Unsigned FC2_Camera__number_of_cameras_get(FC2_Camera camera) { Unsigned number_of_cameras = 0; if (fc2GetNumOfCameras(camera, &number_of_cameras) != FC2_ERROR_OK) { number_of_cameras = -1; } return number_of_cameras; }
// // idlpgr_GetNumOfCameras // IDL_VPTR IDL_CDECL idlpgr_GetNumOfCameras(int argc, IDL_VPTR argv[]) { fc2Error error; fc2Context context; unsigned int ncameras = 0; context = (fc2Context) IDL_ULong64Scalar(argv[0]); error = fc2GetNumOfCameras(context, &ncameras); if (error) IDL_MessageFromBlock(msgs, M_IDLPGR_ERRORCODE, IDL_MSG_LONGJMP, "Could not count cameras", error); return IDL_GettmpLong(ncameras); }
int main(int argc, char** argv){ int numPics = 100; fc2VideoMode mode1 = FC2_VIDEOMODE_640x480Y8; char *mode1_str = "FC2_VIDEOMODE_640x480Y8"; //fc2FrameRate rate1 = FC2_FRAMERATE_30; //char *rate1_str = "FC2_FRAMERATE_30"; fc2VideoMode mode2 = FC2_VIDEOMODE_1280x960Y8; char *mode2_str = "FC2_VIDEOMODE_1280x960Y8"; fc2FrameRate rate = FC2_FRAMERATE_15; char *rate_str = "FC2_FRAMERATE_15"; fc2VideoMode mode; char *mode_str; //fc2FrameRate rate; //char *rate_str; //int prog_mode; int camOffset = 0; PrintBuildInfo(); /* if (argc != 2) */ /* { */ /* printf("Error: Must chose mode\n"); */ /* printf("Usage: %s {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} \n",argv[0]); */ /* printf("Modes: 1 = first camera at 1280x960Y8\n" */ /* " 2 = second camera at 1280x960Y8\n" */ /* " 3 = both cameras at 1280x960Y8\n" */ /* " 4 = first camera at 640x480Y8\n" */ /* " 5 = second camera at 640x480Y8\n" */ /* " 6 = both cameras at 640x480Y8\n"); */ /* return -1; */ /* } */ /* prog_mode = atoi(argv[1]); */ /* if ((prog_mode > 6) || (prog_mode < 1)) */ /* { */ /* printf("Must chose valid mode, 1 through 6\n"); */ /* } */ if (CheckSaving(OUTPUT_DIR) != 0) { printf("Cannot save to %s, please check permissions\n",OUTPUT_DIR); return -1; } //have correct number of arguments and can save fc2Context tempContext; check_point_grey(fc2CreateContext(&tempContext)); unsigned int numCams; check_point_grey(fc2GetNumOfCameras(tempContext, &numCams)); check_point_grey(fc2DestroyContext(tempContext)); if (numCams == 0) { //no cameras printf("No cameras found, exiting.\n"); return -1; } //if we get here, we know we have at least 1 camera connected /* if (prog_mode < 4) */ /* { */ /* mode = FC2_VIDEOMODE_1280x960Y8; */ /* mode_str = "FC2_VIDEOMODE_1280x960Y8"; */ /* rate = FC2_FRAMERATE_15; */ /* rate_str = "FC2_FRAMERATE_15"; */ /* } */ // printf("Using resolution %s and frame rate %s\n",mode_str,rate_str); /* if ((prog_mode == 1) || (prog_mode == 4)) */ /* { // run only the first camera */ /* numCams = 1; */ /* } */ /* if ((prog_mode == 2) || (prog_mode == 5)) */ /* { // run only the second camera */ /* camOffset = 1; */ /* } */ printf("Taking %i pictures per camera with %i camera(s).\n",numPics, (numCams - camOffset)); struct point_grey *pg_ptr[numCams - camOffset]; for (int i = 0; i < (numCams - camOffset); i++) //initialization loop { if (i == 0) { mode = mode2; mode_str = mode2_str; //rate = rate2; //rate_str = rate2_str; } else { mode = mode1; mode_str = mode1_str; //rate = rate1; //rate_str = rate1_str; } pg_ptr[i] = (struct point_grey *)point_grey_malloc(sizeof(struct point_grey)); check_point_grey(fc2CreateContext(&pg_ptr[i]->context)); check_point_grey(fc2GetCameraFromIndex(pg_ptr[i]->context, (i + camOffset), &pg_ptr[i]->guid)); check_point_grey(fc2Connect(pg_ptr[i]->context, &pg_ptr[i]->guid)); check_point_grey(fc2SetDefaultColorProcessing(FC2_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR_FAST)); check_point_grey(fc2SetVideoModeAndFrameRate(pg_ptr[i]->context, mode, rate)); AssignName(pg_ptr[i]->context, pg_ptr[i]->name); check_point_grey(fc2CreateImage(&pg_ptr[i]->raw_image)); check_point_grey(fc2CreateImage(&pg_ptr[i]->converted_image)); PrintCameraInfo(pg_ptr[i]->context); printf("Using resolution %s and frame rate %s\n",mode_str,rate_str); //**CALLING THIS HERE WILL WORK WITH 2 CAMERAS AT 640X480 BUT NOT AT //1280X960** check_point_grey(fc2StartCapture(pg_ptr[i]->context)) printf("completed initialization loop iteration %d, %s\n",i,pg_ptr[i]->name); } // initialization loop Imlib_Image temp_image; double start = current_time(); for (int j = 0; j < numPics; j++) //loop through numPics { for (int i = 0; i < (numCams - camOffset); i++) //picture taking loop { check_point_grey(fc2RetrieveBuffer(pg_ptr[i]->context, &pg_ptr[i]->raw_image)); check_point_grey(fc2ConvertImageTo(FC2_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRU, &pg_ptr[i]->raw_image, &pg_ptr[i]->converted_image)); temp_image = imlib_create_image_using_copied_data(pg_ptr[i]->converted_image.cols, pg_ptr[i]->converted_image.rows, (unsigned int *) pg_ptr[i]->converted_image.pData); printf("%simage_%d\n",pg_ptr[i]->name,j); if (j == (numPics - 1)) {//save the final image from each camera SaveImlibImage(temp_image, pg_ptr[i]->name, mode_str); } else { imlib_context_set_image(temp_image); //this is where we would do something else with the image imlib_free_image_and_decache(); } } //picture taking loop } //numPics loop double stop = current_time(); //check elapsed time double elapsed = stop - start; double images_per_sec = (double)numPics / elapsed; printf("%d images per camera taken in %f seconds (%f images/sec/cam)\n", numPics, elapsed, images_per_sec); for (int i = 0; i < (numCams - camOffset); i++) //cleanup loop { //**CALLING THIS HERE WILL WORK WITH 2 CAMERAS AT 640X480 BUT NOT AT //1280X960** check_point_grey(fc2StopCapture(pg_ptr[i]->context)); check_point_grey(fc2DestroyContext(pg_ptr[i]->context)); check_point_grey(fc2DestroyImage(&pg_ptr[i]->raw_image)); check_point_grey(fc2DestroyImage(&pg_ptr[i]->converted_image)); free(pg_ptr[i]); printf("completed cleanup loop iteration %d\n",i); } //cleanup loop printf("Program complete!\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { fc2Error error; fc2Context context; fc2PGRGuid guid; unsigned int numCameras = 0; const int k_numImages = 100; // Since this application saves images in the OUTPUT_DIR folder // we must ensure that the folder exists and we have permission //to write to this folder. If we do not have permission, fail right away. struct stat sb; if (!(stat(OUTPUT_DIR, &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))) { printf("Directory %s NOT found\n",OUTPUT_DIR); if (mkdir(OUTPUT_DIR, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) != 0) { printf("Error creating directory %s\n",OUTPUT_DIR); return -1; } } // else // { // printf("Directory %s NOT FOUND\n",OUTPUT_DIR); //} char tempFileName[512]; sprintf(tempFileName, "%stest.txt",OUTPUT_DIR); FILE* tempFile = fopen(tempFileName, "w+"); if (tempFile == NULL) { printf("Failed to create file in current folder. Please check permissions.\n"); return -1; } fclose(tempFile); remove(tempFileName); //if we get here, we know the directory exists and we can write to it PrintBuildInfo(); error = fc2CreateContext( &context ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2CreateContext: %d\n", error ); return 0; } error = fc2GetNumOfCameras( context, &numCameras ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2GetNumOfCameras: %d\n", error ); return 0; } if ( numCameras == 0 ) { // No cameras detected printf( "No cameras detected.\n"); return 0; } // Get the 0th camera error = fc2GetCameraFromIndex( context, 0, &guid ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2GetCameraFromIndex: %d\n", error ); return 0; } error = fc2Connect( context, &guid ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2Connect: %d\n", error ); return 0; } PrintCameraInfo( context ); SetTimeStamping( context, TRUE ); error = fc2StartCapture( context ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2StartCapture: %d\n", error ); return 0; } GrabImages( context, k_numImages ); error = fc2StopCapture( context ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2StopCapture: %d\n", error ); return 0; } error = fc2DestroyContext( context ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2DestroyContext: %d\n", error ); return 0; } printf( "Done! Press Enter to exit...\n" ); getchar(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { fc2Error error; fc2Context context; fc2PGRGuid guid; unsigned int numCameras = 0; fc2CameraInfo camInfo[10]; unsigned int numCamInfo = 10; FILE* tempFile; unsigned int i; PrintBuildInfo(); // Since this application saves images in the current folder // we must ensure that we have permission to write to this folder. // If we do not have permission, fail right away. tempFile = fopen("test.txt", "w+"); if (tempFile == NULL) { printf("Failed to create file in current folder. Please check permissions.\n"); return -1; } fclose(tempFile); remove("test.txt"); error = fc2CreateGigEContext( &context ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2CreateContext: %s\n", fc2ErrorToDescription(error) ); return -1; } error = fc2DiscoverGigECameras( context, camInfo, &numCamInfo); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2DiscoverGigECameras: %s\n", fc2ErrorToDescription(error) ); return -1; } printf( "Number of cameras discovered: %u\n", numCamInfo ); for ( i=0; i < numCamInfo; i++) { PrintCameraInfo( &camInfo[i] ); } error = fc2GetNumOfCameras( context, &numCameras ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2GetNumOfCameras: %s\n", fc2ErrorToDescription(error) ); return 0; } if ( numCameras == 0 ) { // No cameras detected printf( "No cameras detected.\n"); return 0; } for (i=0; i < numCameras; i++) { fc2InterfaceType interfaceType; error = fc2GetCameraFromIndex( context, i, &guid); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2GetCameraFromIndex: %s\n", fc2ErrorToDescription(error) ); return -1; } error = fc2GetInterfaceTypeFromGuid( context, &guid, &interfaceType ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2GetInterfaceTypFromGuid: %s\n", fc2ErrorToDescription(error) ); return -1; } if ( interfaceType == FC2_INTERFACE_GIGE ) { RunSingleCamera( context, guid); } } error = fc2DestroyContext( context ); if ( error != FC2_ERROR_OK ) { printf( "Error in fc2DestroyContext: %d\n", error ); return 0; } printf( "Done! Press Enter to exit...\n" ); getchar(); return 0; }