions[numMotions]; // get ground motion tags int gmTags[numMotions]; if(OPS_GetIntInput(&numMotions,&gmTags[0]) < 0) return 0; // get factors Vector facts(numMotions); double* fact_ptr = &facts(0); std::string type = OPS_GetString(); if(type == "-fact") { if(OPS_GetDoubleInput(&numMotions,fact_ptr) < 0) return 0; } // get ground motions for(int i=0; i<numMotions; i++) { motions[i] = thePattern.getMotion(gmTags[i]); if(motions[i] == 0) { opserr<<"ground motion "<<gmTags[i]<<" is not found\n"; return 0; } } return new InterpolatedGroundMotion(motions,facts,false); }
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_model_extrapolate (Z3_context c, Z3_model m, Z3_ast fml) { Z3_TRY; LOG_Z3_model_extrapolate (c, m, fml); RESET_ERROR_CODE(); model_ref model (to_model_ref (m)); expr_ref_vector facts (mk_c(c)->m ()); facts.push_back (to_expr (fml)); flatten_and (facts); spacer::model_evaluator_util mev (mk_c(c)->m()); mev.set_model (*model); expr_ref_vector lits (mk_c(c)->m()); spacer::compute_implicant_literals (mev, facts, lits); expr_ref result (mk_c(c)->m ()); result = mk_and (lits); mk_c(c)->save_ast_trail (result.get ()); return of_expr (result.get ()); Z3_CATCH_RETURN(0); }
Status TripleBitBuilder::startBuildN3(string fileName) { TempFile rawFacts("./test"); ifstream in((char*) fileName.c_str()); if (!in.is_open()) { cerr << "Unable to open " << fileName << endl; return ERROR; } if (!N3Parse(in, fileName.c_str(), rawFacts)) { in.close(); return ERROR; } in.close(); delete uriTable; uriTable = NULL; delete preTable; preTable = NULL; delete staReifTable; staReifTable = NULL; rawFacts.flush(); cerr<<"over"<<endl; //sort by s,o TempFile facts(fileName); resolveTriples(rawFacts, facts); facts.discard(); return OK; }
int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) { const char* csv_filename = NULL; const char* addr = NULL; const char* port = NULL; //parsing command line args int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "f:")) != -1) { switch ( opt ) { case 'f': csv_filename = optarg; break; default: usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } if (optind >=(argc-1)) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } addr = argv[optind]; port = argv[optind+1]; //end of parsing registerAllTuples(); setup_signal_handler(); g_txnManager = initTxnManager(); // new myAddr = UDPAddress(addr, atoi(port) ); UdpSocket u("", atoi(port) ); u.init(); g_udp = &u; TxnContext ctx = g_txnManager->create(); facts(ctx); if (csv_filename) csv_facts(csv_filename, ctx); //taskQ.commitTables(); ctx.deltaQ.commitTables(); view_maintenance( ctx ); std::cout << "taskQ size=" << taskQ.size() << std::endl; g_txnManager->commit(ctx); Event e = Event(Event::NONE, NULL); callLater(0, boost::bind(demux, e)); u.enableRead(); register_periodics(); iosv.run(); return (0); }
who::who(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::who) { ui->setupUi(this); player = new QMediaPlayer(this); displayPicture(); facts(); Music(); }
void compute( const FUNC& f, const X & ranges, const o_t & o) { init(o); itab_t facts = ranges(nt2::_,begin_+1, nt2::_)-ranges(nt2::_,begin_, nt2::_); itab_t vols = nt2::prod(facts); input_t total_vol = globalasum1(vols); itab_t coefs = real_t(maxfunccnt_)*nt2::abs(vols)*nt2::rec(total_vol); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(size(ranges, 2) == 2, "ranges must be a nx2xm expression"); size_t l = size(ranges, 3); res_ = nt2::Zero<value_t>(); for(size_t i=1; i <= l; ++i) { nbpts_ = coefs(i); res_ += compute(f, ranges(nt2::_,nt2::_,i), vols(i), facts(i)); fcnt_+= nbpts_; } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // build the variable map from our configuration po::options_description options("Allowed options"); options.add_options() ("help", "this message") ("disable-up", "disable unit propagation") ("analyze", po::value<std::string>(), "analyse previously-generated output") ("seed", po::value<unsigned int>(), "rng seed") ("name", po::value<std::string>(), "job name (used for file naming)"); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(options).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << "Usage: volleyball-mcsat [OPTION]..." << std::endl; std::cout << options << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (vm.count("analyze")) { return analyzeOutput(vm["analyze"].as<std::string>()); } boost::mt19937 rng; if (vm.count("rng")) { rng.seed(vm["rng"].as<unsigned int>()); } else { rng.seed((time(NULL) * 32)^getpid()); } // disable debug logging FileLog::globalLogLevel() = LOG_ERROR; std::string facts("# Video002.mat\n" "# BackLeft\n" "D-Squat(backleft) @ [1:133]\n" "\n" "# BackMiddle\n" "D-Squat(backmiddle) @ [1:133]\n" "D-Squat(backmiddle) @ [156:164]\n" "D-Squat(backmiddle) @ [329:352]\n" "\n" "# BackRight\n" "D-Squat(backright) @ [1:31]\n" "D-Squat(backright) @ [71:122]\n" "D-Squat(backright) @ [303:327]\n" "\n" "# FrontLeft\n" "D-Spike(frontleft) @ [377:393]\n" "D-Block(frontleft) @ [214:224]\n" "D-Squat(frontleft) @ [1:136]\n" "\n" "# FrontMiddle\n" "D-Spike(frontmiddle) @ [223:238]\n" "D-Spike(frontmiddle) @ [409:423]\n" "D-Block(frontmiddle) @ [304:319]\n" "D-Squat(frontmiddle) @ [23:116]\n" "\n" "# FrontRight\n" "D-Set(frontright) @ [199:209]\n" "D-Set(frontright) @ [365:389]\n" "D-Squat(frontright) @ [43:117]\n" "\n" "# RefNet\n" "D-Flag(refnet) @ [462:541]\n" "\n" "# RefBack\n" "D-Flag(refback) @ [451:541]\n" "\n" "# Group\n" "D-Huddle() @ [484:541]\n" "\n" "# Ball\n" "D-BallTrajectory() @ [113:153]\n" "D-BallTrajectory() @ [159:164]\n" "D-BallTrajectory() @ [173:228]\n" "D-BallTrajectory() @ [307:312]\n" "D-BallTrajectory() @ [322:337]\n" "D-BallTrajectory() @ [341:381]\n" "D-BallTrajectory() @ [387:392]\n" "D-BallTrajectory() @ [421:436]\n" "\n" "D-BallGoingOut() @ [270:270]\n" "D-BallGoingOut() @ [393:393]\n" "\n" "D-BallGoingin() @ [303:303]\n" "D-BallGoingin() @ [412:412]\n" "\n" "D-BallContact(frontleft) @ [233:233]\n" "D-BallContact(frontleft) @ [419:419]\n" "\n" "D-BallContact(frontright) @ [201:201]\n" "D-BallContact(frontright) @ [382:382]\n" "\n" "D-BallContact(backleft) @ [163:163]\n" "D-BallContact(backleft) @ [344:344]\n" "\n" "D-BallContact(them) @ [108:108]\n" "D-BallContact(them) @ [127:127]\n" "D-BallContact(them) @ [244:244]\n" "D-BallContact(them) @ [260:260]\n" "D-BallContact(them) @ [310:310]\n" "D-BallContact(them) @ [425:425]\n" "D-BallContact(them) @ [441:441]\n" "\n" ); std::string formulas("1: [ D-BallContact(backleft) -> BallContact(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-BallContact(backright) -> BallContact(backright) ]\n" "1: [ D-BallContact(backmiddle) -> BallContact(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-BallContact(frontleft) -> BallContact(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-BallContact(frontright) -> BallContact(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ D-BallContact(frontmiddle) -> BallContact(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ BallContact(backleft) -> D-BallContact(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ BallContact(backright) -> D-BallContact(backright) ]\n" "1: [ BallContact(backmiddle) -> D-BallContact(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ BallContact(frontleft) -> D-BallContact(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ BallContact(frontright) -> D-BallContact(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ BallContact(frontmiddle) -> D-BallContact(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Spike(backleft) -> Spike(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Spike(backright) -> Spike(backright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Spike(backmiddle) -> Spike(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Spike(frontleft) -> Spike(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Spike(frontright) -> Spike(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Spike(frontmiddle) -> Spike(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Spike(backleft) -> D-Spike(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ Spike(backright) -> D-Spike(backright) ]\n" "1: [ Spike(backmiddle) -> D-Spike(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Spike(frontleft) -> D-Spike(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ Spike(frontright) -> D-Spike(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ Spike(frontmiddle) -> D-Spike(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Set(backleft) -> Set(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Set(backright) -> Set(backright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Set(backmiddle) -> Set(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Set(frontleft) -> Set(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Set(frontright) -> Set(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Set(frontmiddle) -> Set(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Set(backleft) -> D-Set(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ Set(backright) -> D-Set(backright) ]\n" "1: [ Set(backmiddle) -> D-Set(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Set(frontleft) -> D-Set(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ Set(frontright) -> D-Set(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ Set(frontmiddle) -> D-Set(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Serve(backleft) -> Serve(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Serve(backright) -> Serve(backright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Serve(backmiddle) -> Serve(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Serve(frontleft) -> Serve(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Serve(frontright) -> Serve(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Serve(frontmiddle) -> Serve(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Serve(backleft) -> D-Serve(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ Serve(backright) -> D-Serve(backright) ]\n" "1: [ Serve(backmiddle) -> D-Serve(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Serve(frontleft) -> D-Serve(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ Serve(frontright) -> D-Serve(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ Serve(frontmiddle) -> D-Serve(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Dig(backleft) -> Dig(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Dig(backright) -> Dig(backright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Dig(backmiddle) -> Dig(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Dig(frontleft) -> Dig(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Dig(frontright) -> Dig(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Dig(frontmiddle) -> Dig(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Dig(backleft) -> D-Dig(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ Dig(backright) -> D-Dig(backright) ]\n" "1: [ Dig(backmiddle) -> D-Dig(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Dig(frontleft) -> D-Dig(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ Dig(frontright) -> D-Dig(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ Dig(frontmiddle) -> D-Dig(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Block(backleft) -> Block(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Block(backright) -> Block(backright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Block(backmiddle) -> Block(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Block(frontleft) -> Block(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Block(frontright) -> Block(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Block(frontmiddle) -> Block(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Block(backleft) -> D-Block(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ Block(backright) -> D-Block(backright) ]\n" "1: [ Block(backmiddle) -> D-Block(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Block(frontleft) -> D-Block(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ Block(frontright) -> D-Block(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ Block(frontmiddle) -> D-Block(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Squat(backleft) -> Squat(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Squat(backright) -> Squat(backright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Squat(backmiddle) -> Squat(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Squat(frontleft) -> Squat(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ D-Squat(frontright) -> Squat(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ D-Squat(frontmiddle) -> Squat(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Squat(backleft) -> D-Squat(backleft) ]\n" "1: [ Squat(backright) -> D-Squat(backright) ]\n" "1: [ Squat(backmiddle) -> D-Squat(backmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ Squat(frontleft) -> D-Squat(frontleft) ]\n" "1: [ Squat(frontright) -> D-Squat(frontright) ]\n" "1: [ Squat(frontmiddle) -> D-Squat(frontmiddle) ]\n" "1: [ D-Flag(refback) -> Flag(refback) ]\n" "1: [ Flag(refback) -> D-Flag(refback) ]\n" "1: [ D-Flag(refnet) -> Flag(refnet) ]\n" "1: [ Flag(refnet) -> D-Flag(refnet) ]\n" "1: [ D-BallContact(them) -> BallContact(them) ]\n" "1: [ BallContact(them) -> D-BallContact(them) ]\n" "1: [ D-Huddle() -> Huddle() ]\n" "1: [ Huddle() -> D-Huddle() ]\n" "1: [ D-BallTrajectory() -> BallTrajectory() ]\n" "1: [ BallTrajectory() -> D-BallTrajectory() ]\n" "1: [ D-BallGoingOut() -> BallGoingOut() ]\n" "1: [ BallGoingOut() -> D-BallGoingOut() ]\n" "1: [ D-BallGoingIn() -> BallGoingIn() ]\n" "1: [ BallGoingIn() -> D-BallGoingIn() ]\n" "1: [ D-BallGoingin() -> BallGoingin() ]\n" "1: [ BallGoingin() -> D-BallGoingin() ]\n" "\n" "# a player can have at most one pose at a time\n" "10: [ (Spike(backleft) ^ !Set(backleft) ^ !Serve(backleft) ^ !Dig(backleft) ^ !Block(backleft) ^ !Squat(backleft)) v (!Spike(backleft) ^ Set(backleft) ^ !Serve(backleft) ^ !Dig(backleft) ^ !Block(backleft) ^ !Squat(backleft)) v (!Spike(backleft) ^ !Set(backleft) ^ Serve(backleft) ^ !Dig(backleft) ^ !Block(backleft) ^ !Squat(backleft)) v (!Spike(backleft) ^ !Set(backleft) ^ !Serve(backleft) ^ Dig(backleft) ^ !Block(backleft) ^ !Squat(backleft)) v (!Spike(backleft) ^ !Set(backleft) ^ !Serve(backleft) ^ !Dig(backleft) ^ Block(backleft) ^ !Squat(backleft)) v (!Spike(backleft) ^ !Set(backleft) ^ !Serve(backleft) ^ !Dig(backleft) ^ !Block(backleft) ^ Squat(backleft)) v (!Spike(backleft) ^ !Set(backleft) ^ !Serve(backleft) ^ !Dig(backleft) ^ !Block(backleft) ^ !Squat(backleft)) ]\n" "10: [ (Spike(backright) ^ !Set(backright) ^ !Serve(backright) ^ !Dig(backright) ^ !Block(backright) ^ !Squat(backright)) v (!Spike(backright) ^ Set(backright) ^ !Serve(backright) ^ !Dig(backright) ^ !Block(backright) ^ !Squat(backright)) v (!Spike(backright) ^ !Set(backright) ^ Serve(backright) ^ !Dig(backright) ^ !Block(backright) ^ !Squat(backright)) v (!Spike(backright) ^ !Set(backright) ^ !Serve(backright) ^ Dig(backright) ^ !Block(backright) ^ !Squat(backright)) v (!Spike(backright) ^ !Set(backright) ^ !Serve(backright) ^ !Dig(backright) ^ Block(backright) ^ !Squat(backright)) v (!Spike(backright) ^ !Set(backright) ^ !Serve(backright) ^ !Dig(backright) ^ !Block(backright) ^ Squat(backright)) v (!Spike(backright) ^ !Set(backright) ^ !Serve(backright) ^ !Dig(backright) ^ !Block(backright) ^ !Squat(backright)) ]\n" "10: [ (Spike(backmiddle) ^ !Set(backmiddle) ^ !Serve(backmiddle) ^ !Dig(backmiddle) ^ !Block(backmiddle) ^ !Squat(backmiddle)) v (!Spike(backmiddle) ^ Set(backmiddle) ^ !Serve(backmiddle) ^ !Dig(backmiddle) ^ !Block(backmiddle) ^ !Squat(backmiddle)) v (!Spike(backmiddle) ^ !Set(backmiddle) ^ Serve(backmiddle) ^ !Dig(backmiddle) ^ !Block(backmiddle) ^ !Squat(backmiddle)) v (!Spike(backmiddle) ^ !Set(backmiddle) ^ !Serve(backmiddle) ^ Dig(backmiddle) ^ !Block(backmiddle) ^ !Squat(backmiddle)) v (!Spike(backmiddle) ^ !Set(backmiddle) ^ !Serve(backmiddle) ^ !Dig(backmiddle) ^ Block(backmiddle) ^ !Squat(backmiddle)) v (!Spike(backmiddle) ^ !Set(backmiddle) ^ !Serve(backmiddle) ^ !Dig(backmiddle) ^ !Block(backmiddle) ^ Squat(backmiddle)) v (!Spike(backmiddle) ^ !Set(backmiddle) ^ !Serve(backmiddle) ^ !Dig(backmiddle) ^ !Block(backmiddle) ^ !Squat(backmiddle)) ]\n" "10: [ (Spike(frontleft) ^ !Set(frontleft) ^ !Serve(frontleft) ^ !Dig(frontleft) ^ !Block(frontleft) ^ !Squat(frontleft)) v (!Spike(frontleft) ^ Set(frontleft) ^ !Serve(frontleft) ^ !Dig(frontleft) ^ !Block(frontleft) ^ !Squat(frontleft)) v (!Spike(frontleft) ^ !Set(frontleft) ^ Serve(frontleft) ^ !Dig(frontleft) ^ !Block(frontleft) ^ !Squat(frontleft)) v (!Spike(frontleft) ^ !Set(frontleft) ^ !Serve(frontleft) ^ Dig(frontleft) ^ !Block(frontleft) ^ !Squat(frontleft)) v (!Spike(frontleft) ^ !Set(frontleft) ^ !Serve(frontleft) ^ !Dig(frontleft) ^ Block(frontleft) ^ !Squat(frontleft)) v (!Spike(frontleft) ^ !Set(frontleft) ^ !Serve(frontleft) ^ !Dig(frontleft) ^ !Block(frontleft) ^ Squat(frontleft)) v (!Spike(frontleft) ^ !Set(frontleft) ^ !Serve(frontleft) ^ !Dig(frontleft) ^ !Block(frontleft) ^ !Squat(frontleft)) ]\n" "10: [ (Spike(frontright) ^ !Set(frontright) ^ !Serve(frontright) ^ !Dig(frontright) ^ !Block(frontright) ^ !Squat(frontright)) v (!Spike(frontright) ^ Set(frontright) ^ !Serve(frontright) ^ !Dig(frontright) ^ !Block(frontright) ^ !Squat(frontright)) v (!Spike(frontright) ^ !Set(frontright) ^ Serve(frontright) ^ !Dig(frontright) ^ !Block(frontright) ^ !Squat(frontright)) v (!Spike(frontright) ^ !Set(frontright) ^ !Serve(frontright) ^ Dig(frontright) ^ !Block(frontright) ^ !Squat(frontright)) v (!Spike(frontright) ^ !Set(frontright) ^ !Serve(frontright) ^ !Dig(frontright) ^ Block(frontright) ^ !Squat(frontright)) v (!Spike(frontright) ^ !Set(frontright) ^ !Serve(frontright) ^ !Dig(frontright) ^ !Block(frontright) ^ Squat(frontright)) v (!Spike(frontright) ^ !Set(frontright) ^ !Serve(frontright) ^ !Dig(frontright) ^ !Block(frontright) ^ !Squat(frontright)) ]\n" "10: [ (Spike(frontmiddle) ^ !Set(frontmiddle) ^ !Serve(frontmiddle) ^ !Dig(frontmiddle) ^ !Block(frontmiddle) ^ !Squat(frontmiddle)) v (!Spike(frontmiddle) ^ Set(frontmiddle) ^ !Serve(frontmiddle) ^ !Dig(frontmiddle) ^ !Block(frontmiddle) ^ !Squat(frontmiddle)) v (!Spike(frontmiddle) ^ !Set(frontmiddle) ^ Serve(frontmiddle) ^ !Dig(frontmiddle) ^ !Block(frontmiddle) ^ !Squat(frontmiddle)) v (!Spike(frontmiddle) ^ !Set(frontmiddle) ^ !Serve(frontmiddle) ^ Dig(frontmiddle) ^ !Block(frontmiddle) ^ !Squat(frontmiddle)) v (!Spike(frontmiddle) ^ !Set(frontmiddle) ^ !Serve(frontmiddle) ^ !Dig(frontmiddle) ^ Block(frontmiddle) ^ !Squat(frontmiddle)) v (!Spike(frontmiddle) ^ !Set(frontmiddle) ^ !Serve(frontmiddle) ^ !Dig(frontmiddle) ^ !Block(frontmiddle) ^ Squat(frontmiddle)) v (!Spike(frontmiddle) ^ !Set(frontmiddle) ^ !Serve(frontmiddle) ^ !Dig(frontmiddle) ^ !Block(frontmiddle) ^ !Squat(frontmiddle)) ]\n" "\n" "# only one player can contact the ball at a time\n" "10: [ BallContact(backleft) -> !BallContact(backright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backleft) -> !BallContact(backmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backleft) -> !BallContact(frontleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backleft) -> !BallContact(frontright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backleft) -> !BallContact(frontmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backleft) -> !BallContact(them) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backright) -> !BallContact(backleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backright) -> !BallContact(backmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backright) -> !BallContact(frontleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backright) -> !BallContact(frontright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backright) -> !BallContact(frontmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backright) -> !BallContact(them) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backmiddle) -> !BallContact(backleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backmiddle) -> !BallContact(backright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backmiddle) -> !BallContact(frontleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backmiddle) -> !BallContact(frontright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backmiddle) -> !BallContact(frontmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backmiddle) -> !BallContact(them) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontleft) -> !BallContact(backleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontleft) -> !BallContact(backright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontleft) -> !BallContact(backmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontleft) -> !BallContact(frontright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontleft) -> !BallContact(frontmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontleft) -> !BallContact(them) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontright) -> !BallContact(backleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontright) -> !BallContact(backright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontright) -> !BallContact(backmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontright) -> !BallContact(frontleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontright) -> !BallContact(frontmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontright) -> !BallContact(them) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontmiddle) -> !BallContact(backleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontmiddle) -> !BallContact(backright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontmiddle) -> !BallContact(backmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontmiddle) -> !BallContact(frontleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontmiddle) -> !BallContact(frontright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontmiddle) -> !BallContact(them) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(them) -> !BallContact(backleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(them) -> !BallContact(backright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(them) -> !BallContact(backmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(them) -> !BallContact(frontleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(them) -> !BallContact(frontright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(them) -> !BallContact(frontmiddle) ]\n" "\n" // "# if the backleft player served, nobody posed before that action\n" // "10: Serve(backleft) -> !(<>{<} [Spike(backleft) v Set(backleft) v Serve(backleft) v Dig(backleft) v Block(backleft) v Squat(backleft)])\n" // "10: Serve(backleft) -> !(<>{<} [Spike(backright) v Set(backright) v Serve(backright) v Dig(backright) v Block(backright) v Squat(backright)])\n" // "10: Serve(backleft) -> !(<>{<} [Spike(backmiddle) v Set(backmiddle) v Serve(backmiddle) v Dig(backmiddle) v Block(backmiddle) v Squat(backmiddle)])\n" // "10: Serve(backleft) -> !(<>{<} [Spike(frontleft) v Set(frontleft) v Serve(frontleft) v Dig(frontleft) v Block(frontleft) v Squat(frontleft)])\n" // "10: Serve(backleft) -> !(<>{<} [Spike(frontright) v Set(frontright) v Serve(frontright) v Dig(frontright) v Block(frontright) v Squat(frontright)])\n" // "10: Serve(backleft) -> !(<>{<} [Spike(frontmiddle) v Set(frontmiddle) v Serve(frontmiddle) v Dig(frontmiddle) v Block(frontmiddle) v Squat(frontmiddle)])\n" // "\n" // "# if a huddle occurs, it\'s the final pose\n" // "10: Huddle() -> !(<>{>} [Spike(backleft) v Set(backleft) v Serve(backleft) v Dig(backleft) v Block(backleft) v Squat(backleft)])\n" // "10: Huddle() -> !(<>{>} [Spike(backright) v Set(backright) v Serve(backright) v Dig(backright) v Block(backright) v Squat(backright)])\n" // "10: Huddle() -> !(<>{>} [Spike(backmiddle) v Set(backmiddle) v Serve(backmiddle) v Dig(backmiddle) v Block(backmiddle) v Squat(backmiddle)])\n" // "10: Huddle() -> !(<>{>} [Spike(frontleft) v Set(frontleft) v Serve(frontleft) v Dig(frontleft) v Block(frontleft) v Squat(frontleft)])\n" // "10: Huddle() -> !(<>{>} [Spike(frontright) v Set(frontright) v Serve(frontright) v Dig(frontright) v Block(frontright) v Squat(frontright)])\n" // "10: Huddle() -> !(<>{>} [Spike(frontmiddle) v Set(frontmiddle) v Serve(frontmiddle) v Dig(frontmiddle) v Block(frontmiddle) v Squat(frontmiddle)])\n" // "\n" "# if a player contacts the ball, they are in some sort of pose\n" "10: [ BallContact(backleft) -> Spike(backleft) v Set(backleft) v Serve(backleft) v Dig(backleft) v Block(backleft) v Squat(backleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backright) -> Spike(backright) v Set(backright) v Serve(backright) v Dig(backright) v Block(backright) v Squat(backright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(backmiddle) -> Spike(backmiddle) v Set(backmiddle) v Serve(backmiddle) v Dig(backmiddle) v Block(backmiddle) v Squat(backmiddle) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontleft) -> Spike(frontleft) v Set(frontleft) v Serve(frontleft) v Dig(frontleft) v Block(frontleft) v Squat(frontleft) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontright) -> Spike(frontright) v Set(frontright) v Serve(frontright) v Dig(frontright) v Block(frontright) v Squat(frontright) ]\n" "10: [ BallContact(frontmiddle) -> Spike(frontmiddle) v Set(frontmiddle) v Serve(frontmiddle) v Dig(frontmiddle) v Block(frontmiddle) v Squat(frontmiddle) ]\n" "\n" // "# if a player served, nobody on our team will touch the ball before the opponents\n" // "10: Serve(backleft) ^{<} BallContact(them) -> (<>{d} BallContact(them)) v (!<>{d} [BallContact(backright) v BallContact(backmiddle) v BallContact(frontleft) v BallContact(frontright) v BallContact(frontmiddle)])\n" // "\n" "# only the back left player may serve\n" "10: [ !Serve(backright) ^ !Serve(backmiddle) ^ !Serve(frontleft) ^ !Serve(frontright) ^ !Serve(frontmiddle) ]\n" "\n" "# only players in the front row may spike\n" "10: [ !Spike(backleft) ^ !Spike(backright) ^ !Spike(backmiddle) ]\n" "\n" ); Domain d = loadDomainWithStreams(facts, formulas); std::set<unsigned int> timePoints; for (Domain::fact_const_iterator it = d.facts_begin(); it != d.facts_end(); it++) { SISet set = it->second; for (SISet::const_iterator siIt = set.begin(); siIt != set.end(); siIt++) { SpanInterval si = *siIt; timePoints.insert(si.start().start()); timePoints.insert(si.start().finish()); timePoints.insert(si.finish().start()); timePoints.insert(si.finish().finish()); } } std::cout << "found " << timePoints.size() << " timepoints." << std::endl; MCSat mcSatSolver(&d); mcSatSolver.setBurnInIterations(1); mcSatSolver.setNumSamples(1); if (vm.count("disable-up")) { mcSatSolver.setUseUnitPropagation(false); } else { mcSatSolver.setUseUnitPropagation(true); } std::cout << "running mcSatSolver with " << mcSatSolver.burnInIterations() << " burn in iterations and a sample size of " << mcSatSolver.numSamples() << std::endl; std::string prefix = (vm.count("name") ? vm["name"].as<std::string>() : "mcsat-volleyball"); std::cout << "saving random seed..." << std::endl; { std::string rngFilename = prefix + "-seed.txt.gz"; io::file_descriptor_sink rngOutFile(rngFilename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::binary); if (!rngOutFile.is_open()){ std::cerr << "unable to open file " + rngFilename + "for RNG writing." << std::endl; } else { // gzip it using boost iostreams io::filtering_ostream rngOut; rngOut.push(io::gzip_compressor()); rngOut.push(rngOutFile); rngOut << rng; } } //std::cout << "rng = " << rng << std::endl; std::cout << "starting run..." << std::endl; mcSatSolver.setSampleStrategy(new MCSatSampleLiquidlyStrategy()); std::clock_t start = std::clock(); mcSatSolver.run(rng); std::clock_t end = std::clock(); std::cout << "ran in " << (end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << "saving model file..." << std::endl; { std::string outFilename = prefix + "-model.dat.gz"; io::file_descriptor_sink outFile(outFilename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc | std::ios_base::binary); if (!outFile.is_open()) { std::cerr << "unable to open file " + outFilename + " for model writing." << std::endl; } else { io::filtering_ostream dataOut; dataOut.push(io::gzip_compressor()); dataOut.push(outFile); boost::archive::text_oarchive tout(dataOut); registerAllPELTypes(tout); tout << mcSatSolver; } } }